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Example 6 with Dimension2D

use of java.awt.geom.Dimension2D in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class CImage method toImage.

/** @return A MultiResolution image created from nsImagePtr, or null. */
private Image toImage() {
    if (ptr == 0)
        return null;
    Dimension2D size = nativeGetNSImageSize(ptr);
    final int baseWidth = (int) size.getWidth();
    final int baseHeight = (int) size.getHeight();
    Dimension2D[] sizes = nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes(ptr, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());
    // Check if a single represenation has a bigger size and in that case use it as the dest size.
    if (sizes != null && sizes.length == 1 && (sizes[0].getWidth() > baseWidth && sizes[0].getHeight() > baseHeight)) {
        size = sizes[0];
    final int dstWidth = (int) size.getWidth();
    final int dstHeight = (int) size.getHeight();
    return sizes == null || sizes.length < 2 ? new MultiResolutionCachedImage(baseWidth, baseHeight, (width, height) -> toImage(dstWidth, dstHeight)) : new MultiResolutionCachedImage(baseWidth, baseHeight, sizes, (width, height) -> toImage(width, height));
Also used : java.awt(java.awt) MultiResolutionCachedImage(sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionCachedImage) java.awt.image(java.awt.image) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) List(java.util.List) Dimension2D(java.awt.geom.Dimension2D) MultiResolutionImage(java.awt.image.MultiResolutionImage) SunWritableRaster(sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster) Dimension2D(java.awt.geom.Dimension2D) MultiResolutionCachedImage(sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionCachedImage)

Example 7 with Dimension2D

use of java.awt.geom.Dimension2D in project netbeans-mmd-plugin by raydac.

the class MindMapPanel method calculateSizeOfMapInPixels.

public static Dimension2D calculateSizeOfMapInPixels(@Nonnull final MindMap model, @Nullable final Graphics2D graphicsContext, @Nonnull final MindMapPanelConfig cfg, final boolean expandAll, @Nonnull final RenderQuality quality) {
    final MindMap workMap = new MindMap(model, null);
    Graphics2D g = graphicsContext;
    if (g == null) {
        BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(32, 32, cfg.isDrawBackground() ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        g = img.createGraphics();
    final MMGraphics gfx = new MMGraphics2DWrapper(g);
    Dimension2D blockSize = null;
    try {
        if (calculateElementSizes(gfx, workMap, cfg)) {
            if (expandAll) {
                final AbstractElement root = assertNotNull((AbstractElement) assertNotNull(workMap.getRoot()).getPayload());
                calculateElementSizes(gfx, workMap, cfg);
            blockSize = assertNotNull(layoutModelElements(workMap, cfg));
            final double paperMargin = cfg.getPaperMargins() * cfg.getScale();
            blockSize.setSize(blockSize.getWidth() + paperMargin * 2, blockSize.getHeight() + paperMargin * 2);
    } finally {
    return blockSize;
Also used : MMGraphics2DWrapper(com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.ui.gfx.MMGraphics2DWrapper) Dimension2D(java.awt.geom.Dimension2D) MMGraphics(com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.ui.gfx.MMGraphics) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 8 with Dimension2D

use of java.awt.geom.Dimension2D in project netbeans-mmd-plugin by raydac.

the class AbstractCollapsableElement method alignElementAndChildren.

public void alignElementAndChildren(@Nonnull final MindMapPanelConfig cfg, final boolean leftSide, final double leftX, final double topY) {
    super.alignElementAndChildren(cfg, leftSide, leftX, topY);
    final double horzInset = cfg.getOtherLevelHorizontalInset() * cfg.getScale();
    double childrenX;
    final double COLLAPSATORSIZE = cfg.getCollapsatorSize() * cfg.getScale();
    final double COLLAPSATORDISTANCE = cfg.getCollapsatorSize() * 0.1d * cfg.getScale();
    final double collapsatorX;
    if (leftSide) {
        childrenX = leftX + this.blockSize.getWidth() - this.bounds.getWidth();
        this.moveTo(childrenX, topY + (this.blockSize.getHeight() - this.bounds.getHeight()) / 2);
        childrenX -= horzInset;
    } else {
        childrenX = leftX;
        this.moveTo(childrenX, topY + (this.blockSize.getHeight() - this.bounds.getHeight()) / 2);
        childrenX += this.bounds.getWidth() + horzInset;
        collapsatorX = this.bounds.getWidth() + COLLAPSATORDISTANCE;
    this.collapsatorZone.setRect(collapsatorX, (this.bounds.getHeight() - COLLAPSATORSIZE) / 2, COLLAPSATORSIZE, COLLAPSATORSIZE);
    if (!this.isCollapsed()) {
        final double vertInset = cfg.getOtherLevelVerticalInset() * cfg.getScale();
        final Dimension2D childBlockSize = calcBlockSize(cfg, null, true);
        double currentY = topY + (this.blockSize.getHeight() - childBlockSize.getHeight()) / 2.0d;
        boolean notFirstChild = false;
        for (final Topic t : this.model.getChildren()) {
            if (notFirstChild) {
                currentY += vertInset;
            } else {
                notFirstChild = true;
            final AbstractElement w = (AbstractElement) assertNotNull(t.getPayload());
            w.alignElementAndChildren(cfg, leftSide, leftSide ? childrenX - w.getBlockSize().getWidth() : childrenX, currentY);
            currentY += w.getBlockSize().getHeight();
Also used : Dimension2D(java.awt.geom.Dimension2D) Topic(com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.Topic)

Example 9 with Dimension2D

use of java.awt.geom.Dimension2D in project netbeans-mmd-plugin by raydac.

the class AbstractCollapsableElement method calcBlockSize.

public Dimension2D calcBlockSize(@Nonnull final MindMapPanelConfig cfg, @Nullable final Dimension2D size, final boolean childrenOnly) {
    final Dimension2D result = size == null ? new Dimension() : size;
    final double scaledVInset = cfg.getScale() * cfg.getOtherLevelVerticalInset();
    final double scaledHInset = cfg.getScale() * cfg.getOtherLevelHorizontalInset();
    double width = childrenOnly ? 0.0d : this.bounds.getWidth();
    double height = childrenOnly ? 0.0d : this.bounds.getHeight();
    if (this.hasChildren()) {
        if (!this.isCollapsed()) {
            width += childrenOnly ? 0.0d : scaledHInset;
            final double baseWidth = childrenOnly ? 0.0d : width;
            double childrenHeight = 0.0d;
            boolean notFirstChiild = false;
            for (final Topic t : this.model.getChildren()) {
                if (notFirstChiild) {
                    childrenHeight += scaledVInset;
                } else {
                    notFirstChiild = true;
                ((AbstractElement) assertNotNull(t.getPayload())).calcBlockSize(cfg, result, false);
                width = Math.max(baseWidth + result.getWidth(), width);
                childrenHeight += result.getHeight();
            height = Math.max(height, childrenHeight);
        } else if (!childrenOnly) {
            width += cfg.getCollapsatorSize() * cfg.getScale();
    result.setSize(width, height);
    return result;
Also used : Dimension2D(java.awt.geom.Dimension2D) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Topic(com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.Topic) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 10 with Dimension2D

use of java.awt.geom.Dimension2D in project netbeans-mmd-plugin by raydac.

the class MindMapPanel method layoutFullDiagramWithCenteringToPaper.

public static Dimension layoutFullDiagramWithCenteringToPaper(@Nonnull final MMGraphics gfx, @Nonnull final MindMap map, @Nonnull final MindMapPanelConfig cfg, @Nonnull final Dimension2D paperSize) {
    Dimension resultSize = null;
    if (calculateElementSizes(gfx, map, cfg)) {
        Dimension2D rootBlockSize = layoutModelElements(map, cfg);
        final double paperMargin = cfg.getPaperMargins() * cfg.getScale();
        if (rootBlockSize != null) {
            final ElementRoot rootElement = assertNotNull((ElementRoot) assertNotNull(map.getRoot()).getPayload());
            double rootOffsetXInBlock = rootElement.getLeftBlockSize().getWidth();
            double rootOffsetYInBlock = (rootBlockSize.getHeight() - rootElement.getBounds().getHeight()) / 2;
            rootOffsetXInBlock += (paperSize.getWidth() - rootBlockSize.getWidth()) <= paperMargin ? paperMargin : (paperSize.getWidth() - rootBlockSize.getWidth()) / 2;
            rootOffsetYInBlock += (paperSize.getHeight() - rootBlockSize.getHeight()) <= paperMargin ? paperMargin : (paperSize.getHeight() - rootBlockSize.getHeight()) / 2;
            moveDiagram(map, rootOffsetXInBlock, rootOffsetYInBlock);
            resultSize = new Dimension((int) Math.round(rootBlockSize.getWidth() + paperMargin * 2), (int) Math.round(rootBlockSize.getHeight() + paperMargin * 2));
    return resultSize;
Also used : Dimension2D(java.awt.geom.Dimension2D) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


Dimension2D (java.awt.geom.Dimension2D)13 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)4 Topic (com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.Topic)3 MMGraphics (com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.ui.gfx.MMGraphics)2 MMGraphics2DWrapper (com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.ui.gfx.MMGraphics2DWrapper)2 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)2 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)2 ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)2 CsvSource (org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource)2 java.awt (java.awt)1 AffineTransform (java.awt.geom.AffineTransform)1 java.awt.image (java.awt.image)1 MultiResolutionImage (java.awt.image.MultiResolutionImage)1 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)1 List (java.util.List)1 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)1 MultiResolutionCachedImage (sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionCachedImage)1 SunWritableRaster (sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster)1