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Example 1 with RSAPrivateKey

use of in project camel by apache.

the class SftpOperations method createSession.

protected Session createSession(final RemoteFileConfiguration configuration) throws JSchException {
    final JSch jsch = new JSch();
    JSch.setLogger(new JSchLogger(endpoint.getConfiguration().getJschLoggingLevel()));
    SftpConfiguration sftpConfig = (SftpConfiguration) configuration;
    if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getCiphers())) {
        LOG.debug("Using ciphers: {}", sftpConfig.getCiphers());
        Hashtable<String, String> ciphers = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        ciphers.put("cipher.s2c", sftpConfig.getCiphers());
        ciphers.put("cipher.c2s", sftpConfig.getCiphers());
    if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyFile())) {
        LOG.debug("Using private keyfile: {}", sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyFile());
        if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyPassphrase())) {
            jsch.addIdentity(sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyFile(), sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyPassphrase());
        } else {
    if (sftpConfig.getPrivateKey() != null) {
        LOG.debug("Using private key information from byte array");
        byte[] passphrase = null;
        if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyPassphrase())) {
            try {
                passphrase = sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyPassphrase().getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new JSchException("Cannot transform passphrase to byte[]", e);
        jsch.addIdentity("ID", sftpConfig.getPrivateKey(), null, passphrase);
    if (sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyUri() != null) {
        LOG.debug("Using private key uri : {}", sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyUri());
        byte[] passphrase = null;
        if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyPassphrase())) {
            try {
                passphrase = sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyPassphrase().getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new JSchException("Cannot transform passphrase to byte[]", e);
        try {
            InputStream is = ResourceHelper.resolveMandatoryResourceAsInputStream(endpoint.getCamelContext(), sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyUri());
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            IOHelper.copyAndCloseInput(is, bos);
            jsch.addIdentity("ID", bos.toByteArray(), null, passphrase);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new JSchException("Cannot read resource: " + sftpConfig.getPrivateKeyUri(), e);
    if (sftpConfig.getKeyPair() != null) {
        LOG.debug("Using private key information from key pair");
        KeyPair keyPair = sftpConfig.getKeyPair();
        if (keyPair.getPrivate() != null && keyPair.getPublic() != null) {
            if (keyPair.getPrivate() instanceof RSAPrivateKey && keyPair.getPublic() instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
                jsch.addIdentity(new RSAKeyPairIdentity("ID", keyPair), null);
            } else if (keyPair.getPrivate() instanceof DSAPrivateKey && keyPair.getPublic() instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
                jsch.addIdentity(new DSAKeyPairIdentity("ID", keyPair), null);
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Only RSA and DSA key pairs are supported");
        } else {
            LOG.warn("PrivateKey and PublicKey in the KeyPair must be filled");
    if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getKnownHostsFile())) {
        LOG.debug("Using knownhosts file: {}", sftpConfig.getKnownHostsFile());
    if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getKnownHostsUri())) {
        LOG.debug("Using known hosts uri: {}", sftpConfig.getKnownHostsUri());
        try {
            InputStream is = ResourceHelper.resolveMandatoryResourceAsInputStream(endpoint.getCamelContext(), sftpConfig.getKnownHostsUri());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new JSchException("Cannot read resource: " + sftpConfig.getKnownHostsUri(), e);
    if (sftpConfig.getKnownHosts() != null) {
        LOG.debug("Using known hosts information from byte array");
        jsch.setKnownHosts(new ByteArrayInputStream(sftpConfig.getKnownHosts()));
    String knownHostsFile = sftpConfig.getKnownHostsFile();
    if (knownHostsFile == null && sftpConfig.isUseUserKnownHostsFile()) {
        knownHostsFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.ssh/known_hosts";"Known host file not configured, using user known host file: {}", knownHostsFile);
    if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(knownHostsFile)) {
        LOG.debug("Using known hosts information from file: {}", knownHostsFile);
    final Session session = jsch.getSession(configuration.getUsername(), configuration.getHost(), configuration.getPort());
    if (isNotEmpty(sftpConfig.getStrictHostKeyChecking())) {
        LOG.debug("Using StrickHostKeyChecking: {}", sftpConfig.getStrictHostKeyChecking());
        session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", sftpConfig.getStrictHostKeyChecking());
    // compression
    if (sftpConfig.getCompression() > 0) {
        LOG.debug("Using compression: {}", sftpConfig.getCompression());
        session.setConfig("compression.s2c", ",zlib,none");
        session.setConfig("compression.c2s", ",zlib,none");
        session.setConfig("compression_level", Integer.toString(sftpConfig.getCompression()));
    // set the PreferredAuthentications 
    if (sftpConfig.getPreferredAuthentications() != null) {
        LOG.debug("Using PreferredAuthentications: {}", sftpConfig.getPreferredAuthentications());
        session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", sftpConfig.getPreferredAuthentications());
    // set user information
    session.setUserInfo(new ExtendedUserInfo() {

        public String getPassphrase() {
            return null;

        public String getPassword() {
            return configuration.getPassword();

        public boolean promptPassword(String s) {
            return true;

        public boolean promptPassphrase(String s) {
            return true;

        public boolean promptYesNo(String s) {
            LOG.warn("Server asks for confirmation (yes|no): " + s + ". Camel will answer no.");
            // Return 'false' indicating modification of the hosts file is disabled.
            return false;

        public void showMessage(String s) {
            LOG.trace("Message received from Server: " + s);

        public String[] promptKeyboardInteractive(String destination, String name, String instruction, String[] prompt, boolean[] echo) {
            // must return an empty array if password is null
            if (configuration.getPassword() == null) {
                return new String[0];
            } else {
                return new String[] { configuration.getPassword() };
    // set the SO_TIMEOUT for the time after the connect phase
    if (configuration.getSoTimeout() > 0) {
    // set proxy if configured
    if (proxy != null) {
    return session;
Also used : JSchException(com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException) KeyPair( Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( UnsupportedEncodingException( ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( JSch(com.jcraft.jsch.JSch) DSAPublicKey( RSAPublicKey( ByteArrayInputStream( DSAPrivateKey( RSAPrivateKey( Session(com.jcraft.jsch.Session)

Example 2 with RSAPrivateKey

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class AndroidKeyStoreTest method testKeyStore_GetKey_NoPassword_Encrypted_Success.

public void testKeyStore_GetKey_NoPassword_Encrypted_Success() throws Exception {
    mKeyStore.load(null, null);
    assertTrue(mAndroidKeyStore.importKey(Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + TEST_ALIAS_1, FAKE_KEY_1, KeyStore.UID_SELF, KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED));
    assertTrue(mAndroidKeyStore.put(Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + TEST_ALIAS_1, FAKE_USER_1, KeyStore.UID_SELF, KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED));
    assertTrue(mAndroidKeyStore.put(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + TEST_ALIAS_1, FAKE_CA_1, KeyStore.UID_SELF, KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED));
    Key key = mKeyStore.getKey(TEST_ALIAS_1, null);
    assertNotNull("Key should exist", key);
    assertTrue("Should be a RSAPrivateKey", key instanceof RSAPrivateKey);
    RSAPrivateKey actualKey = (RSAPrivateKey) key;
    KeyFactory keyFact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    PrivateKey expectedKey = keyFact.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(FAKE_KEY_1));
    assertEquals("Inserted key should be same as retrieved key", ((RSAPrivateKey) expectedKey).getModulus(), actualKey.getModulus());
Also used : RSAPrivateKey( PrivateKey( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( RSAPrivateKey( RSAPrivateKey( PublicKey( Key( PrivateKey( SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) KeyFactory(

Example 3 with RSAPrivateKey

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class AndroidKeyStoreTest method testKeyStore_GetKey_NoPassword_Unencrypted_Success.

public void testKeyStore_GetKey_NoPassword_Unencrypted_Success() throws Exception {
    mKeyStore.load(null, null);
    assertTrue(mAndroidKeyStore.importKey(Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + TEST_ALIAS_1, FAKE_KEY_1, KeyStore.UID_SELF, KeyStore.FLAG_NONE));
    assertTrue(mAndroidKeyStore.put(Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + TEST_ALIAS_1, FAKE_USER_1, KeyStore.UID_SELF, KeyStore.FLAG_NONE));
    assertTrue(mAndroidKeyStore.put(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + TEST_ALIAS_1, FAKE_CA_1, KeyStore.UID_SELF, KeyStore.FLAG_NONE));
    Key key = mKeyStore.getKey(TEST_ALIAS_1, null);
    assertNotNull("Key should exist", key);
    assertTrue("Should be a RSAPrivateKey", key instanceof RSAPrivateKey);
    RSAPrivateKey actualKey = (RSAPrivateKey) key;
    KeyFactory keyFact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    PrivateKey expectedKey = keyFact.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(FAKE_KEY_1));
    assertEquals("Inserted key should be same as retrieved key", ((RSAPrivateKey) expectedKey).getModulus(), actualKey.getModulus());
Also used : RSAPrivateKey( PrivateKey( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( RSAPrivateKey( RSAPrivateKey( PublicKey( Key( PrivateKey( SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) KeyFactory(

Example 4 with RSAPrivateKey

use of in project jersey by jersey.

the class RsaSha1Method method sign.

     * Generates the RSA-SHA1 signature of OAuth request elements.
     * @param baseString the combined OAuth elements to sign.
     * @param secrets the secrets object containing the private key for generating the signature.
     * @return the OAuth signature, in base64-encoded form.
     * @throws InvalidSecretException if the supplied secret is not valid.
public String sign(final String baseString, final OAuth1Secrets secrets) throws InvalidSecretException {
    final Signature signature;
    try {
        signature = Signature.getInstance(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM);
    } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(nsae);
    byte[] decodedPrivateKey;
    try {
        decodedPrivateKey = Base64.decode(secrets.getConsumerSecret());
    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
        throw new InvalidSecretException(LocalizationMessages.ERROR_INVALID_CONSUMER_SECRET(ioe));
    final KeyFactory keyFactory;
    try {
        keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_TYPE);
    } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(nsae);
    final EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(decodedPrivateKey);
    final RSAPrivateKey rsaPrivateKey;
    try {
        rsaPrivateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
    } catch (final InvalidKeySpecException ikse) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(ikse);
    try {
    } catch (final InvalidKeyException ike) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(ike);
    try {
    } catch (final SignatureException se) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(se);
    final byte[] rsasha1;
    try {
        rsasha1 = signature.sign();
    } catch (final SignatureException se) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(se);
    return Base64.encode(rsasha1);
Also used : NoSuchAlgorithmException( IOException( SignatureException( InvalidKeyException( Signature( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( InvalidKeySpecException( RSAPrivateKey( KeyFactory( EncodedKeySpec( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(

Example 5 with RSAPrivateKey

use of in project chromeview by pwnall.

the class AndroidKeyStore method getOpenSSLHandleForPrivateKey.

     * Return the system EVP_PKEY handle corresponding to a given PrivateKey
     * object, obtained through reflection.
     * This shall only be used when the "NONEwithRSA" signature is not
     * available, as described in rawSignDigestWithPrivateKey(). I.e.
     * never use this on Android 4.2 or higher.
     * This can only work in Android 4.0.4 and higher, for older versions
     * of the platform (e.g. 4.0.3), there is no system OpenSSL EVP_PKEY,
     * but the private key contents can be retrieved directly with
     * the getEncoded() method.
     * This assumes that the target device uses a vanilla AOSP
     * implementation of its classes, which is also
     * based on OpenSSL (fortunately, no OEM has apperently changed to
     * a different implementation, according to the Android team).
     * Note that the object returned was created with the platform version
     * of OpenSSL, and _not_ the one that comes with Chromium. Whether the
     * object can be used safely with the Chromium OpenSSL library depends
     * on differences between their actual ABI / implementation details.
     * To better understand what's going on below, please refer to the
     * following source files in the Android 4.0.4 and 4.1 source trees:
     * libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/xnet/provider/jsse/
     * libcore/luni/src/main/native/org_apache_harmony_xnet_provider_jsse_NativeCrypto.cpp
     * @param privateKey The PrivateKey handle.
     * @return The EVP_PKEY handle, as a 32-bit integer (0 if not available)
public static int getOpenSSLHandleForPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey) {
    // Sanity checks
    if (privateKey == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "privateKey == null");
        return 0;
    if (!(privateKey instanceof RSAPrivateKey)) {
        Log.e(TAG, "does not implement RSAPrivateKey");
        return 0;
    // First, check that this is a proper instance of OpenSSLRSAPrivateKey
    // or one of its sub-classes.
    Class<?> superClass;
    try {
        superClass = Class.forName("org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLRSAPrivateKey");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // This may happen if the target device has a completely different
        // implementation of the APIs, compared to vanilla
        // Android. Highly unlikely, but still possible.
        Log.e(TAG, "Cannot find system OpenSSLRSAPrivateKey class: " + e);
        return 0;
    if (!superClass.isInstance(privateKey)) {
        // This may happen if the PrivateKey was not created by the "AndroidOpenSSL"
        // provider, which should be the default. That could happen if an OEM decided
        // to implement a different default provider. Also highly unlikely.
        Log.e(TAG, "Private key is not an OpenSSLRSAPrivateKey instance, its class name is:" + privateKey.getClass().getCanonicalName());
        return 0;
    try {
        // Use reflection to invoke the 'getOpenSSLKey()' method on
        // the private key. This returns another Java object that wraps
        // a native EVP_PKEY. Note that the method is final, so calling
        // the superclass implementation is ok.
        Method getKey = superClass.getDeclaredMethod("getOpenSSLKey");
        Object opensslKey = null;
        try {
            opensslKey = getKey.invoke(privateKey);
        } finally {
        if (opensslKey == null) {
            // Bail when detecting OEM "enhancement".
            Log.e(TAG, "getOpenSSLKey() returned null");
            return 0;
        // Use reflection to invoke the 'getPkeyContext' method on the
        // result of the getOpenSSLKey(). This is an 32-bit integer
        // which is the address of an EVP_PKEY object.
        Method getPkeyContext;
        try {
            getPkeyContext = opensslKey.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getPkeyContext");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Bail here too, something really not working as expected.
            Log.e(TAG, "No getPkeyContext() method on OpenSSLKey member:" + e);
            return 0;
        int evp_pkey = 0;
        try {
            evp_pkey = (Integer) getPkeyContext.invoke(opensslKey);
        } finally {
        if (evp_pkey == 0) {
            // The PrivateKey is probably rotten for some reason.
            Log.e(TAG, "getPkeyContext() returned null");
        return evp_pkey;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Exception while trying to retrieve system EVP_PKEY handle: " + e);
        return 0;
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) RSAPrivateKey( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) NoSuchAlgorithmException( CalledByNative(org.chromium.base.CalledByNative)


RSAPrivateKey ( RSAPublicKey ( KeyFactory ( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec ( InvalidKeyException ( PrivateKey ( KeyPair ( PublicKey ( RSAPrivateCrtKey ( RSAPrivateKeySpec ( KeyPairGenerator ( RSAPublicKeySpec ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)6 NoSuchAlgorithmException ( IOException ( Key ( InvalidKeySpecException ( RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec ( X509EncodedKeySpec ( Signature (