use of javassist.CodeConverter in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class ITAppModifier method modify.
* Modify method
* @param appName
* @return
* @throws NotFoundException
* @throws CannotCompileException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public Class<?> modify(String appName) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException, ClassNotFoundException {
Class<?> annotItf = Class.forName(appName + LoaderConstants.ITF_SUFFIX);
// Methods declared in the annotated interface
Method[] remoteMethods = annotItf.getMethods();
* Use the application editor to include the COMPSs API calls on the application code
CtClass appClass = CLASS_POOL.get(appName);
CtClass itApiClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_COMPSSRUNTIME_API);
CtClass itSRClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_STREAM_REGISTRY);
CtClass itORClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_OBJECT_REGISTRY);
CtClass appIdClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_APP_ID);
String varName = LoaderUtils.randomName(5, LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_PREFIX);
String itApiVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_API;
String itSRVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_STREAM_REGISTRY;
String itORVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_OBJECT_REGISTRY;
String itAppIdVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_APP_ID;
CtField itApiField = new CtField(itApiClass, itApiVar, appClass);
CtField itSRField = new CtField(itSRClass, itSRVar, appClass);
CtField itORField = new CtField(itORClass, itORVar, appClass);
CtField appIdField = new CtField(appIdClass, itAppIdVar, appClass);
itApiField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
itSRField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
itORField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
appIdField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
* Create a static constructor to initialize the runtime Create a shutdown hook to stop the runtime before the
* JVM ends
manageStartAndStop(appClass, itApiVar, itSRVar, itORVar);
* Create IT App Editor
// Candidates to be instrumented if they are not
CtMethod[] instrCandidates = appClass.getDeclaredMethods();
// remote
ITAppEditor itAppEditor = new ITAppEditor(remoteMethods, instrCandidates, itApiVar, itSRVar, itORVar, itAppIdVar, appClass);
// itAppEditor.setAppId(itAppIdVar);
// itAppEditor.setAppClass(appClass);
* Create Code Converter
CodeConverter converter = new CodeConverter();
CtClass arrayWatcher = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_ARRAY_ACCESS_WATCHER);
CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames names = new CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames();
converter.replaceArrayAccess(arrayWatcher, (CodeConverter.ArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames) names);
* Find the methods declared in the application class that will be instrumented - Main - Constructors - Methods
* that are not in the remote list
if (DEBUG) {
LOGGER.debug("Flags: ToFile: " + WRITE_TO_FILE + " isWS: " + IS_WS_CLASS + " isMainClass: " + IS_MAIN_CLASS);
for (CtMethod m : instrCandidates) {
if (LoaderUtils.checkRemote(m, remoteMethods) == null) {
// Not a remote method, we must instrument it
if (DEBUG) {
LOGGER.debug("Instrumenting method " + m.getName());
StringBuilder toInsertBefore = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder toInsertAfter = new StringBuilder();
* Add local variable to method representing the execution id, which will be the current thread id. Used
* for Services, to handle multiple service executions simultaneously with a single runtime For normal
* applications, there will be only one execution id.
m.addLocalVariable(itAppIdVar, appIdClass);
toInsertBefore.append(itAppIdVar).append(" = new Long(Thread.currentThread().getId());");
// TODO remove old code:
// boolean isMainProgram = writeToFile ? LoaderUtils.isOrchestration(m) : LoaderUtils.isMainMethod(m);
boolean isMainProgram = LoaderUtils.isMainMethod(m);
boolean isOrchestration = LoaderUtils.isOrchestration(m);
if (isMainProgram && IS_MAIN_CLASS) {
LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls at the beginning and at the end of main");
if (IS_WS_CLASS) {
LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls noMoreTasks at the end of main");
toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".noMoreTasks(" + itAppIdVar + ", true);");
// executed only if Orchestration finishes properly
} else {
// Main program
LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls noMoreTasks and stopIT at the end of main");
// Set global variable for main as well, will be used in code inserted after to be run no matter
// what
toInsertBefore.append(appName).append('.').append(itAppIdVar).append(" = new Long(Thread.currentThread().getId());");
// toInsertAfter.append("System.exit(0);");
toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".stopIT(true);");
toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".noMoreTasks(" + appName + '.' + itAppIdVar + ", true);");
// executed no matter what
m.insertAfter(toInsertAfter.toString(), true);
* Instrumenting first the array accesses makes each array access become a call to a black box
* method of class ArrayAccessWatcher, whose parameters include the array. For the second round of
* instrumentation, the synchronization by transition to black box automatically synchronizes the
* arrays accessed. TODO: Change the order of instrumentation, so that we have more control about
* the synchronization, and we can distinguish between a write access and a read access (now it's
* read/write access by default, because it goes into the black box).
} else if (isOrchestration) {
if (IS_WS_CLASS) {
LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls noMoreTasks and stopIT at the end of orchestration");
toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".noMoreTasks(" + itAppIdVar + ", true);");
// executed only if Orchestration finishes properly
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Inserting only before at the beginning of an orchestration");
// TODO remove old code m.insertAfter(toInsertAfter.toString());
// executed only if Orchestration finishes properly
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Inserting only before");
if (IS_WS_CLASS) {
// non-OE operations
if (Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())) {
} else {
// For an application class, instrument all non-remote methods
// Instrument constructors
for (CtConstructor c : appClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
if (DEBUG) {
LOGGER.debug("Instrumenting constructor " + c.getLongName());
// Write the modified class to disk
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorManager.fatal("Error writing the instrumented class file");
return null;
} else {
* Load the modified class into memory and return it. Generally, once a class is loaded into memory no
* further modifications can be performed on it.
return appClass.toClass();