use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class LdapLoginModule method getUserRolesByDn.
private List<String> getUserRolesByDn(DirContext dirContext, String userDn) throws LoginException, NamingException {
List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>();
if (dirContext == null || _roleBaseDn == null || _roleMemberAttribute == null || _roleObjectClass == null) {
return roleList;
SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();
ctls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { _roleNameAttribute });
String filter = "(&(objectClass={0})({1}={2}))";
Object[] filterArguments = { _roleObjectClass, _roleMemberAttribute, userDn };
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results =, filter, filterArguments, ctls);
LOG.debug("Found user roles?: " + results.hasMoreElements());
while (results.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) results.nextElement();
Attributes attributes = result.getAttributes();
if (attributes == null) {
Attribute roleAttribute = attributes.get(_roleNameAttribute);
if (roleAttribute == null) {
NamingEnumeration<?> roles = roleAttribute.getAll();
while (roles.hasMore()) {
return roleList;
use of in project tomcat by apache.
the class JNDIRealm method getRoles.
* Return a List of roles associated with the given User. Any
* roles present in the user's directory entry are supplemented by
* a directory search. If no roles are associated with this user,
* a zero-length List is returned.
* @param context The directory context we are searching
* @param user The User to be checked
* @return the list of role names
* @exception NamingException if a directory server error occurs
protected List<String> getRoles(DirContext context, User user) throws NamingException {
if (user == null)
return null;
String dn = user.getDN();
String username = user.getUserName();
String userRoleId = user.getUserRoleId();
if (dn == null || username == null)
return null;
if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled())
containerLog.trace(" getRoles(" + dn + ")");
// Start with roles retrieved from the user entry
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> userRoles = user.getRoles();
if (userRoles != null) {
if (commonRole != null)
if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
containerLog.trace(" Found " + list.size() + " user internal roles");
containerLog.trace(" Found user internal roles " + list.toString());
// Are we configured to do role searches?
if ((roleFormat == null) || (roleName == null))
return list;
// Set up parameters for an appropriate search
String filter = roleFormat.format(new String[] { doRFC2254Encoding(dn), username, userRoleId });
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
if (roleSubtree)
controls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { roleName });
String base = null;
if (roleBaseFormat != null) {
NameParser np = context.getNameParser("");
Name name = np.parse(dn);
String[] nameParts = new String[name.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < name.size(); i++) {
nameParts[i] = name.get(i);
base = roleBaseFormat.format(nameParts);
} else {
base = "";
// Perform the configured search and process the results
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = searchAsUser(context, user, base, filter, controls, isRoleSearchAsUser());
if (results == null)
// Should never happen, but just in case ...
return list;
HashMap<String, String> groupMap = new HashMap<>();
try {
while (results.hasMore()) {
SearchResult result =;
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
if (attrs == null)
String dname = getDistinguishedName(context, roleBase, result);
String name = getAttributeValue(roleName, attrs);
if (name != null && dname != null) {
groupMap.put(dname, name);
} catch (PartialResultException ex) {
if (!adCompat)
throw ex;
} finally {
if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
Set<Entry<String, String>> entries = groupMap.entrySet();
containerLog.trace(" Found " + entries.size() + " direct roles");
for (Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
containerLog.trace(" Found direct role " + entry.getKey() + " -> " + entry.getValue());
// if nested group search is enabled, perform searches for nested groups until no new group is found
if (getRoleNested()) {
// The following efficient algorithm is known as memberOf Algorithm, as described in "Practices in
// Directory Groups". It avoids group slurping and handles cyclic group memberships as well.
// See for details
Map<String, String> newGroups = new HashMap<>(groupMap);
while (!newGroups.isEmpty()) {
// Stores the groups we find in this iteration
Map<String, String> newThisRound = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> group : newGroups.entrySet()) {
filter = roleFormat.format(new String[] { group.getKey(), group.getValue(), group.getValue() });
if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
containerLog.trace("Perform a nested group search with base " + roleBase + " and filter " + filter);
results = searchAsUser(context, user, roleBase, filter, controls, isRoleSearchAsUser());
try {
while (results.hasMore()) {
SearchResult result =;
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
if (attrs == null)
String dname = getDistinguishedName(context, roleBase, result);
String name = getAttributeValue(roleName, attrs);
if (name != null && dname != null && !groupMap.keySet().contains(dname)) {
groupMap.put(dname, name);
newThisRound.put(dname, name);
if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
containerLog.trace(" Found nested role " + dname + " -> " + name);
} catch (PartialResultException ex) {
if (!adCompat)
throw ex;
} finally {
newGroups = newThisRound;
return list;
use of in project zeppelin by apache.
the class LdapRealm method rolesFor.
private Set<String> rolesFor(PrincipalCollection principals, String userNameIn, final LdapContext ldapCtx, final LdapContextFactory ldapContextFactory) throws NamingException {
final Set<String> roleNames = new HashSet<>();
final Set<String> groupNames = new HashSet<>();
final String userName;
if (getUserLowerCase()) {
log.debug("userLowerCase true");
userName = userNameIn.toLowerCase();
} else {
userName = userNameIn;
String userDn;
if (userSearchAttributeName == null || userSearchAttributeName.isEmpty()) {
// memberAttributeValuePrefix and memberAttributeValueSuffix
// were computed from memberAttributeValueTemplate
userDn = memberAttributeValuePrefix + userName + memberAttributeValueSuffix;
} else {
userDn = getUserDn(userName);
// Activate paged results
int pageSize = getPagingSize();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Ldap PagingSize: " + pageSize);
int numResults = 0;
byte[] cookie = null;
try {
ldapCtx.addToEnvironment(Context.REFERRAL, "ignore");
ldapCtx.setRequestControls(new Control[] { new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, Control.NONCRITICAL) });
do {
// ldapsearch -h localhost -p 33389 -D
// uid=guest,ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org -w guest-password
// -b dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org -s sub '(objectclass=*)'
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchResultEnum = null;
SearchControls searchControls = getGroupSearchControls();
try {
if (groupSearchEnableMatchingRuleInChain) {
searchResultEnum =, String.format(MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN_FORMAT, groupObjectClass, memberAttribute, userDn), searchControls);
while (searchResultEnum != null && searchResultEnum.hasMore()) {
// searchResults contains all the groups in search scope
final SearchResult group =;
Attribute attribute = group.getAttributes().get(getGroupIdAttribute());
String groupName = attribute.get().toString();
String roleName = roleNameFor(groupName);
if (roleName != null) {
} else {
} else {
searchResultEnum =, "objectClass=" + groupObjectClass, searchControls);
while (searchResultEnum != null && searchResultEnum.hasMore()) {
// searchResults contains all the groups in search scope
final SearchResult group =;
addRoleIfMember(userDn, group, roleNames, groupNames, ldapContextFactory);
} catch (PartialResultException e) {
log.debug("Ignoring PartitalResultException");
} finally {
if (searchResultEnum != null) {
// Re-activate paged results
ldapCtx.setRequestControls(new Control[] { new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL) });
} while (cookie != null);
} catch (SizeLimitExceededException e) {"Only retrieved first " + numResults + " groups due to SizeLimitExceededException.");
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Unabled to setup paged results");
// save role names and group names in session so that they can be
// easily looked up outside of this object
SecurityUtils.getSubject().getSession().setAttribute(SUBJECT_USER_ROLES, roleNames);
SecurityUtils.getSubject().getSession().setAttribute(SUBJECT_USER_GROUPS, groupNames);
if (!groupNames.isEmpty() && (principals instanceof MutablePrincipalCollection)) {
((MutablePrincipalCollection) principals).addAll(groupNames, getName());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("User RoleNames: " + userName + "::" + roleNames);
return roleNames;
use of in project zeppelin by apache.
the class GetUserList method getUserList.
* function to extract users from LDAP
public List<String> getUserList(JndiLdapRealm r, String searchText) {
List<String> userList = new ArrayList<>();
String userDnTemplate = r.getUserDnTemplate();
String[] userDn = userDnTemplate.split(",", 2);
String userDnPrefix = userDn[0].split("=")[0];
String userDnSuffix = userDn[1];
JndiLdapContextFactory CF = (JndiLdapContextFactory) r.getContextFactory();
try {
LdapContext ctx = CF.getSystemLdapContext();
SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
String[] attrIDs = { userDnPrefix };
NamingEnumeration result =, "(" + userDnPrefix + "=*" + searchText + "*)", constraints);
while (result.hasMore()) {
Attributes attrs = ((SearchResult);
if (attrs.get(userDnPrefix) != null) {
String currentUser = attrs.get(userDnPrefix).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error retrieving User list from Ldap Realm", e);
}"UserList: " + userList);
return userList;
use of in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class LdapManager method retrieveList.
* Generic routine for retrieving a list of results from the LDAP server. It's meant to be very
* flexible so that just about any query for a list of results can make use of it without having
* to reimplement their own calls to LDAP. This routine also accounts for sorting settings,
* paging settings, any other global settings, and alternate DNs.
* The passed in filter string needs to be pre-prepared! In other words, nothing will be changed
* in the string before it is used as a string.
* @param attribute LDAP attribute to be pulled from each result and placed in the return results.
* Typically pulled from this manager.
* @param searchFilter Filter to use to perform the search. Typically pulled from this manager.
* @param startIndex Number/index of first result to include in results. (-1 for no limit)
* @param numResults Number of results to include. (-1 for no limit)
* @param suffixToTrim An arbitrary string to trim from the end of every attribute returned. null to disable.
* @param escapeJIDs Use JID-escaping for returned results (e.g. usernames)
* @return A simple list of strings (that should be sorted) of the results.
public List<String> retrieveList(String attribute, String searchFilter, int startIndex, int numResults, String suffixToTrim, boolean escapeJIDs) {
List<String> results = new ArrayList<>();
int pageSize = -1;
String pageSizeStr = properties.get("ldap.pagedResultsSize");
if (pageSizeStr != null) {
try {
pageSize = Integer.parseInt(pageSizeStr);
/* radix -1 is invalid */
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// poorly formatted number, ignoring
Boolean clientSideSort = false;
String clientSideSortStr = properties.get("ldap.clientSideSorting");
if (clientSideSortStr != null) {
clientSideSort = Boolean.valueOf(clientSideSortStr);
LdapContext ctx = null;
LdapContext ctx2 = null;
try {
ctx = getContext(baseDN);
// Set up request controls, if appropriate.
List<Control> baseTmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<>();
if (!clientSideSort) {
// Server side sort on username field.
baseTmpRequestControls.add(new SortControl(new String[] { attribute }, Control.NONCRITICAL));
if (pageSize > 0) {
// Server side paging.
baseTmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, Control.NONCRITICAL));
Control[] baseRequestControls = baseTmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[baseTmpRequestControls.size()]);
SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
// See if recursive searching is enabled. Otherwise, only search one level.
if (isSubTreeSearch()) {
} else {
searchControls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { attribute });
// If server side sort, we'll skip the initial ones we don't want, and stop when we've hit
// the amount we do want.
int skip = -1;
int lastRes = -1;
if (!clientSideSort) {
if (startIndex != -1) {
skip = startIndex;
if (numResults != -1) {
lastRes = startIndex + numResults;
byte[] cookie;
int count = 0;
// Run through all pages of results (one page is also possible ;) )
do {
cookie = null;
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer ="", searchFilter, searchControls);
// Examine all of the results on this page
while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
if (skip > 0 && count <= skip) {;
if (lastRes != -1 && count > lastRes) {;
// Get the next result.
String result = (String);
// Remove suffixToTrim if set
if (suffixToTrim != null && suffixToTrim.length() > 0 && result.endsWith(suffixToTrim)) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - suffixToTrim.length());
// Add this to the result.
results.add(escapeJIDs ? JID.escapeNode(result) : result);
// Examine the paged results control response
Control[] controls = ctx.getResponseControls();
if (controls != null) {
for (Control control : controls) {
if (control instanceof PagedResultsResponseControl) {
PagedResultsResponseControl prrc = (PagedResultsResponseControl) control;
cookie = prrc.getCookie();
// Close the enumeration.
// Re-activate paged results; affects nothing if no paging support
List<Control> tmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<>();
if (!clientSideSort) {
// Server side sort on username field.
tmpRequestControls.add(new SortControl(new String[] { attribute }, Control.NONCRITICAL));
if (pageSize > 0) {
// Server side paging.
tmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL));
Control[] requestControls = tmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[tmpRequestControls.size()]);
} while (cookie != null && (lastRes == -1 || count <= lastRes));
// Add groups found in alternate DN
if (alternateBaseDN != null && (lastRes == -1 || count <= lastRes)) {
ctx2 = getContext(alternateBaseDN);
// Run through all pages of results (one page is also possible ;) )
do {
cookie = null;
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer ="", searchFilter, searchControls);
// Examine all of the results on this page
while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
if (skip > 0 && count <= skip) {;
if (lastRes != -1 && count > lastRes) {;
// Get the next result.
String result = (String);
// Remove suffixToTrim if set
if (suffixToTrim != null && suffixToTrim.length() > 0 && result.endsWith(suffixToTrim)) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - suffixToTrim.length());
// Add this to the result.
results.add(escapeJIDs ? JID.escapeNode(result) : result);
// Examine the paged results control response
Control[] controls = ctx2.getResponseControls();
if (controls != null) {
for (Control control : controls) {
if (control instanceof PagedResultsResponseControl) {
PagedResultsResponseControl prrc = (PagedResultsResponseControl) control;
cookie = prrc.getCookie();
// Close the enumeration.
// Re-activate paged results; affects nothing if no paging support
List<Control> tmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<>();
if (!clientSideSort) {
// Server side sort on username field.
tmpRequestControls.add(new SortControl(new String[] { attribute }, Control.NONCRITICAL));
if (pageSize > 0) {
// Server side paging.
tmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL));
Control[] requestControls = tmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[tmpRequestControls.size()]);
} while (cookie != null && (lastRes == -1 || count <= lastRes));
// If client-side sorting is enabled, sort and trim.
if (clientSideSort) {
if (startIndex != -1 || numResults != -1) {
if (startIndex == -1) {
startIndex = 0;
if (numResults == -1) {
numResults = results.size();
int endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + numResults, results.size() - 1);
results = results.subList(startIndex, endIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
try {
if (ctx != null) {
if (ctx2 != null) {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
// Ignore.
return results;