use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSRMStateStore method testFSRMStateStore.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testFSRMStateStore() throws Exception {
HdfsConfiguration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(1).build();
try {
fsTester = new TestFSRMStateStoreTester(cluster, false);
// If the state store is FileSystemRMStateStore then add corrupted entry.
// It should discard the entry and remove it from file system.
FSDataOutputStream fsOut = null;
FileSystemRMStateStore fileSystemRMStateStore = (FileSystemRMStateStore) fsTester.getRMStateStore();
String appAttemptIdStr3 = "appattempt_1352994193343_0001_000003";
ApplicationAttemptId attemptId3 = ApplicationAttemptId.fromString(appAttemptIdStr3);
Path appDir =;
Path tempAppAttemptFile = new Path(appDir, attemptId3.toString() + ".tmp");
fsOut = fileSystemRMStateStore.fs.create(tempAppAttemptFile, false);
fsOut.write("Some random data ".getBytes());
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSRMStateStore method testHDFSRMStateStore.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testHDFSRMStateStore() throws Exception {
final HdfsConfiguration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
UserGroupInformation yarnAdmin = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("yarn", new String[] { "admin" });
final MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(1).build();
cluster.getFileSystem().mkdir(new Path("/yarn"), FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwxrwx"));
cluster.getFileSystem().setOwner(new Path("/yarn"), "yarn", "admin");
final UserGroupInformation hdfsAdmin = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
final StoreStateVerifier verifier = new StoreStateVerifier() {
void afterStoreApp(final RMStateStore store, final ApplicationId appId) {
try {
// Wait for things to settle
hdfsAdmin.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
verifyFilesUnreadablebyHDFS(cluster, ((FileSystemRMStateStore) store).getAppDir(appId));
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
void afterStoreAppAttempt(final RMStateStore store, final ApplicationAttemptId appAttId) {
try {
// Wait for things to settle
hdfsAdmin.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
verifyFilesUnreadablebyHDFS(cluster, ((FileSystemRMStateStore) store).getAppAttemptDir(appAttId));
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
yarnAdmin.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
fsTester = new TestFSRMStateStoreTester(cluster, true);
testRMAppStateStore(fsTester, verifier);
return null;
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCombineFileInputFormat method testSplitPlacement.
* The test suppresses unchecked warnings in
* {@link org.mockito.Mockito#reset}. Although calling the method is
* a bad manner, we call the method instead of splitting the test
* (i.e. restarting MiniDFSCluster) to save time.
public void testSplitPlacement() throws Exception {
MiniDFSCluster dfs = null;
FileSystem fileSys = null;
try {
/* Start 3 datanodes, one each in rack r1, r2, r3. Create five files
* 1) file1 and file5, just after starting the datanode on r1, with
* a repl factor of 1, and,
* 2) file2, just after starting the datanode on r2, with
* a repl factor of 2, and,
* 3) file3, file4 after starting the all three datanodes, with a repl
* factor of 3.
* At the end, file1, file5 will be present on only datanode1, file2 will
* be present on datanode 1 and datanode2 and
* file3, file4 will be present on all datanodes.
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setBoolean("dfs.replication.considerLoad", false);
dfs = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).racks(rack1).hosts(hosts1).build();
fileSys = dfs.getFileSystem();
if (!fileSys.mkdirs(inDir)) {
throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + inDir.toString());
Path file1 = new Path(dir1 + "/file1");
writeFile(conf, file1, (short) 1, 1);
// create another file on the same datanode
Path file5 = new Path(dir5 + "/file5");
writeFile(conf, file5, (short) 1, 1);
// split it using a CombinedFile input format
DummyInputFormat inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir5);
List<InputSplit> splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
System.out.println("Made splits(Test0): " + splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test0): " + split);
assertEquals(1, splits.size());
CombineFileSplit fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) splits.get(0);
assertEquals(2, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file1.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(file5.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(1).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(1));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(1));
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
dfs.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, rack2, hosts2, null);
// create file on two datanodes.
Path file2 = new Path(dir2 + "/file2");
writeFile(conf, file2, (short) 2, 2);
// split it using a CombinedFile input format
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
System.out.println("Made splits(Test1): " + splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test1): " + split);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
* If rack1 is processed first by
* {@link CombineFileInputFormat#createSplits},
* create only one split on rack1. Otherwise create two splits.
if (splits.size() == 2) {
// first split is on rack2, contains file2
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
assertEquals(2, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file2.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(file2.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(1).getName());
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getOffset(1));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(1));
assertEquals(hosts2[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
// second split is on rack1, contains file1
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file1.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else if (splits.size() == 1) {
// first split is on rack1, contains file1 and file2.
assertEquals(3, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
Set<Split> expected = new HashSet<>();
expected.add(new Split(file1.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
List<Split> actual = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else {
fail("Expected split size is 1 or 2, but actual size is " + splits.size());
// create another file on 3 datanodes and 3 racks.
dfs.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, rack3, hosts3, null);
Path file3 = new Path(dir3 + "/file3");
writeFile(conf, new Path(dir3 + "/file3"), (short) 3, 3);
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2 + "," + dir3);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test2): " + split);
Set<Split> expected = new HashSet<>();
expected.add(new Split(file1.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE * 2));
List<Split> actual = new ArrayList<>();
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
* If rack1 is processed first by
* {@link CombineFileInputFormat#createSplits},
* create only one split on rack1.
* If rack2 or rack3 is processed first and rack1 is processed second,
* create one split on rack2 or rack3 and the other split is on rack1.
* Otherwise create 3 splits for each rack.
if (splits.size() == 3) {
// first split is on rack3, contains file3
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
assertEquals(3, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file3.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(file3.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(1).getName());
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getOffset(1));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(1));
assertEquals(file3.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(2).getName());
assertEquals(2 * BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getOffset(2));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(2));
assertEquals(hosts3[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
// second split is on rack2, contains file2
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
assertEquals(2, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file2.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(file2.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(1).getName());
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getOffset(1));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(1));
assertEquals(hosts2[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
// third split is on rack1, contains file1
if (split.equals(splits.get(2))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file1.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else if (splits.size() == 2) {
// first split is on rack2 or rack3, contains one or two files.
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
if (fileSplit.getLocations()[0].equals(hosts2[0])) {
assertEquals(2, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
} else if (fileSplit.getLocations()[0].equals(hosts3[0])) {
assertEquals(3, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
} else {
fail("First split should be on rack2 or rack3.");
// second split is on rack1, contains the rest files.
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else if (splits.size() == 1) {
// first split is rack1, contains all three files.
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(6, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else {
fail("Split size should be 1, 2, or 3.");
for (int i = 0; i < fileSplit.getNumPaths(); i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(6, actual.size());
// create file4 on all three racks
Path file4 = new Path(dir4 + "/file4");
writeFile(conf, file4, (short) 3, 3);
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2 + "," + dir3 + "," + dir4);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test3): " + split);
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE * 2));
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
* If rack1 is processed first by
* {@link CombineFileInputFormat#createSplits},
* create only one split on rack1.
* If rack2 or rack3 is processed first and rack1 is processed second,
* create one split on rack2 or rack3 and the other split is on rack1.
* Otherwise create 3 splits for each rack.
if (splits.size() == 3) {
// first split is on rack3, contains file3 and file4
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
assertEquals(6, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts3[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
// second split is on rack2, contains file2
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
assertEquals(2, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file2.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(file2.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(1).getName());
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getOffset(1));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(1));
assertEquals(hosts2[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
// third split is on rack1, contains file1
if (split.equals(splits.get(2))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(file1.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else if (splits.size() == 2) {
// first split is on rack2 or rack3, contains two or three files.
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
if (fileSplit.getLocations()[0].equals(hosts2[0])) {
assertEquals(5, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
} else if (fileSplit.getLocations()[0].equals(hosts3[0])) {
assertEquals(6, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
} else {
fail("First split should be on rack2 or rack3.");
// second split is on rack1, contains the rest files.
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else if (splits.size() == 1) {
// first split is rack1, contains all four files.
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(9, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
} else {
fail("Split size should be 1, 2, or 3.");
for (int i = 0; i < fileSplit.getNumPaths(); i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(9, actual.size());
// maximum split size is 2 blocks
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
inFormat.setMaxSplitSize(2 * BLOCKSIZE);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2 + "," + dir3 + "," + dir4);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test4): " + split);
assertEquals(5, splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
for (int i = 0; i < fileSplit.getNumPaths(); i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(9, actual.size());
// verify the splits are on all the racks
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts1[0]);
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts2[0]);
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts3[0]);
// maximum split size is 3 blocks
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
inFormat.setMaxSplitSize(3 * BLOCKSIZE);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2 + "," + dir3 + "," + dir4);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test5): " + split);
assertEquals(3, splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
for (int i = 0; i < fileSplit.getNumPaths(); i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(9, actual.size());
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts1[0]);
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts2[0]);
// maximum split size is 4 blocks
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
inFormat.setMaxSplitSize(4 * BLOCKSIZE);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2 + "," + dir3 + "," + dir4);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test6): " + split);
assertEquals(3, splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
for (int i = 0; i < fileSplit.getNumPaths(); i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(9, actual.size());
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts1[0]);
// maximum split size is 7 blocks and min is 3 blocks
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
inFormat.setMaxSplitSize(7 * BLOCKSIZE);
inFormat.setMinSplitSizeNode(3 * BLOCKSIZE);
inFormat.setMinSplitSizeRack(3 * BLOCKSIZE);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir1 + "," + dir2 + "," + dir3 + "," + dir4);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test7): " + split);
assertEquals(2, splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
for (int i = 0; i < fileSplit.getNumPaths(); i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(9, actual.size());
verify(mockList, atLeastOnce()).add(hosts1[0]);
// Rack 1 has file1, file2 and file3 and file4
// Rack 2 has file2 and file3 and file4
// Rack 3 has file3 and file4
// setup a filter so that only (file1 and file2) or (file3 and file4)
// can be combined
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, inDir);
// everything is at least rack local
inFormat.createPool(new TestFilter(dir1), new TestFilter(dir2));
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test1): " + split);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
fileSplit = (CombineFileSplit) split;
if (splits.size() == 2) {
// first split is on rack1, contains file1 and file2.
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
assertEquals(3, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
expected.add(new Split(file1.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
// second split contains the file3 and file4, however,
// the locations is undetermined.
assertEquals(6, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE * 2));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE * 2));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
} else if (splits.size() == 3) {
if (split.equals(splits.get(0))) {
// first split is on rack2, contains file2
assertEquals(2, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file2.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts2[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
if (split.equals(splits.get(1))) {
// second split is on rack1, contains file1
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
assertEquals(file1.getName(), fileSplit.getPath(0).getName());
assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE, fileSplit.getLength(0));
assertEquals(0, fileSplit.getOffset(0));
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
assertEquals(hosts1[0], fileSplit.getLocations()[0]);
if (split.equals(splits.get(2))) {
// third split contains file3 and file4, however,
// the locations is undetermined.
assertEquals(6, fileSplit.getNumPaths());
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file3.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE * 2));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, 0));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE));
expected.add(new Split(file4.getName(), BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE * 2));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
String name = fileSplit.getPath(i).getName();
long length = fileSplit.getLength(i);
long offset = fileSplit.getOffset(i);
actual.add(new Split(name, length, offset));
assertEquals(1, fileSplit.getLocations().length);
} else {
fail("Split size should be 2 or 3.");
// measure performance when there are multiple pools and
// many files in each pool.
int numPools = 100;
int numFiles = 1000;
DummyInputFormat1 inFormat1 = new DummyInputFormat1();
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file1);
// everything is at least rack local
final Path dirNoMatch1 = new Path(inDir, "/dirxx");
final Path dirNoMatch2 = new Path(inDir, "/diryy");
for (int i = 0; i < numPools; i++) {
inFormat1.createPool(new TestFilter(dirNoMatch1), new TestFilter(dirNoMatch2));
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
splits = inFormat1.getSplits(job);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Elapsed time for " + numPools + " pools " + " and " + numFiles + " files is " + ((end - start) / 1000) + " seconds.");
// This file has three whole blocks. If the maxsplit size is
// half the block size, then there should be six splits.
inFormat = new DummyInputFormat();
inFormat.setMaxSplitSize(BLOCKSIZE / 2);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, dir3);
splits = inFormat.getSplits(job);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
System.out.println("File split(Test8): " + split);
assertEquals(splits.size(), 6);
} finally {
if (dfs != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDelegatingInputFormat method testSplitting.
public void testSplitting() throws Exception {
Job job = Job.getInstance();
MiniDFSCluster dfs = null;
try {
dfs = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(job.getConfiguration()).numDataNodes(4).racks(new String[] { "/rack0", "/rack0", "/rack1", "/rack1" }).hosts(new String[] { "host0", "host1", "host2", "host3" }).build();
FileSystem fs = dfs.getFileSystem();
Path path = getPath("/foo/bar", fs);
Path path2 = getPath("/foo/baz", fs);
Path path3 = getPath("/bar/bar", fs);
Path path4 = getPath("/bar/baz", fs);
final int numSplits = 100;
FileInputFormat.setMaxInputSplitSize(job, fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen() / numSplits);
MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, path, TextInputFormat.class, MapClass.class);
MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, path2, TextInputFormat.class, MapClass2.class);
MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, path3, KeyValueTextInputFormat.class, MapClass.class);
MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, path4, TextInputFormat.class, MapClass2.class);
DelegatingInputFormat inFormat = new DelegatingInputFormat();
int[] bins = new int[3];
for (InputSplit split : (List<InputSplit>) inFormat.getSplits(job)) {
assertTrue(split instanceof TaggedInputSplit);
final TaggedInputSplit tis = (TaggedInputSplit) split;
int index = -1;
if (tis.getInputFormatClass().equals(KeyValueTextInputFormat.class)) {
// path3
index = 0;
} else if (tis.getMapperClass().equals(MapClass.class)) {
// path
index = 1;
} else {
// path2 and path4
index = 2;
assertEquals("count is not equal to num splits", numSplits, bins[0]);
assertEquals("count is not equal to num splits", numSplits, bins[1]);
assertEquals("count is not equal to 2 * num splits", numSplits * 2, bins[2]);
} finally {
if (dfs != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCommandLineJobSubmission method testJobShell.
public void testJobShell() throws Exception {
MiniDFSCluster dfs = null;
MiniMRCluster mr = null;
FileSystem fs = null;
Path testFile = new Path(input, "testfile");
try {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
//start the mini mr and dfs cluster.
dfs = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(2).build();
fs = dfs.getFileSystem();
FSDataOutputStream stream = fs.create(testFile);
mr = new MiniMRCluster(2, fs.getUri().toString(), 1);
File thisbuildDir = new File(buildDir, "jobCommand");
assertTrue("create build dir", thisbuildDir.mkdirs());
File f = new File(thisbuildDir, "files_tmp");
FileOutputStream fstream = new FileOutputStream(f);
File f1 = new File(thisbuildDir, "files_tmp1");
fstream = new FileOutputStream(f1);
// copy files to dfs
Path cachePath = new Path("/cacheDir");
if (!fs.mkdirs(cachePath)) {
throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + cachePath.toString());
Path localCachePath = new Path(System.getProperty(""));
Path txtPath = new Path(localCachePath, new Path("test.txt"));
Path jarPath = new Path(localCachePath, new Path("test.jar"));
Path zipPath = new Path(localCachePath, new Path(""));
Path tarPath = new Path(localCachePath, new Path("test.tar"));
Path tgzPath = new Path(localCachePath, new Path("test.tgz"));
fs.copyFromLocalFile(txtPath, cachePath);
fs.copyFromLocalFile(jarPath, cachePath);
fs.copyFromLocalFile(zipPath, cachePath);
// construct options for -files
String[] files = new String[3];
files[0] = f.toString();
files[1] = f1.toString() + "#localfilelink";
files[2] = fs.getUri().resolve(cachePath + "/test.txt#dfsfilelink").toString();
// construct options for -libjars
String[] libjars = new String[2];
libjars[0] = "build/test/mapred/testjar/testjob.jar";
libjars[1] = fs.getUri().resolve(cachePath + "/test.jar").toString();
// construct options for archives
String[] archives = new String[3];
archives[0] = tgzPath.toString();
archives[1] = tarPath + "#tarlink";
archives[2] = fs.getUri().resolve(cachePath + "/").toString();
String[] args = new String[10];
args[0] = "-files";
args[1] = StringUtils.arrayToString(files);
args[2] = "-libjars";
// the testjob.jar as a temporary jar file
// rather than creating its own
args[3] = StringUtils.arrayToString(libjars);
args[4] = "-archives";
args[5] = StringUtils.arrayToString(archives);
args[6] = "-D";
args[7] = "mapred.output.committer.class=testjar.CustomOutputCommitter";
args[8] = input.toString();
args[9] = output.toString();
JobConf jobConf = mr.createJobConf();
//before running the job, verify that libjar is not in client classpath
assertTrue("libjar not in client classpath", loadLibJar(jobConf) == null);
int ret =, new testshell.ExternalMapReduce(), args);
//after running the job, verify that libjar is in the client classpath
assertTrue("libjar added to client classpath", loadLibJar(jobConf) != null);
assertTrue("not failed ", ret != -1);
} finally {
if (dfs != null) {
if (mr != null) {