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Example 1 with FinderException

use of jakarta.ejb.FinderException in project tomee by apache.

the class JpaCmpEngine method queryBeans.

public List<Object> queryBeans(final BeanContext beanContext, final String signature, final Object[] args) throws FinderException {
    final EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager(beanContext);
    Query query = createNamedQuery(entityManager, signature);
    if (query == null) {
        final int parenIndex = signature.indexOf('(');
        if (parenIndex > 0) {
            final String shortName = signature.substring(0, parenIndex);
            query = createNamedQuery(entityManager, shortName);
        if (query == null) {
            throw new FinderException("No query defined for method " + signature);
    return executeSelectQuery(query, args);
Also used : FinderException(jakarta.ejb.FinderException) EntityManager(jakarta.persistence.EntityManager) Query(jakarta.persistence.Query)

Example 2 with FinderException

use of jakarta.ejb.FinderException in project tomee by apache.

the class CmpContainer method findEJBObject.

private Object findEJBObject(final Method callMethod, final Object[] args, final ThreadContext callContext, final InterfaceType interfaceType) throws OpenEJBException {
    final BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();
    final TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, interfaceType), callContext);
    try {
        final List<Object> results = cmpEngine.queryBeans(callContext, callMethod, args);
        final KeyGenerator kg = beanContext.getKeyGenerator();
        // single ProxyInfo object is returned.
        if (callMethod.getReturnType() == Collection.class || callMethod.getReturnType() == Enumeration.class) {
            final List<ProxyInfo> proxies = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final Object value : results) {
                final EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) value;
                if (value == null) {
                } else {
                    // get the primary key
                    final Object primaryKey = kg.getPrimaryKey(bean);
                    // create a new ProxyInfo based on the deployment info and primary key and add it to the vector
                    proxies.add(new ProxyInfo(beanContext, primaryKey));
            if (callMethod.getReturnType() == Enumeration.class) {
                return new Enumerator(proxies);
            } else {
                return proxies;
        } else {
            if (results.size() != 1) {
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException("A Enteprise bean with deployment_id = " + beanContext.getDeploymentID() + (args != null && args.length >= 1 ? " and primarykey = " + args[0] : "") + " Does not exist");
            // create a new ProxyInfo based on the deployment info and primary key
            final EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) results.get(0);
            if (bean == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                final Object primaryKey = kg.getPrimaryKey(bean);
                return new ProxyInfo(beanContext, primaryKey);
    } catch (final FinderException fe) {
        handleApplicationException(txPolicy, fe, false);
    } catch (final Throwable e) {
        // handle reflection exception
        handleSystemException(txPolicy, e, callContext);
    } finally {
        afterInvoke(txPolicy, callContext);
    throw new AssertionError("Should not get here");
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TransactionPolicy(org.apache.openejb.core.transaction.TransactionPolicy) EjbTransactionUtil.createTransactionPolicy(org.apache.openejb.core.transaction.EjbTransactionUtil.createTransactionPolicy) BeanContext(org.apache.openejb.BeanContext) ProxyInfo(org.apache.openejb.ProxyInfo) FinderException(jakarta.ejb.FinderException) Enumerator(org.apache.openejb.util.Enumerator) EntityBean(jakarta.ejb.EntityBean) ObjectNotFoundException(jakarta.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException) Collection(java.util.Collection) EJBLocalObject(jakarta.ejb.EJBLocalObject) EJBObject(jakarta.ejb.EJBObject)

Example 3 with FinderException

use of jakarta.ejb.FinderException in project tomee by apache.

the class EjbSelect method execute_void.

 * Perform a select operation when the return value is
 * a void.  This one is slightly different from the
 * rest, as the container operation performed is an
 * update() rather than a select() because there's
 * no value to return.
 * @param obj             The ejb object we're executing on behalf of.
 * @param methodSignature The signature of the selectxxxx method being invoked.
 * @param args            The arguments to the select.  These need to match
 *                        the method signature.
 * @throws FinderException
public static void execute_void(final Object obj, final String methodSignature, final Object... args) throws FinderException {
    final BeanContext beanContext = (BeanContext) obj;
    final Container container = beanContext.getContainer();
    if (!(container instanceof CmpContainer)) {
        throw new FinderException("Deployment is not connected to a CmpContainer " + beanContext.getDeploymentID());
    final CmpContainer cmpContainer = (CmpContainer) container;
    cmpContainer.update(beanContext, methodSignature, args);
Also used : BeanContext(org.apache.openejb.BeanContext) FinderException(jakarta.ejb.FinderException) CmpContainer(org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer) Container(org.apache.openejb.Container) CmpContainer(org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer)

Example 4 with FinderException

use of jakarta.ejb.FinderException in project tomee by apache.

the class EjbSelect method execute_Object.

 * The single execution stub for all non-primitive
 * select operations.  This method has an additional
 * returnType parameter used to instantiate the return
 * value.
 * @param obj             The EJB object we're operating against.
 * @param methodSignature The signature of the ejbSelectxxxx method.
 * @param returnType      The return type signature of the method.
 * @param args            The select arguments.
 * @return An object of the specified type...which might be
 * one of the collection types.
 * @throws FinderException
public static Object execute_Object(final Object obj, final String methodSignature, final String returnType, final Object... args) throws FinderException {
    final BeanContext beanContext = (BeanContext) obj;
    final Container container = beanContext.getContainer();
    if (!(container instanceof CmpContainer)) {
        throw new FinderException("Deployment is not connected to a CmpContainer " + beanContext.getDeploymentID());
    final CmpContainer cmpContainer = (CmpContainer) container;
    return, methodSignature, returnType, args);
Also used : BeanContext(org.apache.openejb.BeanContext) FinderException(jakarta.ejb.FinderException) CmpContainer(org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer) Container(org.apache.openejb.Container) CmpContainer(org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer)

Example 5 with FinderException

use of jakarta.ejb.FinderException in project tomee by apache.

the class EjbSelect method execute_short.

public static short execute_short(final Object obj, final String methodSignature, final Object... args) throws FinderException {
    final BeanContext beanContext = (BeanContext) obj;
    final Container container = beanContext.getContainer();
    if (!(container instanceof CmpContainer)) {
        throw new FinderException("Deployment is not connected to a CmpContainer " + beanContext.getDeploymentID());
    final CmpContainer cmpContainer = (CmpContainer) container;
    final Number result = (Number), methodSignature, "short", args);
    return result.shortValue();
Also used : BeanContext(org.apache.openejb.BeanContext) FinderException(jakarta.ejb.FinderException) CmpContainer(org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer) Container(org.apache.openejb.Container) CmpContainer(org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer)


FinderException (jakarta.ejb.FinderException)21 BeanContext (org.apache.openejb.BeanContext)14 Container (org.apache.openejb.Container)10 CmpContainer (org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer)10 Connection (java.sql.Connection)5 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)5 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)5 EJBException (jakarta.ejb.EJBException)4 EJBLocalObject (jakarta.ejb.EJBLocalObject)4 EJBObject (jakarta.ejb.EJBObject)4 EntityBean (jakarta.ejb.EntityBean)3 ObjectNotFoundException (jakarta.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException)3 RemoveException (jakarta.ejb.RemoveException)3 EntityManager (jakarta.persistence.EntityManager)3 Query (jakarta.persistence.Query)3 RemoteException (java.rmi.RemoteException)3 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)3 DataSource (javax.sql.DataSource)3 NoSuchEntityException (jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEntityException)2 NoSuchObjectException (java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException)2