use of java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConnIdUtil method lookForKnownCause.
private static Exception lookForKnownCause(Throwable ex, OperationResult parentResult) {
if (ex.getClass().getPackage().equals(SchemaException.class.getPackage())) {
// Common midPoint exceptions, pass through
// Those may get here from the inner calls of handle() methods from the connector.
parentResult.recordFatalError(ex.getMessage(), ex);
return (Exception) ex;
if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
// fix MID-2711 consider FileNotFoundException as CommunicationException
Exception newEx = new com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("File not found: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof NameAlreadyBoundException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Object already exists: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof javax.naming.CommunicationException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Communication error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Communication error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ServiceUnavailableException) {
// In some cases (e.g. JDK 1.6.0_31) this is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Communication error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Communication error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof SchemaViolationException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Schema violation", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Schema violation: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors e = ( ex;
Exception newEx;
if (e.getExplanation().contains("unique attribute conflict")) {
newEx = new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Invalid attribute", ex));
} else {
newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Invalid attribute", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Invalid attribute: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ConnectException) {
// Buried deep in many exceptions, usually connection refused or
// similar errors
// Note: needs to be after javax.naming.CommunicationException as the
// javax.naming exception has more info (e.g. hostname)
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Connect error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Connect error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof SQLSyntaxErrorException) {
// Buried deep in many exceptions, usually DB schema problems of
// DB-based connectors
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("DB syntax error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("DB syntax error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof SQLException) {
// Buried deep in many exceptions, usually DB connection problems
Exception newEx = new GenericFrameworkException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("DB error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("DB error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof NoPermissionException) {
Exception newEx = new SecurityViolationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Object not found: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof AttributeInUseException) {
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Attribute in use: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof NoSuchAttributeException) {
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("No such attribute: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ConnectorException && !ex.getClass().equals(ConnectorException.class)) {
// we have non generic connector exception
Exception newEx = processConnectorException((ConnectorException) ex, parentResult);
if (newEx != null) {
return newEx;
if (ex.getCause() == null) {
// found nothing
return null;
} else {
// Otherwise go one level deeper ...
return lookForKnownCause(ex.getCause(), parentResult);
use of java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException in project zipkin by openzipkin.
the class SchemaTest method hasErrorCount_falseWhenKnownSQLState.
public void hasErrorCount_falseWhenKnownSQLState() throws SQLException {
SQLSyntaxErrorException sqlException = new SQLSyntaxErrorException("Unknown column 'zipkin_dependencies.error_count' in 'field list'", "42S22", 1054);
// cheats to lower mock count: this exception is really thrown during execution of the query
when(dataSource.getConnection()).thenThrow(new DataAccessException(sqlException.getMessage(), sqlException));
use of java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMycatRouteStrategy method routeNormalSqlWithAST.
public RouteResultset routeNormalSqlWithAST(SchemaConfig schema, String stmt, RouteResultset rrs, String charset, LayerCachePool cachePool, int sqlType, ServerConnection sc) throws SQLNonTransientException {
* 只有mysql时只支持mysql语法
SQLStatementParser parser = null;
if (schema.isNeedSupportMultiDBType()) {
parser = new MycatStatementParser(stmt);
} else {
parser = new MySqlStatementParser(stmt);
MycatSchemaStatVisitor visitor = null;
SQLStatement statement;
* 解析出现问题统一抛SQL语法错误
try {
statement = parser.parseStatement();
visitor = new MycatSchemaStatVisitor();
} catch (Exception t) {
LOGGER.error("DruidMycatRouteStrategyError", t);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(t);
* 检验unsupported statement
DruidParser druidParser = DruidParserFactory.create(schema, statement, visitor);
druidParser.parser(schema, rrs, statement, stmt, cachePool, visitor);
DruidShardingParseInfo ctx = druidParser.getCtx();
if (visitor.isSubqueryRelationOr()) {
String err = "In subQuery,the or condition is not supported.";
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(err);
/* 按照以下情况路由
1.2.1 可以直接路由.
1.2.2 两个表夸库join的sql.调用calat
1.2.3 需要先执行subquery 的sql.把subquery拆分出来.获取结果后,与outerquery
// add huangyiming 分片规则不一样的且表中带查询条件的则走Catlet
List<String> tables = ctx.getTables();
SchemaConfig schemaConf = MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig().getSchemas().get(schema.getName());
int index = 0;
RuleConfig firstRule = null;
boolean directRoute = true;
Set<String> firstDataNodes = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, TableConfig> tconfigs = schemaConf == null ? null : schemaConf.getTables();
Map<String, RuleConfig> rulemap = new HashMap<>();
if (tconfigs != null) {
for (String tableName : tables) {
TableConfig tc = tconfigs.get(tableName);
if (tc == null) {
// add 别名中取
Map<String, String> tableAliasMap = ctx.getTableAliasMap();
if (tableAliasMap != null && tableAliasMap.get(tableName) != null) {
tc = schemaConf.getTables().get(tableAliasMap.get(tableName));
if (index == 0) {
if (tc != null) {
firstRule = tc.getRule();
// 没有指定分片规则时,不做处理
if (firstRule == null) {
rulemap.put(tc.getName(), firstRule);
} else {
if (tc != null) {
// ER关系表的时候是可能存在字表中没有tablerule的情况,所以加上判断
RuleConfig ruleCfg = tc.getRule();
if (ruleCfg == null) {
// 没有指定分片规则时,不做处理
Set<String> dataNodes = new HashSet<String>();
rulemap.put(tc.getName(), ruleCfg);
// 如果匹配规则不相同或者分片的datanode不相同则需要走子查询处理
if (firstRule != null && ((ruleCfg != null && !ruleCfg.getRuleAlgorithm().equals(firstRule.getRuleAlgorithm())) || (!dataNodes.equals(firstDataNodes)))) {
directRoute = false;
RouteResultset rrsResult = rrs;
if (directRoute) {
// 直接路由
if (!RouterUtil.isAllGlobalTable(ctx, schemaConf)) {
if (rulemap.size() > 1 && !checkRuleField(rulemap, visitor)) {
String err = "In case of slice table,there is no rule field in the relationship condition!";
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(err);
rrsResult = directRoute(rrs, ctx, schema, druidParser, statement, cachePool);
} else {
int subQuerySize = visitor.getSubQuerys().size();
if (subQuerySize == 0 && ctx.getTables().size() == 2) {
// 两表关联,考虑使用catlet
if (!visitor.getRelationships().isEmpty()) {
rrsResult = catletRoute(schema, ctx.getSql(), charset, sc);
} else {
rrsResult = directRoute(rrs, ctx, schema, druidParser, statement, cachePool);
} else if (subQuerySize == 1) {
// 只涉及一张表的子查询,使用 MiddlerResultHandler 获取中间结果后,改写原有 sql 继续执行 TODO 后期可能会考虑多个子查询的情况.
SQLSelect sqlselect = visitor.getSubQuerys().iterator().next();
if (!visitor.getRelationships().isEmpty()) {
// 当 inner query 和 outer query 有关联条件时,暂不支持
String err = "In case of slice table,sql have different rules,the relationship condition is not supported.";
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(err);
} else {
SQLSelectQuery sqlSelectQuery = sqlselect.getQuery();
if (((MySqlSelectQueryBlock) sqlSelectQuery).getFrom() instanceof SQLExprTableSource) {
rrsResult = middlerResultRoute(schema, charset, sqlselect, sqlType, statement, sc);
} else if (subQuerySize >= 2) {
String err = "In case of slice table,sql has different rules,currently only one subQuery is supported.";
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(err);
return rrsResult;
use of java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class RouteService method route.
public RouteResultset route(SystemConfig sysconf, SchemaConfig schema, int sqlType, String stmt, String charset, ServerConnection sc) throws SQLNonTransientException {
RouteResultset rrs = null;
String cacheKey = null;
* SELECT 类型的SQL, 检测
if (sqlType == ServerParse.SELECT) {
cacheKey = schema.getName() + stmt;
rrs = (RouteResultset) sqlRouteCache.get(cacheKey);
if (rrs != null) {
checkMigrateRule(schema.getName(), rrs, sqlType);
return rrs;
/*!mycat: sql = select name from aa */
/*!mycat: schema = test */
// boolean isMatchOldHint = stmt.startsWith(OLD_MYCAT_HINT);
// boolean isMatchNewHint = stmt.startsWith(NEW_MYCAT_HINT);
// if (isMatchOldHint || isMatchNewHint ) {
int hintLength = RouteService.isHintSql(stmt);
if (hintLength != -1) {
int endPos = stmt.indexOf("*/");
if (endPos > 0) {
// 用!mycat:内部的语句来做路由分析
// int hintLength = isMatchOldHint ? OLD_MYCAT_HINT.length() : NEW_MYCAT_HINT.length();
String hint = stmt.substring(hintLength, endPos).trim();
int firstSplitPos = hint.indexOf(HINT_SPLIT);
if (firstSplitPos > 0) {
Map hintMap = parseHint(hint);
String hintType = (String) hintMap.get(MYCAT_HINT_TYPE);
String hintSql = (String) hintMap.get(hintType);
if (hintSql.length() == 0) {
LOGGER.warn("comment int sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException("comment int sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
String realSQL = stmt.substring(endPos + "*/".length()).trim();
HintHandler hintHandler = HintHandlerFactory.getHintHandler(hintType);
if (hintHandler != null) {
if (hintHandler instanceof HintSQLHandler) {
* 修复 注解SQL的 sqlType 与 实际SQL的 sqlType 不一致问题, 如: hint=SELECT,real=INSERT
* fixed by zhuam
int hintSqlType = ServerParse.parse(hintSql) & 0xff;
rrs = hintHandler.route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, realSQL, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache, hintSql, hintSqlType, hintMap);
} else {
rrs = hintHandler.route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, realSQL, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache, hintSql, sqlType, hintMap);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("TODO , support hint sql type : " + hintType);
} else {
// fixed by
LOGGER.warn("comment in sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException("comment in sql must meet :/*!mcat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
} else {
stmt = stmt.trim();
rrs = RouteStrategyFactory.getRouteStrategy().route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, stmt, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache);
if (rrs != null && sqlType == ServerParse.SELECT && rrs.isCacheAble()) {
sqlRouteCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, rrs);
checkMigrateRule(schema.getName(), rrs, sqlType);
return rrs;
use of java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DQLRouteTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
String stmt = "select * from `offer` where id = 100";
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("mysqldb");
RouteResultset rrs = new RouteResultset(stmt, 7);
SQLStatementParser parser = null;
if (schema.isNeedSupportMultiDBType()) {
parser = new MycatStatementParser(stmt);
} else {
parser = new MySqlStatementParser(stmt);
SQLStatement statement;
MycatSchemaStatVisitor visitor = null;
try {
statement = parser.parseStatement();
visitor = new MycatSchemaStatVisitor();
} catch (Exception t) {
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(t);
ctx = new DruidShardingParseInfo();
List<RouteCalculateUnit> taskList = visitorParse(rrs, statement, visitor);
Assert.assertEquals(true, !taskList.get(0).getTablesAndConditions().isEmpty());