Search in sources :

Example 26 with LinkedHashSet

use of java.util.LinkedHashSet in project tomcat by apache.

the class WebappClassLoaderBase method findResources.

     * Return an enumeration of <code>URLs</code> representing all of the
     * resources with the given name.  If no resources with this name are
     * found, return an empty enumeration.
     * @param name Name of the resources to be found
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
public Enumeration<URL> findResources(String name) throws IOException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("    findResources(" + name + ")");
    LinkedHashSet<URL> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    String path = nameToPath(name);
    WebResource[] webResources = resources.getClassLoaderResources(path);
    for (WebResource webResource : webResources) {
        if (webResource.exists()) {
    // Adding the results of a call to the superclass
    if (hasExternalRepositories) {
        Enumeration<URL> otherResourcePaths = super.findResources(name);
        while (otherResourcePaths.hasMoreElements()) {
    return Collections.enumeration(result);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) WebResource(org.apache.catalina.WebResource) URL(

Example 27 with LinkedHashSet

use of java.util.LinkedHashSet in project tomcat by apache.

the class ContextConfig method webConfig.

     * Scan the web.xml files that apply to the web application and merge them
     * using the rules defined in the spec. For the global web.xml files,
     * where there is duplicate configuration, the most specific level wins. ie
     * an application's web.xml takes precedence over the host level or global
     * web.xml file.
protected void webConfig() {
         * Anything and everything can override the global and host defaults.
         * This is implemented in two parts
         * - Handle as a web fragment that gets added after everything else so
         *   everything else takes priority
         * - Mark Servlets as overridable so SCI configuration can replace
         *   configuration from the defaults
         * The rules for annotation scanning are not as clear-cut as one might
         * think. Tomcat implements the following process:
         * - As per SRV.1.6.2, Tomcat will scan for annotations regardless of
         *   which Servlet spec version is declared in web.xml. The EG has
         *   confirmed this is the expected behaviour.
         * - As per, if the main
         *   web.xml is marked as metadata-complete, JARs are still processed
         *   for SCIs.
         * - If metadata-complete=true and an absolute ordering is specified,
         *   JARs excluded from the ordering are also excluded from the SCI
         *   processing.
         * - If an SCI has a @HandlesType annotation then all classes (except
         *   those in JARs excluded from an absolute ordering) need to be
         *   scanned to check if they match.
    WebXmlParser webXmlParser = new WebXmlParser(context.getXmlNamespaceAware(), context.getXmlValidation(), context.getXmlBlockExternal());
    Set<WebXml> defaults = new HashSet<>();
    WebXml webXml = createWebXml();
    // Parse context level web.xml
    InputSource contextWebXml = getContextWebXmlSource();
    if (!webXmlParser.parseWebXml(contextWebXml, webXml, false)) {
        ok = false;
    ServletContext sContext = context.getServletContext();
    // Ordering is important here
    // Step 1. Identify all the JARs packaged with the application and those
    // provided by the container. If any of the application JARs have a
    // web-fragment.xml it will be parsed at this point. web-fragment.xml
    // files are ignored for container provided JARs.
    Map<String, WebXml> fragments = processJarsForWebFragments(webXml, webXmlParser);
    // Step 2. Order the fragments.
    Set<WebXml> orderedFragments = null;
    orderedFragments = WebXml.orderWebFragments(webXml, fragments, sContext);
    // Step 3. Look for ServletContainerInitializer implementations
    if (ok) {
    if (!webXml.isMetadataComplete() || typeInitializerMap.size() > 0) {
        // Step 4. Process /WEB-INF/classes for annotations and
        // @HandlesTypes matches
        Map<String, JavaClassCacheEntry> javaClassCache = new HashMap<>();
        if (ok) {
            WebResource[] webResources = context.getResources().listResources("/WEB-INF/classes");
            for (WebResource webResource : webResources) {
                // expanded in to WEB-INF/classes (sometimes IDEs do this).
                if ("META-INF".equals(webResource.getName())) {
                processAnnotationsWebResource(webResource, webXml, webXml.isMetadataComplete(), javaClassCache);
        // container fragments)
        if (ok) {
            processAnnotations(orderedFragments, webXml.isMetadataComplete(), javaClassCache);
        // Cache, if used, is no longer required so clear it
    if (!webXml.isMetadataComplete()) {
        // file.
        if (ok) {
            ok = webXml.merge(orderedFragments);
        // Step 7. Apply global defaults
        // Have to merge defaults before JSP conversion since defaults
        // provide JSP servlet definition.
        // Step 8. Convert explicitly mentioned jsps to servlets
        if (ok) {
        // Step 9. Apply merged web.xml to Context
        if (ok) {
    } else {
    if (context.getLogEffectiveWebXml()) {"web.xml:\n" + webXml.toXml());
    // Step 10. Look for static resources packaged in JARs
    if (ok) {
        // Spec does not define an order.
        // Use ordered JARs followed by remaining JARs
        Set<WebXml> resourceJars = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        for (WebXml fragment : orderedFragments) {
        for (WebXml fragment : fragments.values()) {
            if (!resourceJars.contains(fragment)) {
    // See also StandardContext.resourcesStart() for
    // WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/resources configuration
    // context
    if (ok) {
        for (Map.Entry<ServletContainerInitializer, Set<Class<?>>> entry : initializerClassMap.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                context.addServletContainerInitializer(entry.getKey(), null);
            } else {
                context.addServletContainerInitializer(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) Set(java.util.Set) RuleSet(org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.RuleSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) WebResource(org.apache.catalina.WebResource) WebXmlParser(org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.WebXmlParser) ServletContainerInitializer(javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer) WebXml(org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.WebXml) ServletContext(javax.servlet.ServletContext) FilterMap(org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.FilterMap) Map(java.util.Map) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 28 with LinkedHashSet

use of java.util.LinkedHashSet in project tomcat by apache.

the class ClassLoaderFactory method createClassLoader.

     * Create and return a new class loader, based on the configuration
     * defaults and the specified directory paths:
     * @param repositories List of class directories, jar files, jar directories
     *                     or URLS that should be added to the repositories of
     *                     the class loader.
     * @param parent Parent class loader for the new class loader, or
     *  <code>null</code> for the system class loader.
     * @return the new class loader
     * @exception Exception if an error occurs constructing the class loader
public static ClassLoader createClassLoader(List<Repository> repositories, final ClassLoader parent) throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Creating new class loader");
    // Construct the "class path" for this class loader
    Set<URL> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    if (repositories != null) {
        for (Repository repository : repositories) {
            if (repository.getType() == RepositoryType.URL) {
                URL url = buildClassLoaderUrl(repository.getLocation());
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("  Including URL " + url);
            } else if (repository.getType() == RepositoryType.DIR) {
                File directory = new File(repository.getLocation());
                directory = directory.getCanonicalFile();
                if (!validateFile(directory, RepositoryType.DIR)) {
                URL url = buildClassLoaderUrl(directory);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("  Including directory " + url);
            } else if (repository.getType() == RepositoryType.JAR) {
                File file = new File(repository.getLocation());
                file = file.getCanonicalFile();
                if (!validateFile(file, RepositoryType.JAR)) {
                URL url = buildClassLoaderUrl(file);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("  Including jar file " + url);
            } else if (repository.getType() == RepositoryType.GLOB) {
                File directory = new File(repository.getLocation());
                directory = directory.getCanonicalFile();
                if (!validateFile(directory, RepositoryType.GLOB)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("  Including directory glob " + directory.getAbsolutePath());
                String[] filenames = directory.list();
                if (filenames == null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < filenames.length; j++) {
                    String filename = filenames[j].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
                    if (!filename.endsWith(".jar"))
                    File file = new File(directory, filenames[j]);
                    file = file.getCanonicalFile();
                    if (!validateFile(file, RepositoryType.JAR)) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("    Including glob jar file " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                    URL url = buildClassLoaderUrl(file);
    // Construct the class loader itself
    final URL[] array = set.toArray(new URL[set.size()]);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            log.debug("  location " + i + " is " + array[i]);
    return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<URLClassLoader>() {

        public URLClassLoader run() {
            if (parent == null)
                return new URLClassLoader(array);
                return new URLClassLoader(array, parent);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) URLClassLoader( File( URL(

Example 29 with LinkedHashSet

use of java.util.LinkedHashSet in project zeppelin by apache.

the class LdapGroupRealm method getRoleNamesForUser.

public Set<String> getRoleNamesForUser(String username, LdapContext ldapContext, String userDnTemplate) throws NamingException {
    try {
        Set<String> roleNames = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
        String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=" + userDnTemplate + "))";
        Object[] searchArguments = new Object[] { username };
        NamingEnumeration<?> answer ="ldap.searchBase")), searchFilter, searchArguments, searchCtls);
        while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
            SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
            Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
            if (attrs != null) {
                NamingEnumeration<?> ae = attrs.getAll();
                while (ae.hasMore()) {
                    Attribute attr = (Attribute);
                    if (attr.getID().equals("cn")) {
                        roleNames.add((String) attr.get());
        return roleNames;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error", e);
    return new HashSet<>();
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Attribute( Attributes( SearchControls( SearchResult( NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 30 with LinkedHashSet

use of java.util.LinkedHashSet in project zeppelin by apache.

the class NotebookAuthorization method setOwners.

public void setOwners(String noteId, Set<String> entities) {
    Map<String, Set<String>> noteAuthInfo = authInfo.get(noteId);
    entities = validateUser(entities);
    if (noteAuthInfo == null) {
        noteAuthInfo = new LinkedHashMap();
        noteAuthInfo.put("owners", new LinkedHashSet(entities));
        noteAuthInfo.put("readers", new LinkedHashSet());
        noteAuthInfo.put("writers", new LinkedHashSet());
    } else {
        noteAuthInfo.put("owners", new LinkedHashSet(entities));
    authInfo.put(noteId, noteAuthInfo);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Set(java.util.Set) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)


LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)1252 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)241 Set (java.util.Set)154 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)128 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)115 File ( IOException ( Map (java.util.Map)97 Test (org.junit.Test)94 List (java.util.List)86 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)77 ProcessResult (org.asqatasun.entity.audit.ProcessResult)77 SourceCodeRemark (org.asqatasun.entity.audit.SourceCodeRemark)73 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)51 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)38 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)34 URL ( Collection (java.util.Collection)28 Feature (edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.edison.features.Feature)24 ProcessRemark (org.asqatasun.entity.audit.ProcessRemark)23