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Example 1 with Resource

use of jakarta.faces.application.Resource in project myfaces by apache.

the class ResourceHandlerImpl method handleResourceRequest.

 *  Handle the resource request, writing in the output.
 *  This method implements an algorithm semantically identical to
 *  the one described on the javadoc of ResourceHandler.handleResourceRequest
public void handleResourceRequest(FacesContext facesContext) throws IOException {
    String resourceBasePath = getResourceHandlerSupport().calculateResourceBasePath(facesContext);
    if (resourceBasePath == null) {
        // resource base name
    // We neet to get an instance of HttpServletResponse, but sometimes
    // the response object is wrapped by several instances of
    // ServletResponseWrapper (like ResponseSwitch).
    // Since we are handling a resource, we can expect to get an
    // HttpServletResponse.
    ExternalContext extContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    Object response = extContext.getResponse();
    HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = ExternalContextUtils.getHttpServletResponse(response);
    if (httpServletResponse == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not obtain an instance of HttpServletResponse.");
    if (isResourceIdentifierExcluded(facesContext, resourceBasePath)) {
    String resourceName = null;
    if (resourceBasePath.startsWith(ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER)) {
        resourceName = resourceBasePath.substring(ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER.length() + 1);
        if (resourceBasePath != null && !ResourceValidationUtils.isValidResourceName(resourceName)) {
    } else {
        // Does not have the conditions for be a resource call
    String libraryName = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("ln");
    if (libraryName != null && !ResourceValidationUtils.isValidLibraryName(libraryName, isAllowSlashesLibraryName())) {
    Resource resource = null;
    if (libraryName != null) {
        resource = facesContext.getApplication().getResourceHandler().createResource(resourceName, libraryName);
    } else {
        resource = facesContext.getApplication().getResourceHandler().createResource(resourceName);
    if (resource == null) {
    if (!resource.userAgentNeedsUpdate(facesContext)) {
    httpServletResponse.setContentType(_getContentType(resource, facesContext.getExternalContext()));
    Map<String, String> headers = resource.getResponseHeaders();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : headers.entrySet()) {
        httpServletResponse.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    // Sets the preferred buffer size for the body of the response
    // serve up the bytes (taken from trinidad ResourceServlet)
    try {
        InputStream in = resource.getInputStream();
        OutputStream out = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[this.getResourceBufferSize()];
        try {
            int count = pipeBytes(in, out, buffer);
            // set the content lenght
            if (!httpServletResponse.isCommitted()) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } finally {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        if (isConnectionAbort(e)) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                log.log(Level.FINE, "Connection was aborted while loading resource " + resourceName + " with library " + libraryName);
        } else {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
                log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error trying to load and send resource " + resourceName + " with library " + libraryName + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : InputStream( OutputStream( ContractResource(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResource) Resource(jakarta.faces.application.Resource) HttpServletResponse(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) IOException( ExternalContext(jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 2 with Resource

use of jakarta.faces.application.Resource in project myfaces by apache.

the class ResourceHandlerImpl method createResource.

public Resource createResource(String resourceName, String libraryName, String contentType) {
    Assert.notNull(resourceName, "resourceName");
    Resource resource = null;
    if (resourceName.length() == 0) {
        return null;
    if (resourceName.charAt(0) == '/') {
        // If resourceName starts with '/', remove that character because it
        // does not have any meaning (with and without should point to the
        // same resource).
        resourceName = resourceName.substring(1);
    if (!ResourceValidationUtils.isValidResourceName(resourceName)) {
        return null;
    if (libraryName != null && !ResourceValidationUtils.isValidLibraryName(libraryName, isAllowSlashesLibraryName())) {
        return null;
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if (contentType == null) {
        // Resolve contentType using ExternalContext.getMimeType
        contentType = facesContext.getExternalContext().getMimeType(resourceName);
    final String localePrefix = getLocalePrefixForLocateResource(facesContext);
    final List<String> contracts = facesContext.getResourceLibraryContracts();
    String contractPreferred = getContractNameForLocateResource(facesContext);
    ResourceValue resourceValue = null;
    // contract name.
    if (contractPreferred != null) {
        resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getResource(resourceName, libraryName, contentType, localePrefix, contractPreferred);
    if (resourceValue == null && !contracts.isEmpty()) {
        // Try to get resource but try with a contract name
        for (String contract : contracts) {
            resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getResource(resourceName, libraryName, contentType, localePrefix, contract);
            if (resourceValue != null) {
    // Only if no contract preferred try without it.
    if (resourceValue == null) {
        // Try to get resource without contract name
        resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getResource(resourceName, libraryName, contentType, localePrefix);
    if (resourceValue != null) {
        resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceValue.getResourceMeta(), resourceValue.getResourceLoader(), getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType, resourceValue.getCachedInfo() != null ? resourceValue.getCachedInfo().getURL() : null, resourceValue.getCachedInfo() != null ? resourceValue.getCachedInfo().getRequestPath() : null);
    } else {
        boolean resolved = false;
        // Try preferred contract first
        if (contractPreferred != null) {
            for (ContractResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getContractResourceLoaders()) {
                ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveResourceMeta(loader, resourceName, libraryName, localePrefix, contractPreferred);
                if (resourceMeta != null) {
                    resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                    // cache it
                    getResourceHandlerCache().putResource(resourceName, libraryName, contentType, localePrefix, contractPreferred, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), resource.getRequestPath()));
                    resolved = true;
        if (!resolved && !contracts.isEmpty()) {
            for (ContractResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getContractResourceLoaders()) {
                for (String contract : contracts) {
                    ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveResourceMeta(loader, resourceName, libraryName, localePrefix, contract);
                    if (resourceMeta != null) {
                        resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                        // cache it
                        getResourceHandlerCache().putResource(resourceName, libraryName, contentType, localePrefix, contract, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), resource.getRequestPath()));
                        resolved = true;
        if (!resolved) {
            for (ResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getResourceLoaders()) {
                ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveResourceMeta(loader, resourceName, libraryName, localePrefix);
                if (resourceMeta != null) {
                    resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                    // cache it
                    getResourceHandlerCache().putResource(resourceName, libraryName, contentType, localePrefix, null, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), resource.getRequestPath()));
    return resource;
Also used : FacesContext(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext) ResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceLoader) ContractResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResourceLoader) ResourceCachedInfo(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceCachedInfo) ResourceImpl(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceImpl) ContractResource(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResource) Resource(jakarta.faces.application.Resource) ResourceValue(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceHandlerCache.ResourceValue) ContractResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResourceLoader) ResourceMeta(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceMeta)

Example 3 with Resource

use of jakarta.faces.application.Resource in project myfaces by apache.

the class ResourceHandlerImpl method createResourceFromId.

public Resource createResourceFromId(String resourceId) {
    Resource resource = null;
    Assert.notNull(resourceId, "resourceId");
    // its elements validated properly.
    if (!ResourceValidationUtils.isValidResourceId(resourceId)) {
        return null;
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    final List<String> contracts = facesContext.getResourceLibraryContracts();
    String contractPreferred = getContractNameForLocateResource(facesContext);
    ResourceValue resourceValue = null;
    // a contract.
    if (contractPreferred != null) {
        resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getResource(resourceId, contractPreferred);
    if (resourceValue == null && !contracts.isEmpty()) {
        // Try to get resource but try with a contract name
        for (String contract : contracts) {
            resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getResource(resourceId, contract);
            if (resourceValue != null) {
    if (resourceValue == null) {
        // Try to get resource without contract name
        resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getResource(resourceId);
    if (resourceValue != null) {
        // Resolve contentType using ExternalContext.getMimeType
        String contentType = facesContext.getExternalContext().getMimeType(resourceValue.getResourceMeta().getResourceName());
        resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceValue.getResourceMeta(), resourceValue.getResourceLoader(), getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType, resourceValue.getCachedInfo() != null ? resourceValue.getCachedInfo().getURL() : null, resourceValue.getCachedInfo() != null ? resourceValue.getCachedInfo().getRequestPath() : null);
    } else {
        boolean resolved = false;
        if (contractPreferred != null) {
            for (ContractResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getContractResourceLoaders()) {
                ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveResourceMeta(facesContext, loader, resourceId, contractPreferred);
                if (resourceMeta != null) {
                    String contentType = facesContext.getExternalContext().getMimeType(resourceMeta.getResourceName());
                    resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                    // cache it
                    getResourceHandlerCache().putResource(resourceId, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), resource.getRequestPath()));
                    resolved = true;
        if (!resolved && !contracts.isEmpty()) {
            for (ContractResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getContractResourceLoaders()) {
                for (String contract : contracts) {
                    ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveResourceMeta(facesContext, loader, resourceId, contract);
                    if (resourceMeta != null) {
                        String contentType = facesContext.getExternalContext().getMimeType(resourceMeta.getResourceName());
                        resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                        // cache it
                        getResourceHandlerCache().putResource(resourceId, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), resource.getRequestPath()));
                        resolved = true;
        if (!resolved) {
            for (ResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getResourceLoaders()) {
                ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveResourceMeta(facesContext, loader, resourceId);
                if (resourceMeta != null) {
                    String contentType = facesContext.getExternalContext().getMimeType(resourceMeta.getResourceName());
                    resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                    // cache it
                    getResourceHandlerCache().putResource(resourceId, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), resource.getRequestPath()));
    return resource;
Also used : FacesContext(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext) ResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceLoader) ContractResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResourceLoader) ResourceCachedInfo(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceCachedInfo) ResourceImpl(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceImpl) ContractResource(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResource) Resource(jakarta.faces.application.Resource) ResourceValue(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceHandlerCache.ResourceValue) ContractResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResourceLoader) ResourceMeta(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceMeta)

Example 4 with Resource

use of jakarta.faces.application.Resource in project myfaces by apache.

the class ResourceHandlerImpl method createViewResource.

public Resource createViewResource(FacesContext facesContext, String resourceName) {
    // There are some special points to remember for a view resource in comparison
    // with a normal resource:
    // - A view resource never has an associated library name
    // (this was done to keep simplicity).
    // - A view resource can be inside a resource library contract.
    // - A view resource could be internationalized in the same way a normal resource.
    // - A view resource can be created from the webapp root folder,
    // a normal resource cannot.
    // - A view resource cannot be created from /resources or META-INF/resources.
    // For example, a valid resourceId for a view resource is like this:
    // [localePrefix/]resourceName[/resourceVersion]
    // but the resource loader can ignore localePrefix or resourceVersion, like
    // for example the webapp root folder.
    // When createViewResource() is called, the view must be used to derive
    // the localePrefix and facesContext must be used to get the available contracts.
    Resource resource = null;
    Assert.notNull(resourceName, "resourceName");
    if (resourceName.charAt(0) == '/') {
        // If resourceName starts with '/', remove that character because it
        // does not have any meaning (with and without should point to the
        // same resource).
        resourceName = resourceName.substring(1);
    // its elements validated properly.
    if (!ResourceValidationUtils.isValidViewResource(resourceName)) {
        return null;
    final String localePrefix = getLocalePrefixForLocateResource(facesContext);
    String contentType = facesContext.getExternalContext().getMimeType(resourceName);
    final List<String> contracts = facesContext.getResourceLibraryContracts();
    String contractPreferred = getContractNameForLocateResource(facesContext);
    ResourceValue resourceValue = null;
    // a contract.
    if (contractPreferred != null) {
        resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getViewResource(resourceName, contentType, localePrefix, contractPreferred);
    if (resourceValue == null && !contracts.isEmpty()) {
        // Try to get resource but try with a contract name
        for (String contract : contracts) {
            resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getViewResource(resourceName, contentType, localePrefix, contract);
            if (resourceValue != null) {
    if (resourceValue == null) {
        // Try to get resource without contract name
        resourceValue = getResourceHandlerCache().getViewResource(resourceName, contentType, localePrefix);
    if (resourceValue != null) {
        resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceValue.getResourceMeta(), resourceValue.getResourceLoader(), getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType, resourceValue.getCachedInfo() != null ? resourceValue.getCachedInfo().getURL() : null, null);
    } else {
        boolean resolved = false;
        if (contractPreferred != null) {
            for (ContractResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getContractResourceLoaders()) {
                ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveViewResourceMeta(facesContext, loader, resourceName, localePrefix, contractPreferred);
                if (resourceMeta != null) {
                    resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                    // cache it
                    getResourceHandlerCache().putViewResource(resourceName, contentType, localePrefix, contractPreferred, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), null));
                    resolved = true;
        if (!resolved && !contracts.isEmpty()) {
            for (ContractResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getContractResourceLoaders()) {
                for (String contract : contracts) {
                    ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveViewResourceMeta(facesContext, loader, resourceName, localePrefix, contract);
                    if (resourceMeta != null) {
                        resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                        // cache it
                        getResourceHandlerCache().putViewResource(resourceName, contentType, localePrefix, contract, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), null));
                        resolved = true;
        if (!resolved) {
            // Faces Flows in the Using JSF in Web Applications chapter) ..."
            for (ResourceLoader loader : getResourceHandlerSupport().getViewResourceLoaders()) {
                ResourceMeta resourceMeta = deriveViewResourceMeta(facesContext, loader, resourceName, localePrefix);
                if (resourceMeta != null) {
                    resource = new ResourceImpl(resourceMeta, loader, getResourceHandlerSupport(), contentType);
                    // cache it
                    getResourceHandlerCache().putViewResource(resourceName, contentType, localePrefix, resourceMeta, loader, new ResourceCachedInfo(resource.getURL(), null));
    return resource;
Also used : ResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceLoader) ContractResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResourceLoader) ResourceCachedInfo(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceCachedInfo) ResourceImpl(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceImpl) ContractResource(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResource) Resource(jakarta.faces.application.Resource) ResourceValue(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceHandlerCache.ResourceValue) ContractResourceLoader(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResourceLoader) ResourceMeta(org.apache.myfaces.resource.ResourceMeta)

Example 5 with Resource

use of jakarta.faces.application.Resource in project myfaces by apache.

the class ApplicationImpl method createComponent.

public UIComponent createComponent(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource) {
    Assert.notNull(context, "context");
    Assert.notNull(componentResource, "componentResource");
    UIComponent component = null;
    Resource resource;
    String fqcn;
    Class<? extends UIComponent> componentClass = null;
         * Obtain a reference to the ViewDeclarationLanguage for this Application instance by calling
         * ViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String), passing the
         * viewId found by calling UIViewRoot.getViewId() on the UIViewRoot in the argument FacesContext.
    UIViewRoot view = context.getViewRoot();
    Application application = context.getApplication();
    ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = application.getViewHandler().getViewDeclarationLanguage(context, view.getViewId());
         * Obtain a reference to the composite component metadata for this composite component by calling
         * ViewDeclarationLanguage.getComponentMetadata(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext,
         * jakarta.faces.application.Resource), passing the facesContext and componentResource arguments to this method.
         * This version of JSF specification uses JavaBeans as the API to the component metadata.
    BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(context, componentResource);
    if (metadata == null) {
        throw new FacesException("Could not get component metadata for " + componentResource.getResourceName() + ". Did you forget to specify <composite:interface>?");
         * Determine if the component author declared a component-type for this component instance by obtaining the
         * BeanDescriptor from the component metadata and calling its getValue() method, passing
         * UIComponent.COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_TYPE_KEY as the argument. If non-null, the result must be a ValueExpression
         * whose value is the component-type of the UIComponent to be created for this Resource component. Call through
         * to createComponent(java.lang.String) to create the component.
    BeanDescriptor descriptor = metadata.getBeanDescriptor();
    ValueExpression componentType = (ValueExpression) descriptor.getValue(UIComponent.COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_TYPE_KEY);
    boolean annotationsApplied = false;
    if (componentType != null) {
        component = application.createComponent((String) componentType.getValue(context.getELContext()));
        annotationsApplied = true;
    } else {
             * Otherwise, determine if a script based component for this Resource can be found by calling
             * ViewDeclarationLanguage.getScriptComponentResource(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext,
             * jakarta.faces.application.Resource). If the result is non-null, and is a script written in one of the
             * languages listed in JSF 4.3 of the specification prose document, create a UIComponent instance from the
             * script resource.
        resource = vdl.getScriptComponentResource(context, componentResource);
        if (resource != null) {
            String name = resource.getResourceName();
            String className = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
            component = (UIComponent) ClassUtils.newInstance(className);
        } else {
                 * Otherwise, let library-name be the return from calling Resource.getLibraryName() on the argument
                 * componentResource and resource-name be the return from calling Resource.getResourceName() on the
                 * argument componentResource. Create a fully qualified Java class name by removing any file extension
                 * from resource-name and let fqcn be library-name + "." + resource-name. If a class with the name of
                 * fqcn cannot be found, take no action and continue to the next step. If any of 
                 * InstantiationException,
                 * IllegalAccessException, or ClassCastException are thrown, wrap the exception in a FacesException and
                 * re-throw it. If any other exception is thrown, log the exception and continue to the next step.
            boolean isProduction = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Production);
            String name = componentResource.getResourceName();
            String className = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
            fqcn = componentResource.getLibraryName() + '.' + className;
            if (isProduction) {
                componentClass = (Class<? extends UIComponent>) _componentClassMap.get(fqcn);
            if (componentClass == null) {
                try {
                    componentClass = ClassUtils.classForName(fqcn);
                    if (isProduction) {
                        _componentClassMap.put(fqcn, componentClass);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    // Remember here that classForName did not find Class
                    if (isProduction) {
                        _componentClassMap.put(fqcn, NOTHING.getClass());
            if (componentClass != null && NOTHING.getClass() != componentClass) {
                try {
                    component = componentClass.newInstance();
                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                    throw new FacesException("Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                    throw new FacesException("Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                 * If none of the previous steps have yielded a UIComponent instance, call
                 * createComponent(java.lang.String) passing "jakarta.faces.NamingContainer" as the argument.
            if (component == null) {
                component = application.createComponent(context, UINamingContainer.COMPONENT_TYPE, null);
                annotationsApplied = true;
         * Call UIComponent.setRendererType(java.lang.String) on the UIComponent instance, passing
         * "jakarta.faces.Composite" as the argument.
         * Store the argument Resource in the attributes Map of the UIComponent under the key,
         * Resource.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_KEY.
    component.getAttributes().put(Resource.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_KEY, componentResource);
         * Store composite component metadata in the attributes Map of the UIComponent under the key,
         * UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY.
    component.getAttributes().put(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY, metadata);
         * Before the component instance is returned, it must be inspected for the presence of a 
         * ListenerFor annotation.
         * If this annotation is present, the action listed in ListenerFor must be taken on the component, 
         * before it is
         * returned from this method.
    if (!annotationsApplied) {
        _handleAnnotations(context, component, component);
    return component;
Also used : BeanInfo(java.beans.BeanInfo) UIComponent(jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent) Resource(jakarta.faces.application.Resource) ViewDeclarationLanguage(jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage) FacesException(jakarta.faces.FacesException) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) ELException(jakarta.el.ELException) FacesException(jakarta.faces.FacesException) BeanDescriptor(java.beans.BeanDescriptor) ValueExpression(jakarta.el.ValueExpression) UIViewRoot(jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot) Application(jakarta.faces.application.Application)


Resource (jakarta.faces.application.Resource)62 ResourceHandler (jakarta.faces.application.ResourceHandler)27 PrintWriter ( FacesContext (jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext)10 IOException ( ViewDeclarationLanguage (jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage)7 InputStream ( ContractResource (org.apache.myfaces.resource.ContractResource)7 UIComponent (jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent)6 Application (jakarta.faces.application.Application)5 FacesException (jakarta.faces.FacesException)4 BeanDescriptor (java.beans.BeanDescriptor)4 ELException (jakarta.el.ELException)3 ValueExpression (jakarta.el.ValueExpression)3 FacesMessage (jakarta.faces.application.FacesMessage)3 UIViewRoot (jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot)3 ExternalContext (jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext)3 ResponseWriter (jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter)3 ServletException (jakarta.servlet.ServletException)3 BeanInfo (java.beans.BeanInfo)3