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Example 1 with Doctype

use of jakarta.faces.component.Doctype in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class FaceletViewHandlingStrategy method renderView.

 * @see jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage#renderView(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext,
 * jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot)
public void renderView(FacesContext ctx, UIViewRoot viewToRender) throws IOException {
    // Suppress rendering if "rendered" property on the component is false
    if (!viewToRender.isRendered()) {
    // Log request
    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(FINE)) {
        LOGGER.fine("Rendering View: " + viewToRender.getViewId());
    WriteBehindStateWriter stateWriter = null;
    try {
        // Only build the view if this view has not yet been built.
        if (!isViewPopulated(ctx, viewToRender)) {
            vdlFactory.getViewDeclarationLanguage(viewToRender.getViewId()).buildView(ctx, viewToRender);
        // Setup writer and assign it to the ctx
        ResponseWriter origWriter = ctx.getResponseWriter();
        if (origWriter == null) {
            origWriter = createResponseWriter(ctx);
        ExternalContext extContext = ctx.getExternalContext();
             * Make sure we have a session here if we are using server state saving. The WriteBehindStateWriter needs an active
             * session when it writes out state to a server session.
             * Note if you flag a view as transient then we won't acquire the session as you are stating it does not need one.
        if (isServerStateSaving() && !viewToRender.isTransient()) {
        stateWriter = new WriteBehindStateWriter(extContext.getResponseOutputWriter(), ctx, responseBufferSize);
        ResponseWriter writer = origWriter.cloneWithWriter(stateWriter);
        if (ctx.getPartialViewContext().isPartialRequest()) {
            // Any pre/post processing logic such as startDocument(), doPostPhaseActions() and endDocument() must be done in PartialViewContextImpl, see also #4977
        } else {
            if (ctx.isProjectStage(Development)) {
            // Render the XML declaration to the response
            String xmlDecl = getXMLDECLFromFacesContextAttributes(ctx);
            if (xmlDecl != null) {
                // Do not escape.
            // Render the DOCTYPE declaration to the response
            Doctype doctype = viewToRender.getDoctype();
            if (doctype != null) {
                if (doctype instanceof UIComponent) {
                    // E.g. HtmlDoctype + DoctypeRenderer
                    ((UIComponent) doctype).encodeAll(ctx);
                } else {
                    // Do not escape.
            // Render the view to the response
            try {
            } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
                LOGGER.fine("ExternalContext.getFlash() throw UnsupportedOperationException -> Flash unavailable");
        // Finish writing
        // Flush to origWriter
        if (stateWriter.stateWritten()) {
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        handleFaceletNotFound(ctx, viewToRender.getViewId(), fnfe.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        handleRenderException(ctx, e);
    } finally {
        if (stateWriter != null) {
Also used : ResponseWriter(jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter) ExternalContext(jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext) UIComponent(jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent) FileNotFoundException( Doctype(jakarta.faces.component.Doctype) IOException( FacesException(jakarta.faces.FacesException) FileNotFoundException(

Example 2 with Doctype

use of jakarta.faces.component.Doctype in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class RenderKitUtils method isOutputHtml5Doctype.

 * Returns <code>true</code> if the view root associated with the given faces context will be rendered with a HTML5 doctype.
 * @param context Involved faces context.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the view root associated with the given faces context will be rendered with a HTML5 doctype.
public static boolean isOutputHtml5Doctype(FacesContext context) {
    UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot();
    if (viewRoot == null) {
        return false;
    Doctype doctype = viewRoot.getDoctype();
    if (doctype == null) {
        return false;
    return "html".equalsIgnoreCase(doctype.getRootElement()) && doctype.getPublic() == null && doctype.getSystem() == null;
Also used : Doctype(jakarta.faces.component.Doctype) UIViewRoot(jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot)

Example 3 with Doctype

use of jakarta.faces.component.Doctype in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DoctypeRenderer method encodeBegin.

public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException {
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    writer.append(toString((Doctype) component));
Also used : ResponseWriter(jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter) Doctype(jakarta.faces.component.Doctype)

Example 4 with Doctype

use of jakarta.faces.component.Doctype in project myfaces by apache.

the class HtmlRendererUtils method isOutputHtml5Doctype.

 * Returns <code>true</code> if the view root associated with the given faces context will be rendered with a HTML5 doctype.
 * @param context Involved faces context.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the view root associated with the given faces context will be rendered with a HTML5 doctype.
public static boolean isOutputHtml5Doctype(FacesContext context) {
    UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot();
    if (viewRoot == null) {
        return false;
    Doctype doctype = viewRoot.getDoctype();
    if (doctype == null) {
        return false;
    return "html".equalsIgnoreCase(doctype.getRootElement()) && doctype.getPublic() == null && doctype.getSystem() == null;
Also used : Doctype(jakarta.faces.component.Doctype) UIViewRoot(jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot)

Example 5 with Doctype

use of jakarta.faces.component.Doctype in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class FaceletViewHandlingStrategy method buildView.

 * @see ViewDeclarationLanguage#buildView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot)
public void buildView(FacesContext ctx, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException {
    StateContext stateCtx = StateContext.getStateContext(ctx);
    if (isViewPopulated(ctx, view)) {
        Facelet facelet = faceletFactory.getFacelet(ctx, view.getViewId());
        // virute of re-applying the handlers.
        try {
            facelet.apply(ctx, view);
            if (stateCtx.isPartialStateSaving(ctx, view.getViewId())) {
        } finally {
    LOGGER.log(FINE, () -> "Building View: " + view.getViewId());
    if (faceletFactory == null) {
        faceletFactory = ApplicationAssociate.getInstance(ctx.getExternalContext()).getFaceletFactory();
    RequestStateManager.set(ctx, FACELET_FACTORY, faceletFactory);
    Facelet facelet = faceletFactory.getFacelet(ctx, view.getViewId());
    // populate UIViewRoot
    try {
        ctx.getAttributes().put(IS_BUILDING_INITIAL_STATE, Boolean.TRUE);
        facelet.apply(ctx, view);
        if (facelet instanceof XMLFrontMatterSaver) {
            XMLFrontMatterSaver frontMatterSaver = (XMLFrontMatterSaver) facelet;
            Doctype doctype = frontMatterSaver.getSavedDoctype();
            if (doctype != null) {
            String XMLDECL = frontMatterSaver.getSavedXMLDecl();
            if (XMLDECL != null) {
        Doctype doctype = getDOCTYPEFromFacesContextAttributes(ctx);
        if (doctype != null) {
        if (!stateCtx.isPartialStateSaving(ctx, view.getViewId())) {
        startTrackViewModifications(ctx, view);
    } finally {
    ctx.getApplication().publishEvent(ctx, PostAddToViewEvent.class, UIViewRoot.class, view);
    markInitialState(ctx, view);
    setViewPopulated(ctx, view);
Also used : Facelet(jakarta.faces.view.facelets.Facelet) XMLFrontMatterSaver(com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.XMLFrontMatterSaver) StateContext.getStateContext(com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.getStateContext) StateContext(com.sun.faces.context.StateContext) Doctype(jakarta.faces.component.Doctype)


Doctype (jakarta.faces.component.Doctype)6 UIViewRoot (jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot)2 ResponseWriter (jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter)2 Facelet (jakarta.faces.view.facelets.Facelet)2 StateContext (com.sun.faces.context.StateContext)1 StateContext.getStateContext (com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.getStateContext)1 XMLFrontMatterSaver (com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.XMLFrontMatterSaver)1 FacesException (jakarta.faces.FacesException)1 UIComponent (jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent)1 ExternalContext (jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext)1 FileNotFoundException ( IOException (