use of io.vertx.kafka.client.producer.KafkaHeader in project hono by eclipse.
the class KafkaBasedCommandConsumerFactoryImplIT method getOneWayCommandRecord.
private static KafkaProducerRecord<String, Buffer> getOneWayCommandRecord(final String tenantId, final String deviceId, final String subject) {
final List<KafkaHeader> headers = List.of(KafkaRecordHelper.createDeviceIdHeader(deviceId), KafkaRecordHelper.createSubjectHeader(subject));
final String commandTopic = new HonoTopic(HonoTopic.Type.COMMAND, tenantId).toString();
final KafkaProducerRecord<String, Buffer> record = KafkaProducerRecord.create(commandTopic, deviceId, Buffer.buffer(subject + "_payload"));
return record;
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.producer.KafkaHeader in project hono by eclipse.
the class KafkaHeadersInjectExtractAdapterTest method testJaegerTracerCanUseAdapter.
* Verifies that the Jaeger tracer implementation can successfully use the adapters to inject and extract
* a SpanContext.
public void testJaegerTracerCanUseAdapter() {
final Configuration config = new Configuration("test");
final Tracer tracer = config.getTracer();
final Span span = tracer.buildSpan("do").start();
final List<KafkaHeader> headers = new ArrayList<>();
final KafkaHeadersInjectAdapter injectAdapter = new KafkaHeadersInjectAdapter(headers);
tracer.inject(span.context(), Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, injectAdapter);
final SpanContext context = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, new KafkaHeadersExtractAdapter(headers));
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.producer.KafkaHeader in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractKafkaBasedMessageSender method sendAndWaitForOutcome.
* Sends a message to a Kafka broker and waits for the outcome.
* @param topic The topic to send the message to.
* @param tenantId The tenant that the device belongs to.
* @param deviceId The device identifier.
* @param payload The data to send or {@code null} if the message has no payload.
* @param headers Additional meta data that should be included in the message.
* @param currentSpan The <em>OpenTracing</em> span used to use for tracking the sending of the message.
* The span will <em>not</em> be finished by this method.
* @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation.
* <p>
* The future will be succeeded if the message has been sent.
* <p>
* The future will be failed with a {@link org.eclipse.hono.client.ServerErrorException} if the data could
* not be sent. The error code contained in the exception indicates the cause of the failure.
* @throws NullPointerException if topic, tenantId, deviceId, headers or span are {@code null}.
protected final Future<Void> sendAndWaitForOutcome(final String topic, final String tenantId, final String deviceId, final Buffer payload, final List<KafkaHeader> headers, final Span currentSpan) {
if (stopped) {
return Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE, "sender already stopped"));
final KafkaProducerRecord<String, Buffer> record = KafkaProducerRecord.create(topic, deviceId, payload);
log.trace("sending message to Kafka [topic: {}, tenantId: {}, deviceId: {}]", topic, tenantId, deviceId);
KafkaTracingHelper.injectSpanContext(tracer, record, currentSpan.context());
logProducerRecord(currentSpan, record);
return getOrCreateProducer().send(record).onSuccess(recordMetadata -> logRecordMetadata(currentSpan, deviceId, recordMetadata)).otherwise(t -> {
logError(currentSpan, topic, tenantId, deviceId, t);
throw new ServerErrorException(tenantId, getErrorCode(t), t);
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.producer.KafkaHeader in project hono by eclipse.
the class KafkaBasedMappingAndDelegatingCommandHandlerTest method getCommandRecord.
private KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer> getCommandRecord(final String tenantId, final String deviceId, final String subject, final int partition, final long offset) {
final List<KafkaHeader> headers = new ArrayList<>();
final String topic = new HonoTopic(HonoTopic.Type.COMMAND, tenantId).toString();
final KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer> consumerRecord = mock(KafkaConsumerRecord.class);
Optional.ofNullable(deviceId).ifPresent(ok -> headers.add(KafkaRecordHelper.createDeviceIdHeader(deviceId)));
Optional.ofNullable(subject).ifPresent(ok -> headers.add(KafkaRecordHelper.createSubjectHeader(subject)));
return consumerRecord;
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.producer.KafkaHeader in project hono by eclipse.
the class KafkaBasedCommandTest method testFromRoutedCommandRecordSucceeds.
* Verifies that a command can be created from a valid record representing a routed command
* message with a <em>via</em> header containing a gateway identifier.
public void testFromRoutedCommandRecordSucceeds() {
final String topic = new HonoTopic(HonoTopic.Type.COMMAND_INTERNAL, "myAdapterInstanceId").toString();
final String correlationId = "the-correlation-id";
final String gatewayId = "gw-1";
final String targetDeviceId = "4711";
final String subject = "doThis";
final List<KafkaHeader> headers = new ArrayList<>(getHeaders(targetDeviceId, subject, correlationId));
final KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer> commandRecord = getCommandRecord(topic, targetDeviceId, headers);
final KafkaBasedCommand cmd = KafkaBasedCommand.fromRoutedCommandRecord(commandRecord);