use of okhttp3.internal.huc.OkHttpURLConnection in project okhttp by square.
the class ResponseCacheTest method otherStacks_cacheMissWithVaryAcceptEncoding.
// Other stacks (e.g. older versions of OkHttp bundled inside Android apps) can interact with the
// default ResponseCache. We can't keep the Vary case working because we can't get to the Vary
// request headers after connect(). Accept-Encoding has special behavior so we test it explicitly.
public void otherStacks_cacheMissWithVaryAcceptEncoding() throws Exception {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader("Cache-Control: max-age=60").addHeader("Vary: Accept-Encoding").setBody("A"));
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("B"));
// Set the cache as the shared cache.
// Use the platform's HTTP stack.
URLConnection connection = server.url("/").url().openConnection();
assertFalse(connection instanceof OkHttpURLConnection);
assertEquals("A", readAscii(connection));
URLConnection connection2 = server.url("/").url().openConnection();
assertFalse(connection2 instanceof OkHttpURLConnection);
assertEquals("B", readAscii(connection2));
use of okhttp3.internal.huc.OkHttpURLConnection in project okhttp by square.
the class ResponseCacheTest method otherStacks_cacheMissWithVary.
// Other stacks (e.g. older versions of OkHttp bundled inside Android apps) can interact with the
// default ResponseCache. We can't keep the Vary case working because we can't get to the Vary
// request headers after connect().
public void otherStacks_cacheMissWithVary() throws Exception {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader("Cache-Control: max-age=60").addHeader("Vary: Accept-Language").setBody("A"));
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("B"));
// Set the cache as the shared cache.
// Use the platform's HTTP stack.
URLConnection connection = server.url("/").url().openConnection();
assertFalse(connection instanceof OkHttpURLConnection);
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "en-US");
assertEquals("A", readAscii(connection));
URLConnection connection2 = server.url("/").url().openConnection();
assertFalse(connection2 instanceof OkHttpURLConnection);
assertEquals("B", readAscii(connection2));
use of okhttp3.internal.huc.OkHttpURLConnection in project okhttp by square.
the class ResponseCacheTest method otherStacks_cacheMissWithVaryAsterisk.
// Other stacks (e.g. older versions of OkHttp bundled inside Android apps) can interact with the
// default ResponseCache. We can't keep the Vary case working, because we can't get to the Vary
// request headers after connect().
public void otherStacks_cacheMissWithVaryAsterisk() throws Exception {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader("Cache-Control: max-age=60").addHeader("Vary: *").setBody("A"));
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("B"));
// Set the cache as the shared cache.
// Use the platform's HTTP stack.
URLConnection connection = server.url("/").url().openConnection();
assertFalse(connection instanceof OkHttpURLConnection);
assertEquals("A", readAscii(connection));
URLConnection connection2 = server.url("/").url().openConnection();
assertFalse(connection2 instanceof OkHttpURLConnection);
assertEquals("B", readAscii(connection2));
use of okhttp3.internal.huc.OkHttpURLConnection in project okhttp by square.
the class URLConnectionTest method disconnectDuringConnect_cookieJar.
public void disconnectDuringConnect_cookieJar() throws Exception {
final AtomicReference<HttpURLConnection> connectionHolder = new AtomicReference<>();
class DisconnectingCookieJar implements CookieJar {
public void saveFromResponse(HttpUrl url, List<Cookie> cookies) {
public List<Cookie> loadForRequest(HttpUrl url) {
return Collections.emptyList();
OkHttpClient client = new okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder().cookieJar(new DisconnectingCookieJar()).build();
URL url = server.url("path that should never be accessed").url();
HttpURLConnection connection = new OkHttpURLConnection(url, client);
try {
fail("Connection should not be established");
} catch (IOException expected) {
assertEquals("Canceled", expected.getMessage());
} finally {
use of okhttp3.internal.huc.OkHttpURLConnection in project okhttp by square.
the class OkUrlFactory method open.
HttpURLConnection open(URL url, Proxy proxy) {
String protocol = url.getProtocol();
OkHttpClient copy = client.newBuilder().proxy(proxy).build();
if (protocol.equals("http"))
return new OkHttpURLConnection(url, copy, urlFilter);
if (protocol.equals("https"))
return new OkHttpsURLConnection(url, copy, urlFilter);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected protocol: " + protocol);