use of java.util.function.Consumer in project buck by facebook.
the class RunShTestAndRecordResultStep method execute.
public StepExecutionResult execute(ExecutionContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
TestResultSummary summary;
if (context.getPlatform() == Platform.WINDOWS) {
// Ignore sh_test on Windows.
summary = new TestResultSummary(getShortName(), "sh_test", /* type */
ResultType.SUCCESS, /* duration*/
0, /* message */
"sh_test ignored on Windows", /* stacktrace */
null, /* stdout */
null, /* stderr */
} else {
ShellStep test = new ShellStep(filesystem.getRootPath()) {
boolean timedOut = false;
public String getShortName() {
return pathToShellScript.toString();
protected ImmutableList<String> getShellCommandInternal(ExecutionContext context) {
return ImmutableList.<String>builder().add(pathToShellScript.toString()).addAll(args).build();
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getEnvironmentVariables(ExecutionContext context) {
return ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("NO_BUCKD", "1").putAll(env).build();
protected boolean shouldPrintStderr(Verbosity verbosity) {
// Do not stream this output because we want to capture it.
return false;
public StepExecutionResult execute(ExecutionContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
StepExecutionResult executionResult = super.execute(context);
if (timedOut) {
throw new HumanReadableException("Timed out running test: " + testCaseName + ", with exitCode: " + executionResult.getExitCode());
return executionResult;
protected Optional<Consumer<Process>> getTimeoutHandler(final ExecutionContext context) {
return Optional.of(process -> timedOut = true);
protected Optional<Long> getTimeout() {
return testRuleTimeoutMs;
protected boolean shouldPrintStdout(Verbosity verbosity) {
// Do not stream this output because we want to capture it.
return false;
StepExecutionResult executionResult = test.execute(context);
// Write test result.
boolean isSuccess = executionResult.isSuccess();
summary = new TestResultSummary(getShortName(), "sh_test", /* type */
isSuccess ? ResultType.SUCCESS : ResultType.FAILURE, test.getDuration(), /* message */
null, /* stacktrace */
null, test.getStdout(), test.getStderr());
ObjectMapper mapper = context.getObjectMapper();
try (OutputStream outputStream = filesystem.newFileOutputStream(pathToTestResultFile)) {
mapper.writeValue(outputStream, summary);
// should be zero.
return StepExecutionResult.SUCCESS;
use of java.util.function.Consumer in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AsyncIOProcessorTests method testRandomFail.
public void testRandomFail() throws InterruptedException {
AtomicInteger received = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger failed = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger actualFailed = new AtomicInteger(0);
AsyncIOProcessor<Object> processor = new AsyncIOProcessor<Object>(logger, scaledRandomIntBetween(1, 2024)) {
protected void write(List<Tuple<Object, Consumer<Exception>>> candidates) throws IOException {
if (randomBoolean()) {
if (randomBoolean()) {
throw new IOException();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
final int count = randomIntBetween(1000, 20000);
Thread[] thread = new Thread[randomIntBetween(3, 10)];
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(thread.length);
for (int i = 0; i < thread.length; i++) {
thread[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
processor.put(new Object(), (ex) -> {
if (ex != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
for (int i = 0; i < thread.length; i++) {
assertTrue(semaphore.tryAcquire(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
assertEquals(count * thread.length, received.get());
assertEquals(actualFailed.get(), failed.get());
use of java.util.function.Consumer in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class DelayedBufferTest method shouldHandleTheWholeWorkloadShebang.
public void shouldHandleTheWholeWorkloadShebang() throws Throwable {
final int size = 1_000;
final long bufferTime = 3;
VerifyingConsumer consumer = new VerifyingConsumer(size);
final Clock clock = Clocks.systemClock();
Supplier<Long> chunkThreshold = clock::millis;
Predicate<Long> safeThreshold = time -> clock.millis() - bufferTime >= time;
final DelayedBuffer<Long> buffer = new DelayedBuffer<>(chunkThreshold, safeThreshold, 10, consumer);
MaintenanceThread maintenance = new MaintenanceThread(buffer, 5);
Race adders = new Race();
final int numberOfAdders = 20;
final byte[] offeredIds = new byte[size];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAdders; i++) {
final int finalI = i;
adders.addContestant(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (j % numberOfAdders == finalI) {
offeredIds[j] = 1;
// WHEN (multi-threadded) offering of ids
// ... ensuring the test is sane itself (did we really offer all these IDs?)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
assertEquals("ID " + i, (byte) 1, offeredIds[i]);
consumer.assertHaveOnlySeenRange(0, size - 1);
use of java.util.function.Consumer in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class RecoveryTest method shouldSeeThatACleanDatabaseShouldNotRequireRecovery.
public void shouldSeeThatACleanDatabaseShouldNotRequireRecovery() throws Exception {
final PhysicalLogFiles logFiles = new PhysicalLogFiles(, "log", fileSystemRule.get());
File file = logFiles.getLogFileForVersion(logVersion);
writeSomeData(file, new Visitor<Pair<LogEntryWriter, Consumer<LogPositionMarker>>, IOException>() {
public boolean visit(Pair<LogEntryWriter, Consumer<LogPositionMarker>> pair) throws IOException {
LogEntryWriter writer = pair.first();
Consumer<LogPositionMarker> consumer = pair.other();
LogPositionMarker marker = new LogPositionMarker();
// last committed tx
writer.writeStartEntry(0, 1, 2L, 3L, new byte[0]);
writer.writeCommitEntry(4L, 5L);
// check point
return true;
LifeSupport life = new LifeSupport();
Recovery.Monitor monitor = mock(Recovery.Monitor.class);
try {
StorageEngine storageEngine = mock(StorageEngine.class);
final LogEntryReader<ReadableClosablePositionAwareChannel> reader = new VersionAwareLogEntryReader<>();
LatestCheckPointFinder finder = new LatestCheckPointFinder(logFiles, fileSystemRule.get(), reader);
TransactionMetadataCache metadataCache = new TransactionMetadataCache(100);
LogHeaderCache logHeaderCache = new LogHeaderCache(10);
LogFile logFile = life.add(new PhysicalLogFile(fileSystemRule.get(), logFiles, 50, () -> transactionIdStore.getLastCommittedTransactionId(), logVersionRepository, mock(PhysicalLogFile.Monitor.class), logHeaderCache));
LogicalTransactionStore txStore = new PhysicalLogicalTransactionStore(logFile, metadataCache, reader);
life.add(new Recovery(new DefaultRecoverySPI(storageEngine, logFiles, fileSystemRule.get(), logVersionRepository, finder, transactionIdStore, txStore, NO_MONITOR) {
public Visitor<CommittedTransactionRepresentation, Exception> startRecovery() {
fail("Recovery should not be required");
// <-- to satisfy the compiler
return null;
}, monitor));
} finally {
use of java.util.function.Consumer in project che by eclipse.
the class ProjectTreeTracker method getDeleteOperation.
private Consumer<String> getDeleteOperation(String endpointId) {
return it -> {
new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (timers.contains(it)) {
ProjectTreeStateUpdateDto params = newDto(ProjectTreeStateUpdateDto.class).withPath(it).withType(DELETED);
transmitter.transmitOneToNone(endpointId, OUTGOING_METHOD, params);
}, 1_000L);