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Example 41 with ShortBuffer

use of java.nio.ShortBuffer in project libgdx by libgdx.

the class BufferUtilsTest method create.

public void create() {
    //Not emulated in gwt
    //ByteBuffer bytebuffer = BufferUtils.newUnsafeByteBuffer(1000 * 1000);
    ByteBuffer bb = BufferUtils.newByteBuffer(8);
    CharBuffer cb = BufferUtils.newCharBuffer(8);
    ShortBuffer sb = BufferUtils.newShortBuffer(8);
    IntBuffer ib = BufferUtils.newIntBuffer(8);
    LongBuffer lb = BufferUtils.newLongBuffer(8);
    FloatBuffer fb = BufferUtils.newFloatBuffer(8);
    DoubleBuffer db = BufferUtils.newDoubleBuffer(8);
    BufferUtils.copy(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, bb, 4);
    checkInt(bb.get(), 1);
    checkInt(bb.get(), 2);
    checkInt(bb.get(), 3);
    checkInt(bb.get(), 4);
    BufferUtils.copy(new char[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, cb, 4);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 1);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 2);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 3);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 4);
    BufferUtils.copy(new char[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 1, cb, 3);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 6);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 7);
    checkInt(cb.get(), 8);
    BufferUtils.copy(new short[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, sb, 4);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 1);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 2);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 3);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 4);
    BufferUtils.copy(new short[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 1, sb, 3);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 6);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 7);
    checkInt(sb.get(), 8);
    BufferUtils.copy(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, ib, 4);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 1);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 2);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 3);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 4);
    BufferUtils.copy(new int[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 1, ib, 3);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 6);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 7);
    checkInt(ib.get(), 8);
    BufferUtils.copy(new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, lb, 4);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 1);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 2);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 3);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 4);
    BufferUtils.copy(new long[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 1, lb, 3);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 6);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 7);
    checkInt(lb.get(), 8);
    BufferUtils.copy(new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, fb, 4);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 1);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 2);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 3);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 4);
    BufferUtils.copy(new float[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 1, fb, 3);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 6);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 7);
    checkFloat(fb.get(), 8);
    if ( != ApplicationType.WebGL) {
        // gwt throws: NYI: Numbers.doubleToRawLongBits
        BufferUtils.copy(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, db, 4);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 1);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 2);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 3);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 4);
        BufferUtils.copy(new double[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 1, db, 3);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 6);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 7);
        checkFloat(db.get(), 8);
    ByteBuffer bb2 = BufferUtils.newByteBuffer(4);
    BufferUtils.copy(bb, bb2, 4);
    checkInt(bb2.get(), 1);
    checkInt(bb2.get(), 2);
    checkInt(bb2.get(), 3);
    checkInt(bb2.get(), 4);
Also used : DoubleBuffer(java.nio.DoubleBuffer) LongBuffer(java.nio.LongBuffer) IntBuffer(java.nio.IntBuffer) CharBuffer(java.nio.CharBuffer) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer)

Example 42 with ShortBuffer

use of java.nio.ShortBuffer in project libgdx by libgdx.

the class BufferUtilsTest method benchShort.

private void benchShort() {
    ShortBuffer sb = BufferUtils.newShortBuffer(1024 * 1024 / 2);
    short[] shorts = new short[1024 * 1024 / 2];
    int len = shorts.length;
    // relative put
    long start = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MB; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sb.put(shorts[i]);
    }"BufferUtilsTest", "ShortBuffer relative put: " + (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0f);
    // absolute put
    start = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MB; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sb.put(i, shorts[i]);
    }"BufferUtilsTest", "ShortBuffer absolute put: " + (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0f);
    // bulk put
    start = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MB; j++) {
    }"BufferUtilsTest", "ShortBuffer bulk put: " + (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0f);
    // JNI put
    start = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MB; j++) {
        BufferUtils.copy(shorts, 0, sb, len);
    }"BufferUtilsTest", "ShortBuffer native bulk put: " + (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0f);
Also used : ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer)

Example 43 with ShortBuffer

use of java.nio.ShortBuffer in project libgdx by libgdx.

the class TriangleRaycastTest method tap.

public boolean tap(float screenX, float screenY, int count, int button) {
    Ray ray = camera.getPickRay(screenX, screenY);
    // Clean the callback object for reuse.
    // Ray casting is performed directly on the collision shape.
    // The callback specifies the intersected MeshPart as well as triangle.
    triangleShape.performRaycast(triangleRaycastCallback, rayFrom, rayTo);
    int currentTriangleIndex = triangleRaycastCallback.triangleIndex;
    int currentPartId = triangleRaycastCallback.partId;
    if (currentTriangleIndex == -1 || currentPartId == -1) {
        // No intersection was found.
        return false;
    // Get the position coordinates of the vertices belonging to intersected triangle.
    Mesh mesh = model.meshParts.get(currentPartId).mesh;
    FloatBuffer verticesBuffer = mesh.getVerticesBuffer();
    ShortBuffer indicesBuffer = mesh.getIndicesBuffer();
    int posOffset = mesh.getVertexAttributes().findByUsage(VertexAttributes.Usage.Position).offset / 4;
    int vertexSize = mesh.getVertexSize() / 4;
    int currentTriangleFirstVertexIndex = currentTriangleIndex * 3;
    // Store the three vertices belonging to the selected triangle.
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int currentVertexIndex = indicesBuffer.get(currentTriangleFirstVertexIndex + i);
        int j = currentVertexIndex * vertexSize + posOffset;
        float x = verticesBuffer.get(j++);
        float y = verticesBuffer.get(j++);
        float z = verticesBuffer.get(j);
        selectedTriangleVertices[i].set(x, y, z);
    return true;
Also used : Mesh( FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) Ray(com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.Ray) ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer)

Example 44 with ShortBuffer

use of java.nio.ShortBuffer in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.

the class Frame method createIndexer.

/** Returns an {@link Indexer} for the <i>i</i>th image plane. */
public <I extends Indexer> I createIndexer(boolean direct, int i) {
    long[] sizes = { imageHeight, imageWidth, imageChannels };
    long[] strides = { imageStride, imageChannels, 1 };
    Buffer buffer = image[i];
    Object array = buffer.hasArray() ? buffer.array() : null;
    switch(imageDepth) {
        case DEPTH_UBYTE:
            return array != null ? (I) UByteIndexer.create((byte[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) UByteIndexer.create((ByteBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) UByteIndexer.create(new BytePointer((ByteBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_BYTE:
            return array != null ? (I) ByteIndexer.create((byte[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) ByteIndexer.create((ByteBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) ByteIndexer.create(new BytePointer((ByteBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_USHORT:
            return array != null ? (I) UShortIndexer.create((short[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) UShortIndexer.create((ShortBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) UShortIndexer.create(new ShortPointer((ShortBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_SHORT:
            return array != null ? (I) ShortIndexer.create((short[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) ShortIndexer.create((ShortBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) ShortIndexer.create(new ShortPointer((ShortBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_INT:
            return array != null ? (I) IntIndexer.create((int[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) IntIndexer.create((IntBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) IntIndexer.create(new IntPointer((IntBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_LONG:
            return array != null ? (I) LongIndexer.create((long[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) LongIndexer.create((LongBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) LongIndexer.create(new LongPointer((LongBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_FLOAT:
            return array != null ? (I) FloatIndexer.create((float[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) FloatIndexer.create((FloatBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) FloatIndexer.create(new FloatPointer((FloatBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
        case DEPTH_DOUBLE:
            return array != null ? (I) DoubleIndexer.create((double[]) array, sizes, strides) : direct ? (I) DoubleIndexer.create((DoubleBuffer) buffer, sizes, strides) : (I) DoubleIndexer.create(new DoublePointer((DoubleBuffer) buffer), sizes, strides, false);
            assert false;
    return null;
Also used : FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) DoubleBuffer(java.nio.DoubleBuffer) ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) IntBuffer(java.nio.IntBuffer) Buffer(java.nio.Buffer) LongBuffer(java.nio.LongBuffer) DoubleBuffer(java.nio.DoubleBuffer) LongBuffer(java.nio.LongBuffer) BytePointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.BytePointer) DoublePointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ShortPointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.ShortPointer) LongPointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.LongPointer) FloatPointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.FloatPointer) IntBuffer(java.nio.IntBuffer) IntPointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer) ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer)

Example 45 with ShortBuffer

use of java.nio.ShortBuffer in project processing by processing.

the class PGL method allocateShortBuffer.

protected static ShortBuffer allocateShortBuffer(short[] arr) {
        ShortBuffer buf = allocateDirectShortBuffer(arr.length);
        return buf;
    } else {
        return ShortBuffer.wrap(arr);
Also used : ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer)


ShortBuffer (java.nio.ShortBuffer)227 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)78 FloatBuffer (java.nio.FloatBuffer)54 IntBuffer (java.nio.IntBuffer)45 DoubleBuffer (java.nio.DoubleBuffer)23 LongBuffer (java.nio.LongBuffer)16 Test (org.junit.Test)14 Buffer (java.nio.Buffer)11 BufferOverflowException (java.nio.BufferOverflowException)11 CharBuffer (java.nio.CharBuffer)11 VertexBuffer (com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer)8 BufferUnderflowException (java.nio.BufferUnderflowException)7 BytePointer (org.bytedeco.javacpp.BytePointer)7 IndexBuffer (com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer)6 IOException ( Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Bitmap ( Mesh (com.jme3.scene.Mesh)3 InvalidMarkException (java.nio.InvalidMarkException)3