use of jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListener in project myfaces by apache.
the class ApplicationImplEventManager method publishEvent.
public void publishEvent(FacesContext facesContext, Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass, Class<?> sourceBaseType, Object source) {
// Call events only if event processing is enabled.
if (!facesContext.isProcessingEvents()) {
// spec: If this argument is null the return from source.getClass() must be used as the sourceBaseType.
if (sourceBaseType == null) {
sourceBaseType = source.getClass();
try {
SystemEvent event = null;
// component attached listeners
if (source instanceof SystemEventListenerHolder) {
List<SystemEventListener> listeners = ((SystemEventListenerHolder) source).getListenersForEventClass(systemEventClass);
event = processComponentAttachedListeners(facesContext, listeners, systemEventClass, source, event);
// view attached listeners
UIViewRoot viewRoot = facesContext.getViewRoot();
if (viewRoot != null) {
List<SystemEventListener> listeners = viewRoot.getViewListenersForEventClass(systemEventClass);
event = processViewAttachedListeners(facesContext, listeners, systemEventClass, source, event);
// global listeners
List<EventInfo> eventInfos = globalListeners.get(systemEventClass);
event = processGlobalListeners(facesContext, eventInfos, systemEventClass, source, event, sourceBaseType);
} catch (AbortProcessingException e) {
// If the act of invoking the processListener method causes an AbortProcessingException to be thrown,
// processing of the listeners must be aborted, no further processing of the listeners for this event must
// take place, and the exception must be logged with Level.SEVERE.
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Event processing was aborted", e);
use of jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListener in project myfaces by apache.
the class ApplicationImplEventManager method processViewAttachedListeners.
protected SystemEvent processViewAttachedListeners(FacesContext facesContext, List<? extends SystemEventListener> listeners, Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass, Object source, SystemEvent event) {
if (listeners == null || listeners.isEmpty()) {
return event;
int processedListenerIndex = 0;
// Do it with a copy because the list could be changed during a event see MYFACES-2935
List<SystemEventListener> listenersCopy = new ArrayList<>(listeners);
// and the loop will be complete.
while (processedListenerIndex < listenersCopy.size()) {
for (; processedListenerIndex < listenersCopy.size(); processedListenerIndex++) {
SystemEventListener listener = listenersCopy.get(processedListenerIndex);
if (listener.isListenerForSource(source)) {
// Lazy construct the event; zhis same event instance must be passed to all listener instances.
if (event == null) {
event = createEvent(systemEventClass, facesContext, source);
if (event.isAppropriateListener(listener)) {
boolean listChanged = false;
if (listeners.size() == listenersCopy.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < listenersCopy.size(); i++) {
if (listenersCopy.get(i) != listeners.get(i)) {
listChanged = true;
} else {
listChanged = true;
if (listChanged) {
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
SystemEventListener listener = listeners.get(i);
// check if listenersCopy.get(i) is valid
if (i < listenersCopy.size()) {
// so as heuristic, check first if we can find it at the same location
if (!listener.equals(listenersCopy.get(i)) && !listenersCopy.contains(listener)) {
} else {
if (!listenersCopy.contains(listener)) {
return event;
use of jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListener in project myfaces by apache.
the class UIComponent method unsubscribeFromEvent.
public void unsubscribeFromEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> eventClass, ComponentSystemEventListener componentListener) {
* When doing the comparison to determine if an existing listener is equal to the argument componentListener
* (and thus must be removed), the equals() method on the existing listener must be invoked, passing the
* argument componentListener, rather than the other way around.
* -=Simon Lessard=- What is that supposed to mean? Are we supposed to keep
* an internal map of created listener wrappers?
* -= Leonardo Uribe=- Yes, it is supposed a wrapper should be used to hold listener references, to prevent
* serialize component instances on the state.
Assert.notNull(eventClass, "eventClass");
Assert.notNull(componentListener, "componentListener");
if (_systemEventListenerClassMap != null) {
List<SystemEventListener> listeners = _systemEventListenerClassMap.get(eventClass);
if (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator<SystemEventListener> it = listeners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
ComponentSystemEventListener listener = ((_EventListenerWrapper);
if (listener != null && listener.equals(componentListener)) {
use of jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListener in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.
the class ListenerForHandler method apply.
// ----------------------------------- Methods from RuntimeAnnotationHandler
@SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" })
public void apply(FacesContext ctx, Object... params) {
Object listener;
UIComponent target;
if (params.length == 2) {
// handling @ListenerFor on a Renderer
listener = params[0];
target = (UIComponent) params[1];
} else {
// handling @ListenerFor on a UIComponent
listener = params[0];
target = (UIComponent) params[0];
if (listener instanceof ComponentSystemEventListener) {
for (int i = 0, len = listenersFor.length; i < len; i++) {
target.subscribeToEvent(listenersFor[i].systemEventClass(), (ComponentSystemEventListener) listener);
} else if (listener instanceof SystemEventListener) {
Class sourceClassValue = null;
Application app = ctx.getApplication();
for (int i = 0, len = listenersFor.length; i < len; i++) {
sourceClassValue = listenersFor[i].sourceClass();
if (sourceClassValue == Void.class) {
app.subscribeToEvent(listenersFor[i].systemEventClass(), (SystemEventListener) listener);
} else {
app.subscribeToEvent(listenersFor[i].systemEventClass(), listenersFor[i].sourceClass(), (SystemEventListener) listener);
use of jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListener in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.
the class UIComponentBase method subscribeToEvent.
* <p class="changed_added_2_1">
* Install the listener instance referenced by argument <code>componentListener</code> as a listener for events of type
* <code>eventClass</code> originating from this specific instance of <code>UIComponent</code>. The default
* implementation creates an inner {@link SystemEventListener} instance that wraps argument
* <code>componentListener</code> as the <code>listener</code> argument. This inner class must call through to the
* argument <code>componentListener</code> in its implementation of {@link SystemEventListener#processEvent} and its
* implementation of {@link SystemEventListener#isListenerForSource} must return true if the instance class of this
* <code>UIComponent</code> is assignable from the argument to <code>isListenerForSource</code>.
* </p>
* <p class="changed_modified_4_0">
* The listener instance referenced by argument <code>componentListener</code> may not already be installed as a listener for events of type
* <code>eventClass</code> originating from this specific instance of <code>UIComponent</code>. When doing the
* comparison to determine if an existing listener is equal to the argument <code>componentListener</code>,
* the <code>equals()</code> method on the <em>existing listener</em> must be invoked, passing the
* argument <code>componentListener</code>, rather than the other way around.
* </p>
* @param eventClass the <code>Class</code> of event for which <code>listener</code> must be fired.
* @param componentListener the implementation of {@link jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEventListener} whose
* {@link jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEventListener#processEvent} method must be called when events of type
* <code>facesEventClass</code> are fired.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are <code>null</code>.
* @since 2.1
public void subscribeToEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> eventClass, ComponentSystemEventListener componentListener) {
if (isAnyNull(eventClass, componentListener)) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (initialStateMarked()) {
initialState = false;
if (listenersByEventClass == null) {
listenersByEventClass = new HashMap<>(3, 1.0f);
SystemEventListener facesLifecycleListener = new ComponentSystemEventListenerAdapter(componentListener, this);
List<SystemEventListener> listenersForEventClass = listenersByEventClass.get(eventClass);
if (listenersForEventClass == null) {
listenersForEventClass = new ArrayList<>(3);
listenersByEventClass.put(eventClass, listenersForEventClass);
if (!listenersForEventClass.contains(facesLifecycleListener)) {