use of io.trino.sql.tree.ArrayConstructor in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testAnalyze.
public void testAnalyze() {
QualifiedName table = QualifiedName.of("foo");
assertStatement("ANALYZE foo", new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("ANALYZE foo WITH ( \"string\" = 'bar', \"long\" = 42, computed = concat('ban', 'ana'), a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] )", new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("string"), new StringLiteral("bar")), new Property(new Identifier("long"), new LongLiteral("42")), new Property(new Identifier("computed"), new FunctionCall(QualifiedName.of("concat"), ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ban"), new StringLiteral("ana")))), new Property(new Identifier("a"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("v1"), new StringLiteral("v2")))))));
assertStatement("EXPLAIN ANALYZE foo", new Explain(new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()), ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("EXPLAIN ANALYZE ANALYZE foo", new ExplainAnalyze(new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()), false));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.ArrayConstructor in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testCreateMaterializedView.
public void testCreateMaterializedView() {
Query query = simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Optional<NodeLocation> location = Optional.empty();
assertStatement("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW a AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateMaterializedView(location, QualifiedName.of("a"), query, false, false, new ArrayList<>(), Optional.empty()));
Query query2 = simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("catalog2", "schema2", "tab")));
assertStatement("CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW catalog.schema.matview COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + " AS SELECT * FROM", new CreateMaterializedView(location, QualifiedName.of("catalog", "schema", "matview"), query2, true, false, new ArrayList<>(), Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
assertStatement("CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW catalog.schema.matview COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + " AS SELECT * FROM", new CreateMaterializedView(location, QualifiedName.of("catalog", "schema", "matview"), query2, true, false, new ArrayList<>(), Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("partitioned_by"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("dateint")))));
assertStatement("CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW catalog.schema.matview COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + "WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY ['dateint'])" + " AS SELECT * FROM", new CreateMaterializedView(location, QualifiedName.of("catalog", "schema", "matview"), query2, true, false, properties, Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
Query query3 = new Query(Optional.of(new With(false, ImmutableList.of(new WithQuery(identifier("a"), simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("x"))), Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(identifier("t"), identifier("u")))), new WithQuery(identifier("b"), simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("a"))), Optional.empty())))), new Table(QualifiedName.of("b")), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
assertStatement("CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW catalog.schema.matview COMMENT 'A partitioned materialized view' " + "WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY ['dateint'])" + " AS WITH a (t, u) AS (SELECT * FROM x), b AS (SELECT * FROM a) TABLE b", new CreateMaterializedView(location, QualifiedName.of("catalog", "schema", "matview"), query3, true, false, properties, Optional.of("A partitioned materialized view")));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.ArrayConstructor in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testArraySubscript.
public void testArraySubscript() {
assertExpression("ARRAY [1, 2][1]", new SubscriptExpression(new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new LongLiteral("1"), new LongLiteral("2"))), new LongLiteral("1")));
assertExpression("CASE WHEN TRUE THEN ARRAY[1,2] END[1]", new SubscriptExpression(new SearchedCaseExpression(ImmutableList.of(new WhenClause(new BooleanLiteral("true"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new LongLiteral("1"), new LongLiteral("2"))))), Optional.empty()), new LongLiteral("1")));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.ArrayConstructor in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testArrayConstructor.
public void testArrayConstructor() {
assertExpression("ARRAY []", new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of()));
assertExpression("ARRAY [1, 2]", new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new LongLiteral("1"), new LongLiteral("2"))));
assertExpression("ARRAY [1e0, 2.5e0]", new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new DoubleLiteral("1.0"), new DoubleLiteral("2.5"))));
assertExpression("ARRAY ['hi']", new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("hi"))));
assertExpression("ARRAY ['hi', 'hello']", new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("hi"), new StringLiteral("hello"))));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.ArrayConstructor in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testCreateTableAsSelect.
public void testCreateTableAsSelect() {
Query query = simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Query querySelectColumn = simpleQuery(selectList(new Identifier("a")), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Query querySelectColumns = simpleQuery(selectList(new Identifier("a"), new Identifier("b")), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
QualifiedName table = QualifiedName.of("foo");
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("string"), new StringLiteral("bar")), new Property(new Identifier("long"), new LongLiteral("42")), new Property(new Identifier("computed"), new FunctionCall(QualifiedName.of("concat"), ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ban"), new StringLiteral("ana")))), new Property(new Identifier("a"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("v1"), new StringLiteral("v2")))));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, false, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, false, Optional.empty(), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( \"string\" = 'bar', \"long\" = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.of("test")));