use of javassist.ClassPool in project pinpoint by naver.
the class InterceptorTest method interceptor.
// @Deprecated
public void interceptor() throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
AroundInterceptor aroundInterceptor = new AroundInterceptor() {
public void before(Object target, Object[] args) {"BEFORE target:" + target + " args:" + Arrays.toString(args));
public void after(Object target, Object[] args, Object result, Throwable throwable) {"AFTER target: " + target + " args:" + Arrays.toString(args) + " result:" + result + " throwable:" + throwable);
int interceptorId = INTERCEPTOR_REGISTRY_ADAPTOR.addInterceptor(aroundInterceptor);
final ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(true);
CtClass throwable = classPool.get(Throwable.class.getName());
CtClass ctClass = classPool.get("com.navercorp.pinpoint.profiler.interceptor.JavaAssistTestObject");
final CtMethod hello = ctClass.getMethod("hello", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
logger.debug("longName:{}", hello.getLongName());
logger.debug("name:{}", hello.getName());
String interceptorClassName = AroundInterceptor.class.getName();
CtClass interceptor = classPool.get(interceptorClassName);
hello.addLocalVariable("interceptor", interceptor);
CtClass object = classPool.get(Object.class.getName());
hello.addLocalVariable("result", object);
// hello.insertBefore("{ System.out.println(\"BEFORE\"); }");
hello.insertBefore("{" + "interceptor = (" + interceptorClassName + ") " + InterceptorRegistry.class.getName() + ".getInterceptor(" + interceptorId + ");" + "interceptor.before(this, $args);" + "}");
// hello.addCatch("{" +
//// " interceptor.after(ctx);"+
//// " AroundInterceptor a = (AroundInterceptor) " + InterceptorRegistry.class.getName() + ".getStaticInterceptor(\"a\");"+
// " throw $e;" +
// "}", throwable);
// hello.insertAfter("{" +
// "interceptor.after(this, $args, ($w)$_, null); " +
// "}");
// hello.setBody(generatedAroundInterceptor("TestObject", "hello"));
// hello.setBody("{ System.out.println(\"ddd\"); }", ClassMap map );
// hello.insertBefore(" System.out.println(\" BEFORE + \");");
// hello.insertAfter(" System.out.println($_);");
// hello.insertAfter(" System.out.println($r);");
// hello.insertAfter(" System.out.println($w);");
// hello.insertAfter(" System.out.println($sig);");
// hello.insertAfter(" System.out.println($type);");
// hello.insertAfter(" System.out.println($class);");
// hello.instrument(new ExprEditor() {
// public void edit(MethodCall m)
// throws CannotCompileException
// {
// try {
// System.out.println("method call" + m.getMethod().getName());
// } catch (NotFoundException e) {
// e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
// }
// String code = generatedAroundInterceptor("TestObject", "hello");
// m.replace(code);
// }
// });
// hello.addCatch("System.out.println(\"catch\"); throw $e;", throwable);
// hello.setName("__hello");
// CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.make("public void hello() { try {__hello(); } catch(Throwable th){throw th;}}", ctClass);
// CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.make("public void hello() { System.out.println(\"ddd\"); } catch(Throwable th){throw th;}}", ctClass);
// ctClass.addMethod(method);
// ctClass.freeze();
// ctClass.writeFile("./debug");
// ctClass.debugWriteFile("./debug");
Loader loader = LoaderUtils.createLoader(classPool);
Class aClass = loader.loadClass(ctClass.getName());
Object testObject = aClass.newInstance();
Method helloMethod = testObject.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("hello", String.class);
try {
helloMethod.invoke(testObject, "hello~~");
} catch (Exception e) {;
// o.hello();
use of javassist.ClassPool in project aem-core-wcm-components by Adobe-Marketing-Cloud.
the class FormsHelperStubber method createStub.
protected static void createStub() {
ClassPool classPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass ctClass;
try {
ctClass = classPool.get(CLASS_NAME);
//indicates the class has already been stubbed and loaded
if (ctClass.isFrozen()) {
//to remove any dependencies on impl classes.
for (CtMethod ctMethod : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
//remove the error causing static field declaration
//remove the static initilizer block calling new on impl class.
//load the stubbed class
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
} catch (CannotCompileException e) {
use of javassist.ClassPool in project drill by apache.
the class GuavaPatcher method patchStopwatch.
* Makes Guava stopwatch look like the old version for compatibility with hbase-server (for test purposes).
private static void patchStopwatch() throws Exception {
ClassPool cp = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass cc = cp.get("");
// Expose the constructor for Stopwatch for old libraries who use the pattern new Stopwatch().start().
for (CtConstructor c : cc.getConstructors()) {
if (!Modifier.isStatic(c.getModifiers())) {
// Add back the Stopwatch.elapsedMillis() method for old consumers.
CtMethod newmethod = CtNewMethod.make("public long elapsedMillis() { return elapsed(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }", cc);
// Load the modified class instead of the original.
cc.toClass();"Google's Stopwatch patched for old HBase Guava version.");
use of javassist.ClassPool in project drill by apache.
the class GuavaPatcher method patchCloseables.
private static void patchCloseables() throws Exception {
ClassPool cp = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass cc = cp.get("");
// Add back the Closeables.closeQuietly() method for old consumers.
CtMethod newmethod = CtNewMethod.make("public static void closeQuietly( closeable) { try{closeable.close();}catch(Exception e){} }", cc);
// Load the modified class instead of the original.
cc.toClass();"Google's Closeables patched for old HBase Guava version.");
use of javassist.ClassPool in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class ClassGenerator method getClassPool.
public static ClassPool getClassPool(ClassLoader loader) {
if (loader == null)
return ClassPool.getDefault();
ClassPool pool = POOL_MAP.get(loader);
if (pool == null) {
pool = new ClassPool(true);
pool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(loader));
POOL_MAP.put(loader, pool);
return pool;