use of jakarta.websocket.HandshakeResponse in project tomcat by apache.
the class WsWebSocketContainer method connectToServerRecursive.
private Session connectToServerRecursive(ClientEndpointHolder clientEndpointHolder, ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfiguration, URI path, Set<URI> redirectSet) throws DeploymentException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.connect.entry", clientEndpointHolder.getClassName(), path));
boolean secure = false;
ByteBuffer proxyConnect = null;
URI proxyPath;
// Validate scheme (and build proxyPath)
String scheme = path.getScheme();
if ("ws".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
proxyPath = URI.create("http" + path.toString().substring(2));
} else if ("wss".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
proxyPath = URI.create("https" + path.toString().substring(3));
secure = true;
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.pathWrongScheme", scheme));
// Validate host
String host = path.getHost();
if (host == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.pathNoHost"));
int port = path.getPort();
SocketAddress sa = null;
// Check to see if a proxy is configured. Javadoc indicates return value
// will never be null
List<Proxy> proxies = ProxySelector.getDefault().select(proxyPath);
Proxy selectedProxy = null;
for (Proxy proxy : proxies) {
if (proxy.type().equals(Proxy.Type.HTTP)) {
sa = proxy.address();
if (sa instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
InetSocketAddress inet = (InetSocketAddress) sa;
if (inet.isUnresolved()) {
sa = new InetSocketAddress(inet.getHostName(), inet.getPort());
selectedProxy = proxy;
// scheme
if (port == -1) {
if ("ws".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
port = 80;
} else {
// Must be wss due to scheme validation above
port = 443;
// If sa is null, no proxy is configured so need to create sa
if (sa == null) {
sa = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
} else {
proxyConnect = createProxyRequest(host, port);
// Create the initial HTTP request to open the WebSocket connection
Map<String, List<String>> reqHeaders = createRequestHeaders(host, port, secure, clientEndpointConfiguration);
if (Constants.DEFAULT_ORIGIN_HEADER_VALUE != null && !reqHeaders.containsKey(Constants.ORIGIN_HEADER_NAME)) {
List<String> originValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
reqHeaders.put(Constants.ORIGIN_HEADER_NAME, originValues);
ByteBuffer request = createRequest(path, reqHeaders);
AsynchronousSocketChannel socketChannel;
try {
socketChannel =;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.asynchronousSocketChannelFail"), ioe);
Map<String, Object> userProperties = clientEndpointConfiguration.getUserProperties();
// Get the connection timeout
long timeout = Constants.IO_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT;
String timeoutValue = (String) userProperties.get(Constants.IO_TIMEOUT_MS_PROPERTY);
if (timeoutValue != null) {
timeout = Long.valueOf(timeoutValue).intValue();
// Set-up
// Same size as the WsFrame input buffer
ByteBuffer response = ByteBuffer.allocate(getDefaultMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize());
String subProtocol;
boolean success = false;
List<Extension> extensionsAgreed = new ArrayList<>();
Transformation transformation = null;
AsyncChannelWrapper channel = null;
try {
// Open the connection
Future<Void> fConnect = socketChannel.connect(sa);
if (proxyConnect != null) {
fConnect.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Proxy CONNECT is clear text
channel = new AsyncChannelWrapperNonSecure(socketChannel);
writeRequest(channel, proxyConnect, timeout);
HttpResponse httpResponse = processResponse(response, channel, timeout);
if (httpResponse.getStatus() != 200) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.proxyConnectFail", selectedProxy, Integer.toString(httpResponse.getStatus())));
if (secure) {
// Regardless of whether a non-secure wrapper was created for a
// proxy CONNECT, need to use TLS from this point on so wrap the
// original AsynchronousSocketChannel
SSLEngine sslEngine = createSSLEngine(clientEndpointConfiguration, host, port);
channel = new AsyncChannelWrapperSecure(socketChannel, sslEngine);
} else if (channel == null) {
// Only need to wrap as this point if it wasn't wrapped to process a
// proxy CONNECT
channel = new AsyncChannelWrapperNonSecure(socketChannel);
fConnect.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Future<Void> fHandshake = channel.handshake();
fHandshake.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
SocketAddress localAddress = null;
try {
localAddress = channel.getLocalAddress();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Ignore
log.debug(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.connect.write", Integer.valueOf(request.position()), Integer.valueOf(request.limit()), localAddress));
writeRequest(channel, request, timeout);
HttpResponse httpResponse = processResponse(response, channel, timeout);
// Check maximum permitted redirects
int maxRedirects = Constants.MAX_REDIRECTIONS_DEFAULT;
String maxRedirectsValue = (String) userProperties.get(Constants.MAX_REDIRECTIONS_PROPERTY);
if (maxRedirectsValue != null) {
maxRedirects = Integer.parseInt(maxRedirectsValue);
if (httpResponse.status != 101) {
if (isRedirectStatus(httpResponse.status)) {
List<String> locationHeader = httpResponse.getHandshakeResponse().getHeaders().get(Constants.LOCATION_HEADER_NAME);
if (locationHeader == null || locationHeader.isEmpty() || locationHeader.get(0) == null || locationHeader.get(0).isEmpty()) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.missingLocationHeader", Integer.toString(httpResponse.status)));
URI redirectLocation = URI.create(locationHeader.get(0)).normalize();
if (!redirectLocation.isAbsolute()) {
redirectLocation = path.resolve(redirectLocation);
String redirectScheme = redirectLocation.getScheme().toLowerCase();
if (redirectScheme.startsWith("http")) {
redirectLocation = new URI(redirectScheme.replace("http", "ws"), redirectLocation.getUserInfo(), redirectLocation.getHost(), redirectLocation.getPort(), redirectLocation.getPath(), redirectLocation.getQuery(), redirectLocation.getFragment());
if (!redirectSet.add(redirectLocation) || redirectSet.size() > maxRedirects) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.redirectThreshold", redirectLocation, Integer.toString(redirectSet.size()), Integer.toString(maxRedirects)));
return connectToServerRecursive(clientEndpointHolder, clientEndpointConfiguration, redirectLocation, redirectSet);
} else if (httpResponse.status == 401) {
if (userProperties.get(Constants.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME) != null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.failedAuthentication", Integer.valueOf(httpResponse.status)));
List<String> wwwAuthenticateHeaders = httpResponse.getHandshakeResponse().getHeaders().get(Constants.WWW_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER_NAME);
if (wwwAuthenticateHeaders == null || wwwAuthenticateHeaders.isEmpty() || wwwAuthenticateHeaders.get(0) == null || wwwAuthenticateHeaders.get(0).isEmpty()) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.missingWWWAuthenticateHeader", Integer.toString(httpResponse.status)));
String authScheme = wwwAuthenticateHeaders.get(0).split("\\s+", 2)[0];
String requestUri = new String(request.array(), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).split("\\s", 3)[1];
Authenticator auth = AuthenticatorFactory.getAuthenticator(authScheme);
if (auth == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.unsupportedAuthScheme", Integer.valueOf(httpResponse.status), authScheme));
userProperties.put(Constants.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, auth.getAuthorization(requestUri, wwwAuthenticateHeaders.get(0), userProperties));
return connectToServerRecursive(clientEndpointHolder, clientEndpointConfiguration, path, redirectSet);
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidStatus", Integer.toString(httpResponse.status)));
HandshakeResponse handshakeResponse = httpResponse.getHandshakeResponse();
// Sub-protocol
List<String> protocolHeaders = handshakeResponse.getHeaders().get(Constants.WS_PROTOCOL_HEADER_NAME);
if (protocolHeaders == null || protocolHeaders.size() == 0) {
subProtocol = null;
} else if (protocolHeaders.size() == 1) {
subProtocol = protocolHeaders.get(0);
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidSubProtocol"));
// Extensions
// Should normally only be one header but handle the case of
// multiple headers
List<String> extHeaders = handshakeResponse.getHeaders().get(Constants.WS_EXTENSIONS_HEADER_NAME);
if (extHeaders != null) {
for (String extHeader : extHeaders) {
Util.parseExtensionHeader(extensionsAgreed, extHeader);
// Build the transformations
TransformationFactory factory = TransformationFactory.getInstance();
for (Extension extension : extensionsAgreed) {
List<List<Extension.Parameter>> wrapper = new ArrayList<>(1);
Transformation t = factory.create(extension.getName(), wrapper, false);
if (t == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidExtensionParameters"));
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = t;
} else {
success = true;
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | SSLException | EOFException | TimeoutException | URISyntaxException | AuthenticationException e) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.httpRequestFailed", path), e);
} finally {
if (!success) {
if (channel != null) {
} else {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Ignore
// Switch to WebSocket
WsRemoteEndpointImplClient wsRemoteEndpointClient = new WsRemoteEndpointImplClient(channel);
WsSession wsSession = new WsSession(clientEndpointHolder, wsRemoteEndpointClient, this, extensionsAgreed, subProtocol, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), secure, clientEndpointConfiguration);
WsFrameClient wsFrameClient = new WsFrameClient(response, channel, wsSession, transformation);
// WsFrame adds the necessary final transformations. Copy the
// completed transformation chain to the remote end point.
wsSession.getLocal().onOpen(wsSession, clientEndpointConfiguration);
registerSession(wsSession.getLocal(), wsSession);
/* It is possible that the server sent one or more messages as soon as
* the WebSocket connection was established. Depending on the exact
* timing of when those messages were sent they could be sat in the
* input buffer waiting to be read and will not trigger a "data
* available to read" event. Therefore, it is necessary to process the
* input buffer here. Note that this happens on the current thread which
* means that this thread will be used for any onMessage notifications.
* This is a special case. Subsequent "data available to read" events
* will be handled by threads from the AsyncChannelGroup's executor.
return wsSession;