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Example 1 with SOAPMessage

use of jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SendServiceImpl method send.

// public String authenticate (String user, String password) throws JMSException {
// return cache.authenticate(user, password);
// }
// public void authenticateUUID (String clientId) throws JMSException {
// cache.authenticateUUID (clientId);
// }
public void send(SOAPMessage sm) throws JMSException {
    Client client = null;
    Message message = null;
    try {
         * String clientId = MessageUtil.getServiceClientId(sm);
         * if (clientId == null) { user = MessageUtil.getServiceAttribute(sm, Constants.USER); pass =
         * MessageUtil.getServiceAttribute(sm, Constants.PASSWORD); }
         * client = cache.getClient(clientId, user, pass);
        client = cache.getClient(sm);
        // Object syncObj = lock.getLock(client.getId());
        Object syncObj = client.getLock();
        if (UMSServiceImpl.debug) {
  "*** SendServiceImpl sending message: " + sm);
        synchronized (syncObj) {
            // client = cache.getClient(clientId);
            Session session = client.getSession();
            String destName = MessageUtil.getServiceDestinationName(sm);
            boolean isTopic = MessageUtil.isServiceTopicDomain(sm);
            Destination dest = cache.getJMSDestination(destName, isTopic);
            // XXX remove message header element
            if (UMSServiceImpl.debug) {
      "*** SendServiceImpl sending message: " + sm);
            // sm.writeTo(System.out);
            message = MessageTransformer.SOAPMessageIntoJMSMessage(sm, session);
            MessageProducer producer = client.getProducer();
            producer.send(dest, message);
        if (UMSServiceImpl.debug) {
  "*** SendServiceImpl sent message: " + message);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (ex instanceof JMSException) {
            throw (JMSException) ex;
        } else {
            JMSException jmse = new JMSException(ex.getMessage());
            throw jmse;
    } finally {
Also used : Destination(jakarta.jms.Destination) Message(jakarta.jms.Message) SimpleMessage(com.sun.messaging.ums.simple.SimpleMessage) SOAPMessage(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) JMSException(jakarta.jms.JMSException) MessageProducer(jakarta.jms.MessageProducer) JMSException(jakarta.jms.JMSException) SOAPException(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException) Session(jakarta.jms.Session)

Example 2 with SOAPMessage

use of jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MessageUtil method newMessageInstance.

public static SOAPMessage newMessageInstance() throws SOAPException {
    SOAPMessage soapm = null;
     * sync create new instance to make sure to work in ALL SAAJ impl.
    synchronized (syncObj) {
        soapm = messageFactory.createMessage();
    SOAPHeader sh = soapm.getSOAPHeader();
    SOAPHeaderElement she = addJMSNsSOAPHeaderElement(sh, Constants.MESSAGE_HEADER);
    return soapm;
Also used : SOAPHeaderElement(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement) SOAPMessage(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) SOAPHeader(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPHeader)

Example 3 with SOAPMessage

use of jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class UMSService method onMessage.

 * MQ SOAP Service implements this interafce.
 * <p>
 * The request handler chain is processed in sequence before calling the service() method.
 * <p>
 * The respond handler chain is processed in sequence after calling the service() method.
public SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message) {
    SOAPMessage reply = null;
    logger.fine("MQSOAPService received message.");
    try {
        UMSMessageContext context = new UMSMessageContext();
        logger.fine("created msg context: " + context);
        logger.fine("*** processing request chain ...");
        processHandlerChain(this.reqChain, context);
         * To be over ridden by subclass.
        // context.setResponseMessage(reply);
        logger.fine("*** processing response chain ...");
        processHandlerChain(this.respChain, context);
        reply = context.getResponseMessage();
    } catch (MessageHandlerException mhe) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, mhe.getMessage(), mhe);
         * if there is a soap fault message in the exception, use it. Otherwise, construct one and set error code and string to
         * *Client* and *Client Error*.
        reply = mhe.getSOAPFaultMessage();
        if (reply == null) {
            reply = createSOAPFaultMessage(mhe, "Client", "Client Error");
    } catch (Throwable throwe) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, throwe.getMessage(), throwe);
         * For the reset of the exception, assume it is the server unable to process the message. This implies that soap header
         * processing SHOULD be handled in the Message Handler. Validation of the SOAP headers SHOULD throw
         * MessageHandlerException if unable to process the message.
        reply = createSOAPFaultMessage(throwe, "Server", "Server Error");
    return reply;
Also used : SOAPMessage(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage)

Example 4 with SOAPMessage

use of jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage in project spring-integration by spring-projects.

the class DefaultSoapHeaderMapperTests method testDoNotOverriderSoapAction.

public void testDoNotOverriderSoapAction() throws Exception {
    MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = new MimeHeaders();
    String testSoapAction = "fooAction";
    mimeHeaders.setHeader(TransportConstants.HEADER_SOAP_ACTION, testSoapAction);
    String soap = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\"></soapenv:Envelope>";
    SOAPMessage message = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage(mimeHeaders, new ByteArrayInputStream(soap.getBytes()));
    SaajSoapMessage soapMessage = new SaajSoapMessage(message);
    DefaultSoapHeaderMapper headerMapper = new DefaultSoapHeaderMapper();
    headerMapper.fromHeadersToRequest(new MessageHeaders(null), soapMessage);
Also used : MimeHeaders(jakarta.xml.soap.MimeHeaders) SaajSoapMessage( ByteArrayInputStream( MessageHeaders(org.springframework.messaging.MessageHeaders) SOAPMessage(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with SOAPMessage

use of jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage in project spring-integration by spring-projects.

the class DefaultSoapHeaderMapperTests method testRealSoapHeader.

public void testRealSoapHeader() throws Exception {
    String soap = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\">" + "<soapenv:Header>" + "<auth>" + "<username>user</username>" + "<password>pass</password>" + "</auth>" + "<bar>BAR</bar>" + "<baz>BAZ</baz>" + "<qux>qux</qux>" + "</soapenv:Header>" + "<soapenv:Body>" + "<foo>foo</foo>" + "</soapenv:Body>" + "</soapenv:Envelope>";
    SOAPMessage message = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage(new MimeHeaders(), new ByteArrayInputStream(soap.getBytes("UTF-8")));
    SoapMessage soapMessage = new SaajSoapMessage(message);
    DefaultSoapHeaderMapper mapper = new DefaultSoapHeaderMapper();
    String authHeader = "auth";
    mapper.setRequestHeaderNames(authHeader, "ba*");
    Map<String, Object> headers = mapper.toHeadersFromRequest(soapMessage);
    SoapHeaderElement header = (SoapHeaderElement) headers.get(authHeader);
    DOMSource source = (DOMSource) header.getSource();
    NodeList nodeList = source.getNode().getChildNodes();
    header = (SoapHeaderElement) headers.get("bar");
    source = (DOMSource) header.getSource();
    nodeList = source.getNode().getChildNodes();
    header = (SoapHeaderElement) headers.get("baz");
    source = (DOMSource) header.getSource();
    nodeList = source.getNode().getChildNodes();
Also used : MimeHeaders(jakarta.xml.soap.MimeHeaders) SaajSoapMessage( DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) SoapHeaderElement( ByteArrayInputStream( NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) SOAPMessage(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) SoapMessage( SaajSoapMessage( Test(org.junit.Test)


SOAPMessage (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage)181 MessageFactory (jakarta.xml.soap.MessageFactory)66 ByteArrayInputStream ( SOAPBody (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPBody)37 SOAPException (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException)36 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)31 MimeHeaders (jakarta.xml.soap.MimeHeaders)27 Source (javax.xml.transform.Source)25 StreamSource ( WebServiceException ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( SAAJMessage ( Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)18 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)18 Packet ( Message ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)14 SOAPElement (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPElement)12 AttachmentPart (jakarta.xml.soap.AttachmentPart)11 Dispatch (