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Example 1 with Checksum

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestShuffleHandler method createIndexFile.

private static void createIndexFile(File indexFile, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    if (indexFile.exists()) {
        System.out.println("Deleting existing file");
    FSDataOutputStream output = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw().append(new Path(indexFile.getAbsolutePath()));
    Checksum crc = new PureJavaCrc32();
    CheckedOutputStream chk = new CheckedOutputStream(output, crc);
    String msg = "Writing new index file. This file will be used only " + "for the testing.";
    chk.write(Arrays.copyOf(msg.getBytes(), MapTask.MAP_OUTPUT_INDEX_RECORD_LENGTH));
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) PureJavaCrc32(org.apache.hadoop.util.PureJavaCrc32) Checksum( FSDataOutputStream(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream) CheckedOutputStream(

Example 2 with Checksum

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class GenSort method outputRecords.

public static void outputRecords(OutputStream out, boolean useAscii, Unsigned16 firstRecordNumber, Unsigned16 recordsToGenerate, Unsigned16 checksum) throws IOException {
    byte[] row = new byte[100];
    Unsigned16 recordNumber = new Unsigned16(firstRecordNumber);
    Unsigned16 lastRecordNumber = new Unsigned16(firstRecordNumber);
    Checksum crc = new PureJavaCrc32();
    Unsigned16 tmp = new Unsigned16();
    Unsigned16 ONE = new Unsigned16(1);
    Unsigned16 rand = Random16.skipAhead(firstRecordNumber);
    while (!recordNumber.equals(lastRecordNumber)) {
        if (useAscii) {
            generateAsciiRecord(row, rand, recordNumber);
        } else {
            generateRecord(row, rand, recordNumber);
        if (checksum != null) {
            crc.update(row, 0, row.length);
Also used : PureJavaCrc32(org.apache.hadoop.util.PureJavaCrc32) Checksum(

Example 3 with Checksum

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class BlockReceiver method receivePacket.

   * Receives and processes a packet. It can contain many chunks.
   * returns the number of data bytes that the packet has.
private int receivePacket() throws IOException {
    // read the next packet
    PacketHeader header = packetReceiver.getHeader();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Receiving one packet for block " + block + ": " + header);
    // Sanity check the header
    if (header.getOffsetInBlock() > replicaInfo.getNumBytes()) {
        throw new IOException("Received an out-of-sequence packet for " + block + "from " + inAddr + " at offset " + header.getOffsetInBlock() + ". Expecting packet starting at " + replicaInfo.getNumBytes());
    if (header.getDataLen() < 0) {
        throw new IOException("Got wrong length during writeBlock(" + block + ") from " + inAddr + " at offset " + header.getOffsetInBlock() + ": " + header.getDataLen());
    long offsetInBlock = header.getOffsetInBlock();
    long seqno = header.getSeqno();
    boolean lastPacketInBlock = header.isLastPacketInBlock();
    final int len = header.getDataLen();
    boolean syncBlock = header.getSyncBlock();
    // avoid double sync'ing on close
    if (syncBlock && lastPacketInBlock) {
        this.syncOnClose = false;
    // update received bytes
    final long firstByteInBlock = offsetInBlock;
    offsetInBlock += len;
    if (replicaInfo.getNumBytes() < offsetInBlock) {
    // put in queue for pending acks, unless sync was requested
    if (responder != null && !syncBlock && !shouldVerifyChecksum()) {
        ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock, Status.SUCCESS);
    // Drop heartbeat for testing.
    if (seqno < 0 && len == 0 && DataNodeFaultInjector.get().dropHeartbeatPacket()) {
        return 0;
    //First write the packet to the mirror:
    if (mirrorOut != null && !mirrorError) {
        try {
            long begin = Time.monotonicNow();
            // For testing. Normally no-op.
            long now = Time.monotonicNow();
            long duration = now - begin;
            DataNodeFaultInjector.get().logDelaySendingPacketDownstream(mirrorAddr, duration);
            if (duration > datanodeSlowLogThresholdMs) {
                LOG.warn("Slow BlockReceiver write packet to mirror took " + duration + "ms (threshold=" + datanodeSlowLogThresholdMs + "ms)");
        } catch (IOException e) {
    ByteBuffer dataBuf = packetReceiver.getDataSlice();
    ByteBuffer checksumBuf = packetReceiver.getChecksumSlice();
    if (lastPacketInBlock || len == 0) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Receiving an empty packet or the end of the block " + block);
        // sync block if requested
        if (syncBlock) {
    } else {
        final int checksumLen = diskChecksum.getChecksumSize(len);
        final int checksumReceivedLen = checksumBuf.capacity();
        if (checksumReceivedLen > 0 && checksumReceivedLen != checksumLen) {
            throw new IOException("Invalid checksum length: received length is " + checksumReceivedLen + " but expected length is " + checksumLen);
        if (checksumReceivedLen > 0 && shouldVerifyChecksum()) {
            try {
                verifyChunks(dataBuf, checksumBuf);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // checksum error detected locally. there is no reason to continue.
                if (responder != null) {
                    try {
                        ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock, Status.ERROR_CHECKSUM);
                        // Wait until the responder sends back the response
                        // and interrupt this thread.
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new IOException("Terminating due to a checksum error." + ioe);
            if (needsChecksumTranslation) {
                // overwrite the checksums in the packet buffer with the
                // appropriate polynomial for the disk storage.
                translateChunks(dataBuf, checksumBuf);
        if (checksumReceivedLen == 0 && !streams.isTransientStorage()) {
            // checksum is missing, need to calculate it
            checksumBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(checksumLen);
            diskChecksum.calculateChunkedSums(dataBuf, checksumBuf);
        // by this point, the data in the buffer uses the disk checksum
        final boolean shouldNotWriteChecksum = checksumReceivedLen == 0 && streams.isTransientStorage();
        try {
            long onDiskLen = replicaInfo.getBytesOnDisk();
            if (onDiskLen < offsetInBlock) {
                // Normally the beginning of an incoming packet is aligned with the
                // existing data on disk. If the beginning packet data offset is not
                // checksum chunk aligned, the end of packet will not go beyond the
                // next chunk boundary.
                // When a failure-recovery is involved, the client state and the
                // the datanode state may not exactly agree. I.e. the client may
                // resend part of data that is already on disk. Correct number of
                // bytes should be skipped when writing the data and checksum
                // buffers out to disk.
                long partialChunkSizeOnDisk = onDiskLen % bytesPerChecksum;
                long lastChunkBoundary = onDiskLen - partialChunkSizeOnDisk;
                boolean alignedOnDisk = partialChunkSizeOnDisk == 0;
                boolean alignedInPacket = firstByteInBlock % bytesPerChecksum == 0;
                // If the end of the on-disk data is not chunk-aligned, the last
                // checksum needs to be overwritten.
                boolean overwriteLastCrc = !alignedOnDisk && !shouldNotWriteChecksum;
                // If the starting offset of the packat data is at the last chunk
                // boundary of the data on disk, the partial checksum recalculation
                // can be skipped and the checksum supplied by the client can be used
                // instead. This reduces disk reads and cpu load.
                boolean doCrcRecalc = overwriteLastCrc && (lastChunkBoundary != firstByteInBlock);
                // chunk boundary.
                if (!alignedInPacket && len > bytesPerChecksum) {
                    throw new IOException("Unexpected packet data length for " + block + " from " + inAddr + ": a partial chunk must be " + " sent in an individual packet (data length = " + len + " > bytesPerChecksum = " + bytesPerChecksum + ")");
                // If the last portion of the block file is not a full chunk,
                // then read in pre-existing partial data chunk and recalculate
                // the checksum so that the checksum calculation can continue
                // from the right state. If the client provided the checksum for
                // the whole chunk, this is not necessary.
                Checksum partialCrc = null;
                if (doCrcRecalc) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("receivePacket for " + block + ": previous write did not end at the chunk boundary." + " onDiskLen=" + onDiskLen);
                    long offsetInChecksum = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + onDiskLen / bytesPerChecksum * checksumSize;
                    partialCrc = computePartialChunkCrc(onDiskLen, offsetInChecksum);
                // The data buffer position where write will begin. If the packet
                // data and on-disk data have no overlap, this will not be at the
                // beginning of the buffer.
                int startByteToDisk = (int) (onDiskLen - firstByteInBlock) + dataBuf.arrayOffset() + dataBuf.position();
                // Actual number of data bytes to write.
                int numBytesToDisk = (int) (offsetInBlock - onDiskLen);
                // Write data to disk.
                long begin = Time.monotonicNow();
                streams.writeDataToDisk(dataBuf.array(), startByteToDisk, numBytesToDisk);
                long duration = Time.monotonicNow() - begin;
                if (duration > datanodeSlowLogThresholdMs) {
                    LOG.warn("Slow BlockReceiver write data to disk cost:" + duration + "ms (threshold=" + datanodeSlowLogThresholdMs + "ms)");
                if (duration > maxWriteToDiskMs) {
                    maxWriteToDiskMs = duration;
                final byte[] lastCrc;
                if (shouldNotWriteChecksum) {
                    lastCrc = null;
                } else {
                    int skip = 0;
                    byte[] crcBytes = null;
                    // First, prepare to overwrite the partial crc at the end.
                    if (overwriteLastCrc) {
                        // not chunk-aligned on disk
                        // prepare to overwrite last checksum
                    // CRC by reading the rest of the chunk, then write it out.
                    if (doCrcRecalc) {
                        // Calculate new crc for this chunk.
                        int bytesToReadForRecalc = (int) (bytesPerChecksum - partialChunkSizeOnDisk);
                        if (numBytesToDisk < bytesToReadForRecalc) {
                            bytesToReadForRecalc = numBytesToDisk;
                        partialCrc.update(dataBuf.array(), startByteToDisk, bytesToReadForRecalc);
                        byte[] buf = FSOutputSummer.convertToByteStream(partialCrc, checksumSize);
                        crcBytes = copyLastChunkChecksum(buf, checksumSize, buf.length);
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Writing out partial crc for data len " + len + ", skip=" + skip);
                        //  For the partial chunk that was just read.
                    // Determine how many checksums need to be skipped up to the last
                    // boundary. The checksum after the boundary was already counted
                    // above. Only count the number of checksums skipped up to the
                    // boundary here.
                    long skippedDataBytes = lastChunkBoundary - firstByteInBlock;
                    if (skippedDataBytes > 0) {
                        skip += (int) (skippedDataBytes / bytesPerChecksum) + ((skippedDataBytes % bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    // Convert to number of bytes
                    skip *= checksumSize;
                    // write the rest of checksum
                    final int offset = checksumBuf.arrayOffset() + checksumBuf.position() + skip;
                    final int end = offset + checksumLen - skip;
                    // more to write after that.
                    if (offset >= end && doCrcRecalc) {
                        lastCrc = crcBytes;
                    } else {
                        final int remainingBytes = checksumLen - skip;
                        lastCrc = copyLastChunkChecksum(checksumBuf.array(), checksumSize, end);
                        checksumOut.write(checksumBuf.array(), offset, remainingBytes);
                /// flush entire packet, sync if requested
                replicaInfo.setLastChecksumAndDataLen(offsetInBlock, lastCrc);
        } catch (IOException iex) {
            // Volume error check moved to FileIoProvider
            throw iex;
    // (after the fsync finished)
    if (responder != null && (syncBlock || shouldVerifyChecksum())) {
        ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock, Status.SUCCESS);
     * Send in-progress responses for the replaceBlock() calls back to caller to
     * avoid timeouts due to balancer throttling. HDFS-6247
    if (isReplaceBlock && (Time.monotonicNow() - lastResponseTime > responseInterval)) {
        BlockOpResponseProto.Builder response = BlockOpResponseProto.newBuilder().setStatus(Status.IN_PROGRESS);;
        lastResponseTime = Time.monotonicNow();
    if (throttler != null) {
        // throttle I/O
    return lastPacketInBlock ? -1 : len;
Also used : Checksum( DataChecksum(org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum) BlockOpResponseProto(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.BlockOpResponseProto) PacketHeader(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.PacketHeader) IOException( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 4 with Checksum

use of in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class EphemeralFileSystemAbstraction method checksum.

public long checksum() {
    Checksum checksum = new CRC32();
    byte[] data = new byte[(int) ByteUnit.kibiBytes(1)];
    // Go through file name list in sorted order, so that checksum is consistent
    List<File> names = new ArrayList<>(files.size());
    for (File name : names) {
        EphemeralFileData file = files.get(name);
        ByteBuffer buf = file.fileAsBuffer.buf();
        while (buf.position() < buf.limit()) {
            int len = Math.min(data.length, buf.limit() - buf.position());
            checksum.update(data, 0, len);
    return checksum.getValue();
Also used : CRC32( Checksum( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) File( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) MappedByteBuffer(java.nio.MappedByteBuffer)

Example 5 with Checksum

use of in project netty by netty.

the class FastLzFrameEncoder method encode.

protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, ByteBuf out) throws Exception {
    final Checksum checksum = this.checksum;
    for (; ; ) {
        if (!in.isReadable()) {
        final int idx = in.readerIndex();
        final int length = Math.min(in.readableBytes(), MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH);
        final int outputIdx = out.writerIndex();
        out.setMedium(outputIdx, MAGIC_NUMBER);
        int outputOffset = outputIdx + CHECKSUM_OFFSET + (checksum != null ? 4 : 0);
        final byte blockType;
        final int chunkLength;
        if (length < MIN_LENGTH_TO_COMPRESSION) {
            blockType = BLOCK_TYPE_NON_COMPRESSED;
            out.ensureWritable(outputOffset + 2 + length);
            final byte[] output = out.array();
            final int outputPtr = out.arrayOffset() + outputOffset + 2;
            if (checksum != null) {
                final byte[] input;
                final int inputPtr;
                if (in.hasArray()) {
                    input = in.array();
                    inputPtr = in.arrayOffset() + idx;
                } else {
                    input = new byte[length];
                    in.getBytes(idx, input);
                    inputPtr = 0;
                checksum.update(input, inputPtr, length);
                out.setInt(outputIdx + CHECKSUM_OFFSET, (int) checksum.getValue());
                System.arraycopy(input, inputPtr, output, outputPtr, length);
            } else {
                in.getBytes(idx, output, outputPtr, length);
            chunkLength = length;
        } else {
            // try to compress
            final byte[] input;
            final int inputPtr;
            if (in.hasArray()) {
                input = in.array();
                inputPtr = in.arrayOffset() + idx;
            } else {
                input = new byte[length];
                in.getBytes(idx, input);
                inputPtr = 0;
            if (checksum != null) {
                checksum.update(input, inputPtr, length);
                out.setInt(outputIdx + CHECKSUM_OFFSET, (int) checksum.getValue());
            final int maxOutputLength = calculateOutputBufferLength(length);
            out.ensureWritable(outputOffset + 4 + maxOutputLength);
            final byte[] output = out.array();
            final int outputPtr = out.arrayOffset() + outputOffset + 4;
            final int compressedLength = compress(input, inputPtr, length, output, outputPtr, level);
            if (compressedLength < length) {
                blockType = BLOCK_TYPE_COMPRESSED;
                chunkLength = compressedLength;
                out.setShort(outputOffset, chunkLength);
                outputOffset += 2;
            } else {
                blockType = BLOCK_TYPE_NON_COMPRESSED;
                System.arraycopy(input, inputPtr, output, outputPtr - 2, length);
                chunkLength = length;
        out.setShort(outputOffset, length);
        out.setByte(outputIdx + OPTIONS_OFFSET, blockType | (checksum != null ? BLOCK_WITH_CHECKSUM : BLOCK_WITHOUT_CHECKSUM));
        out.writerIndex(outputOffset + 2 + chunkLength);
Also used : Checksum(


Checksum ( CRC32 ( IOException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)15 Adler32 ( File ( EOFException ( InputStream ( FileInputStream ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)6 Test (org.junit.Test)5 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)5 StoreChannel ( BufferedOutputStream ( CheckedInputStream ( BinaryInputArchive (org.apache.jute.BinaryInputArchive)4 Record (org.apache.jute.Record)4 TxnHeader (org.apache.zookeeper.txn.TxnHeader)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( FileOutputStream (