use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFsDatasetImpl method getDfsUsedValueOfNewVolume.
private long getDfsUsedValueOfNewVolume(long cacheDfsUsed, long waitIntervalTime) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
List<NamespaceInfo> nsInfos = Lists.newArrayList();
nsInfos.add(new NamespaceInfo(0, CLUSTER_ID, BLOCK_POOL_IDS[0], 1));
String CURRENT_DIR = "current";
String DU_CACHE_FILE = BlockPoolSlice.DU_CACHE_FILE;
String path = BASE_DIR + "/newData0";
String pathUri = new Path(path).toUri().toString();
StorageLocation loc = StorageLocation.parse(pathUri);
Storage.StorageDirectory sd = createStorageDirectory(new File(path));
DataStorage.VolumeBuilder builder = new DataStorage.VolumeBuilder(storage, sd);
when(storage.prepareVolume(eq(datanode), eq(loc), anyListOf(NamespaceInfo.class))).thenReturn(builder);
String cacheFilePath = String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", path, CURRENT_DIR, BLOCK_POOL_IDS[0], CURRENT_DIR, DU_CACHE_FILE);
File outFile = new File(cacheFilePath);
if (!outFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
if (outFile.exists()) {
FakeTimer timer = new FakeTimer();
try {
try (Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
// Write the dfsUsed value and the time to cache file
out.write(Long.toString(cacheDfsUsed) + " " + Long.toString(;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
dataset.addVolume(loc, nsInfos);
// Get the last volume which was just added before
FsVolumeImpl newVolume;
try (FsDatasetSpi.FsVolumeReferences volumes = dataset.getFsVolumeReferences()) {
newVolume = (FsVolumeImpl) volumes.get(volumes.size() - 1);
long dfsUsed = newVolume.getDfsUsed();
return dfsUsed;
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class KMSJSONWriter method writeTo.
public void writeTo(Object obj, Class<?> aClass, Type type, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> stringObjectMultivaluedMap, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
jsonMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValue(writer, obj);
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHttpFSServer method createHttpFSServer.
private void createHttpFSServer(boolean addDelegationTokenAuthHandler) throws Exception {
File homeDir = TestDirHelper.getTestDir();
Assert.assertTrue(new File(homeDir, "conf").mkdir());
Assert.assertTrue(new File(homeDir, "log").mkdir());
Assert.assertTrue(new File(homeDir, "temp").mkdir());
File secretFile = new File(new File(homeDir, "conf"), "secret");
Writer w = new FileWriter(secretFile);
//HDFS configuration
File hadoopConfDir = new File(new File(homeDir, "conf"), "hadoop-conf");
Configuration hdfsConf = TestHdfsHelper.getHdfsConf();
// Http Server's conf should be based on HDFS's conf
Configuration conf = new Configuration(hdfsConf);
conf.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_ACLS_ENABLED_KEY, true);
conf.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_XATTRS_ENABLED_KEY, true);
File hdfsSite = new File(hadoopConfDir, "hdfs-site.xml");
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(hdfsSite);
//HTTPFS configuration
conf = new Configuration(false);
if (addDelegationTokenAuthHandler) {
conf.set("httpfs.authentication.type", HttpFSKerberosAuthenticationHandlerForTesting.class.getName());
conf.set("", MockGroups.class.getName());
conf.set("", HadoopUsersConfTestHelper.getHadoopUserGroups(HadoopUsersConfTestHelper.getHadoopUsers()[0])[0]);
conf.set("httpfs.proxyuser." + HadoopUsersConfTestHelper.getHadoopProxyUser() + ".groups", HadoopUsersConfTestHelper.getHadoopProxyUserGroups());
conf.set("httpfs.proxyuser." + HadoopUsersConfTestHelper.getHadoopProxyUser() + ".hosts", HadoopUsersConfTestHelper.getHadoopProxyUserHosts());
conf.set("httpfs.authentication.signature.secret.file", secretFile.getAbsolutePath());
conf.set("httpfs.hadoop.config.dir", hadoopConfDir.toString());
File httpfsSite = new File(new File(homeDir, "conf"), "httpfs-site.xml");
os = new FileOutputStream(httpfsSite);
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
URL url = cl.getResource("webapp");
WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext(url.getPath(), "/webhdfs");
Server server = TestJettyHelper.getJettyServer();
if (addDelegationTokenAuthHandler) {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFsck method testFsckFileNotFound.
/** Test fsck with FileNotFound. */
public void testFsckFileNotFound() throws Exception {
// Number of replicas to actually start
final short numReplicas = 1;
NameNode namenode = mock(NameNode.class);
NetworkTopology nettop = mock(NetworkTopology.class);
Map<String, String[]> pmap = new HashMap<>();
Writer result = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(result, true);
InetAddress remoteAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
FSNamesystem fsName = mock(FSNamesystem.class);
FSDirectory fsd = mock(FSDirectory.class);
BlockManager blockManager = mock(BlockManager.class);
DatanodeManager dnManager = mock(DatanodeManager.class);
INodesInPath iip = mock(INodesInPath.class);
when(fsd.resolvePath(anyObject(), anyString(), any(DirOp.class))).thenReturn(iip);
NamenodeFsck fsck = new NamenodeFsck(conf, namenode, nettop, pmap, out, numReplicas, remoteAddress);
String pathString = "/tmp/testFile";
long length = 123L;
boolean isDir = false;
int blockReplication = 1;
long blockSize = 128 * 1024L;
long modTime = 123123123L;
long accessTime = 123123120L;
FsPermission perms = FsPermission.getDefault();
String owner = "foo";
String group = "bar";
byte[] symlink = null;
byte[] path = DFSUtil.string2Bytes(pathString);
long fileId = 312321L;
int numChildren = 1;
byte storagePolicy = 0;
HdfsFileStatus file = new HdfsFileStatus(length, isDir, blockReplication, blockSize, modTime, accessTime, perms, owner, group, symlink, path, fileId, numChildren, null, storagePolicy, null);
Result replRes = new ReplicationResult(conf);
Result ecRes = new ErasureCodingResult(conf);
try {
fsck.check(pathString, file, replRes, ecRes);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Unexpected exception " + e.getMessage());
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFsck method testFsckMissingReplicas.
* Tests that the # of missing block replicas and expected replicas is
* correct.
* @throws IOException
public void testFsckMissingReplicas() throws IOException {
// Desired replication factor
// Set this higher than numReplicas so it's under-replicated
final short replFactor = 2;
// Number of replicas to actually start
final short numReplicas = 1;
// Number of blocks to write
final short numBlocks = 3;
// Set a small-ish blocksize
final long blockSize = 512;
conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, blockSize);
DistributedFileSystem dfs = null;
// Startup a minicluster
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numReplicas).build();
assertNotNull("Failed Cluster Creation", cluster);
dfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
assertNotNull("Failed to get FileSystem", dfs);
// Create a file that will be intentionally under-replicated
final String pathString = new String("/testfile");
final Path path = new Path(pathString);
long fileLen = blockSize * numBlocks;
DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, path, fileLen, replFactor, 1);
// Create an under-replicated file
NameNode namenode = cluster.getNameNode();
NetworkTopology nettop = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getNetworkTopology();
Map<String, String[]> pmap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
Writer result = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(result, true);
InetAddress remoteAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
NamenodeFsck fsck = new NamenodeFsck(conf, namenode, nettop, pmap, out, numReplicas, remoteAddress);
// Run the fsck and check the Result
final HdfsFileStatus file = namenode.getRpcServer().getFileInfo(pathString);
Result replRes = new ReplicationResult(conf);
Result ecRes = new ErasureCodingResult(conf);
fsck.check(pathString, file, replRes, ecRes);
// Also print the output from the fsck, for ex post facto sanity checks
assertEquals(replRes.missingReplicas, (numBlocks * replFactor) - (numBlocks * numReplicas));
assertEquals(replRes.numExpectedReplicas, numBlocks * replFactor);