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Example 61 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestFileSystemCaching method testDefaultFsUris.

public void testDefaultFsUris() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.set("fs.defaultfs.impl", DefaultFs.class.getName());
    final URI defaultUri = URI.create("defaultfs://host");
    FileSystem.setDefaultUri(conf, defaultUri);
    FileSystem fs = null;
    // sanity check default fs
    final FileSystem defaultFs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    assertEquals(defaultUri, defaultFs.getUri());
    // has scheme, no auth
    fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("defaultfs:/"), conf);
    assertSame(defaultFs, fs);
    fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("defaultfs:///"), conf);
    assertSame(defaultFs, fs);
    // has scheme, same auth
    fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("defaultfs://host"), conf);
    assertSame(defaultFs, fs);
    // has scheme, different auth
    fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("defaultfs://host2"), conf);
    assertNotSame(defaultFs, fs);
    // no scheme, no auth
    fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("/"), conf);
    assertSame(defaultFs, fs);
    // no scheme, same auth
    try {
        fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("//host"), conf);
        fail("got fs with auth but no scheme");
    } catch (UnsupportedFileSystemException e) {
    // no scheme, different auth
    try {
        fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("//host2"), conf);
        fail("got fs with auth but no scheme");
    } catch (UnsupportedFileSystemException e) {
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) FileSystem(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem) URI( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 62 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestHarFileSystemBasics method testNegativeInitWithoutIndex.

// ========== Negative:
public void testNegativeInitWithoutIndex() throws Exception {
    // delete the index file:
    final Path indexPath = new Path(harPath, "_index");
    localFileSystem.delete(indexPath, false);
    // now init the HarFs:
    final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
    final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
    try {
        hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());"Exception expected.");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    // ok, expected.
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) IOException( URI( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 63 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestHarFileSystemBasics method testHarFsWithoutAuthority.

public void testHarFsWithoutAuthority() throws Exception {
    final URI uri = harFileSystem.getUri();
    Assert.assertNull("har uri authority not null: " + uri, uri.getAuthority());
    FileContext.getFileContext(uri, conf);
Also used : URI( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 64 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestHarFileSystemBasics method testPositiveNewHarFsOnTheSameUnderlyingFs.

public void testPositiveNewHarFsOnTheSameUnderlyingFs() throws Exception {
    // Init 2nd har file system on the same underlying FS, so the
    // metadata gets reused:
    final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
    final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
    hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
    // the metadata should be reused from cache:
    assertTrue(hfs.getMetadata() == harFileSystem.getMetadata());
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) URI( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 65 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestHarFileSystemBasics method testPositiveInitWithoutUnderlyingFS.

public void testPositiveInitWithoutUnderlyingFS() throws Exception {
    // Init HarFS with no constructor arg, so that the underlying FS object
    // is created on demand or got from cache in #initialize() method.
    final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem();
    final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
    hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) URI( Test(org.junit.Test)


URI ( Test (org.junit.Test)1852 URISyntaxException ( IOException ( File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)458 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)452 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)394 Configuration (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)321 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)267 URL ( Map (java.util.Map)262 Response ( List (java.util.List)184 InputStream ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)136 FileSystem (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem)135 RequestContext (com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext)129 RestRequestBuilder ( RestRequest (