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Example 41 with UnknownHostException

use of in project databus by linkedin.

the class DatabusV2ClusterRegistrationImpl method start.

public synchronized boolean start() throws IllegalStateException, DatabusClientException {
    if (_state == RegistrationState.INIT || _state == RegistrationState.DEREGISTERED) {
        String errMsg = "Registration (" + _id + ") cannot be started from its current state, which is " + _state + " .It may only be started from REGISTERED or SHUTDOWN state";
        throw new IllegalStateException(errMsg);
    if (_state.isRunning()) {"Registration (" + _id + ") already started !!");
        return false;
    String host = null;
    try {
        host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        _log.error("Unable to fetch the local hostname !! Trying to fetch IP Address !!", e);
        try {
            host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e1) {
            _log.error("Unable to fetch the local IP Address too !! Giving up", e1);
            host = "UNKNOWN_HOST";
     *  The id below has to be unique within a given cluster. HttpPort is used to get a unique name for service colocated in a single box.
     *  The Container id is not necessarily a sufficient differentiating factor.
    String id = host + "-" + _client.getContainerStaticConfig().getHttpPort() + "-" + _client.getContainerStaticConfig().getId();
    try {
        _cluster = createCluster();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.fatal("Got exception while trying to create the cluster with id (" + id + ")", e);
        throw new DatabusClientException(e);
    initializeStatsCollectors();"Dabatus cluster object created : " + _cluster + " with id :" + id);
    _clusterMember = _cluster.addMember(id, this);
    boolean joined = _clusterMember.join();
    if (!joined) {
        _log.fatal("Unable to join the cluster " + _clusterInfo);
        throw new DatabusClientException("Unable to join the cluster :" + _clusterInfo);
    _state = RegistrationState.STARTED;
    return true;
Also used : UnknownHostException( DatabusException(com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException) InvalidConfigException(com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException) ClusterCheckpointException( UnknownHostException( DatabusClientException( DatabusClientException(

Example 42 with UnknownHostException

use of in project okhttp by square.

the class URLConnectionTest method urlHostWithNul.

public void urlHostWithNul() throws Exception {
    URLConnection urlConnection = URL("http://host/"));
    try {
    } catch (UnknownHostException expected) {
Also used : UnknownHostException( HttpURLConnection( OkHttpURLConnection(okhttp3.internal.huc.OkHttpURLConnection) URLConnection( HttpsURLConnection( URL( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 43 with UnknownHostException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class HttpConnector method connect.

URLConnection connect(URL originalUrl, ImmutableMap<String, String> requestHeaders) throws IOException {
    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
        throw new InterruptedIOException();
    URL url = originalUrl;
    if (HttpUtils.isProtocol(url, "file")) {
        return url.openConnection();
    List<Throwable> suppressions = new ArrayList<>();
    int retries = 0;
    int redirects = 0;
    int connectTimeout = MIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS;
    while (true) {
        HttpURLConnection connection = null;
        try {
            connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(proxyHelper.createProxyIfNeeded(url));
            boolean isAlreadyCompressed = COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS.contains(HttpUtils.getExtension(url.getPath())) || COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS.contains(HttpUtils.getExtension(originalUrl.getPath()));
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : requestHeaders.entrySet()) {
                if (isAlreadyCompressed && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey(), "Accept-Encoding")) {
                    // appears to be compressed.
                connection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            // The read timeout is always large because it stays in effect after this method.
            // Java tries to abstract HTTP error responses for us. We don't want that. So we're going
            // to try and undo any IOException that doesn't appear to be a legitimate I/O exception.
            int code;
            try {
                code = connection.getResponseCode();
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
                code = connection.getResponseCode();
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                String message = "Unknown host: " + e.getMessage();
                throw new UnrecoverableHttpException(message);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // This will happen if the user does something like specify a port greater than 2^16-1.
                throw new UnrecoverableHttpException(e.getMessage());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // message.
                if (e.getMessage() == null) {
                    throw new UnrecoverableHttpException("Failed to even get an error message from " + url);
                if (!e.getMessage().startsWith("Server returned")) {
                    throw e;
                code = connection.getResponseCode();
            // 206 means partial content and only happens if caller specified Range. See RFC7233 § 4.1.
            if (code == 200 || code == 206) {
                return connection;
            } else if (code == 301 || code == 302 || code == 307) {
                if (++redirects == MAX_REDIRECTS) {
                    eventHandler.handle(Event.progress("Redirect loop detected in " + originalUrl));
                    throw new UnrecoverableHttpException("Redirect loop detected");
                url = HttpUtils.getLocation(connection);
                if (code == 301) {
                    originalUrl = url;
            } else if (code == 403) {
                // jart@ has noticed BitBucket + Amazon AWS downloads frequently flake with this code.
                throw new IOException(describeHttpResponse(connection));
            } else if (code == 408) {
                // that request on a new connection. Quoth RFC7231 § 6.5.7
                throw new IOException(describeHttpResponse(connection));
            } else if (// 4xx means client seems to have erred quoth RFC7231 § 6.5
            code < 500 || // Server doesn't support function quoth RFC7231 § 6.6.2
            code == 501 || // Host not configured on server cf. RFC7231 § 6.6.3
            code == 502 || code == 505) {
                // Server refuses to support version quoth RFC7231 § 6.6.6
                // This is a permanent error so we're not going to retry.
                throw new UnrecoverableHttpException(describeHttpResponse(connection));
            } else {
                // However we will retry on some 5xx errors, particularly 500 and 503.
                throw new IOException(describeHttpResponse(connection));
        } catch (UnrecoverableHttpException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (connection != null) {
                // If we got here, it means we might not have consumed the entire payload of the
                // response, if any. So we're going to force this socket to disconnect and not be
                // reused. This is particularly important if multiple threads end up establishing
                // connections to multiple mirrors simultaneously for a large file. We don't want to
                // download that large file twice.
            // We don't respect the Retry-After header (RFC7231 § 7.1.3) because it's rarely used and
            // tends to be too conservative when it is. We're already being good citizens by using
            // exponential backoff. Furthermore RFC law didn't use the magic word "MUST".
            int timeout = IntMath.pow(2, retries) * MIN_RETRY_DELAY_MS;
            if (e instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
                eventHandler.handle(Event.progress("Timeout connecting to " + url));
                connectTimeout = Math.min(connectTimeout * 2, MAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS);
                // If we got connect timeout, we're already doing exponential backoff, so no point
                // in sleeping too.
                timeout = 1;
            } else if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) {
                // Please note that SocketTimeoutException is a subtype of InterruptedIOException.
                throw e;
            if (++retries == MAX_RETRIES) {
                if (!(e instanceof SocketTimeoutException)) {
                    eventHandler.handle(Event.progress(format("Error connecting to %s: %s", url, e.getMessage())));
                for (Throwable suppressed : suppressions) {
                throw e;
            // Java 7 allows us to create a tree of all errors that led to the ultimate failure.
            eventHandler.handle(Event.progress(format("Failed to connect to %s trying again in %,dms", url, timeout)));
            url = originalUrl;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException translated) {
                throw new InterruptedIOException();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if (connection != null) {
            eventHandler.handle(Event.progress(format("Unknown error connecting to %s: %s", url, e)));
            throw e;
Also used : InterruptedIOException( UnknownHostException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileNotFoundException( InterruptedIOException( IOException( URL( HttpURLConnection( SocketTimeoutException( Map(java.util.Map) ImmutableMap(

Example 44 with UnknownHostException

use of in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.

the class NetworkSocketStreamSender method connect.

public void connect(String host, int port, boolean useTLS) throws ConnectionException {
    //We use this value to devie how to create the socket
    this.useTLS = useTLS;
    System.out.println("NetworkSocketStreamSender: connecting to " + host + ":" + port);
    try {
        //Handling if TLS is enabled or not
        if (useTLS) {
            System.out.println("Connecting over TLS");
            sslSocketFactory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
            sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(host, port);
            outstream = new DataOutputStream(sslSocket.getOutputStream());
        } else {
            //If not use regular socket
            socket = new Socket(host, port);
            outstream = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        throw new ConnectionException("UnknownHostException: " + host);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ConnectionException("IOException: " + host + ":" + port);
Also used : UnknownHostException( DataOutputStream( IOException( Socket( SSLSocket(

Example 45 with UnknownHostException

use of in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.

the class NetworkStreamSender method trySocketConnection.

private boolean trySocketConnection(String host, int port) {
    try {
        Socket socket = new Socket();
        InetSocketAddress endpoint = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
        socket.connect(endpoint, 5000);
        return true;
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        System.out.println("Unknown host [" + host + "]");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Cannot connect to [" + host + ":" + port + "]");
    return false;
Also used : UnknownHostException( InetSocketAddress( IOException( Socket(


UnknownHostException ( InetAddress ( IOException ( InetSocketAddress ( Test (org.junit.Test)79 SocketException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)66 Socket ( SocketTimeoutException ( URL ( File ( MalformedURLException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)35 ConnectException ( HttpURLConnection ( NetworkInterface ( Properties (java.util.Properties)26 Inet4Address ( URI ( InputStream (