use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMobCompactor method testMajorCompactionFromAdmin.
@Test(timeout = 300000)
public void testMajorCompactionFromAdmin() throws Exception {
int mergeSize = 5000;
// change the mob compaction merge size
conf.setLong(MobConstants.MOB_COMPACTION_MERGEABLE_THRESHOLD, mergeSize);
SecureRandom rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[AES.KEY_LENGTH];
String algorithm = conf.get(HConstants.CRYPTO_KEY_ALGORITHM_CONF_KEY, HConstants.CIPHER_AES);
Key cfKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm);
byte[] encryptionKey = EncryptionUtil.wrapKey(conf, conf.get(HConstants.CRYPTO_MASTERKEY_NAME_CONF_KEY, User.getCurrent().getShortName()), cfKey);
final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
HColumnDescriptor hcd1 = new HColumnDescriptor(family1);
HColumnDescriptor hcd2 = new HColumnDescriptor(family2);
admin.createTable(desc, getSplitKeys());
Table table = conn.getTable(tableName);
BufferedMutator bufMut = conn.getBufferedMutator(tableName);
int count = 4;
// generate mob files
loadData(admin, bufMut, tableName, count, rowNumPerFile);
int rowNumPerRegion = count * rowNumPerFile;
assertEquals("Before deleting: mob rows count", regionNum * rowNumPerRegion, countMobRows(table));
assertEquals("Before deleting: mob cells count", regionNum * cellNumPerRow * rowNumPerRegion, countMobCells(table));
assertEquals("Before deleting: mob file count", regionNum * count, countFiles(tableName, true, family1));
createDelFile(table, tableName, Bytes.toBytes(family1), Bytes.toBytes(qf1));
assertEquals("Before compaction: mob rows count", regionNum * (rowNumPerRegion - delRowNum), countMobRows(table));
assertEquals("Before compaction: mob cells count", regionNum * (cellNumPerRow * rowNumPerRegion - delCellNum), countMobCells(table));
assertEquals("Before compaction: family1 mob file count", regionNum * count, countFiles(tableName, true, family1));
assertEquals("Before compaction: family2 mob file count", regionNum * count, countFiles(tableName, true, family2));
assertEquals("Before compaction: family1 del file count", regionNum, countFiles(tableName, false, family1));
assertEquals("Before compaction: family2 del file count", regionNum, countFiles(tableName, false, family2));
// do the major mob compaction, it will force all files to compaction
admin.majorCompact(tableName, hcd1.getName(), CompactType.MOB);
assertEquals("After compaction: mob rows count", regionNum * (rowNumPerRegion - delRowNum), countMobRows(table));
assertEquals("After compaction: mob cells count", regionNum * (cellNumPerRow * rowNumPerRegion - delCellNum), countMobCells(table));
assertEquals("After compaction: family1 mob file count", regionNum, countFiles(tableName, true, family1));
assertEquals("After compaction: family2 mob file count", regionNum * count, countFiles(tableName, true, family2));
assertEquals("After compaction: family1 del file count", 0, countFiles(tableName, false, family1));
assertEquals("After compaction: family2 del file count", regionNum, countFiles(tableName, false, family2));
Assert.assertTrue(verifyEncryption(tableName, family1));
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestReplicationSink method testReplicateEntriesForHFiles.
* Test replicateEntries with a bulk load entry for 25 HFiles
public void testReplicateEntriesForHFiles() throws Exception {
Path dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS("testReplicateEntries");
Path familyDir = new Path(dir, Bytes.toString(FAM_NAME1));
int numRows = 10;
List<Path> p = new ArrayList<>(1);
// 1. Generate 25 hfile ranges
Random rng = new SecureRandom();
Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>();
while (numbers.size() < 50) {
List<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<>(numbers);
Map<String, Long> storeFilesSize = new HashMap<>(1);
// 2. Create 25 hfiles
Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
FileSystem fs = dir.getFileSystem(conf);
Iterator<Integer> numbersItr = numberList.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
Path hfilePath = new Path(familyDir, "hfile_" + i);
HFileTestUtil.createHFile(conf, fs, hfilePath, FAM_NAME1, FAM_NAME1, Bytes.toBytes(, Bytes.toBytes(, numRows);
storeFilesSize.put(hfilePath.getName(), fs.getFileStatus(hfilePath).getLen());
// 3. Create a BulkLoadDescriptor and a WALEdit
Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles = new HashMap<>(1);
storeFiles.put(FAM_NAME1, p);
WALEdit edit = null;
WALProtos.BulkLoadDescriptor loadDescriptor = null;
try (Connection c = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
RegionLocator l = c.getRegionLocator(TABLE_NAME1)) {
HRegionInfo regionInfo = l.getAllRegionLocations().get(0).getRegionInfo();
loadDescriptor = ProtobufUtil.toBulkLoadDescriptor(TABLE_NAME1, UnsafeByteOperations.unsafeWrap(regionInfo.getEncodedNameAsBytes()), storeFiles, storeFilesSize, 1);
edit = WALEdit.createBulkLoadEvent(regionInfo, loadDescriptor);
List<WALEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(1);
// 4. Create a WALEntryBuilder
WALEntry.Builder builder = createWALEntryBuilder(TABLE_NAME1);
// 5. Copy the hfile to the path as it is in reality
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
String pathToHfileFromNS = new StringBuilder(100).append(TABLE_NAME1.getNamespaceAsString()).append(Path.SEPARATOR).append(Bytes.toString(TABLE_NAME1.getName())).append(Path.SEPARATOR).append(Bytes.toString(loadDescriptor.getEncodedRegionName().toByteArray())).append(Path.SEPARATOR).append(Bytes.toString(FAM_NAME1)).append(Path.SEPARATOR).append("hfile_" + i).toString();
String dst = baseNamespaceDir + Path.SEPARATOR + pathToHfileFromNS;
FileUtil.copy(fs, p.get(0), fs, new Path(dst), false, conf);
try (ResultScanner scanner = table1.getScanner(new Scan())) {
// 6. Assert no existing data in table
// 7. Replicate the bulk loaded entry
SINK.replicateEntries(entries, CellUtil.createCellScanner(edit.getCells().iterator()), replicationClusterId, baseNamespaceDir, hfileArchiveDir);
try (ResultScanner scanner = table1.getScanner(new Scan())) {
// 8. Assert data is replicated
use of in project tomcat by apache.
the class Util method generateMask.
static byte[] generateMask() {
// SecureRandom is not thread-safe so need to make sure only one thread
// uses it at a time. In theory, the pool could grow to the same size
// as the number of request processing threads. In reality it will be
// a lot smaller.
// Get a SecureRandom from the pool
SecureRandom sr = randoms.poll();
// If one isn't available, generate a new one
if (sr == null) {
try {
sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
// Fall back to platform default
sr = new SecureRandom();
// Generate the mask
byte[] result = new byte[4];
// Put the SecureRandom back in the poll
return result;
use of in project cas by apereo.
the class Beans method newPasswordEncoder.
* New password encoder password encoder.
* @param properties the properties
* @return the password encoder
public static PasswordEncoder newPasswordEncoder(final PasswordEncoderProperties properties) {
final String type = properties.getType();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(type)) {
LOGGER.debug("No password encoder type is defined, and so none shall be created");
return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();
if (type.contains(".")) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Configuration indicates use of a custom password encoder [{}]", type);
final Class<PasswordEncoder> clazz = (Class<PasswordEncoder>) Class.forName(type);
return clazz.newInstance();
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Falling back to a no-op password encoder as CAS has failed to create " + "an instance of the custom password encoder class " + type, e);
return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();
final PasswordEncoderProperties.PasswordEncoderTypes encoderType = PasswordEncoderProperties.PasswordEncoderTypes.valueOf(type);
switch(encoderType) {
LOGGER.debug("Creating default password encoder with encoding alg [{}] and character encoding [{}]", properties.getEncodingAlgorithm(), properties.getCharacterEncoding());
return new DefaultPasswordEncoder(properties.getEncodingAlgorithm(), properties.getCharacterEncoding());
LOGGER.debug("Creating standard password encoder with the secret defined in the configuration");
return new StandardPasswordEncoder(properties.getSecret());
case BCRYPT:
LOGGER.debug("Creating BCRYPT password encoder given the strength [{}] and secret in the configuration", properties.getStrength());
if (StringUtils.isBlank(properties.getSecret())) {
LOGGER.debug("Creating BCRYPT encoder without secret");
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder(properties.getStrength());
LOGGER.debug("Creating BCRYPT encoder with secret");
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder(properties.getStrength(), new SecureRandom(properties.getSecret().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
case SCRYPT:
LOGGER.debug("Creating SCRYPT encoder");
return new SCryptPasswordEncoder();
case PBKDF2:
if (StringUtils.isBlank(properties.getSecret())) {
LOGGER.debug("Creating PBKDF2 encoder without secret");
return new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder();
final int hashWidth = 256;
return new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder(properties.getSecret(), properties.getStrength(), hashWidth);
case NONE:
LOGGER.debug("No password encoder shall be created given the requested encoder type [{}]", type);
return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();
use of in project cas by apereo.
the class QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandlerTests method verifyBCryptSuccess.
* This test proves that in case BCRYPT and
* using raw password test can authenticate
public void verifyBCryptSuccess() throws Exception {
final BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder(6, new SecureRandom("secret2".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
final String sql = SQL.replace("*", "'" + encoder.encode("pswbc2") + "' password");
final QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler q = new QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler("", null, null, null, this.dataSource, sql, PASSWORD_FIELD, null, null, Collections.emptyMap());
assertNotNull(q.authenticate(CoreAuthenticationTestUtils.getCredentialsWithDifferentUsernameAndPassword("user3", "pswbc2")));