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Example 1 with TestView

use of io.trino.testing.sql.TestView in project trino by trinodb.

the class BaseJdbcConnectorTest method testCancellation.

@Test(timeOut = 60_000)
public void testCancellation() throws Exception {
    if (!hasBehavior(SUPPORTS_CANCELLATION)) {
        throw new SkipException("Cancellation is not supported by given connector");
    try (TestView sleepingView = createSleepingView(new Duration(1, MINUTES))) {
        String query = "SELECT * FROM " + sleepingView.getName();
        Future<?> future = executor.submit(() -> assertQueryFails(query, "Query killed. Message: Killed by test"));
        QueryId queryId = getQueryId(query);
        assertEventually(() -> assertRemoteQueryStatus(sleepingView.getName(), RUNNING));
        assertUpdate(format("CALL system.runtime.kill_query(query_id => '%s', message => '%s')", queryId, "Killed by test"));
        assertEventually(() -> assertRemoteQueryStatus(sleepingView.getName(), CANCELLED));
Also used : TestView(io.trino.testing.sql.TestView) QueryId(io.trino.spi.QueryId) Duration(io.airlift.units.Duration) SkipException(org.testng.SkipException) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) BaseConnectorTest(io.trino.testing.BaseConnectorTest)

Example 2 with TestView

use of io.trino.testing.sql.TestView in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestBigQueryConnectorTest method testRepeatCountAggregationView.

 * regression test for
public void testRepeatCountAggregationView() {
    try (TestView view = new TestView(bigQuerySqlExecutor, "test.repeat_count_aggregation_view", "SELECT 1 AS col1")) {
        assertQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM " + view.getName(), "VALUES (1)");
        assertQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM " + view.getName(), "VALUES (1)");
Also used : TestView(io.trino.testing.sql.TestView) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) BaseConnectorTest(io.trino.testing.BaseConnectorTest)

Example 3 with TestView

use of io.trino.testing.sql.TestView in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestBigQueryCaseInsensitiveMapping method testNonLowerCaseViewName.

public void testNonLowerCaseViewName() throws Exception {
    String bigQuerySchema = "SomeSchema_" + randomTableSuffix();
    String trinoSchema = bigQuerySchema.toLowerCase(ENGLISH);
    String namePrefix = format("%s.Test_Case", bigQuerySchema);
    try (AutoCloseable schema = withSchema(bigQuerySchema);
        TestView view = new TestView(bigQuerySqlExecutor, namePrefix, "SELECT 'a' AS lower_case_name, 'b' AS Mixed_Case_Name, 'c' AS UPPER_CASE_NAME")) {
        String viewName = view.getName().substring(bigQuerySchema.length() + 1).toLowerCase(ENGLISH);
        assertThat(computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM " + trinoSchema).getOnlyColumn()).contains(viewName);
        assertEquals(computeActual("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " + trinoSchema + "." + viewName).getMaterializedRows().stream().map(row -> row.getField(0)).collect(toImmutableSet()), ImmutableSet.of("lower_case_name", "mixed_case_name", "upper_case_name"));
        assertQuery(format("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '%s'", trinoSchema), format("VALUES '%s'", viewName));
        assertQuery(format("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '%s' AND table_name = '%s'", trinoSchema, viewName), "VALUES 'lower_case_name', 'mixed_case_name', 'upper_case_name'");
        // Note: until is resolved, this is *the* way to access the tables.
        assertQuery("SELECT lower_case_name FROM " + view.getName(), "VALUES 'a'");
        assertQuery("SELECT mixed_case_name FROM " + view.getName(), "VALUES 'b'");
        assertQuery("SELECT upper_case_name FROM " + view.getName(), "VALUES 'c'");
        assertQuery("SELECT upper_case_name FROM " + view.getName().toLowerCase(ENGLISH), "VALUES 'c'");
    // TODO: test with INSERT and CTAS,
Also used : TestView(io.trino.testing.sql.TestView) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 4 with TestView

use of io.trino.testing.sql.TestView in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestBigQueryConnectorTest method testCountAggregationView.

@Test(description = "regression test for")
public void testCountAggregationView() {
    try (TestTable table = new TestTable(bigQuerySqlExecutor, "test.count_aggregation_table", "(a INT64, b INT64, c INT64)", List.of("1, 2, 3", "4, 5, 6"));
        TestView view = new TestView(bigQuerySqlExecutor, "test.count_aggregation_view", "SELECT * FROM " + table.getName())) {
        assertQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM " + view.getName(), "VALUES (2)");
        assertQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM " + view.getName() + " WHERE a = 1", "VALUES (1)");
        assertQuery("SELECT count(a) FROM " + view.getName() + " WHERE b = 2", "VALUES (1)");
Also used : TestView(io.trino.testing.sql.TestView) TestTable(io.trino.testing.sql.TestTable) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) BaseConnectorTest(io.trino.testing.BaseConnectorTest)


TestView (io.trino.testing.sql.TestView)4 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)4 BaseConnectorTest (io.trino.testing.BaseConnectorTest)3 Duration (io.airlift.units.Duration)1 QueryId (io.trino.spi.QueryId)1 TestTable (io.trino.testing.sql.TestTable)1 SkipException (org.testng.SkipException)1