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Example 1 with Coord

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyledConverter method createRouteRestrictionsFromPOI.

 * If POI changes access restrictions (e.g. bollards), create corresponding
 * route restrictions so that only allowed vehicles/pedestrians are routed
 * through this point.
private void createRouteRestrictionsFromPOI() {
    Iterator<Map.Entry<Node, List<Way>>> iter = poiRestrictions.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<Node, List<Way>> entry =;
        Node node = entry.getKey();
        Coord p = node.getLocation();
        // list of ways that are connected to the poi
        List<Way> wayList = entry.getValue();
        byte exceptMask = AccessTagsAndBits.evalAccessTags(node);
        Map<Integer, CoordNode> otherNodeIds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        CoordNode viaNode = null;
        boolean viaIsUnique = true;
        for (Way way : wayList) {
            CoordNode lastNode = null;
            for (Coord co : way.getPoints()) {
                // not 100% fail safe: points may have been replaced before
                if (co instanceof CoordNode == false)
                CoordNode cn = (CoordNode) co;
                if (p.highPrecEquals(cn)) {
                    if (viaNode == null)
                        viaNode = cn;
                    else if (viaNode != cn) {
                        log.error("Found multiple points with equal coords as CoordPOI at " + p.toOSMURL());
                        // if we ever get here we can add code to identify the exact node
                        viaIsUnique = false;
                    if (lastNode != null)
                        otherNodeIds.put(lastNode.getId(), lastNode);
                } else {
                    if (p.highPrecEquals(lastNode))
                        otherNodeIds.put(cn.getId(), cn);
                lastNode = cn;
        if (viaNode == null) {
            log.error("Did not find CoordPOI node at " + p.toOSMURL() + " in ways " + wayList);
        if (viaIsUnique == false) {
            log.error("Found multiple points with equal coords as CoordPOI at " + p.toOSMURL());
        if (otherNodeIds.size() < 2) {
  "Access restriction in POI node " + node.toBrowseURL() + " was ignored, has no effect on any connected way");
        GeneralRouteRestriction rr = new GeneralRouteRestriction("no_through", exceptMask, "CoordPOI at " + p.toOSMURL());
        int added = collector.addRestriction(rr);
        if (added == 0) {
  "Access restriction in POI node " + node.toBrowseURL() + " was ignored, has no effect on any connected way");
        } else {
  "Access restriction in POI node", node.toBrowseURL(), "was translated to", added, "route restriction(s)");
        if (wayList.size() > 1 && added > 2) {
            log.warn("Access restriction in POI node", node.toBrowseURL(), "affects routing on multiple ways");
Also used : Node( CoordNode( Way( MapPoint( MapExitPoint( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Coord( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) GeneralRouteRestriction( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CoordNode( Map(java.util.Map) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) MultiHashMap(

Example 2 with Coord

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyledConverter method filterCoordPOI.

 * Make sure that only CoordPOI which affect routing will be treated as
 * nodes in the following routines.
private void filterCoordPOI() {
    if (!linkPOIsToWays)
        return;"translating CoordPOI");
    for (ConvertedWay cw : roads) {
        if (!cw.isValid())
        Way way = cw.getWay();
        if ("true".equals(way.getTag("mkgmap:way-has-pois"))) {
            String wayPOI = "";
            List<Coord> points = way.getPoints();
            int numPoints = points.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
                Coord p = points.get(i);
                if (p instanceof CoordPOI) {
                    CoordPOI cp = (CoordPOI) p;
                    Node node = cp.getNode();
                    boolean usedInThisWay = false;
                    byte wayAccess = cw.getAccess();
                    if (node.getTag("mkgmap:road-class") != null || node.getTag("mkgmap:road-speed") != null) {
                        if (wayAccess != AccessTagsAndBits.FOOT)
                            usedInThisWay = true;
                    byte nodeAccess = AccessTagsAndBits.evalAccessTags(node);
                    if (nodeAccess != (byte) 0xff) {
                        // barriers etc.
                        if ((wayAccess & nodeAccess) != wayAccess) {
                            // node is more restrictive
                            if (p.getHighwayCount() >= 2 || (i != 0 && i != numPoints - 1)) {
                                usedInThisWay = true;
                            } else {
                      "POI node", node.getId(), "with access restriction is ignored, it is not connected to other routable ways");
                        } else
                  "Access restriction in POI node", node.toBrowseURL(), "was ignored for way", way.toBrowseURL());
                    if (usedInThisWay) {
                        wayPOI += "[" + node.getId() + "]";
            if (wayPOI.isEmpty()) {
      "ignoring CoordPOI(s) for way", way.toBrowseURL(), "because routing is not affected.");
            } else {
                way.addTag(WAY_POI_NODE_IDS, wayPOI);
Also used : Coord( CoordPOI( Node( CoordNode( Way( MapPoint( MapExitPoint(

Example 3 with Coord

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyledConverter method splitWayAt.

 * split a Way at the specified point and return the new Way (the
 * original Way is truncated, both ways will contain the split point)
 * @param way the way to split
 * @param index the split position.
 * @return the trailing part of the way
private static Way splitWayAt(Way way, int index) {
    if (way.isViaWay()) {
        log.warn("via way of restriction is split, restriction will be ignored", way);
    Way trailingWay = new Way(way.getId());
    List<Coord> wayPoints = way.getPoints();
    int numPointsInWay = wayPoints.size();
    for (int i = index; i < numPointsInWay; ++i) trailingWay.addPoint(wayPoints.get(i));
    // ensure split point becomes a node
    // copy the way's name and tags to the new way
    // it's probably more efficient to remove from the end first
    for (int i = numPointsInWay - 1; i > index; --i) wayPoints.remove(i);
    return trailingWay;
Also used : Coord( Way( MapPoint( MapExitPoint(

Example 4 with Coord

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyledConverter method setBoundingBox.

 * Set the bounding box for this map.  This should be set before any other
 * elements are converted if you want to use it. All elements that are added
 * are clipped to this box, new points are added as needed at the boundary.
 * If a node or a way falls completely outside the boundary then it would be
 * omitted.  This would not normally happen in the way this option is typically
 * used however.
 * @param bbox The bounding area, must not be null.
public void setBoundingBox(Area bbox) {
    this.clipper = new AreaClipper(bbox);
    this.bbox = bbox;
    // we calculate our own bounding box, now let the collector know about it.
    collector.addToBounds(new Coord(bbox.getMinLat(), bbox.getMinLong()));
    collector.addToBounds(new Coord(bbox.getMaxLat(), bbox.getMaxLong()));
Also used : AreaClipper( Coord(

Example 5 with Coord

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyledConverter method addRoad.

 * Add a way to the road network. May call itself recursively and
 * might truncate the way if splitting is required.
 * @param way the way
 * @param gt the type assigned by the style
private void addRoad(ConvertedWay cw) {
    Way way = cw.getWay();
    if (way.getPoints().size() < 2) {
        log.warn("road has < 2 points", way.getId(), "(discarding)");
    // process any Coords that have a POI associated with them
    // metres
    final double stubSegmentLength = 25;
    String wayPOI = way.getTag(WAY_POI_NODE_IDS);
    if (wayPOI != null) {
        List<Coord> points = way.getPoints();
        // or a barrier
        for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
            Coord p = points.get(i);
            if (p instanceof CoordPOI && ((CoordPOI) p).isUsed()) {
                CoordPOI cp = (CoordPOI) p;
                Node node = cp.getNode();
                if (wayPOI.contains("[" + node.getId() + "]")) {
                    log.debug("POI", node.getId(), "changes way", way.getId());
                    // are converted to RouteRestrictions
                    if (p.getHighwayCount() < 2 && cp.getConvertToViaInRouteRestriction() && (i != 0 && i != points.size() - 1))
                    String roadClass = node.getTag("mkgmap:road-class");
                    String roadSpeed = node.getTag("mkgmap:road-speed");
                    if (roadClass != null || roadSpeed != null) {
                        // find good split point after POI
                        Coord splitPoint;
                        double segmentLength = 0;
                        int splitPos = i + 1;
                        while (splitPos + 1 < points.size()) {
                            splitPoint = points.get(splitPos);
                            segmentLength += splitPoint.distance(points.get(splitPos - 1));
                            if (splitPoint.getHighwayCount() > 1 || segmentLength > stubSegmentLength - 5)
                        if (segmentLength > stubSegmentLength + 10) {
                            // insert a new point after the POI to
                            // make a short stub segment
                            splitPoint = points.get(splitPos);
                            Coord prev = points.get(splitPos - 1);
                            double dist = splitPoint.distance(prev);
                            double neededLength = stubSegmentLength - (segmentLength - dist);
                            splitPoint = prev.makeBetweenPoint(splitPoint, neededLength / dist);
                            double newDist = splitPoint.distance(prev);
                            segmentLength += newDist - dist;
                            points.add(splitPos, splitPoint);
                        if ((splitPos + 1) < points.size() && way.isViaWay() == false && safeToSplitWay(points, splitPos, i, points.size() - 1)) {
                            Way tail = splitWayAt(way, splitPos);
                            // recursively process tail of way
                            addRoad(new ConvertedWay(cw, tail));
                        boolean classChanged = cw.recalcRoadClass(node);
                        if (classChanged && log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "POI changing road class of", way.toBrowseURL(), "to", cw.getRoadClass(), "at", points.get(0).toOSMURL());
                        boolean speedChanged = cw.recalcRoadSpeed(node);
                        if (speedChanged && log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "POI changing road speed of", way.toBrowseURL(), "to", cw.getRoadSpeed(), "at", points.get(0).toOSMURL());
            // the affected region
            if (i + 1 < points.size() && points.get(i + 1) instanceof CoordPOI) {
                CoordPOI cp = (CoordPOI) points.get(i + 1);
                Node node = cp.getNode();
                if (cp.isUsed() && wayPOI.contains("[" + node.getId() + "]")) {
                    if (node.getTag("mkgmap:road-class") != null || node.getTag("mkgmap:road-speed") != null) {
                        // find good split point before POI
                        double segmentLength = 0;
                        int splitPos = i;
                        Coord splitPoint;
                        while (splitPos >= 0) {
                            splitPoint = points.get(splitPos);
                            segmentLength += splitPoint.distance(points.get(splitPos + 1));
                            if (splitPoint.getHighwayCount() >= 2 || segmentLength > stubSegmentLength - 5)
                        if (segmentLength > stubSegmentLength + 10) {
                            // insert a new point before the POI to
                            // make a short stub segment
                            splitPoint = points.get(splitPos);
                            Coord prev = points.get(splitPos + 1);
                            double dist = splitPoint.distance(prev);
                            double neededLength = stubSegmentLength - (segmentLength - dist);
                            splitPoint = prev.makeBetweenPoint(splitPoint, neededLength / dist);
                            segmentLength += splitPoint.distance(prev) - dist;
                            points.add(splitPos, splitPoint);
                        if (splitPos > 0 && safeToSplitWay(points, splitPos, 0, points.size() - 1)) {
                            Way tail = splitWayAt(way, splitPos);
                            // recursively process tail of way
                            addRoad(new ConvertedWay(cw, tail));
    // if there is a bounding box, clip the way with it
    List<Way> clippedWays = null;
    if (bbox != null) {
        List<List<Coord>> lineSegs = LineClipper.clip(bbox, way.getPoints());
        if (lineSegs != null) {
            if (lineSegs.isEmpty()) {
                removeRestrictionsWithWay(Level.WARNING, way, "ends on tile boundary, restriction is ignored");
            clippedWays = new ArrayList<>();
            for (List<Coord> lco : lineSegs) {
                Way nWay = new Way(way.getId());
                for (Coord co : lco) {
                    if (co.getOnBoundary()) {
                        // this point lies on a boundary
                        // make sure it becomes a node
    if (clippedWays != null) {
        for (Way clippedWay : clippedWays) {
            addRoadAfterSplittingLoops(new ConvertedWay(cw, clippedWay));
    } else {
        // no bounding box or way was not clipped
Also used : Node( CoordNode( Way( MapPoint( MapExitPoint( Coord( CoordPOI( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)


Coord ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)71 Way ( MapPoint ( List (java.util.List)23 MapLine ( Area ( MapShape ( CoordNode ( MapExitPoint ( Node ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 IdentityHashMap (java.util.IdentityHashMap)11 Test (org.junit.Test)11 MapRoad ( Long2ObjectOpenHashMap (it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap)8 Area (java.awt.geom.Area)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)8 IntArrayList (it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList)5 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)5