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Example 91 with Formatter

use of java.util.Formatter in project weiui by kuaifan.

the class PDF417ScanningDecoder method toString.

public static String toString(BarcodeValue[][] barcodeMatrix) {
    try (Formatter formatter = new Formatter()) {
        for (int row = 0; row < barcodeMatrix.length; row++) {
            formatter.format("Row %2d: ", row);
            for (int column = 0; column < barcodeMatrix[row].length; column++) {
                BarcodeValue barcodeValue = barcodeMatrix[row][column];
                if (barcodeValue.getValue().length == 0) {
                    formatter.format("        ", (Object[]) null);
                } else {
                    formatter.format("%4d(%2d)", barcodeValue.getValue()[0], barcodeValue.getConfidence(barcodeValue.getValue()[0]));
        return formatter.toString();
Also used : Formatter(java.util.Formatter) ResultPoint(vip.kuaifan.weiui.extend.integration.zxing.ResultPoint)

Example 92 with Formatter

use of java.util.Formatter in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StylePrinter method dumpToFile.

 * Writes out this file to the given writer in the single file format. This
 * produces a valid style file, although it is mostly used for testing.
public void dumpToFile(Writer out) {
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter(out);
    if (relations != null)
        dumpRuleSet(fmt, "relations", relations);
    if (nodes != null)
        dumpRuleSet(fmt, "points", nodes);
    if (lines != null)
        dumpRuleSet(fmt, "lines", lines);
    if (polygons != null)
        dumpRuleSet(fmt, "polygons", polygons);
Also used : Formatter(java.util.Formatter)

Example 93 with Formatter

use of java.util.Formatter in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyleTester method roadToString.

 * This is so we can run against versions of mkgmap that do not have
 * toString methods on MapLine and MapRoad.
private static String roadToString(MapRoad el) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(lineToString(el));
    sb.delete(0, 4);
    sb.insert(0, "Road");
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb);
    fmt.format(" road class=%d speed=%d", el.getRoadDef().getRoadClass(), getRoadSpeed(el.getRoadDef()));
    return fmt.toString();
Also used : Formatter(java.util.Formatter)

Example 94 with Formatter

use of java.util.Formatter in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyleTester method lineToString.

 * This is so we can run against versions of mkgmap that do not have
 * toString methods on MapLine and MapRoad.
private static String lineToString(MapLine el) {
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
    fmt.format("Line 0x%x, labels=%s, res=%d-%d", el.getType(), Arrays.toString(el.getLabels()), el.getMinResolution(), el.getMaxResolution());
    if (el.isDirection())
        fmt.format(" oneway");
    fmt.format(" ");
    for (Coord co : el.getPoints()) fmt.format("(%s),", co);
    return fmt.toString();
Also used : Coord( Formatter(java.util.Formatter)

Example 95 with Formatter

use of java.util.Formatter in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class CollationRules method printExpansions.

private void printExpansions() {
    for (CharPosition cp : positionMap) {
        if (!cp.isExpansion())
        Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
        // noinspection MalformedFormatString
        fmt.format("expand %c to", cp.getUnicode());
        boolean ok = true;
        for (CharPosition cp2 = cp; cp2 != null; cp2 = cp2.nextChar) {
            cp2.second = 0x50000;
            int top = (cp2.third >> 16) & 0xff;
            cp2.third = (top == 0x9e || top == 0xa2 || top == 0x2b) ? 0x9b0000 : 0;
            CharPosition floor = basePositionMap.ceiling(cp2);
            if (floor == null || floor.getUnicode() == 0xfffd) {
                fmt.format(" NF");
                ok = false;
            } else {
                fmt.format(" %s", fmtChar(floor.getUnicode()));
        System.out.println((ok ? "" : "# ") + fmt.toString());
        // Print comments to help find problems.
        for (CharPosition cp2 = cp; cp2 != null; cp2 = cp2.nextChar) {
            CharPosition floor = basePositionMap.ceiling(cp2);
            if (floor == null) {
                System.out.println("#FIX: NF ref=" + cp2);
            } else {
                System.out.println("#floor is " + fmtChar(toUnicode(floor.val)) + ", " + floor + ", ref is " + cp2);
Also used : Formatter(java.util.Formatter)


Formatter (java.util.Formatter)558 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)26 File ( IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)22 Test (org.junit.Test)19 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)16 Map (java.util.Map)16 AlertDialog ( DialogInterface (android.content.DialogInterface)14 MessageDigest ( PrintWriter ( Justif (aQute.lib.justif.Justif)12 NoSuchAlgorithmException ( Locale (java.util.Locale)11 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)10 PrintStream ( Calendar (java.util.Calendar)7 LayoutBuilder (android.text.StaticLayoutTest.LayoutBuilder)6 View (android.view.View)6