use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestProxyUsers method loadTest.
public static void loadTest(String ipString, int testRange) {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(DefaultImpersonationProvider.getTestProvider().getProxySuperuserGroupConfKey(REAL_USER_NAME), StringUtils.join(",", Arrays.asList(GROUP_NAMES)));
conf.set(DefaultImpersonationProvider.getTestProvider().getProxySuperuserIpConfKey(REAL_USER_NAME), ipString);
// First try proxying a group that's allowed
UserGroupInformation realUserUgi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(REAL_USER_NAME);
UserGroupInformation proxyUserUgi = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUserForTesting(PROXY_USER_NAME, realUserUgi, GROUP_NAMES);
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
for (int i = 1; i < 1000000; i++) {
try {
ProxyUsers.authorize(proxyUserUgi, "1.2.3." + sr.nextInt(testRange));
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
long stopTime = System.nanoTime();
long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime;
System.out.println(elapsedTime / 1000000 + " ms");
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestEncryptionUtil method testKeyWrapping.
// There does not seem to be a ready way to test either getKeyFromBytesOrMasterKey
// or createEncryptionContext, and the existing code under MobUtils appeared to be
// untested. Not ideal!
public void testKeyWrapping() throws Exception {
// set up the key provider for testing to resolve a key for our test subject
// we don't need HBaseConfiguration for this
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(HConstants.CRYPTO_KEYPROVIDER_CONF_KEY, KeyProviderForTesting.class.getName());
// generate a test key
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[AES.KEY_LENGTH];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(keyBytes);
String algorithm = conf.get(HConstants.CRYPTO_KEY_ALGORITHM_CONF_KEY, HConstants.CIPHER_AES);
Key key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm);
// wrap the test key
byte[] wrappedKeyBytes = EncryptionUtil.wrapKey(conf, "hbase", key);
// unwrap
Key unwrappedKey = EncryptionUtil.unwrapKey(conf, "hbase", wrappedKeyBytes);
// only secretkeyspec supported for now
assertTrue(unwrappedKey instanceof SecretKeySpec);
// did we get back what we wrapped?
assertTrue("Unwrapped key bytes do not match original", Bytes.equals(keyBytes, unwrappedKey.getEncoded()));
// unwrap with an incorrect key
try {
EncryptionUtil.unwrapKey(conf, "other", wrappedKeyBytes);
fail("Unwrap with incorrect key did not throw KeyException");
} catch (KeyException e) {
// expected
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestEncryptionUtil method testWALKeyWrappingWithIncorrectKey.
@Test(expected = KeyException.class)
public void testWALKeyWrappingWithIncorrectKey() throws Exception {
// set up the key provider for testing to resolve a key for our test subject
// we don't need HBaseConfiguration for this
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(HConstants.CRYPTO_KEYPROVIDER_CONF_KEY, KeyProviderForTesting.class.getName());
// generate a test key
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[AES.KEY_LENGTH];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(keyBytes);
String algorithm = conf.get(HConstants.CRYPTO_WAL_ALGORITHM_CONF_KEY, HConstants.CIPHER_AES);
Key key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm);
// wrap the test key
byte[] wrappedKeyBytes = EncryptionUtil.wrapKey(conf, "hbase", key);
// unwrap with an incorrect key
EncryptionUtil.unwrapWALKey(conf, "other", wrappedKeyBytes);
use of in project kafka by apache.
the class TestSslUtils method generateCertificate.
* Create a self-signed X.509 Certificate.
* From
* @param dn the X.509 Distinguished Name, eg "CN=Test, L=London, C=GB"
* @param pair the KeyPair
* @param days how many days from now the Certificate is valid for
* @param algorithm the signing algorithm, eg "SHA1withRSA"
* @return the self-signed certificate
* @throws CertificateException thrown if a security error or an IO error occurred.
public static X509Certificate generateCertificate(String dn, KeyPair pair, int days, String algorithm) throws CertificateException {
try {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId = new DefaultSignatureAlgorithmIdentifierFinder().find(algorithm);
AlgorithmIdentifier digAlgId = new DefaultDigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder().find(sigAlgId);
AsymmetricKeyParameter privateKeyAsymKeyParam = PrivateKeyFactory.createKey(pair.getPrivate().getEncoded());
SubjectPublicKeyInfo subPubKeyInfo = SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getInstance(pair.getPublic().getEncoded());
ContentSigner sigGen = new BcRSAContentSignerBuilder(sigAlgId, digAlgId).build(privateKeyAsymKeyParam);
X500Name name = new X500Name(dn);
Date from = new Date();
Date to = new Date(from.getTime() + days * 86400000L);
BigInteger sn = new BigInteger(64, new SecureRandom());
X509v1CertificateBuilder v1CertGen = new X509v1CertificateBuilder(name, sn, from, to, name, subPubKeyInfo);
X509CertificateHolder certificateHolder =;
return new JcaX509CertificateConverter().setProvider("BC").getCertificate(certificateHolder);
} catch (CertificateException ce) {
throw ce;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CertificateException(e);
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHBaseFsckEncryption method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
conf.setInt("hfile.format.version", 3);
conf.set(HConstants.CRYPTO_KEYPROVIDER_CONF_KEY, KeyProviderForTesting.class.getName());
conf.set(HConstants.CRYPTO_MASTERKEY_NAME_CONF_KEY, "hbase");
// Create the test encryption key
SecureRandom rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[AES.KEY_LENGTH];
String algorithm = conf.get(HConstants.CRYPTO_KEY_ALGORITHM_CONF_KEY, HConstants.CIPHER_AES);
cfKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm);
// Start the minicluster
// Create the table
htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf("default", "TestHBaseFsckEncryption"));
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor("cf");
hcd.setEncryptionKey(EncryptionUtil.wrapKey(conf, conf.get(HConstants.CRYPTO_MASTERKEY_NAME_CONF_KEY, User.getCurrent().getShortName()), cfKey));
TEST_UTIL.waitTableAvailable(htd.getName(), 5000);