use of io.trino.testing.QueryRunner in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestDeltaLakeAdlsConnectorSmokeTest method createTableFromResources.
void createTableFromResources(String table, String resourcePath, QueryRunner queryRunner) {
String targetDirectory = bucketName + "/" + table;
try {
List<ClassPath.ResourceInfo> resources = ClassPath.from(TestDeltaLakeAdlsConnectorSmokeTest.class.getClassLoader()).getResources().stream().filter(resourceInfo -> resourceInfo.getResourceName().startsWith(resourcePath + "/")).collect(toImmutableList());
for (ClassPath.ResourceInfo resourceInfo : resources) {
String fileName = resourceInfo.getResourceName().replaceFirst("^" + Pattern.quote(resourcePath), quoteReplacement(targetDirectory));
ByteSource byteSource = resourceInfo.asByteSource();
azureContainerClient.getBlobClient(fileName).upload(byteSource.openBufferedStream(), byteSource.size());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
queryRunner.execute(format("CREATE TABLE %s (dummy int) WITH (location = '%s')", table, getLocationForTable(bucketName, table)));
use of io.trino.testing.QueryRunner in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestHivePlans method setUp.
public void setUp() {
QueryRunner queryRunner = getQueryRunner();
// Use common VALUES for setup so that types are the same and there are no coercions.
String values = "VALUES ('one', 1), ('two', 2), ('three', 3), ('four', 4), ('five', 5)";
// partitioned on integer
queryRunner.execute("CREATE TABLE table_int_partitioned WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['int_part']) AS SELECT str_col, int_part FROM (" + values + ") t(str_col, int_part)");
// partitioned on varchar
queryRunner.execute("CREATE TABLE table_str_partitioned WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['str_part']) AS SELECT int_col, str_part FROM (" + values + ") t(str_part, int_col)");
// with too many partitions
queryRunner.execute("CREATE TABLE table_int_with_too_many_partitions WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['int_part']) AS SELECT str_col, int_part FROM (" + values + ", ('six', 6)) t(str_col, int_part)");
// unpartitioned
queryRunner.execute("CREATE TABLE table_unpartitioned AS SELECT str_col, int_col FROM (" + values + ") t(str_col, int_col)");
use of io.trino.testing.QueryRunner in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseDeltaLakeConnectorSmokeTest method testDeltaLakeTableLocationChanged.
private void testDeltaLakeTableLocationChanged(boolean fewerEntries, boolean firstPartitioned, boolean secondPartitioned) throws Exception {
// Create a table with a bunch of transaction log entries
String tableName = "test_table_location_changed_" + randomTableSuffix();
String initialLocation = getLocationForTable(bucketName, tableName);
assertUpdate(format("CREATE TABLE %s (a_number int, a_string varchar) WITH (location = '%s' %s)", tableName, initialLocation, firstPartitioned ? ", partitioned_by = ARRAY['a_number']" : ""));
BiConsumer<QueryRunner, String> insertABunchOfRows = (queryRunner, prefix) -> {
queryRunner.execute(format("INSERT INTO %s (a_number, a_string) VALUES (1, '%s one')", tableName, prefix));
queryRunner.execute(format("INSERT INTO %s (a_number, a_string) VALUES (2, '%s two')", tableName, prefix));
queryRunner.execute(format("INSERT INTO %s (a_number, a_string) VALUES (3, '%s tree')", tableName, prefix));
queryRunner.execute(format("INSERT INTO %s (a_number, a_string) VALUES (4, '%s four')", tableName, prefix));
insertABunchOfRows.accept(getQueryRunner(), "first");
MaterializedResult initialData = computeActual("SELECT * FROM " + tableName);
MaterializedResult expectedDataAfterChange;
String newLocation;
try (QueryRunner independentQueryRunner = createDeltaLakeQueryRunner(Map.of())) {
// Change table's location without main Delta Lake connector (main query runner) knowing about this
newLocation = getLocationForTable(bucketName, "test_table_location_changed_new_" + randomTableSuffix());
independentQueryRunner.execute("DROP TABLE " + tableName);
independentQueryRunner.execute(format("CREATE TABLE %s (a_number int, a_string varchar, another_string varchar) WITH (location = '%s' %s) ", tableName, newLocation, secondPartitioned ? ", partitioned_by = ARRAY['a_number']" : ""));
if (fewerEntries) {
// Have fewer transaction log entries so that version mismatch is more apparent (but easier to detect)
independentQueryRunner.execute(format("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (1, 'second one', 'third column')", tableName));
} else {
insertABunchOfRows.accept(independentQueryRunner, "second");
expectedDataAfterChange = independentQueryRunner.execute("SELECT * FROM " + tableName);
assertThat(expectedDataAfterChange.getMaterializedRows()).hasSize(fewerEntries ? 1 : 4);
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
while (true) {
MaterializedResult currentVisibleData = computeActual("SELECT * FROM " + tableName);
if (Set.copyOf(currentVisibleData.getMaterializedRows()).equals(Set.copyOf(expectedDataAfterChange.getMaterializedRows()))) {
// satisfied
if (!Set.copyOf(currentVisibleData.getMaterializedRows()).equals(Set.copyOf(initialData.getMaterializedRows()))) {
throw new AssertionError(format("Unexpected result when reading table: %s,\n expected either initialData: %s\n or expectedDataAfterChange: %s", currentVisibleData, initialData, expectedDataAfterChange));
if (stopwatch.elapsed(SECONDS) > TEST_METADATA_CACHE_TTL_SECONDS + 10) {
throw new RuntimeException("Timed out waiting on table to reflect new data from new location");
// Verify table schema gets reflected correctly
assertThat(computeScalar("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + tableName)).isEqualTo(format("" + "CREATE TABLE %s.%s.%s (\n" + " a_number integer,\n" + " a_string varchar,\n" + " another_string varchar\n" + ")\n" + "WITH (\n" + " location = '%s',\n" + " partitioned_by = ARRAY[%s]\n" + ")", getSession().getCatalog().orElseThrow(), getSession().getSchema().orElseThrow(), tableName, newLocation, secondPartitioned ? "'a_number'" : ""));
use of io.trino.testing.QueryRunner in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseDeltaLakeConnectorSmokeTest method createQueryRunner.
protected QueryRunner createQueryRunner() throws Exception {
this.dockerizedDataLake = closeAfterClass(createDockerizedDataLake());
QueryRunner queryRunner = createDeltaLakeQueryRunner(ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("delta.metadata.cache-ttl", TEST_METADATA_CACHE_TTL_SECONDS + "s").put("hive.metastore-cache-ttl", TEST_METADATA_CACHE_TTL_SECONDS + "s").buildOrThrow());
queryRunner.execute(format("CREATE SCHEMA %s WITH (location = '%s')", SCHEMA, getLocationForTable(bucketName, SCHEMA)));
REQUIRED_TPCH_TABLES.forEach(table -> queryRunner.execute(format("CREATE TABLE %s WITH (location = '%s') AS SELECT * FROM tpch.tiny.%1$s", table.getTableName(), getLocationForTable(bucketName, table.getTableName()))));
/* Data (across 2 files) generated using:
* (1, 100, 'data1'),
* (2, 200, 'data2')
* Data (across 2 files) generated using:
* (100, 'data100'),
* (200, 'data200')
* INSERT INTO old_dates
* VALUES (DATE '0100-01-01', 1), (DATE '1582-10-15', 2), (DATE '1960-01-01', 3), (DATE '2020-01-01', 4)
* INSERT INTO test_timestamps VALUES
* (TIMESTAMP '0100-01-01 01:02:03', 1), (TIMESTAMP '1582-10-15 01:02:03', 2), (TIMESTAMP '1960-01-01 01:02:03', 3), (TIMESTAMP '2020-01-01 01:02:03', 4);
NON_TPCH_TABLES.forEach(table -> {
String resourcePath = "databricks/" + table;
createTableFromResources(table, resourcePath, queryRunner);
return queryRunner;
use of io.trino.testing.QueryRunner in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseDeltaLakeMinioConnectorTest method createQueryRunner.
protected QueryRunner createQueryRunner() throws Exception {
this.dockerizedMinioDataLake = closeAfterClass(createDockerizedMinioDataLakeForDeltaLake(bucketName, Optional.empty()));
QueryRunner queryRunner = DeltaLakeQueryRunner.createS3DeltaLakeQueryRunner(DELTA_CATALOG, SCHEMA, ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("delta.enable-non-concurrent-writes", "true").buildOrThrow(), dockerizedMinioDataLake.getMinioAddress(), dockerizedMinioDataLake.getTestingHadoop());
queryRunner.execute("CREATE SCHEMA " + SCHEMA + " WITH (location = 's3://" + bucketName + "/" + SCHEMA + "')");
TpchTable.getTables().forEach(table -> {
String tableName = table.getTableName();
dockerizedMinioDataLake.copyResources(resourcePath + tableName, SCHEMA + "/" + tableName);
queryRunner.execute(format("CREATE TABLE %1$s.%2$s.%3$s (dummy int) WITH (location = 's3://%4$s/%2$s/%3$s')", DELTA_CATALOG, SCHEMA, tableName, bucketName));
return queryRunner;