use of io.trino.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testAnalyze.
public void testAnalyze() {
QualifiedName table = QualifiedName.of("foo");
assertStatement("ANALYZE foo", new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("ANALYZE foo WITH ( \"string\" = 'bar', \"long\" = 42, computed = concat('ban', 'ana'), a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] )", new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("string"), new StringLiteral("bar")), new Property(new Identifier("long"), new LongLiteral("42")), new Property(new Identifier("computed"), new FunctionCall(QualifiedName.of("concat"), ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ban"), new StringLiteral("ana")))), new Property(new Identifier("a"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("v1"), new StringLiteral("v2")))))));
assertStatement("EXPLAIN ANALYZE foo", new Explain(new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()), ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("EXPLAIN ANALYZE ANALYZE foo", new ExplainAnalyze(new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()), false));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testShowStatsForQuery.
public void testShowStatsForQuery() {
String[] tableNames = { "t", "s.t", "c.s.t" };
for (String fullName : tableNames) {
QualifiedName qualifiedName = makeQualifiedName(fullName);
// Simple SELECT
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM %s)", qualifiedName), createShowStats(qualifiedName, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns()), Optional.empty()));
// SELECT with predicate
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE field > 0)", qualifiedName), createShowStats(qualifiedName, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns()), Optional.of(new ComparisonExpression(ComparisonExpression.Operator.GREATER_THAN, new Identifier("field"), new LongLiteral("0")))));
// SELECT with more complex predicate
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE field > 0 or field < 0)", qualifiedName), createShowStats(qualifiedName, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns()), Optional.of(LogicalExpression.or(new ComparisonExpression(ComparisonExpression.Operator.GREATER_THAN, new Identifier("field"), new LongLiteral("0")), new ComparisonExpression(ComparisonExpression.Operator.LESS_THAN, new Identifier("field"), new LongLiteral("0"))))));
assertThat(statement("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM t LIMIT 10)")).isEqualTo(new ShowStats(Optional.of(location(1, 1)), new TableSubquery(new Query(location(1, 17), Optional.empty(), new QuerySpecification(location(1, 17), new Select(location(1, 17), false, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns(location(1, 24), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of()))), Optional.of(new Table(location(1, 31), QualifiedName.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier(location(1, 31), "t", false))))), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(new Limit(location(1, 33), new LongLiteral(location(1, 39), "10")))), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()))));
assertThat(statement("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY field LIMIT 10)")).isEqualTo(new ShowStats(Optional.of(location(1, 1)), new TableSubquery(new Query(location(1, 17), Optional.empty(), new QuerySpecification(location(1, 17), new Select(location(1, 17), false, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns(location(1, 24), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of()))), Optional.of(new Table(location(1, 31), QualifiedName.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier(location(1, 31), "t", false))))), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of(), Optional.of(new OrderBy(location(1, 33), ImmutableList.of(new SortItem(location(1, 42), new Identifier(location(1, 42), "field", false), ASCENDING, UNDEFINED)))), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(new Limit(location(1, 48), new LongLiteral(location(1, 54), "10")))), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()))));
assertThat(statement("SHOW STATS FOR (\n" + " WITH t AS (SELECT 1 )\n" + " SELECT * FROM t)")).isEqualTo(new ShowStats(Optional.of(location(1, 1)), new TableSubquery(new Query(location(2, 4), Optional.of(new With(location(2, 4), false, ImmutableList.of(new WithQuery(location(2, 9), new Identifier(location(2, 9), "t", false), new Query(location(2, 15), Optional.empty(), new QuerySpecification(location(2, 15), new Select(location(2, 15), false, ImmutableList.of(new SingleColumn(location(2, 22), new LongLiteral(location(2, 22), "1"), Optional.empty()))), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()), Optional.empty())))), new QuerySpecification(location(3, 4), new Select(location(3, 4), false, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns(location(3, 11), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of()))), Optional.of(new Table(location(3, 18), QualifiedName.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier(location(3, 18), "t", false))))), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()))));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testShowStats.
public void testShowStats() {
String[] tableNames = { "t", "s.t", "c.s.t" };
for (String fullName : tableNames) {
QualifiedName qualifiedName = makeQualifiedName(fullName);
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR %s", qualifiedName), new ShowStats(new Table(qualifiedName)));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestPrunePattenRecognitionColumns method testDoNotPruneVariableDefinitionSources.
public void testDoNotPruneVariableDefinitionSources() {
// input symbol "a" is used only by the variable definition
tester().assertThat(new PrunePattenRecognitionColumns()).on(p -> p.project(Assignments.of(), p.patternRecognition(builder -> builder.addMeasure(p.symbol("measure"), "1", BIGINT).pattern(new IrLabel("X")).addVariableDefinition(new IrLabel("X"), "LAST(X.a) > 0").source(p.values(p.symbol("a"), p.symbol("b")))))).matches(strictProject(ImmutableMap.of(), patternRecognition(builder -> builder.pattern(new IrLabel("X")).addVariableDefinition(new IrLabel("X"), "LAST(X.a) > 0"), strictProject(ImmutableMap.of("a", expression("a")), values("a", "b")))));
// inputs "a", "b" are used as aggregation arguments
QualifiedName maxBy = tester().getMetadata().resolveFunction(tester().getSession(), QualifiedName.of("max_by"), fromTypes(BIGINT, BIGINT)).toQualifiedName();
tester().assertThat(new PrunePattenRecognitionColumns()).on(p -> p.project(Assignments.of(), p.patternRecognition(builder -> builder.addMeasure(p.symbol("measure"), "1", BIGINT).pattern(new IrLabel("X")).addVariableDefinition(new IrLabel("X"), new ComparisonExpression(GREATER_THAN, new FunctionCall(maxBy, ImmutableList.of(PlanBuilder.expression("a"), PlanBuilder.expression("b"))), PlanBuilder.expression("5"))).source(p.values(p.symbol("a"), p.symbol("b"), p.symbol("c")))))).matches(strictProject(ImmutableMap.of(), patternRecognition(builder -> builder.pattern(new IrLabel("X")).addVariableDefinition(new IrLabel("X"), new ComparisonExpression(GREATER_THAN, new FunctionCall(maxBy, ImmutableList.of(PlanBuilder.expression("a"), PlanBuilder.expression("b"))), PlanBuilder.expression("5"))), strictProject(ImmutableMap.of("a", expression("a"), "b", expression("b")), values("a", "b", "c")))));
use of io.trino.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testCreateTableAsSelect.
public void testCreateTableAsSelect() {
Query query = simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Query querySelectColumn = simpleQuery(selectList(new Identifier("a")), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Query querySelectColumns = simpleQuery(selectList(new Identifier("a"), new Identifier("b")), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
QualifiedName table = QualifiedName.of("foo");
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("string"), new StringLiteral("bar")), new Property(new Identifier("long"), new LongLiteral("42")), new Property(new Identifier("computed"), new FunctionCall(QualifiedName.of("concat"), ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ban"), new StringLiteral("ana")))), new Property(new Identifier("a"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("v1"), new StringLiteral("v2")))));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, false, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, false, Optional.empty(), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( \"string\" = 'bar', \"long\" = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.of("test")));