use of javassist.ClassPool in project aem-core-wcm-components by Adobe-Marketing-Cloud.
the class FormsHelperStubber method createStub.
public static void createStub() {
ClassPool classPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass ctClass;
try {
ctClass = classPool.get(CLASS_NAME);
// indicates the class has already been stubbed and loaded
if (ctClass.isFrozen()) {
// to remove any dependencies on impl classes.
for (CtMethod ctMethod : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (!ctMethod.getName().equals("getContentRequestParameterNames") && !ctMethod.getName().equals("getFormId")) {
// remove the error causing static field declaration
// remove the static initializer block calling new on impl class.
// defer getValues(..) to another method call so that we can manipulate/mock return values
ctClass.getDeclaredMethod("getValues").setBody("return com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.models.v1.form.FormsHelperGetValuesStubMethod.get();");
// load the stubbed class
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
} catch (CannotCompileException e) {
use of javassist.ClassPool in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class TimeoutTestXAResource method createXATestExceptionClass.
* Creates new public class named
private static Class<?> createXATestExceptionClass() throws Exception {
ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass evalClass = pool.makeClass("", pool.get("javax.transaction.xa.XAException"));
return evalClass.toClass();
use of javassist.ClassPool in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class Wrapper method makeWrapper.
private static Wrapper makeWrapper(Class<?> c) {
if (c.isPrimitive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not create wrapper for primitive type: " + c);
String name = c.getName();
ClassLoader cl = ClassUtils.getClassLoader(c);
StringBuilder c1 = new StringBuilder("public void setPropertyValue(Object o, String n, Object v){ ");
StringBuilder c2 = new StringBuilder("public Object getPropertyValue(Object o, String n){ ");
StringBuilder c3 = new StringBuilder("public Object invokeMethod(Object o, String n, Class[] p, Object[] v) throws " + InvocationTargetException.class.getName() + "{ ");
c1.append(name).append(" w; try{ w = ((").append(name).append(")$1); }catch(Throwable e){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); }");
c2.append(name).append(" w; try{ w = ((").append(name).append(")$1); }catch(Throwable e){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); }");
c3.append(name).append(" w; try{ w = ((").append(name).append(")$1); }catch(Throwable e){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); }");
// <property name, property types>
Map<String, Class<?>> pts = new HashMap<>();
// <method desc, Method instance>
Map<String, Method> ms = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// method names.
List<String> mns = new ArrayList<>();
// declaring method names.
List<String> dmns = new ArrayList<>();
// get all public field.
for (Field f : c.getFields()) {
String fn = f.getName();
Class<?> ft = f.getType();
if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())) {
c1.append(" if( $2.equals(\"").append(fn).append("\") ){ w.").append(fn).append("=").append(arg(ft, "$3")).append("; return; }");
c2.append(" if( $2.equals(\"").append(fn).append("\") ){ return ($w)w.").append(fn).append("; }");
pts.put(fn, ft);
final ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(ClassPool.getDefault());
classPool.appendClassPath(new CustomizedLoaderClassPath(cl));
List<String> allMethod = new ArrayList<>();
try {
final CtMethod[] ctMethods = classPool.get(c.getName()).getMethods();
for (CtMethod method : ctMethods) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Method[] methods = -> allMethod.contains(ReflectUtils.getDesc(method))).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new Method[] {});
// get all public method.
boolean hasMethod = hasMethods(methods);
if (hasMethod) {
Map<String, Integer> sameNameMethodCount = new HashMap<>((int) (methods.length / 0.75f) + 1);
for (Method m : methods) {
sameNameMethodCount.compute(m.getName(), (key, oldValue) -> oldValue == null ? 1 : oldValue + 1);
c3.append(" try{");
for (Method m : methods) {
// ignore Object's method.
if (m.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
String mn = m.getName();
c3.append(" if( \"").append(mn).append("\".equals( $2 ) ");
int len = m.getParameterTypes().length;
c3.append(" && ").append(" $3.length == ").append(len);
boolean overload = sameNameMethodCount.get(m.getName()) > 1;
if (overload) {
if (len > 0) {
for (int l = 0; l < len; l++) {
c3.append(" && ").append(" $3[").append(l).append("].getName().equals(\"").append(m.getParameterTypes()[l].getName()).append("\")");
c3.append(" ) { ");
if (m.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {
c3.append(" w.").append(mn).append('(').append(args(m.getParameterTypes(), "$4")).append(");").append(" return null;");
} else {
c3.append(" return ($w)w.").append(mn).append('(').append(args(m.getParameterTypes(), "$4")).append(");");
c3.append(" }");
if (m.getDeclaringClass() == c) {
ms.put(ReflectUtils.getDesc(m), m);
c3.append(" } catch(Throwable e) { ");
c3.append(" throw new java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException(e); ");
c3.append(" }");
c3.append(" throw new " + NoSuchMethodException.class.getName() + "(\"Not found method \\\"\"+$2+\"\\\" in class " + c.getName() + ".\"); }");
// deal with get/set method.
Matcher matcher;
for (Map.Entry<String, Method> entry : ms.entrySet()) {
String md = entry.getKey();
Method method = entry.getValue();
if ((matcher = ReflectUtils.GETTER_METHOD_DESC_PATTERN.matcher(md)).matches()) {
String pn = propertyName(;
c2.append(" if( $2.equals(\"").append(pn).append("\") ){ return ($w)w.").append(method.getName()).append("(); }");
pts.put(pn, method.getReturnType());
} else if ((matcher = ReflectUtils.IS_HAS_CAN_METHOD_DESC_PATTERN.matcher(md)).matches()) {
String pn = propertyName(;
c2.append(" if( $2.equals(\"").append(pn).append("\") ){ return ($w)w.").append(method.getName()).append("(); }");
pts.put(pn, method.getReturnType());
} else if ((matcher = ReflectUtils.SETTER_METHOD_DESC_PATTERN.matcher(md)).matches()) {
Class<?> pt = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
String pn = propertyName(;
c1.append(" if( $2.equals(\"").append(pn).append("\") ){ w.").append(method.getName()).append("(").append(arg(pt, "$3")).append("); return; }");
pts.put(pn, pt);
c1.append(" throw new " + NoSuchPropertyException.class.getName() + "(\"Not found property \\\"\"+$2+\"\\\" field or setter method in class " + c.getName() + ".\"); }");
c2.append(" throw new " + NoSuchPropertyException.class.getName() + "(\"Not found property \\\"\"+$2+\"\\\" field or getter method in class " + c.getName() + ".\"); }");
// make class
long id = WRAPPER_CLASS_COUNTER.getAndIncrement();
ClassGenerator cc = ClassGenerator.newInstance(cl);
cc.setClassName((Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers()) ? Wrapper.class.getName() : c.getName() + "$sw") + id);
// property name array.
cc.addField("public static String[] pns;");
// property type map.
cc.addField("public static " + Map.class.getName() + " pts;");
// all method name array.
cc.addField("public static String[] mns;");
// declared method name array.
cc.addField("public static String[] dmns;");
for (int i = 0, len = ms.size(); i < len; i++) {
cc.addField("public static Class[] mts" + i + ";");
cc.addMethod("public String[] getPropertyNames(){ return pns; }");
cc.addMethod("public boolean hasProperty(String n){ return pts.containsKey($1); }");
cc.addMethod("public Class getPropertyType(String n){ return (Class)pts.get($1); }");
cc.addMethod("public String[] getMethodNames(){ return mns; }");
cc.addMethod("public String[] getDeclaredMethodNames(){ return dmns; }");
try {
Class<?> wc = cc.toClass();
// setup static field.
wc.getField("pts").set(null, pts);
wc.getField("pns").set(null, pts.keySet().toArray(new String[0]));
wc.getField("mns").set(null, mns.toArray(new String[0]));
wc.getField("dmns").set(null, dmns.toArray(new String[0]));
int ix = 0;
for (Method m : ms.values()) {
wc.getField("mts" + ix++).set(null, m.getParameterTypes());
return (Wrapper) wc.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
use of javassist.ClassPool in project HikariCP by brettwooldridge.
the class JavassistProxyFactory method main.
public static void main(String... args) {
classPool = new ClassPool();
classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(JavassistProxyFactory.class.getClassLoader()));
try {
// Cast is not needed for these
String methodBody = "{ try { return delegate.method($$); } catch (SQLException e) { throw checkException(e); } }";
generateProxyClass(Connection.class, ProxyConnection.class.getName(), methodBody);
generateProxyClass(Statement.class, ProxyStatement.class.getName(), methodBody);
generateProxyClass(ResultSet.class, ProxyResultSet.class.getName(), methodBody);
// For these we have to cast the delegate
methodBody = "{ try { return ((cast) delegate).method($$); } catch (SQLException e) { throw checkException(e); } }";
generateProxyClass(PreparedStatement.class, ProxyPreparedStatement.class.getName(), methodBody);
generateProxyClass(CallableStatement.class, ProxyCallableStatement.class.getName(), methodBody);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of javassist.ClassPool in project java-crud-api by kolchagov.
the class OrderedTestRunner method computeTestMethods.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner#computeTestMethods()
protected List<FrameworkMethod> computeTestMethods() {
// get all methods to be tested
List<FrameworkMethod> toSort = super.computeTestMethods();
if (toSort.isEmpty())
return toSort;
// a map containing <line_number, method>
final Map<Integer, FrameworkMethod> testMethods = new TreeMap<>();
// check that all methods here are declared in the same class, we don't
// deal with test methods from superclasses that haven't been overridden
Class<?> clazz = getDeclaringClass(toSort);
if (clazz == null) {
// fail explicitly
System.err.println("OrderedTestRunner can only run test classes that" + " don't have test methods inherited from superclasses");
return Collections.emptyList();
// use Javassist to figure out line numbers for methods
ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
try {
CtClass cc = pool.get(clazz.getName());
// all methods in toSort are declared in the same class, we checked
for (FrameworkMethod m : toSort) {
String methodName = m.getName();
CtMethod method = cc.getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
testMethods.put(method.getMethodInfo().getLineNumber(0), m);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return new ArrayList<>(testMethods.values());