Search in sources :

Example 1 with Watchable

use of java.nio.file.Watchable in project ci.common by OpenLiberty.

the class DevUtil method watchFiles.

 * Watch files for changes.
 * @param outputDirectory
 * @param testOutputDirectory
 * @param executor
 * @param compileArtifactPaths    Compile classpath elements, or null if this
 *                                DevUtil instance has useBuildRecompile=true
 * @param testArtifactPaths       Test classpath elements, or null if this
 *                                DevUtil instance has useBuildRecompile=true
 * @param serverXmlFile           Can be null when using the server.xml from the
 *                                configDirectory, which has a default value.
 * @param bootstrapPropertiesFile
 * @param jvmOptionsFile
 * @throws Exception
public void watchFiles(File outputDirectory, File testOutputDirectory, final ThreadPoolExecutor executor, File serverXmlFile, File bootstrapPropertiesFile, File jvmOptionsFile) throws Exception {
    this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
    this.testOutputDirectory = testOutputDirectory;
    this.serverXmlFile = serverXmlFile;
    this.bootstrapPropertiesFile = bootstrapPropertiesFile;
    this.jvmOptionsFile = jvmOptionsFile;
    this.dockerfileUsed = null;
    this.initialCompile = true;
    this.disableDependencyCompile = false;
    this.omitWatchingFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
    try {
        if (isLooseApplication()) {
            this.looseAppFile = getLooseApplicationFile();
            debug("Loose application configuration file set to: " + looseAppFile);
        watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        serverXmlFileParent = null;
        if (serverXmlFile != null && serverXmlFile.exists()) {
            serverXmlFileParent = serverXmlFile.getParentFile();
        bootstrapPropertiesFileParent = null;
        if (bootstrapPropertiesFile != null && bootstrapPropertiesFile.exists()) {
            bootstrapPropertiesFileParent = bootstrapPropertiesFile.getParentFile();
        jvmOptionsFileParent = null;
        if (jvmOptionsFile != null && jvmOptionsFile.exists()) {
            jvmOptionsFileParent = jvmOptionsFile.getParentFile();
        Path srcPath = this.sourceDirectory.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
        Path testSrcPath = this.testSourceDirectory.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
        Path configPath = this.configDirectory.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
        Path srcOutputPath = this.outputDirectory.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
        boolean sourceDirRegistered = false;
        boolean testSourceDirRegistered = false;
        boolean configDirRegistered = false;
        boolean serverXmlFileRegistered = false;
        boolean bootstrapPropertiesFileRegistered = false;
        boolean jvmOptionsFileRegistered = false;
        boolean sourceOutputDirRegistered = false;
        // register parent poms
        if (!parentBuildFiles.isEmpty()) {
            for (String key : parentBuildFiles.keySet()) {
                File parentBuildFile = new File(key);
                if (parentBuildFile.exists()) {
                    registerSingleFile(parentBuildFile, executor);
        // check for upstream projects
        if (isMultiModuleProject()) {
            for (ProjectModule p : upstreamProjects) {
                updateArtifactPaths(p, false, generateFeatures, executor);
                if (shouldIncludeSources(p.getPackagingType())) {
                    // watch src/main/java dir
                    if (p.getSourceDirectory().exists()) {
                        omitWatchingFiles.addAll(getOmitFilesList(looseAppFile, p.getSourceDirectory().getCanonicalPath()));
                        registerAll(p.getSourceDirectory().getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                        p.sourceDirRegistered = true;
                    // register source classes directory for feature generation
                    if (p.getOutputDirectory().exists()) {
                        registerAll(p.getOutputDirectory().getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                        p.sourceOutputDirRegistered = true;
                // watch src/test/java dir
                if (p.getTestSourceDirectory().exists()) {
                    registerAll(p.getTestSourceDirectory().getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                    p.testSourceDirRegistered = true;
                // watch resource directories
                HashMap<File, Boolean> upstreamResourceMap = new HashMap<File, Boolean>();
                for (File upstreamResourceDir : p.getResourceDirs()) {
                    upstreamResourceMap.put(upstreamResourceDir, false);
                    if (upstreamResourceDir.exists()) {
                        registerAll(upstreamResourceDir.getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                        upstreamResourceMap.put(upstreamResourceDir, true);
                // watch pom.xml
                if (p.getBuildFile().exists()) {
                    registerSingleFile(p.getBuildFile(), executor);
        if (shouldIncludeSources(packagingType)) {
            if (this.sourceDirectory.exists()) {
                omitWatchingFiles.addAll(getOmitFilesList(looseAppFile, this.sourceDirectory.getCanonicalPath()));
                registerAll(srcPath, executor);
                sourceDirRegistered = true;
            // register source classes directory for feature generation
            if (this.outputDirectory.exists()) {
                registerAll(srcOutputPath, executor);
                sourceOutputDirRegistered = true;
        if (this.testSourceDirectory.exists()) {
            registerAll(testSrcPath, executor);
            testSourceDirRegistered = true;
        if (this.configDirectory.exists()) {
            registerAll(configPath, executor);
            configDirRegistered = true;
        if (serverXmlFile != null && serverXmlFile.exists() && serverXmlFileParent.exists()) {
            Path serverXmlFilePath = serverXmlFileParent.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
            registerAll(serverXmlFilePath, executor);
            serverXmlFileRegistered = true;
        if (bootstrapPropertiesFile != null && bootstrapPropertiesFile.exists() && bootstrapPropertiesFileParent.exists()) {
            Path bootstrapPropertiesFilePath = bootstrapPropertiesFileParent.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
            registerAll(bootstrapPropertiesFilePath, executor);
            bootstrapPropertiesFileRegistered = true;
        if (jvmOptionsFile != null && jvmOptionsFile.exists() && jvmOptionsFileParent.exists()) {
            Path jvmOptionsFilePath = jvmOptionsFileParent.getCanonicalFile().toPath();
            registerAll(jvmOptionsFilePath, executor);
            jvmOptionsFileRegistered = true;
        if (container) {
            dockerfileUsed = getDockerfile();
            registerSingleFile(dockerfileUsed, executor);
        HashMap<File, Boolean> resourceMap = new HashMap<File, Boolean>();
        for (File resourceDir : resourceDirs) {
            resourceMap.put(resourceDir, false);
            if (resourceDir.exists()) {
                registerAll(resourceDir.getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                resourceMap.put(resourceDir, true);
        HashMap<Path, Boolean> webResourceMap = new HashMap<Path, Boolean>();
        for (Path webResourceDir : webResourceDirs) {
            webResourceMap.put(webResourceDir, false);
            if (Files.exists(webResourceDir)) {
                registerAll(webResourceDir, executor);
                webResourceMap.put(webResourceDir, true);
        registerSingleFile(buildFile, executor);
        if (propertyFilesMap != null) {
            for (File f : propertyFilesMap.keySet()) {
                registerSingleFile(f, executor);
        while (true) {
            // Check the server and stop dev mode by throwing an exception if the server stopped.
            if (container) {
                synchronized (dockerfileDirectoriesToWatch) {
                    if (!dockerfileDirectoriesToWatch.isEmpty()) {
                        for (Path path : dockerfileDirectoriesToWatch) {
                            File f = path.toFile();
                            if (f.isDirectory()) {
                                debug("Registering path from dockerfileDirectoriesToWatch: " + path);
                                registerAll(path, executor, true);
                            } else {
                                debug("Registering file path from dockerfileDirectoriesToWatch: " + path);
                                registerSingleFile(f, executor, true);
            if (isMultiModuleProject()) {
                // process java compilation for upstream projects
                boolean change = processUpstreamJavaCompilation(upstreamProjects, executor);
                // process java compilation for main project
                processJavaCompilation(outputDirectory, testOutputDirectory, executor, compileArtifactPaths, testArtifactPaths, applicationId, change);
            } else {
                // process java compilation for main project
                processJavaCompilation(outputDirectory, testOutputDirectory, executor, compileArtifactPaths, testArtifactPaths, null, false);
            // when change in class files are detected scan for Liberty features.
            if (generateFeatures && !javaSourceClasses.isEmpty()) {
                debug("Detected a change in the following classes: " + javaSourceClasses);
                if (!gradle && !foundInitialClasses) {
                    // For Maven, skip the first call of generate features from the initial Java compilation that happens after dev mode startup
                    // because features were already generated during the actual dev mode startup steps.
                    debug("Skipping generate features from first call after dev mode startup");
                    foundInitialClasses = true;
                } else if (!classesFailingToCompile()) {
                    // do not run generate features if there are classes failing to compile
                    File generatedFeaturesFile = new File(configDirectory, BinaryScannerUtil.GENERATED_FEATURES_FILE_PATH);
                    if (!generatedFeaturesFile.exists()) {
                        // run tests if generated-features.xml does not exist as there are no new features to install
                        if (isMultiModuleProject()) {
                            runTestThread(false, executor, -1, false, getAllBuildFiles());
                        } else {
                            runTestThread(false, executor, -1, false, false, buildFile);
            if (shouldIncludeSources(packagingType)) {
                // check if javaSourceDirectory has been added
                if (!sourceDirRegistered && this.sourceDirectory.exists() && this.sourceDirectory.listFiles().length > 0) {
                    registerAll(srcPath, executor);
                    debug("Registering Java source directory: " + this.sourceDirectory);
                    // run tests after waiting for app update since app changed
                    int numApplicationUpdatedMessages = countApplicationUpdatedMessages();
                    runTestThread(true, executor, numApplicationUpdatedMessages, false, buildFile);
                    sourceDirRegistered = true;
                } else if (sourceDirRegistered && !this.sourceDirectory.exists()) {
                    sourceDirRegistered = false;
                // check if javaSourceOutputDirectory has been added
                if (!sourceOutputDirRegistered && this.outputDirectory.exists() && this.outputDirectory.list().length > 0) {
                    registerAll(this.outputDirectory.getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                    debug("Registering Java source output directory: " + this.outputDirectory);
                    sourceOutputDirRegistered = true;
            // check if testSourceDirectory has been added
            if (!testSourceDirRegistered && this.testSourceDirectory.exists() && this.testSourceDirectory.listFiles().length > 0) {
                registerAll(testSrcPath, executor);
                debug("Registering Java test directory: " + this.testSourceDirectory);
                runTestThread(false, executor, -1, false, buildFile);
                testSourceDirRegistered = true;
            } else if (testSourceDirRegistered && !this.testSourceDirectory.exists()) {
                testSourceDirRegistered = false;
            // check if configDirectory has been added
            if (!configDirRegistered && this.configDirectory.exists()) {
                configDirRegistered = true;
                if (serverXmlFile != null && !serverXmlFile.exists()) {
                    registerAll(configPath, executor);
                    debug("Registering configuration directory: " + this.configDirectory);
                } else {
                    warn("The server configuration directory " + configDirectory + " has been added. Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
            // check if serverXmlFile has been added
            if (!serverXmlFileRegistered && serverXmlFile != null && serverXmlFile.exists()) {
                serverXmlFileRegistered = true;
                debug("Server configuration file has been added: " + serverXmlFile);
                warn("The server configuration file " + serverXmlFile + " has been added. Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
            if (!bootstrapPropertiesFileRegistered && bootstrapPropertiesFile != null && bootstrapPropertiesFile.exists()) {
                bootstrapPropertiesFileRegistered = true;
                debug("Bootstrap properties file has been added: " + bootstrapPropertiesFile);
                warn("The bootstrap properties file " + bootstrapPropertiesFile + " has been added. Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
            if (!jvmOptionsFileRegistered && jvmOptionsFile != null && jvmOptionsFile.exists()) {
                jvmOptionsFileRegistered = true;
                debug("JVM Options file has been added: " + jvmOptionsFile);
                warn("The JVM Options file " + jvmOptionsFile + " has been added. Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
            // check if resourceDirectory has been added
            for (File resourceDir : resourceDirs) {
                if (!resourceMap.get(resourceDir) && resourceDir.exists()) {
                    registerAll(resourceDir.getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                    resourceMap.put(resourceDir, true);
                } else if (resourceMap.get(resourceDir) && !resourceDir.exists()) {
                    // deleted resource directory
                    warn("The resource directory " + resourceDir + " was deleted.  Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
                    resourceMap.put(resourceDir, false);
            // Check if webResourceDirectory has been added or deleted
            for (Path webResourceDir : webResourceDirs) {
                if (!webResourceMap.get(webResourceDir) && Files.exists(webResourceDir)) {
                    registerAll(webResourceDir, executor);
                    webResourceMap.put(webResourceDir, true);
                    runTestThread(false, executor, -1, false, false);
                } else if (webResourceMap.get(webResourceDir) && !Files.exists(webResourceDir)) {
                    // deleted webResource directory
                    warn("The webResource directory " + webResourceDir + " was deleted.  Restart liberty:dev mode for it to take effect.");
                    webResourceMap.put(webResourceDir, false);
                    runTestThread(false, executor, -1, false, false);
            if (isMultiModuleProject()) {
                for (ProjectModule p : upstreamProjects) {
                    // check if resource directory of an upstream project has been added/deleted
                    for (File resourceDir : p.getResourceDirs()) {
                        if (!p.getResourceMap().get(resourceDir) && resourceDir.exists()) {
                            registerAll(resourceDir.getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                            p.getResourceMap().put(resourceDir, true);
                        } else if (p.getResourceMap().get(resourceDir) && !resourceDir.exists()) {
                            // deleted resource directory
                            warn("The resource directory " + resourceDir + " was deleted.  Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
                            p.getResourceMap().put(resourceDir, false);
                    if (shouldIncludeSources(p.getPackagingType())) {
                        if (!p.sourceDirRegistered && p.getSourceDirectory().exists() && p.getSourceDirectory().listFiles().length > 0) {
                            p.sourceDirRegistered = true;
                            warn("The source directory " + p.getSourceDirectory() + " was added.  This may result in compilation errors between dependent modules.  Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
                        } else if (p.sourceDirRegistered && !p.getSourceDirectory().exists()) {
                            p.sourceDirRegistered = false;
                            warn("The source directory " + p.getSourceDirectory() + " was deleted.  This may result in compilation errors between dependent modules.  Restart dev mode for it to take effect.");
                    // TODO register adding a new output directory once adding a src/main/java dir
                    // to an upstream project is supported
                    // check if test directory of an upstream project has been added/deleted
                    if (!p.testSourceDirRegistered && p.getTestSourceDirectory().exists() && p.getTestSourceDirectory().listFiles().length > 0) {
                        compile(p.getTestSourceDirectory(), p);
                        registerAll(p.getTestSourceDirectory().getCanonicalFile().toPath(), executor);
                        p.testSourceDirRegistered = true;
                        debug("Registering Java test directory: " + p.getTestSourceDirectory());
                        // compile all tests in downstream modules
                        for (File dependentBuildFile : p.getDependentModules()) {
                            ProjectModule depModule = getProjectModule(dependentBuildFile);
                            if (depModule != null) {
                                compile(depModule.getTestSourceDirectory(), depModule);
                            } else {
                                // main module
                        runTestThread(false, executor, -1, false, getAllBuildFiles(p));
                    } else if (p.testSourceDirRegistered && !p.getTestSourceDirectory().exists()) {
                        p.testSourceDirRegistered = false;
            if (trackingMode == FileTrackMode.FILE_WATCHER || trackingMode == FileTrackMode.NOT_SET) {
                try {
                    final WatchKey wk = watcher.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                    final Watchable watchable = wk.watchable();
                    final Path directory = (Path) watchable;
                    List<WatchEvent<?>> events = wk.pollEvents();
                    for (WatchEvent<?> event : events) {
                        if (trackingMode == FileTrackMode.NOT_SET) {
                            trackingMode = FileTrackMode.FILE_WATCHER;
                        final Path changed = (Path) event.context();
                        debug("Processing events for watched directory: " + directory);
                        File fileChanged = new File(directory.toString(), changed.toString());
                        if (ignoreFileOrDir(fileChanged)) {
                            // skip this file or directory, and continue to the next file or directory
                        debug("Changed: " + changed + "; " + event.kind());
                        ChangeType changeType = null;
                        if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE) {
                            changeType = ChangeType.CREATE;
                        } else if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY) {
                            changeType = ChangeType.MODIFY;
                        } else if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE) {
                            changeType = ChangeType.DELETE;
                        processFileChanges(executor, fileChanged, outputDirectory, false, changeType);
                    // reset the key
                    boolean valid = wk.reset();
                    if (!valid) {
                        debug("WatchService key has been unregistered for " + directory);
                } catch (InterruptedException | NullPointerException e) {
                // do nothing let loop continue
            if (trackingMode == FileTrackMode.POLLING || trackingMode == FileTrackMode.NOT_SET) {
                synchronized (newFileObservers) {
                // iterate through file observers
                for (FileAlterationObserver observer : fileObservers) {
                    if (!cancelledFileObservers.contains(observer)) {
                synchronized (cancelledFileObservers) {
    } finally {
        if (watcher != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                error("An error occurred attempting to close the file watcher. " + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) WatchKey(java.nio.file.WatchKey) IOException( FileAlterationObserver( Watchable(java.nio.file.Watchable) WatchEvent(java.nio.file.WatchEvent) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File(

Example 2 with Watchable

use of java.nio.file.Watchable in project phoebus by ControlSystemStudio.

the class DirectoryMonitor method run.

 * 'thread' runnable, exits when 'thread' set to <code>null</code>
private void run() {
    while (thread != null) {
        try {
            final WatchKey key = watcher.poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            if (key != null) {
                final Watchable watchable = key.watchable();
                if (watchable instanceof Path)
                    for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) handle((Path) watchable, event);
        } catch (ClosedWatchServiceException ex) {
        // Ignore, exiting
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "DirectoryMonitor error", ex);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) Watchable(java.nio.file.Watchable) WatchKey(java.nio.file.WatchKey) WatchEvent(java.nio.file.WatchEvent) ClosedWatchServiceException(java.nio.file.ClosedWatchServiceException) ClosedWatchServiceException(java.nio.file.ClosedWatchServiceException)

Example 3 with Watchable

use of java.nio.file.Watchable in project concourse by cinchapi.

the class FileOps method awaitChangeInterruptibly.

 * Cause the current thread to block while waiting for a change to
 * {@code file}.
 * <p>
 * Because of limitations of most underlying file systems, this method can
 * only guarantee changes that occur at least 1 second after this method is
 * invoked. For changes that occur less than 1 second of method invocation,
 * the method will return immediately; however, there is a chance that such
 * a return is indicative of a false positive case where the file changed
 * before this method was invoked, but within the same second of the
 * invocation.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If protection against that kind of false positive is important, the
 * caller should check the contents of the underlying file is this method
 * returns immediately.
 * </p>
 * @param file the path to a regular file
public static void awaitChangeInterruptibly(String file) throws InterruptedException {
        try {
            // Add a PollingWatchService to use as a backup in case the
            // default watch service is causing issues (i.e. on Linux the
            // max number of inotify watches may be reached, in which case
            // we can use the backup as a fail safe.)
            PollingWatchService pollingWatchService = new PollingWatchService(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // NOTE: Cannot re-throw the exception because it will prevent
            // the class from being loaded...
        FILE_CHANGE_WATCHERS.forEach((watcher) -> {
        IS_WATCH_SERVICE_SETUP = true;
    long methodStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    methodStartTime = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(methodStartTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    Path path = Paths.get(expandPath(file));
    String mutex = path.toString().intern();
    synchronized (mutex) {
        Watchable parent = path.getParent().toAbsolutePath();
        if (!REGISTERED_WATCHER_PATHS.contains(parent)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < FILE_CHANGE_WATCHERS.size(); ++i) {
                WatchService watcher = FILE_CHANGE_WATCHERS.get(i);
                try {
                    if (watcher instanceof PollingWatchService) {
                        ((PollingWatchService) watcher).register((Path) parent, WATCH_EVENT_KINDS, WATCH_EVENT_MODIFIERS);
                    } else {
                        parent.register(watcher, WATCH_EVENT_KINDS, WATCH_EVENT_MODIFIERS);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // accept it.
                    if (i < FILE_CHANGE_WATCHERS.size()) {
                    } else {
                        throw CheckedExceptions.throwAsRuntimeException(e);
        try {
            long modified = java.nio.file.Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toMillis();
            modified = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(modified, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (modified >= methodStartTime) {
                // invocation
            } else {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw CheckedExceptions.throwAsRuntimeException(e);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) Watchable(java.nio.file.Watchable) PollingWatchService(org.imca_cat.pollingwatchservice.PollingWatchService) IOException( WatchService(java.nio.file.WatchService) PollingWatchService(org.imca_cat.pollingwatchservice.PollingWatchService) IOException(

Example 4 with Watchable

use of java.nio.file.Watchable in project jimfs by google.

the class AbstractWatchServiceTest method testRegister.

public void testRegister() throws IOException {
    Watchable watchable = new StubWatchable();
    AbstractWatchService.Key key = watcher.register(watchable, ImmutableSet.of(ENTRY_CREATE));
Also used : Watchable(java.nio.file.Watchable) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with Watchable

use of java.nio.file.Watchable in project aws-iot-greengrass-edge-connector-for-kinesis-video-stream by awslabs.

the class DiskManager method setupWatchService.

private void setupWatchService() throws IOException {
    try (WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()) {
        try {
            edgeConnectorForKVSConfigurationList.forEach(configuration -> {
                System.out.println("Start watching!");
                Path path = configuration.getVideoRecordFolderPath();
                try {
                    path.register(watchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE);
          "Start watch service for video record path: %s", path.getFileName()));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error(String.format("Start watch service for video record path: %s failed!", path.toString()));
                    throw new EdgeConnectorForKVSException(e);
            while (true) {
                final WatchKey watchKey = watchService.take();
                final Watchable watchable = watchKey.watchable();
                if (watchable instanceof Path) {
                    final Path directoryPath = (Path) watchable;
                    for (WatchEvent<?> event : watchKey.pollEvents()) {
                        this.callback.handleWatchEvent(directoryPath, event, diskManagerUtil);
                if (!watchKey.reset()) {
                    log.warn("Disk Management run into issue. Restarting the process...");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("Disk Management process interrupted! ");
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) EdgeConnectorForKVSException( Watchable(java.nio.file.Watchable) WatchKey(java.nio.file.WatchKey) IOException( WatchService(java.nio.file.WatchService)


Watchable (java.nio.file.Watchable)7 WatchKey (java.nio.file.WatchKey)5 Path (java.nio.file.Path)4 WatchEvent (java.nio.file.WatchEvent)4 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 WatchService (java.nio.file.WatchService)2 EdgeConnectorForKVSException ( File ( ClosedWatchServiceException (java.nio.file.ClosedWatchServiceException)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 AtomicBoolean (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)1 JarFile (java.util.jar.JarFile)1 FileAlterationObserver ( PollingWatchService (org.imca_cat.pollingwatchservice.PollingWatchService)1