use of it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.arcgrid.raster.AsciiGridRaster in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class AsciiGridsImageReaderSpi method canDecodeInput.
* This method check if the input source can be decoded by the reader
* provided by this specific subclass of ImageReaderSpi. Return true if the
* check was successfully passed input source type accepted and handled are
* String, File, Url, InputStream and ImageInputStream.
* @see javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi#canDecodeInput(java.lang.Object)
public boolean canDecodeInput(Object input) throws IOException {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))"canDecodeInput?");
if (input instanceof ImageInputStream)
((ImageInputStream) input).mark();
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// temp vars
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AsciiGridRaster asciiRaster;
ImageInputStream spiImageInputStream;
// if the stream is opened here we need to close
boolean closeMe = false;
// convert input from String to File
if (input instanceof String) {
input = new File((String) input);
closeMe = true;
// open an InputStream
if (input instanceof URL) {
final URL tempURL = (URL) input;
if (tempURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
input = Utilities.urlToFile(tempURL);
input = ((URL) input).openStream();
closeMe = true;
// convert input from File to FileInputStream
if (input instanceof File) {
input = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(input);
closeMe = true;
// input source is it an InputStream?
if (input instanceof InputStream) {
* ISSUE on the GZipped test.
* Example A) final File f = new File("file.asc.gz"); final
* InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f); Iterator it =
* ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream);
* Example B) final File f = new File("file.asc.gz"); final
* GZIPInputStream stream = new GZIPInputStream( new
* FileInputStream(f)); Iterator it =
* ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream);
* if we use the code of the Example A instead of that of Example B,
* the parseHeader method (which works with ImageInputStreams) is
* unable to try to read the header because the stream is GZipped.
* Thus, if we want to provide explicitly an InputStream (instead of
* a File) for a GZipped File, we need to use the code of the
* Example B which make use of the GZIPInputStream Subclass.
// creating an ImageInputStream from the InputStream
// input = ImageInputStreamAdapter.getStream((InputStream) input);
// input source is it an ImageInputStream?
if (input instanceof ImageInputStream) {
((ImageInputStream) input).mark();
// marking the initial stream
// casting from object to ImageInputStream and setting
// the imageInputStream
spiImageInputStream = (ImageInputStream) input;
// if (!(spiImageInputStream instanceof GZIPImageInputStream)) {
// try {
// final ImageInputStream temp = new GZIPImageInputStream(
// spiImageInputStream);
// spiImageInputStream = temp;
// } catch (IOException e) {
// spiImageInputStream.reset();
// }
// }
} else {
return false;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
try {
// Header Parsing to check if it is an EsriAsciiGridRaster
asciiRaster = AsciiGridRaster.AsciiGridRasterType.ESRI.createAsciiGridRaster(spiImageInputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
// Header Parsing to know if it is a GrassAsciiGridRaster
asciiRaster = AsciiGridRaster.AsciiGridRasterType.GRASS.createAsciiGridRaster(spiImageInputStream);
} catch (IOException e2) {
// Input cannot be decoded
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))"Unable to parse Header Succesfully. Format not recognized");
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// reset the stream
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
((ImageInputStream) input).reset();
if (closeMe)
return false;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (input instanceof ImageInputStream)
((ImageInputStream) input).reset();
if (closeMe)
return true;
use of it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.arcgrid.raster.AsciiGridRaster in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class AsciiGridTest method testReadAsEsriAndWriteAsGrass.
* Read an ESRI ArcGrid file and write it back as GRASS
public void testReadAsEsriAndWriteAsGrass() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
String title = new String("Simple JAI ImageRead operation test");
File testFile = TestData.file(this, "095b_dem_90m.asc");
ParameterBlockJAI pbjImageRead = new ParameterBlockJAI("ImageRead");
pbjImageRead.setParameter("Input", testFile);
RenderedOp image = JAI.create("ImageRead", pbjImageRead);
if (TestData.isInteractiveTest()) {
ImageIOUtilities.visualize(image, title, true);
} else {
// //
// Writing it out
// //
final File foutput = TestData.temp(this, "file.asc", true);
final ParameterBlockJAI pbjImageWrite = new ParameterBlockJAI("ImageWrite");
pbjImageWrite.setParameter("Output", foutput);
final ImageReader reader = (ImageReader) image.getProperty(ImageReadDescriptor.PROPERTY_NAME_IMAGE_READER);
final AsciiGridRaster raster = ((AsciiGridsImageReader) reader).getRasterReader();
AsciiGridsImageMetadata grassMetadata = new AsciiGridsImageMetadata(raster.getNCols(), raster.getNRows(), raster.getCellSizeX(), raster.getCellSizeY(), raster.getXllCellCoordinate(), raster.getYllCellCoordinate(), raster.isCorner(), true, raster.getNoData());
// writer.write (new IIOImage(image, null, grassMetadata));
// writer.dispose();
pbjImageWrite.setParameter("ImageMetadata", grassMetadata);
pbjImageWrite.setParameter("Transcode", false);
// //
// What I am doing here is crucial, that is getting the used writer and
// disposing it. This will force the underlying stream to write data on
// disk.
// //
final RenderedOp op = JAI.create("ImageWrite", pbjImageWrite);
final ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter) op.getProperty(ImageWriteDescriptor.PROPERTY_NAME_IMAGE_WRITER);
// //
// Reading it back
// //
pbjImageRead = new ParameterBlockJAI("ImageRead");
pbjImageRead.setParameter("Input", foutput);
RenderedOp image2 = JAI.create("ImageRead", pbjImageRead);
title = new String("Read Back the just written image");
if (TestData.isInteractiveTest()) {
ImageIOUtilities.visualize(image2, title, true);
} else {
final String[] error = new String[1];
final boolean result = compare(image, image2, error, raster.getNoData());
assertTrue(error[0], result);