use of java.util.Spliterator in project force-oneself by Force-oneself.
the class IntPipeline method forEachWithCancel.
final void forEachWithCancel(Spliterator<Integer> spliterator, Sink<Integer> sink) {
Spliterator.OfInt spl = adapt(spliterator);
IntConsumer adaptedSink = adapt(sink);
do {
} while (!sink.cancellationRequested() && spl.tryAdvance(adaptedSink));
use of java.util.Spliterator in project atlas by apache.
the class ElasticSearch7Index method getFilter.
public Map<String, Object> getFilter(Condition<?> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever information) {
if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
final PredicateCondition<String, ?> atom = (PredicateCondition) condition;
Object value = atom.getValue();
final String key = atom.getKey();
final JanusGraphPredicate predicate = atom.getPredicate();
if (value == null && predicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
return compat.exists(key);
} else if (value instanceof Number) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(predicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: %s", predicate);
return getRelationFromCmp((Cmp) predicate, key, value);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
final Mapping mapping = getStringMapping(information.get(key));
final String fieldName;
if (mapping == Mapping.TEXT && !(Text.HAS_CONTAINS.contains(predicate) || predicate instanceof Cmp))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS and Compare queries and not: " + predicate);
if (mapping == Mapping.STRING && Text.HAS_CONTAINS.contains(predicate))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + predicate);
if (mapping == Mapping.TEXTSTRING && !(Text.HAS_CONTAINS.contains(predicate) || (predicate instanceof Cmp && predicate != Cmp.EQUAL))) {
fieldName = getDualMappingName(key);
} else {
fieldName = key;
if (predicate == Text.CONTAINS || predicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
return compat.match(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_CONTAINS) {
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.match(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Text.CONTAINS_PHRASE) {
return compat.matchPhrase(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_CONTAINS_PHRASE) {
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.matchPhrase(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
if (!ParameterType.TEXT_ANALYZER.hasParameter(information.get(key).getParameters()))
value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
return compat.prefix(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
if (!ParameterType.TEXT_ANALYZER.hasParameter(information.get(key).getParameters()))
value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.prefix(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
if (!ParameterType.TEXT_ANALYZER.hasParameter(information.get(key).getParameters()))
value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
return compat.regexp(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_CONTAINS_REGEX) {
if (!ParameterType.TEXT_ANALYZER.hasParameter(information.get(key).getParameters()))
value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.regexp(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Text.PREFIX) {
return compat.prefix(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_PREFIX) {
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.prefix(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Text.REGEX) {
return compat.regexp(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_REGEX) {
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.regexp(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
return compat.boolMustNot(compat.match(fieldName, value));
} else if (predicate == Text.FUZZY || predicate == Text.CONTAINS_FUZZY) {
return compat.fuzzyMatch(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Text.NOT_FUZZY || predicate == Text.NOT_CONTAINS_FUZZY) {
return compat.boolMust(ImmutableList.of(compat.exists(fieldName), compat.boolMustNot(compat.fuzzyMatch(fieldName, value))));
} else if (predicate == Cmp.LESS_THAN) {
return, value);
} else if (predicate == Cmp.LESS_THAN_EQUAL) {
return compat.lte(fieldName, value);
} else if (predicate == Cmp.GREATER_THAN) {
return, value);
} else if (predicate == Cmp.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL) {
return compat.gte(fieldName, value);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Predicate is not supported for string value: " + predicate);
} else if (value instanceof Geoshape && Mapping.getMapping(information.get(key)) == Mapping.DEFAULT) {
// geopoint
final Geoshape shape = (Geoshape) value;
Preconditions.checkArgument(predicate instanceof Geo && predicate != Geo.CONTAINS, "Relation not supported on geopoint types: %s", predicate);
final Map<String, Object> query;
switch(shape.getType()) {
case CIRCLE:
final Geoshape.Point center = shape.getPoint();
query = compat.geoDistance(key, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), shape.getRadius());
case BOX:
final Geoshape.Point southwest = shape.getPoint(0);
final Geoshape.Point northeast = shape.getPoint(1);
query = compat.geoBoundingBox(key, southwest.getLatitude(), southwest.getLongitude(), northeast.getLatitude(), northeast.getLongitude());
final List<List<Double>> points = IntStream.range(0, shape.size()).mapToObj(i -> ImmutableList.of(shape.getPoint(i).getLongitude(), shape.getPoint(i).getLatitude())).collect(Collectors.toList());
query = compat.geoPolygon(key, points);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported or invalid search shape type for geopoint: " + shape.getType());
return predicate == Geo.DISJOINT ? compat.boolMustNot(query) : query;
} else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(predicate instanceof Geo, "Relation not supported on geoshape types: %s", predicate);
final Geoshape shape = (Geoshape) value;
final Map<String, Object> geo;
switch(shape.getType()) {
case CIRCLE:
final Geoshape.Point center = shape.getPoint();
geo = ImmutableMap.of(ES_TYPE_KEY, "circle", ES_GEO_COORDS_KEY, ImmutableList.of(center.getLongitude(), center.getLatitude()), "radius", shape.getRadius() + "km");
case BOX:
final Geoshape.Point southwest = shape.getPoint(0);
final Geoshape.Point northeast = shape.getPoint(1);
geo = ImmutableMap.of(ES_TYPE_KEY, "envelope", ES_GEO_COORDS_KEY, ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.of(southwest.getLongitude(), northeast.getLatitude()), ImmutableList.of(northeast.getLongitude(), southwest.getLatitude())));
case LINE:
final List lineCoords = IntStream.range(0, shape.size()).mapToObj(i -> ImmutableList.of(shape.getPoint(i).getLongitude(), shape.getPoint(i).getLatitude())).collect(Collectors.toList());
geo = ImmutableMap.of(ES_TYPE_KEY, "linestring", ES_GEO_COORDS_KEY, lineCoords);
final List polyCoords = IntStream.range(0, shape.size()).mapToObj(i -> ImmutableList.of(shape.getPoint(i).getLongitude(), shape.getPoint(i).getLatitude())).collect(Collectors.toList());
geo = ImmutableMap.of(ES_TYPE_KEY, "polygon", ES_GEO_COORDS_KEY, ImmutableList.of(polyCoords));
case POINT:
geo = ImmutableMap.of(ES_TYPE_KEY, "point", ES_GEO_COORDS_KEY, ImmutableList.of(shape.getPoint().getLongitude(), shape.getPoint().getLatitude()));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported or invalid search shape type: " + shape.getType());
return compat.geoShape(key, geo, (Geo) predicate);
} else if (value instanceof Date || value instanceof Instant) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(predicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: %s", predicate);
if (value instanceof Instant) {
value = Date.from((Instant) value);
return getRelationFromCmp((Cmp) predicate, key, value);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
final Cmp numRel = (Cmp) predicate;
switch(numRel) {
case EQUAL:
return compat.term(key, value);
return compat.boolMustNot(compat.term(key, value));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
} else if (value instanceof UUID) {
if (predicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
return compat.term(key, value);
} else if (predicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
return compat.boolMustNot(compat.term(key, value));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only equal or not equal is supported for UUIDs: " + predicate);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
} else if (condition instanceof Not) {
return compat.boolMustNot(getFilter(((Not) condition).getChild(), information));
} else if (condition instanceof And) {
final List queries =, false).map(c -> getFilter(c, information)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return compat.boolMust(queries);
} else if (condition instanceof Or) {
final List queries =, false).map(c -> getFilter(c, information)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return compat.boolShould(queries);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
use of java.util.Spliterator in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class AbstractSelectionQuery method stream.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Stream stream() {
final ScrollableResultsImplementor scrollableResults = scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);
final ScrollableResultsIterator iterator = new ScrollableResultsIterator<>(scrollableResults);
final Spliterator spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, Spliterator.NONNULL);
final Stream stream =, false);
return (Stream) stream.onClose(scrollableResults::close);
use of java.util.Spliterator in project Valkyrien-Skies-2 by ValkyrienSkies.
the class MixinServerWorld method postTick.
@Inject(method = "tick", at = @At("TAIL"))
private void postTick(final BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking, final CallbackInfo ci) {
// First update the IPlayer wrapper list
// Find newly loaded chunks
final List<ChunkHolder> loadedChunksList = Lists.newArrayList(((ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageAccessor) serverChunkManager.threadedAnvilChunkStorage).callEntryIterator());
// Create DenseVoxelShapeUpdate for new loaded chunks
final List<IVoxelShapeUpdate> newLoadedChunks = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ChunkHolder chunkHolder : loadedChunksList) {
final Optional<WorldChunk> worldChunkOptional = chunkHolder.getTickingFuture().getNow(ChunkHolder.UNLOADED_WORLD_CHUNK).left();
if (worldChunkOptional.isPresent()) {
final WorldChunk worldChunk = worldChunkOptional.get();
final int chunkX = worldChunk.getPos().x;
final int chunkZ = worldChunk.getPos().z;
final ChunkSection[] chunkSections = worldChunk.getSectionArray();
// For now just assume chunkY goes from 0 to 16
for (int chunkY = 0; chunkY < 16; chunkY++) {
final ChunkSection chunkSection = chunkSections[chunkY];
final Vector3ic chunkPos = new Vector3i(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);
if (!knownChunkRegions.contains(chunkPos)) {
if (chunkSection != null) {
// Add this chunk to the ground rigid body
final DenseVoxelShapeUpdate voxelShapeUpdate = VSGameUtilsKt.toDenseVoxelUpdate(chunkSection, chunkPos);
} else {
final EmptyVoxelShapeUpdate emptyVoxelShapeUpdate = new EmptyVoxelShapeUpdate(chunkPos.x(), chunkPos.y(), chunkPos.z(), false, false);
// Then tick the ship world
// Send ships to clients
final IVSPacket shipDataPacket = VSPacketShipDataList.Companion.create(shipObjectWorld.getQueryableShipData().iterator());
for (final ServerPlayerEntity playerEntity : players) {
VSNetworking.shipDataPacketToClientSender.sendToClient(shipDataPacket, playerEntity);
// Then determine the chunk watch/unwatch tasks, and then execute them
final ImmutableList<IPlayer> playersToTick = ImmutableList.copyOf(vsPlayerWrappers.values());
final Pair<Spliterator<ChunkWatchTask>, Spliterator<ChunkUnwatchTask>> chunkWatchAndUnwatchTasksPair = shipObjectWorld.tickShipChunkLoading(playersToTick);
// Use Spliterator instead of iterators so that we can multi thread the execution of these tasks
final Spliterator<ChunkWatchTask> chunkWatchTasks = chunkWatchAndUnwatchTasksPair.getFirst();
final Spliterator<ChunkUnwatchTask> chunkUnwatchTasks = chunkWatchAndUnwatchTasksPair.getSecond();
// But for now just do it single threaded
chunkWatchTasks.forEachRemaining(chunkWatchTask -> {
System.out.println("Watch task for " + chunkWatchTask.getChunkX() + " : " + chunkWatchTask.getChunkZ());
final Packet<?>[] chunkPacketBuffer = new Packet[2];
final ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(chunkWatchTask.getChunkX(), chunkWatchTask.getChunkZ());
// TODO: Move this somewhere else
serverChunkManager.setChunkForced(chunkPos, true);
for (final IPlayer player : chunkWatchTask.getPlayersNeedWatching()) {
final MinecraftPlayer minecraftPlayer = (MinecraftPlayer) player;
final ServerPlayerEntity serverPlayerEntity = (ServerPlayerEntity) minecraftPlayer.getPlayerEntityReference().get();
if (serverPlayerEntity != null) {
((ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageAccessor) serverChunkManager.threadedAnvilChunkStorage).callSendWatchPackets(serverPlayerEntity, chunkPos, chunkPacketBuffer, false, true);
chunkUnwatchTasks.forEachRemaining(chunkUnwatchTask -> {
System.out.println("Unwatch task for " + chunkUnwatchTask.getChunkX() + " : " + chunkUnwatchTask.getChunkZ());
use of java.util.Spliterator in project archiva by apache.
the class CassandraMetadataRepository method createResultSpliterator.
private <T> Spliterator<T> createResultSpliterator(ResultSet result, BiFunction<Row, T, T> converter) throws MetadataRepositoryException {
final Iterator<Row> it = result.iterator();
return new Spliterator<T>() {
private T lastItem = null;
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
Row row =;
T item = converter.apply(row, lastItem);
if (item != null && lastItem != null && item != lastItem) {
lastItem = item;
return true;
lastItem = item;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public Spliterator<T> trySplit() {
return null;
public long estimateSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public int characteristics() {