use of javax.naming.Name in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class localContextRoot method unbind.
* @see javax.naming.Context#unbind(javax.naming.Name)
public void unbind(Name name) throws NamingException {
synchronized (__root) {
if (name.size() == 0)
if (__root.isLocked())
throw new NamingException("This context is immutable");
Name cname = __root.toCanonicalName(name);
if (cname == null)
throw new NamingException("Name is null");
if (cname.size() == 0)
throw new NamingException("Name is empty");
//if no subcontexts, just unbind it
if (cname.size() == 1) {
} else {
//walk down the subcontext hierarchy
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("Checking for existing binding for name=" + cname + " for first element of name=" + cname.get(0));
String firstComponent = cname.get(0);
Object ctx = null;
if (firstComponent.equals(""))
ctx = this;
else {
Binding binding = __root.getBinding(name.get(0));
if (binding == null)
throw new NameNotFoundException(name.get(0) + " is not bound");
ctx = binding.getObject();
if (ctx instanceof Reference) {
//deference the object
try {
ctx = NamingManager.getObjectInstance(ctx, getNameParser("").parse(firstComponent), __root, _env);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.warn("", e);
throw new NamingException(e.getMessage());
if (ctx instanceof Context) {
((Context) ctx).unbind(cname.getSuffix(1));
} else
throw new NotContextException("Object bound at " + firstComponent + " is not a Context");
use of javax.naming.Name in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class localContextRoot method list.
* @see javax.naming.Context#list(javax.naming.Name)
public NamingEnumeration list(Name name) throws NamingException {
synchronized (__root) {
//return __root.list(getSuffix(name));
Name cname = __root.toCanonicalName(name);
if (cname == null) {
List<Binding> empty = Collections.emptyList();
return new NameEnumeration(empty.iterator());
if (cname.size() == 0) {
return new NameEnumeration(__root.getBindings().values().iterator());
//multipart name
String firstComponent = cname.get(0);
Object ctx = null;
if (firstComponent.equals(""))
ctx = this;
else {
Binding binding = __root.getBinding(firstComponent);
if (binding == null)
throw new NameNotFoundException();
ctx = binding.getObject();
if (ctx instanceof Reference) {
//deference the object
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("Dereferencing Reference for " + name.get(0));
try {
ctx = NamingManager.getObjectInstance(ctx, getNameParser("").parse(firstComponent), __root, _env);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.warn("", e);
throw new NamingException(e.getMessage());
if (!(ctx instanceof Context))
throw new NotContextException();
return ((Context) ctx).list(cname.getSuffix(1));
use of javax.naming.Name in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class localContextRoot method bind.
* @see javax.naming.Context#bind(javax.naming.Name, java.lang.Object)
public void bind(Name name, Object obj) throws NamingException {
synchronized (__root) {
if (__root.isLocked())
throw new NamingException("This context is immutable");
Name cname = __root.toCanonicalName(name);
if (cname == null)
throw new NamingException("Name is null");
if (cname.size() == 0)
throw new NamingException("Name is empty");
//if no subcontexts, just bind it
if (cname.size() == 1) {
//get the object to be bound
Object objToBind = NamingManager.getStateToBind(obj, name, this, _env);
// Check for Referenceable
if (objToBind instanceof Referenceable) {
objToBind = ((Referenceable) objToBind).getReference();
//anything else we should be able to bind directly
__root.addBinding(cname, objToBind);
} else {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("Checking for existing binding for name=" + cname + " for first element of name=" + cname.get(0));
//walk down the subcontext hierarchy
//need to ignore trailing empty "" name components
String firstComponent = cname.get(0);
Object ctx = null;
if (firstComponent.equals(""))
ctx = this;
else {
Binding binding = __root.getBinding(firstComponent);
if (binding == null)
throw new NameNotFoundException(firstComponent + " is not bound");
ctx = binding.getObject();
if (ctx instanceof Reference) {
//deference the object
try {
ctx = NamingManager.getObjectInstance(ctx, getNameParser("").parse(firstComponent), this, _env);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.warn("", e);
throw new NamingException(e.getMessage());
if (ctx instanceof Context) {
((Context) ctx).bind(cname.getSuffix(1), obj);
} else
throw new NotContextException("Object bound at " + firstComponent + " is not a Context");
use of javax.naming.Name in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class TestMailSessionReference method testMailSessionReference.
public void testMailSessionReference() throws Exception {
InitialContext icontext = new InitialContext();
MailSessionReference sref = new MailSessionReference();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "xxx");
props.put("mail.debug", "true");
NamingUtil.bind(icontext, "mail/Session", sref);
Object x = icontext.lookup("mail/Session");
assertTrue(x instanceof javax.mail.Session);
javax.mail.Session session = (javax.mail.Session) x;
Properties sessionProps = session.getProperties();
assertEquals(props, sessionProps);
Context foo = icontext.createSubcontext("foo");
NameParser parser = icontext.getNameParser("");
Name objectNameInNamespace = parser.parse(icontext.getNameInNamespace());
NamingUtil.bind(foo, "mail/Session", new LinkRef(objectNameInNamespace.toString()));
Object o = foo.lookup("mail/Session");
Session fooSession = (Session) o;
assertEquals(props, fooSession.getProperties());
use of javax.naming.Name in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class NamingContext method lookup.
* Lookup a binding by name
* @param name name of bound object
* @exception NamingException if an error occurs
public Object lookup(Name name) throws NamingException {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("Looking up name=\"" + name + "\"");
Name cname = toCanonicalName(name);
if ((cname == null) || (cname.size() == 0)) {
__log.debug("Null or empty name, returning copy of this context");
NamingContext ctx = new NamingContext(_env, _name, _parent, _parser);
ctx._bindings = _bindings;
return ctx;
if (cname.size() == 1) {
Binding binding = getBinding(cname);
if (binding == null) {
NameNotFoundException nnfe = new NameNotFoundException();
throw nnfe;
Object o = binding.getObject();
//handle links by looking up the link
if (o instanceof LinkRef) {
//if link name starts with ./ it is relative to current context
String linkName = ((LinkRef) o).getLinkName();
if (linkName.startsWith("./"))
return this.lookup(linkName.substring(2));
else {
//link name is absolute
InitialContext ictx = new InitialContext();
return ictx.lookup(linkName);
} else if (o instanceof Reference) {
//deference the object
try {
return NamingManager.getObjectInstance(o, cname, this, _env);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.warn("", e);
throw new NamingException(e.getMessage());
} else
return o;
//it is a multipart name, recurse to the first subcontext
String firstComponent = cname.get(0);
Object ctx = null;
if (firstComponent.equals(""))
ctx = this;
else {
Binding binding = getBinding(firstComponent);
if (binding == null) {
NameNotFoundException nnfe = new NameNotFoundException();
throw nnfe;
//as we have bound a reference to an object factory
//for the component specific contexts
//at "comp" we need to resolve the reference
ctx = binding.getObject();
if (ctx instanceof Reference) {
//deference the object
try {
ctx = NamingManager.getObjectInstance(ctx, getNameParser("").parse(firstComponent), this, _env);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.warn("", e);
throw new NamingException(e.getMessage());
if (!(ctx instanceof Context))
throw new NotContextException();
return ((Context) ctx).lookup(cname.getSuffix(1));