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Example 66 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestHarFileSystemBasics method testPositiveListFilesNotEndInColon.

public void testPositiveListFilesNotEndInColon() throws Exception {
    // re-initialize the har file system with host name
    // make sure the qualified path name does not append ":" at the end of host name
    final URI uri = new URI("har://file-localhost" + harPath.toString());
    harFileSystem.initialize(uri, conf);
    Path p1 = new Path("har://file-localhost" + harPath.toString());
    Path p2 = harFileSystem.makeQualified(p1);
Also used : URI( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 67 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestHarFileSystemBasics method testListLocatedStatus.

public void testListLocatedStatus() throws Exception {
    String testHarPath = this.getClass().getResource("/test.har").getPath();
    URI uri = new URI("har://" + testHarPath);
    HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
    hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
    // test.har has the following contents:
    //   dir1/1.txt
    //   dir1/2.txt
    Set<String> expectedFileNames = new HashSet<String>();
    // List contents of dir, and ensure we find all expected files
    Path path = new Path("dir1");
    RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fileList = hfs.listLocatedStatus(path);
    while (fileList.hasNext()) {
        String fileName =;
        assertTrue(fileName + " not in expected files list", expectedFileNames.contains(fileName));
    assertEquals("Didn't find all of the expected file names: " + expectedFileNames, 0, expectedFileNames.size());
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) URI( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 68 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class FileSystem method checkPath.

   * Check that a Path belongs to this FileSystem.
   * The base implementation performs case insensitive equality checks
   * of the URIs' schemes and authorities. Subclasses may implement slightly
   * different checks.
   * @param path to check
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is not considered to be
   * part of this FileSystem.
protected void checkPath(Path path) {
    URI uri = path.toUri();
    String thatScheme = uri.getScheme();
    if (// fs is relative
    thatScheme == null)
    URI thisUri = getCanonicalUri();
    String thisScheme = thisUri.getScheme();
    //authority and scheme are not case sensitive
    if (thisScheme.equalsIgnoreCase(thatScheme)) {
        // schemes match
        String thisAuthority = thisUri.getAuthority();
        String thatAuthority = uri.getAuthority();
        if (// path's authority is null
        thatAuthority == null && thisAuthority != null) {
            // fs has an authority
            URI defaultUri = getDefaultUri(getConf());
            if (thisScheme.equalsIgnoreCase(defaultUri.getScheme())) {
                // schemes match, so use this uri instead
                uri = defaultUri;
            } else {
                // can't determine auth of the path
                uri = null;
        if (uri != null) {
            // canonicalize uri before comparing with this fs
            uri = canonicalizeUri(uri);
            thatAuthority = uri.getAuthority();
            if (// authorities match
            thisAuthority == thatAuthority || (thisAuthority != null && thisAuthority.equalsIgnoreCase(thatAuthority)))
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong FS: " + path + ", expected: " + this.getUri());
Also used : URI(

Example 69 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class HarFileSystem method makeQualified.

/* this makes a path qualified in the har filesystem
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.apache.hadoop.fs.FilterFileSystem#makeQualified(
   * org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)
public Path makeQualified(Path path) {
    // make sure that we just get the 
    // path component 
    Path fsPath = path;
    if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
        fsPath = new Path(archivePath, path);
    URI tmpURI = fsPath.toUri();
    //change this to Har uri 
    return new Path(uri.getScheme(), harAuth, tmpURI.getPath());
Also used : URI(

Example 70 with URI

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class HarFileSystem method decodeHarURI.

   * decode the raw URI to get the underlying URI
   * @param rawURI raw Har URI
   * @return filtered URI of the underlying fileSystem
private URI decodeHarURI(URI rawURI, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    String tmpAuth = rawURI.getAuthority();
    //return it
    if (tmpAuth == null) {
        //create a path 
        return FileSystem.getDefaultUri(conf);
    String authority = rawURI.getAuthority();
    int i = authority.indexOf('-');
    if (i < 0) {
        throw new IOException("URI: " + rawURI + " is an invalid Har URI since '-' not found." + "  Expecting har://<scheme>-<host>/<path>.");
    if (rawURI.getQuery() != null) {
        // query component not allowed
        throw new IOException("query component in Path not supported  " + rawURI);
    URI tmp;
    try {
        // convert <scheme>-<host> to <scheme>://<host>
        URI baseUri = new URI(authority.replaceFirst("-", "://"));
        tmp = new URI(baseUri.getScheme(), baseUri.getAuthority(), rawURI.getPath(), rawURI.getQuery(), rawURI.getFragment());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IOException("URI: " + rawURI + " is an invalid Har URI. Expecting har://<scheme>-<host>/<path>.");
    return tmp;
Also used : IOException( URISyntaxException( URI(


URI ( Test (org.junit.Test)1852 URISyntaxException ( IOException ( File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)458 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)452 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)394 Configuration (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)321 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)267 URL ( Map (java.util.Map)262 Response ( List (java.util.List)184 InputStream ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)136 FileSystem (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem)135 RequestContext (com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext)129 RestRequestBuilder ( RestRequest (