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Example 1 with AmqpValue

use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project vertx-proton by vert-x3.

the class HelloWorld method helloWorldSendAndConsumeExample.

private static void helloWorldSendAndConsumeExample(ProtonConnection connection) {;
    // Receive messages from queue "foo" (using an ActiveMQ style address as example).
    String address = "queue://foo";
    connection.createReceiver(address).handler((delivery, msg) -> {
        Section body = msg.getBody();
        if (body instanceof AmqpValue) {
            String content = (String) ((AmqpValue) body).getValue();
            System.out.println("Received message with content: " + content);
    // By default, the receiver automatically accepts (and settles) the delivery
    // when the handler returns, if no other disposition has been applied.
    // To change this and always manage dispositions yourself, use the
    // setAutoAccept method on the receiver.
    // Create an anonymous (no address) sender, have the message carry its destination
    ProtonSender sender = connection.createSender(null);
    // Create a message to send, have it carry its destination for use with the anonymous sender
    Message message = message(address, "Hello World from client");
    // Can optionally add an openHandler or sendQueueDrainHandler
    // to await remote sender open completing or credit to send being
    // granted. But here we will just buffer the send immediately.;
    System.out.println("Sending message to server");
    sender.send(message, delivery -> {
        System.out.println(String.format("The message was received by the server: remote state=%s, remotely settled=%s", delivery.getRemoteState(), delivery.remotelySettled()));
Also used : ProtonConnection(io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection) Section(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Section) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue) ProtonHelper.message(io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper.message) Vertx(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ProtonSender(io.vertx.proton.ProtonSender) ProtonClient(io.vertx.proton.ProtonClient) Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) ProtonSender(io.vertx.proton.ProtonSender) Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) Section(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Section) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue)

Example 2 with AmqpValue

use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project vertx-proton by vert-x3.

the class HelloWorldServer method helloProcessConnection.

private static void helloProcessConnection(Vertx vertx, ProtonConnection connection) {
    connection.openHandler(res -> {
        System.out.println("Client connected: " + connection.getRemoteContainer());;
    }).closeHandler(c -> {
        System.out.println("Client closing amqp connection: " + connection.getRemoteContainer());
    }).disconnectHandler(c -> {
        System.out.println("Client socket disconnected: " + connection.getRemoteContainer());
    }).sessionOpenHandler(session ->;
    connection.receiverOpenHandler(receiver -> {
        // This is rather naive, for example use only, proper
        receiver.setTarget(receiver.getRemoteTarget()).handler((delivery, msg) -> {
            String address = msg.getAddress();
            if (address == null) {
                address = receiver.getRemoteTarget().getAddress();
            Section body = msg.getBody();
            if (body instanceof AmqpValue) {
                String content = (String) ((AmqpValue) body).getValue();
                System.out.println("message to:" + address + ", body: " + content);
    connection.senderOpenHandler(sender -> {
        System.out.println("Sending to client from: " + sender.getRemoteSource().getAddress());
        // This is rather naive, for example use only, proper
        // servers should ensure that they advertise their own
        // Source settings that actually reflect what is in place.
        // The request may have also been for a dynamic address.;
        vertx.setPeriodic(1000, timer -> {
            if (connection.isDisconnected()) {
            } else {
                System.out.println("Sending message to client");
                Message m = message("Hello World from Server!");
                sender.send(m, delivery -> {
                    System.out.println("The message was received by the client.");
Also used : ProtonConnection(io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection) Section(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Section) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue) ProtonHelper.message(io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper.message) Vertx(io.vertx.core.Vertx) Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) ProtonServer(io.vertx.proton.ProtonServer) Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) Section(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Section) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue)

Example 3 with AmqpValue

use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.

the class RegistrationAmqpEndpointTest method testProcessMessageSendsRequestViaEventBus.

 * Verifies that the endpoint forwards a request message via the event bus.
public void testProcessMessageSendsRequestViaEventBus() {
    final Message msg = ProtonHelper.message();
    msg.setBody(new AmqpValue(new JsonObject().put("temp", 15).encode()));
    MessageHelper.annotate(msg, resource);
    endpoint.processRequest(msg, resource, Constants.PRINCIPAL_ANONYMOUS);
    verify(eventBus).send(eq(RegistrationConstants.EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_REGISTRATION_IN), any(JsonObject.class));
Also used : Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with AmqpValue

use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.

the class CredentialsAmqpEndpointTest method testProcessMessageSendsRequestViaEventBus.

 * Verifies that the endpoint forwards a request message via the event bus.
public void testProcessMessageSendsRequestViaEventBus() {
    final Message msg = ProtonHelper.message();
    MessageHelper.addDeviceId(msg, "4711");
    MessageHelper.addTenantId(msg, Constants.DEFAULT_TENANT);
    MessageHelper.annotate(msg, resource);
    msg.setBody(new AmqpValue(new JsonObject().put("temp", 15).encode()));
    endpoint.processRequest(msg, resource, Constants.PRINCIPAL_ANONYMOUS);
    verify(eventBus).send(eq(CredentialsConstants.EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_CREDENTIALS_IN), any(JsonObject.class));
Also used : Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with AmqpValue

use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.

the class AbstractRequestResponseClient method createAndSendRequest.

 * Creates a request message for a payload and headers and sends it to the peer.
 * <p>
 * This method first checks if the sender has any credit left. If not, the result handler is failed immediately.
 * Otherwise, the request message is sent and a timer is started which fails the result handler,
 * if no response is received within <em>requestTimeout</em> milliseconds.
 * @param action The operation that the request is supposed to trigger/invoke.
 * @param properties The headers to include in the request message as AMQP application properties.
 * @param payload The payload to include in the request message as a an AMQP Value section.
 * @param resultHandler The handler to notify about the outcome of the request. The handler is failed with
 *                      a {@link ServerErrorException} if the request cannot be sent to the remote service,
 *                      e.g. because there is no connection to the service or there are no credits available
 *                      for sending the request or the request timed out.
 * @param cacheKey The key to use for caching the response (if the service allows caching).
 * @throws NullPointerException if action or result handler are {@code null}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the properties contain any non-primitive typed values.
 * @see AbstractHonoClient#setApplicationProperties(Message, Map)
protected final void createAndSendRequest(final String action, final Map<String, Object> properties, final JsonObject payload, final Handler<AsyncResult<R>> resultHandler, final Object cacheKey) {
    if (isOpen()) {
        final Message request = createMessage(action, properties);
        if (payload != null) {
            request.setBody(new AmqpValue(payload.encode()));
        sendRequest(request, resultHandler, cacheKey);
    } else {
        resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE, "sender and/or receiver link is not open")));
Also used : Message(org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) ServerErrorException(org.eclipse.hono.client.ServerErrorException) AmqpValue(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue)


AmqpValue (org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue)14 Message (org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message)10 Test (org.junit.Test)6 Section (org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Section)5 JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)4 Vertx (io.vertx.core.Vertx)3 ProtonConnection (io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection)3 Handler (io.vertx.core.Handler)2 ProtonHelper.message (io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper.message)2 Data (org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Data)2 AsyncResult (io.vertx.core.AsyncResult)1 Future (io.vertx.core.Future)1 ProtonClient (io.vertx.proton.ProtonClient)1 ProtonClientOptions (io.vertx.proton.ProtonClientOptions)1 ProtonMessageHandler (io.vertx.proton.ProtonMessageHandler)1 ProtonReceiver (io.vertx.proton.ProtonReceiver)1 ProtonSender (io.vertx.proton.ProtonSender)1 ProtonServer (io.vertx.proton.ProtonServer)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Objects (java.util.Objects)1