use of io.vertx.core.Context in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractVertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapterTest method testUploadTelemetryMessageFailsForUnknownDevice.
* Verifies that the adapter does not forward a message published by a device
* if the device's registration status cannot be asserted.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
public void testUploadTelemetryMessageFailsForUnknownDevice(final TestContext ctx) {
// GIVEN an adapter
final MqttServer server = getMqttServer(false);
final AbstractVertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter<ProtocolAdapterProperties> adapter = getAdapter(server);
// WHEN an unknown device publishes a telemetry message
when(regClient.assertRegistration(eq("unknown"), any())).thenReturn(Future.failedFuture(new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)));
final MessageSender sender = mock(MessageSender.class);
adapter.uploadTelemetryMessage(new MqttContext(mock(MqttPublishMessage.class), mock(MqttEndpoint.class)), "my-tenant", "unknown", Buffer.buffer("test")).setHandler(ctx.asyncAssertFailure(t -> {
// THEN the message has not been sent downstream
verify(sender, never()).send(any(Message.class));
// because the device's registration status could not be asserted
ctx.assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, ((ClientErrorException) t).getErrorCode());
use of io.vertx.core.Context in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractRequestResponseClientTest method testCancelRequestFailsResponseHandler.
* Verifies that the client cancels and fails a request for which no response
* has been received after a certain amount of time. The request is then
* failed with a {@link ServerErrorException}.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
public void testCancelRequestFailsResponseHandler(final TestContext ctx) {
// GIVEN a request-response client which times out requests after 200 ms
// WHEN no response is received for a request sent to the peer
doAnswer(invocation -> {
// do not wait 200ms before running the timeout task but instead
// run it immediately
Handler<Long> task = invocation.getArgument(1);
return null;
}).when(vertx).setTimer(anyLong(), any(Handler.class));
final Async requestFailure = ctx.async();
client.createAndSendRequest("request", null, (JsonObject) null, ctx.asyncAssertFailure(t -> {
// THEN the request handler is failed
use of io.vertx.core.Context in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractRequestResponseClientTest method testCreateAndSendRequestAddsResponseToCache.
* Verifies that the adapter puts the response from the service to the cache
* using the default cache timeout if the response does not contain a
* <em>no-cache</em> cache directive.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
public void testCreateAndSendRequestAddsResponseToCache(final TestContext ctx) {
// GIVEN an adapter with an empty cache
// WHEN sending a request
client.createAndSendRequest("get", (JsonObject) null, ctx.asyncAssertSuccess(result -> {
// THEN the response has been put to the cache
verify(cache).put(eq("cacheKey"), any(SimpleRequestResponseResult.class), eq(Duration.ofSeconds(RequestResponseClientConfigProperties.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_CACHE_TIMEOUT)));
}), "cacheKey");
final ArgumentCaptor<Message> messageCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Message.class);
verify(sender).send(messageCaptor.capture(), any(Handler.class));
final Message response = ProtonHelper.message("result");
MessageHelper.addProperty(response, MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_STATUS, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
final ProtonDelivery delivery = mock(ProtonDelivery.class);
client.handleResponse(delivery, response);
use of io.vertx.core.Context in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractRequestResponseClientTest method testHandleResponseInvokesHandlerForMatchingCorrelationId.
* Verifies that the client passes a response message to the handler registered for the request that
* the response correlates with.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
public void testHandleResponseInvokesHandlerForMatchingCorrelationId(final TestContext ctx) {
// GIVEN a request message that has been sent to a peer
final Async responseReceived = ctx.async();
client.createAndSendRequest("request", null, (JsonObject) null, ctx.asyncAssertSuccess(s -> {
ctx.assertEquals(200, s.getStatus());
ctx.assertEquals("payload", s.getPayload());
// WHEN a response is received for the request
final Message response = ProtonHelper.message("payload");
MessageHelper.addProperty(response, MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_STATUS, 200);
final ProtonDelivery delivery = mock(ProtonDelivery.class);
client.handleResponse(delivery, response);
// THEN the response is passed to the handler registered with the request
verify(vertx, never()).setTimer(anyLong(), any(Handler.class));
use of io.vertx.core.Context in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractRequestResponseClientTest method testCreateAndSendRequestAddsResponseToCacheWithMaxAge.
* Verifies that the adapter puts the response from the service to the cache
* using the max age indicated by a response's <em>max-age</em> cache directive.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
public void testCreateAndSendRequestAddsResponseToCacheWithMaxAge(final TestContext ctx) {
// GIVEN an adapter with an empty cache
// WHEN sending a request
client.createAndSendRequest("get", (JsonObject) null, ctx.asyncAssertSuccess(result -> {
// THEN the response has been put to the cache
verify(cache).put(eq("cacheKey"), any(SimpleRequestResponseResult.class), eq(Duration.ofSeconds(35)));
}), "cacheKey");
final ArgumentCaptor<Message> messageCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Message.class);
verify(sender).send(messageCaptor.capture(), any(Handler.class));
final Message response = ProtonHelper.message("result");
MessageHelper.addProperty(response, MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_STATUS, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
MessageHelper.addCacheDirective(response, CacheDirective.maxAgeDirective(35));
final ProtonDelivery delivery = mock(ProtonDelivery.class);
client.handleResponse(delivery, response);