use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.
the class MessageHelper method getPayload.
* Gets a message's body as String object that can be used for constructing a JsonObject or bind a POJO using
* jackson-databind e.g.
* @param msg The AMQP 1.0 message to parse the body of.
* @return The message body parsed into a JSON object or {@code null} if the message does not have a <em>Data</em>
* nor an <em>AmqpValue</em> section.
* @throws NullPointerException if the message is {@code null}.
public static String getPayload(final Message msg) {
if (msg.getBody() == null) {
LOG.trace("message has no body");
return null;
if (msg.getBody() instanceof Data) {
Data body = (Data) msg.getBody();
return new String(body.getValue().getArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else if (msg.getBody() instanceof AmqpValue) {
AmqpValue body = (AmqpValue) msg.getBody();
if (body.getValue() instanceof String) {
return (String) body.getValue();
LOG.debug("unsupported body type [{}]", msg.getBody().getClass().getName());
return null;
use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.
the class RequestResponseApiConstants method getAmqpReply.
* Creates an AMQP message from a response to a service invocation.
* @param endpoint The service endpoint that the operation has been invoked on.
* @param response The response message.
* @return The AMQP message.
* @throws NullPointerException if endpoint is {@code null}.
public static final Message getAmqpReply(final String endpoint, final EventBusMessage response) {
final Object correlationId = response.getCorrelationId();
if (correlationId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("response must contain correlation ID");
} else {
final String tenantId = response.getTenant();
final String deviceId = response.getDeviceId();
final Integer status = response.getStatus();
final boolean isApplCorrelationId = response.isAppCorrelationId();
final String cacheDirective = response.getCacheDirective();
final JsonObject payload = response.getJsonPayload();
final ResourceIdentifier address = ResourceIdentifier.from(endpoint, tenantId, deviceId);
final Message message = ProtonHelper.message();
final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_TENANT_ID, tenantId);
map.put(MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_STATUS, status);
if (deviceId != null) {
map.put(MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_DEVICE_ID, deviceId);
if (cacheDirective != null) {
map.put(MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_CACHE_CONTROL, cacheDirective);
message.setApplicationProperties(new ApplicationProperties(map));
if (isApplCorrelationId) {
final Map<Symbol, Object> annotations = new HashMap<>();
annotations.put(Symbol.valueOf(MessageHelper.ANNOTATION_X_OPT_APP_CORRELATION_ID), true);
message.setMessageAnnotations(new MessageAnnotations(annotations));
if (payload != null) {
message.setBody(new AmqpValue(payload.encode()));
return message;
use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.
the class ExampleReceiver method handleMessage.
private void handleMessage(final String endpoint, final Message msg) {
final String deviceId = MessageHelper.getDeviceId(msg);
final Section body = msg.getBody();
String content = null;
if (body instanceof Data) {
content = ((Data) msg.getBody()).getValue().toString();
} else if (body instanceof AmqpValue) {
content = ((AmqpValue) msg.getBody()).getValue().toString();
}"received {} message [device: {}, content-type: {}]: {}", endpoint, deviceId, msg.getContentType(), content);
if (msg.getApplicationProperties() != null) {"... with application properties: {}", msg.getApplicationProperties().getValue());
use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project vertx-proton by vert-x3.
the class ProtonClientTest method getMessageBody.
private Object getMessageBody(TestContext context, Message msg) {
Section body = msg.getBody();
context.assertTrue(body instanceof AmqpValue);
return ((AmqpValue) body).getValue();
use of org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractRequestResponseClientTest method testCreateAndSendRequestSendsProperRequestMessage.
* Verifies that the client creates and sends a message based on provided headers and payload
* and sets a timer for canceling the request if no response is received.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
public void testCreateAndSendRequestSendsProperRequestMessage(final TestContext ctx) {
// GIVEN a request-response client that times out requests after 200 ms
// WHEN sending a request message with some headers and payload
final JsonObject payload = new JsonObject().put("key", "value");
final Map<String, Object> props = Collections.singletonMap("test-key", "test-value");
client.createAndSendRequest("get", props, payload, s -> {
// THEN the message is sent and the message being sent contains the headers as application properties
final ArgumentCaptor<Message> messageCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Message.class);
verify(sender).send(messageCaptor.capture(), any(Handler.class));
assertThat(messageCaptor.getValue(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(messageCaptor.getValue().getBody(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(messageCaptor.getValue().getBody(), instanceOf(AmqpValue.class));
final AmqpValue body = (AmqpValue) messageCaptor.getValue().getBody();
assertThat(body.getValue(), is(payload.encode()));
assertThat(messageCaptor.getValue().getApplicationProperties(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(messageCaptor.getValue().getApplicationProperties().getValue().get("test-key"), is("test-value"));
// and a timer has been set to time out the request after 200 ms
verify(vertx).setTimer(eq(200L), any(Handler.class));