use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class BlockReaderTestUtil method getBlockReader.
* Get a BlockReader for the given block.
public static BlockReader getBlockReader(final DistributedFileSystem fs, LocatedBlock testBlock, int offset, long lenToRead) throws IOException {
InetSocketAddress targetAddr = null;
ExtendedBlock block = testBlock.getBlock();
DatanodeInfo[] nodes = testBlock.getLocations();
targetAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(nodes[0].getXferAddr());
return new BlockReaderFactory(fs.getClient().getConf()).setInetSocketAddress(targetAddr).setBlock(block).setFileName(targetAddr.toString() + ":" + block.getBlockId()).setBlockToken(testBlock.getBlockToken()).setStartOffset(offset).setLength(lenToRead).setVerifyChecksum(true).setClientName("BlockReaderTestUtil").setDatanodeInfo(nodes[0]).setClientCacheContext(ClientContext.getFromConf(fs.getConf())).setCachingStrategy(CachingStrategy.newDefaultStrategy()).setConfiguration(fs.getConf()).setAllowShortCircuitLocalReads(true).setTracer(FsTracer.get(fs.getConf())).setRemotePeerFactory(new RemotePeerFactory() {
public Peer newConnectedPeer(InetSocketAddress addr, Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> blockToken, DatanodeID datanodeId) throws IOException {
Peer peer = null;
Socket sock = NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(fs.getConf()).createSocket();
try {
sock.connect(addr, HdfsConstants.READ_TIMEOUT);
peer = DFSUtilClient.peerFromSocket(sock);
} finally {
if (peer == null) {
return peer;
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSetTimes method testTimesAtClose.
* Tests mod time change at close in DFS.
public void testTimesAtClose() throws IOException {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
// 2s
final int MAX_IDLE_TIME = 2000;
int replicas = 1;
// parameter initialization
conf.setInt("ipc.client.connection.maxidletime", MAX_IDLE_TIME);
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDatanodes).build();
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", cluster.getNameNodePort());
DFSClient client = new DFSClient(addr, conf);
DatanodeInfo[] info = client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.LIVE);
assertEquals("Number of Datanodes ", numDatanodes, info.length);
FileSystem fileSys = cluster.getFileSystem();
assertTrue(fileSys instanceof DistributedFileSystem);
try {
// create a new file and write to it
Path file1 = new Path("/simple.dat");
FSDataOutputStream stm = writeFile(fileSys, file1, replicas);
System.out.println("Created and wrote file simple.dat");
FileStatus statBeforeClose = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
long mtimeBeforeClose = statBeforeClose.getModificationTime();
String mdateBeforeClose = dateForm.format(new Date(mtimeBeforeClose));
System.out.println("mtime on " + file1 + " before close is " + mdateBeforeClose + " (" + mtimeBeforeClose + ")");
assertTrue(mtimeBeforeClose != 0);
//close file after writing
System.out.println("Closed file.");
FileStatus statAfterClose = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
long mtimeAfterClose = statAfterClose.getModificationTime();
String mdateAfterClose = dateForm.format(new Date(mtimeAfterClose));
System.out.println("mtime on " + file1 + " after close is " + mdateAfterClose + " (" + mtimeAfterClose + ")");
assertTrue(mtimeAfterClose != 0);
assertTrue(mtimeBeforeClose != mtimeAfterClose);
cleanupFile(fileSys, file1);
} catch (IOException e) {
info = client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.ALL);
throw e;
} finally {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSetTimes method testTimes.
* Tests mod & access time in DFS.
public void testTimes() throws IOException {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
// 2s
final int MAX_IDLE_TIME = 2000;
conf.setInt("ipc.client.connection.maxidletime", MAX_IDLE_TIME);
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDatanodes).build();
final int nnport = cluster.getNameNodePort();
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", cluster.getNameNodePort());
DFSClient client = new DFSClient(addr, conf);
DatanodeInfo[] info = client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.LIVE);
assertEquals("Number of Datanodes ", numDatanodes, info.length);
FileSystem fileSys = cluster.getFileSystem();
int replicas = 1;
assertTrue(fileSys instanceof DistributedFileSystem);
try {
// create file and record atime/mtime
System.out.println("Creating testdir1 and testdir1/test1.dat.");
Path dir1 = new Path("testdir1");
Path file1 = new Path(dir1, "test1.dat");
FSDataOutputStream stm = writeFile(fileSys, file1, replicas);
FileStatus stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
long atimeBeforeClose = stat.getAccessTime();
String adate = dateForm.format(new Date(atimeBeforeClose));
System.out.println("atime on " + file1 + " before close is " + adate + " (" + atimeBeforeClose + ")");
assertTrue(atimeBeforeClose != 0);
stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
long atime1 = stat.getAccessTime();
long mtime1 = stat.getModificationTime();
adate = dateForm.format(new Date(atime1));
String mdate = dateForm.format(new Date(mtime1));
System.out.println("atime on " + file1 + " is " + adate + " (" + atime1 + ")");
System.out.println("mtime on " + file1 + " is " + mdate + " (" + mtime1 + ")");
assertTrue(atime1 != 0);
// record dir times
stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(dir1);
long mdir1 = stat.getAccessTime();
assertTrue(mdir1 == 0);
// set the access time to be one day in the past
long atime2 = atime1 - (24L * 3600L * 1000L);
fileSys.setTimes(file1, -1, atime2);
// check new access time on file
stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
long atime3 = stat.getAccessTime();
String adate3 = dateForm.format(new Date(atime3));
System.out.println("new atime on " + file1 + " is " + adate3 + " (" + atime3 + ")");
assertTrue(atime2 == atime3);
assertTrue(mtime1 == stat.getModificationTime());
// set the modification time to be 1 hour in the past
long mtime2 = mtime1 - (3600L * 1000L);
fileSys.setTimes(file1, mtime2, -1);
// check new modification time on file
stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
long mtime3 = stat.getModificationTime();
String mdate3 = dateForm.format(new Date(mtime3));
System.out.println("new mtime on " + file1 + " is " + mdate3 + " (" + mtime3 + ")");
assertTrue(atime2 == stat.getAccessTime());
assertTrue(mtime2 == mtime3);
long mtime4 = - (3600L * 1000L);
long atime4 =;
fileSys.setTimes(dir1, mtime4, atime4);
// check new modification time on file
stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(dir1);
assertTrue("Not matching the modification times", mtime4 == stat.getModificationTime());
assertTrue("Not matching the access times", atime4 == stat.getAccessTime());
Path nonExistingDir = new Path(dir1, "/nonExistingDir/");
try {
fileSys.setTimes(nonExistingDir, mtime4, atime4);
fail("Expecting FileNotFoundException");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("File/Directory " + nonExistingDir.toString() + " does not exist."));
// shutdown cluster and restart
try {
Thread.sleep(2 * MAX_IDLE_TIME);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).nameNodePort(nnport).format(false).build();
fileSys = cluster.getFileSystem();
// verify that access times and modification times persist after a
// cluster restart.
System.out.println("Verifying times after cluster restart");
stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(file1);
assertTrue(atime2 == stat.getAccessTime());
assertTrue(mtime3 == stat.getModificationTime());
cleanupFile(fileSys, file1);
cleanupFile(fileSys, dir1);
} catch (IOException e) {
info = client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.ALL);
throw e;
} finally {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDiskError method testReplicationError.
* Test that when there is a failure replicating a block the temporary
* and meta files are cleaned up and subsequent replication succeeds.
public void testReplicationError() throws Exception {
// create a file of replication factor of 1
final Path fileName = new Path("/test.txt");
final int fileLen = 1;
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, fileName, 1, (short) 1, 1L);
DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, fileName, (short) 1);
// get the block belonged to the created file
LocatedBlocks blocks = NameNodeAdapter.getBlockLocations(cluster.getNameNode(), fileName.toString(), 0, (long) fileLen);
assertEquals("Should only find 1 block", blocks.locatedBlockCount(), 1);
LocatedBlock block = blocks.get(0);
// bring up a second datanode
cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, null);
final int sndNode = 1;
DataNode datanode = cluster.getDataNodes().get(sndNode);
FsDatasetTestUtils utils = cluster.getFsDatasetTestUtils(datanode);
// replicate the block to the second datanode
InetSocketAddress target = datanode.getXferAddress();
Socket s = new Socket(target.getAddress(), target.getPort());
// write the header.
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
DataChecksum checksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.CRC32, 512);
new Sender(out).writeBlock(block.getBlock(), StorageType.DEFAULT, BlockTokenSecretManager.DUMMY_TOKEN, "", new DatanodeInfo[0], new StorageType[0], null, BlockConstructionStage.PIPELINE_SETUP_CREATE, 1, 0L, 0L, 0L, checksum, CachingStrategy.newDefaultStrategy(), false, false, null);
// close the connection before sending the content of the block
// the temporary block & meta files should be deleted
String bpid = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockPoolId();
while (utils.getStoredReplicas(bpid).hasNext()) {
// then increase the file's replication factor
fs.setReplication(fileName, (short) 2);
// replication should succeed
DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, fileName, (short) 1);
// clean up the file
fs.delete(fileName, false);
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestWebHDFS method testWebHdfsOffsetAndLength.
public void testWebHdfsOffsetAndLength() throws Exception {
MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
final Configuration conf = WebHdfsTestUtil.createConf();
final int OFFSET = 42;
final int LENGTH = 512;
final String PATH = "/foo";
byte[] CONTENTS = new byte[1024];
try {
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(1).build();
final WebHdfsFileSystem fs = WebHdfsTestUtil.getWebHdfsFileSystem(conf, WebHdfsConstants.WEBHDFS_SCHEME);
try (OutputStream os = fs.create(new Path(PATH))) {
InetSocketAddress addr = cluster.getNameNode().getHttpAddress();
URL url = new URL("http", addr.getHostString(), addr.getPort(), WebHdfsFileSystem.PATH_PREFIX + PATH + "?op=OPEN" + Param.toSortedString("&", new OffsetParam((long) OFFSET), new LengthParam((long) LENGTH)));
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
Assert.assertEquals(LENGTH, conn.getContentLength());
byte[] subContents = new byte[LENGTH];
byte[] realContents = new byte[LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(CONTENTS, OFFSET, subContents, 0, LENGTH);
IOUtils.readFully(conn.getInputStream(), realContents);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(subContents, realContents);
} finally {
if (cluster != null) {