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Example 16 with CtConstructor

use of javassist.CtConstructor in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class ClassCustomizer method addDoubleField.

 * Adds a new field of type double to the customized class
public void addDoubleField(String fieldName) {
    // FIXME: this should support default values but does not
    ClassFile classFile = ctClass.getClassFile();
    ConstPool constPool = classFile.getConstPool();
    try {
        // add field
        FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(constPool, fieldName, "D");
        CtConstructor ctor = CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor(ctClass);
        addDoubleSetter(classFile, fieldName);
        addDoubleGetter(classFile, fieldName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : ConstPool(javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) ClassFile(javassist.bytecode.ClassFile) FieldInfo(javassist.bytecode.FieldInfo) DuplicateMemberException(javassist.bytecode.DuplicateMemberException) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor)

Example 17 with CtConstructor

use of javassist.CtConstructor in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class JavaNestedInvoker method instrumentClass.

private static void instrumentClass(ClassPool cp, CtClass appClass, Class<?> annotItf, String itApiVar, String itSRVar, String itORVar, String itAppIdVar) throws ClassNotFoundException, NotFoundException, CannotCompileException {
    Method[] remoteMethods = annotItf.getMethods();
    CtMethod[] instrCandidates = appClass.getDeclaredMethods();
    // Candidates to be instrumented if they are not remote
    ITAppEditor itAppEditor;
    itAppEditor = new ITAppEditor(remoteMethods, instrCandidates, itApiVar, itSRVar, itORVar, itAppIdVar, appClass);
         * Create Code Converter
    CodeConverter converter = new CodeConverter();
    CtClass arrayWatcher = cp.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_ARRAY_ACCESS_WATCHER);
    CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames names;
    names = new CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames();
    converter.replaceArrayAccess(arrayWatcher, (CodeConverter.ArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames) names);
         * Find the methods declared in the application class that will be instrumented - Main - Constructors - Methods
         * that are not in the remote list
    for (CtMethod m : instrCandidates) {
    // Instrument constructors
    for (CtConstructor c : appClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
Also used : CtClass(javassist.CtClass) CodeConverter(javassist.CodeConverter) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod) CtNewMethod(javassist.CtNewMethod) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ITAppEditor( CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor)

Example 18 with CtConstructor

use of javassist.CtConstructor in project japicmp-gradle-plugin by melix.

the class Violation method describe.

public static String describe(JApiCompatibility member) {
    if (member instanceof JApiAnnotation) {
        return "Annotation " + ((JApiAnnotation) member).getFullyQualifiedName();
    if (member instanceof JApiAnnotationElement) {
        return "Annotation element " + ((JApiAnnotationElement) member).getName();
    if (member instanceof JApiConstructor) {
        JApiConstructor method = (JApiConstructor) member;
        Optional<CtConstructor> changedMethod = method.getNewConstructor();
        if (!changedMethod.isPresent()) {
            changedMethod = method.getOldConstructor();
        return "Constructor " + (changedMethod.isPresent() ? changedMethod.get().getLongName() : method.getName());
    if (member instanceof JApiMethod) {
        JApiMethod method = (JApiMethod) member;
        Optional<CtMethod> changedMethod = method.getNewMethod();
        if (!changedMethod.isPresent()) {
            changedMethod = method.getOldMethod();
        return "Method " + (changedMethod.isPresent() ? changedMethod.get().getLongName() : method.getName());
    if (member instanceof JApiField) {
        return "Field " + ((JApiField) member).getName();
    if (member instanceof JApiClass) {
        return "Class " + ((JApiClass) member).getFullyQualifiedName();
    if (member instanceof JApiSuperclass) {
        Optional<JApiClass> jApiClass = ((JApiSuperclass) member).getJApiClass();
        return "Superclass " + (jApiClass.isPresent() ? jApiClass.get() : "[removed]");
    if (member instanceof JApiImplementedInterface) {
        return "Implemented interface " + ((JApiImplementedInterface) member).getFullyQualifiedName();
    return member.toString();
Also used : JApiConstructor(japicmp.model.JApiConstructor) JApiMethod(japicmp.model.JApiMethod) JApiImplementedInterface(japicmp.model.JApiImplementedInterface) JApiSuperclass(japicmp.model.JApiSuperclass) JApiField(japicmp.model.JApiField) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor) JApiClass(japicmp.model.JApiClass) JApiAnnotation(japicmp.model.JApiAnnotation) JApiAnnotationElement(japicmp.model.JApiAnnotationElement) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod)

Example 19 with CtConstructor

use of javassist.CtConstructor in project DRouter by didi.

the class RouterCollect method generate.

public void generate(File routerDir) throws Exception {
    CtClass ctClass = pool.makeClass(getPackageName() + ".RouterLoader");
    CtClass superClass = pool.get("");
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    builder.append("public void load(java.util.Map data) {\n");
    for (CtClass routerCc : routerClass.values()) {
        try {
            StringBuilder interceptorClass = null;
            StringBuilder interceptorName = null;
            String uriValue = "";
            String schemeValue = "";
            String hostValue = "";
            String pathValue = "";
            Annotation annotation = null;
            String type;
            int thread = 0;
            int priority = 0;
            boolean hold = false;
            if (routerCc.hasAnnotation(Router.class)) {
                uriValue = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).uri();
                schemeValue = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).scheme();
                hostValue = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).host();
                pathValue = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).path();
                thread = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).thread();
                priority = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).priority();
                hold = ((Router) routerCc.getAnnotation(Router.class)).hold();
                annotation = getAnnotation(routerCc, Router.class);
                if (checkSuper(routerCc, "")) {
                    type = "";
                } else if (checkSuper(routerCc, "", "")) {
                    type = "";
                } else if (checkSuper(routerCc, "android.view.View")) {
                    type = "";
                } else if (checkSuper(routerCc, "com.didi.drouter.router.IRouterHandler")) {
                    type = "";
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("@Router target class illegal, " + "support only Activity/Fragment/View/IRouterHandler");
            } else {
                pathValue = "/" + routerCc.getName().replace(".", "/");
                type = "";
            if (isNonStaticInnerClass(routerCc)) {
                throw new Exception("@Router can not use non static inner class");
            if (!uriValue.isEmpty()) {
                if (!schemeValue.isEmpty() || !hostValue.isEmpty() || !pathValue.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new Exception("@Router uri can be used alone");
                schemeValue = parseScheme(uriValue);
                hostValue = parseHost(uriValue);
                pathValue = parsePath(uriValue);
            if (schemeValue.contains("/") || hostValue.contains("/")) {
                throw new Exception("@Router scheme and host can't use \"/\"");
            // if (!isRegex(pathValue) && !pathValue.isEmpty() && !pathValue.startsWith("/")) {
            // throw new Exception("@Router path must start with \"/\"");
            // }
            // because of Escape character, \ will drop one, \\\\->\\, \\->empty(can't be one)
            schemeValue = schemeValue.replace("\\", "\\\\");
            hostValue = hostValue.replace("\\", "\\\\");
            pathValue = pathValue.replace("\\", "\\\\");
            if (annotation != null) {
                ArrayMemberValue interceptorClassArrayValue = (ArrayMemberValue) annotation.getMemberValue("interceptor");
                if (interceptorClassArrayValue != null) {
                    interceptorClass = new StringBuilder();
                    interceptorClass.append("new Class[]{");
                    for (MemberValue mv : interceptorClassArrayValue.getValue()) {
                        final ClassMemberValue cmv = (ClassMemberValue) mv;
                    interceptorClass.deleteCharAt(interceptorClass.length() - 1);
                ArrayMemberValue interceptorNameArrayValue = (ArrayMemberValue) annotation.getMemberValue("interceptorName");
                if (interceptorNameArrayValue != null) {
                    interceptorName = new StringBuilder();
                    interceptorName.append("new String[]{");
                    for (MemberValue mv : interceptorNameArrayValue.getValue()) {
                        final StringMemberValue smv = (StringMemberValue) mv;
                    interceptorName.deleteCharAt(interceptorName.length() - 1);
            StringBuilder metaBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            if ("".equals(type)) {
                if (!setting.isUseActivityRouterClass()) {
                } else {
            } else {
            metaBuilder.append(", ");
            CtClass proxyCc = null;
            try {
                if (type.endsWith("HANDLER") || type.endsWith("FRAGMENT")) {
                    CtConstructor constructor = routerCc.getDeclaredConstructor(null);
                    if (constructor != null) {
                        CtClass proxyInterface = pool.get("");
                        proxyCc = pool.makeClass(PROXY + routerCc.getName().replace(".", "_"));
                        String method1 = String.format("public java.lang.Object newInstance(android.content.Context context) {" + "{  return new %s();} }", routerCc.getName());
                        generatorClass(routerDir, proxyCc, method1, METHOD2);
                } else if (type.endsWith("VIEW")) {
                    CtConstructor constructor = routerCc.getDeclaredConstructor(new CtClass[] { pool.get("android.content.Context") });
                    if (constructor != null) {
                        CtClass proxyInterface = pool.get("");
                        proxyCc = pool.makeClass(PROXY + routerCc.getName().replace(".", "_"));
                        String method1 = String.format("public java.lang.Object newInstance(android.content.Context context) {" + "{  return new %s(context);} }", routerCc.getName());
                        generatorClass(routerDir, proxyCc, method1, METHOD2);
            } catch (NotFoundException ignore) {
            metaBuilder.append(proxyCc != null ? "new " + proxyCc.getName() + "()" : "null");
            metaBuilder.append(", ");
            metaBuilder.append(interceptorClass != null ? interceptorClass.toString() : "null");
            metaBuilder.append(", ");
            metaBuilder.append(interceptorName != null ? interceptorName.toString() : "null");
            metaBuilder.append(", ");
            metaBuilder.append(", ");
            metaBuilder.append(", ");
            String uri = schemeValue + "@@" + hostValue + "$$" + pathValue;
            if (!isPlaceholderLegal(schemeValue, hostValue, pathValue)) {
                throw new Exception("\"" + uri + "\" on " + routerCc.getName() + "\ncan't use regex outside placeholder <>," + "\nand must be unique legal identifier inside placeholder <>");
            boolean isAnyRegex = isRegex(schemeValue, hostValue, pathValue);
            if (isAnyRegex) {
                items.add("    put(\"" + uri + "\", " + metaBuilder + ", data); \n");
            // builder.append("    put(\"").append(uri).append("\", ").append(metaBuilder).append(", data); \n");
            } else {
                items.add("    data.put(\"" + uri + "\", " + metaBuilder + "); \n");
            // builder.append("    data.put(\"").append(uri).append("\", ").append(metaBuilder).append("); \n");
            String duplicate = StoreUtil.insertUri(uri, routerCc);
            if (duplicate != null) {
                throw new Exception("\"" + uri + "\" on " + routerCc.getName() + "\nhas duplication of name with class: " + duplicate);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Exception("Class: === " + routerCc.getName() + " ===\nCause: " + e.getMessage());
    for (String item : items) {
    Logger.d("\nclass RouterLoader" + "\n" + builder.toString());
    generatorClass(routerDir, ctClass, builder.toString());
Also used : StringMemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.StringMemberValue) Router(com.didi.drouter.annotation.Router) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) Annotation(javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) ClassMemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.ClassMemberValue) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) MemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.MemberValue) ArrayMemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.ArrayMemberValue) StringMemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.StringMemberValue) ClassMemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.ClassMemberValue) ArrayMemberValue(javassist.bytecode.annotation.ArrayMemberValue)

Example 20 with CtConstructor

use of javassist.CtConstructor in project knetbuilder by Rothamsted.

the class UniversalProxyTemplateBuilder method makeMethod.

private void makeMethod(final CtClass ct, final Class<?> parent, final String name, final Member member, boolean globalFunctionsMode, final Map<Class<?>, Object[]> cnvMap) throws CannotCompileException {
    StringBufferWrap cm = new StringBufferWrap();
    Class<?>[] parTypes = null;
    boolean isVarArg = false;
    Method method = null;
    Map<Class<?>, Method> parnetMethodReturns = new HashMap<Class<?>, Method>();
    if (parent != null) {
        for (Method m : parent.getMethods()) {
            if (m.getGenericParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() != null) {
                parnetMethodReturns.put(m.getReturnType(), m);
    Constructor constructor = null;
    if (member instanceof Method) {
        method = (Method) member;
        isVarArg = method.isVarArgs();
        if (globalFunctionsMode) {
            cm.append(PUBLIC_STATIC, getWrappedName(method.getReturnType()), SPACE, name, BR_OPEN);
        } else {
            cm.append(PUBLIC, getWrappedName(method.getReturnType()), SPACE, name, BR_OPEN);
        parTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
    } else if (member instanceof Constructor) {
        constructor = (Constructor) member;
        isVarArg = constructor.isVarArgs();
        cm.append(PUBLIC, SPACE, ct.getSimpleName(), BR_OPEN);
        parTypes = ((Constructor) member).getParameterTypes();
    StringBufferWrap args1 = new StringBufferWrap();
    int functionArgCount = 0;
    final ResolutionTreeParser apt = new ResolutionTreeParser(ct, parent);
    if (cnvMap != null)
    String owner = OWNER;
    if (Modifier.isStatic(member.getModifiers())) {
        owner = member.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName();
    } else if (isResolved(member.getDeclaringClass())) {
        owner = apt.addInternalArg(owner, member.getDeclaringClass());
    } else if (globalFunctionsMode && cnvMap != null && cnvMap.containsKey(member.getDeclaringClass())) {
        apt.addConvinienceArg(owner, member.getDeclaringClass(), "cOwner", (Class<?>) cnvMap.get(member.getDeclaringClass())[0]);
    } else {
        owner = BS;
    boolean throwsException = false;
    List<StringBufferWrap> arrayUnwrappers = new LinkedList<StringBufferWrap>();
    StringBufferWrap listMethodVersion = null;
    StringBufferWrap listToArray = null;
    if (isVarArg) {
        listMethodVersion = new StringBufferWrap();
        listToArray = new StringBufferWrap();
    for (int i = 0; i < parTypes.length; i++) {
        String argName = ARG + i;
        String wrapperName = null;
        String nameInsideMethod = null;
        if (parTypes[i].isArray()) {
            wrapperName = wrapperNameLookup.get(parTypes[i].getComponentType());
            if (wrapperName != null) {
                wrapperName = wrapperName + "[]";
                nameInsideMethod = "arr_" + argName;
                StringBufferWrap unwrapper = new StringBufferWrap();
                unwrapper.append(getClassName(parTypes[i]), " ", nameInsideMethod, " = new ", parTypes[i].getComponentType().getCanonicalName(), "[", argName, ".length];\n");
                unwrapper.append("for(int i = 0; i< ", argName, ".length; i++){\n", nameInsideMethod, "[i] = ", argName, "[i].unwrap();\n", "\n}");
            if (isVarArg && i == parTypes.length - 1) {
                wrapperName = wrapperNameLookup.get(parTypes[i].getComponentType());
                String nameInsideMethod1 = argName;
                if (wrapperName != null) {
                    wrapperName = wrapperName + "[]";
                    nameInsideMethod1 = "arr_" + argName;
                listToArray.append(getClassName(parTypes[i]), " ", nameInsideMethod1, " = new ", parTypes[i].getComponentType().getCanonicalName(), "[", argName, ".size()];\n");
                listToArray.append("for(int i = 0; i< ", argName, ".size(); i++){\n", nameInsideMethod1, "[i] = (", parTypes[i].getComponentType().getCanonicalName(), ")", argName, "get(i).unwrap();\n", "\n}");
                listMethodVersion.append(cm.toString(), "java.util.List", SPACE, argName);
        } else {
            wrapperName = wrapperNameLookup.get(parTypes[i]);
        boolean implementConvinience = false;
        if (isResolved(parTypes[i])) {
            argName = apt.addInternalArg(argName, parTypes[i]);
            throwsException = true;
        } else if (cnvMap != null && cnvMap.containsKey(parTypes[i])) {
            implementConvinience = true;
            final Object[] obj = cnvMap.get(parTypes[i]);
            apt.addConvinienceArg(argName, parTypes[i], "conv" + i, (Class<?>) obj[0]);
            cm.append(synElementAt(functionArgCount) + getClassName((Class<?>) obj[0]) + SPACE + "conv" + i);
        } else if (wrapperName != null) {
            cm.append(synElementAt(functionArgCount), wrapperName, SPACE, argName);
        } else {
            cm.append(synElementAt(functionArgCount), getClassName(parTypes[i]), SPACE, argName);
        if (nameInsideMethod != null) {
            argName = nameInsideMethod;
        if (!isResolved(parTypes[i]) && wrapperName != null && !implementConvinience && !parTypes[i].isArray()) {
            args1.append(synElementAt(i), BR_OPEN, getClassName(parTypes[i]), BR_CLOSE, WRP, argName, UNWRP_ARG);
        } else {
            args1.append(synElementAt(i), argName);
    if (throwsException) {
        cm.append(BR_CLOSE, FNEX, M_START);
        cm.append(TRY_OPN, NL_TB);
    } else {
        cm.append(BR_CLOSE, M_START);
    for (StringBufferWrap unwrapper : arrayUnwrappers) {
    String cast = null;
    try {
        if (method != null) {
            cast = wrapperNameLookup.get(method.getReturnType());
            if (cast != null) {
                cm.append(cast, " wrapped_result = new ", cast, "();");
                Set<Class<?>> embedded = shadowTemplates.get(cast).getEmbeddedClasses();
                if (embedded.size() > 0) {
                    for (Class<?> cls : embedded) {
                        Method m = parnetMethodReturns.get(cls);
                        if (m != null) {
                            cm.append("wrapped_result.setEmb", cls.getSimpleName(), "(this.baseObject.", m.getName(), "());");
                        } else if (shadowTemplates.get(wrapperNameLookup.get(parent)).getEmbeddedClasses().contains(cls)) {
                            cm.append("wrapped_result.setEmb", cls.getSimpleName(), "(this.getEmb", cls.getSimpleName(), "());");
                cm.append("wrapped_result.wrap(", owner, DOT, method.getName(), BR_OPEN, args1.toString(), BR_CLOSE, BR_CLOSE, ";\n", RETURN, "wrapped_result", SC, CLS, NL_TB);
            } else if (method.getReturnType().isArray() && method.getReturnType().getComponentType().equals(Object.class)) {
                // || this.wrapperNameLookup.get(method.getReturnType().getComponentType().getName()) != null
                // System.err.println(method.getDeclaringClass().getName()+" - "+method.getName());
                // net.sourceforge.ondex.scripting.base.UniversalProxyTemplateBuilder.wrapArray();
                cm.append(RETURN, " net.sourceforge.ondex.scripting.base.UniversalProxyTemplateBuilder.wrapArray(", owner, DOT, method.getName(), BR_OPEN, args1.toString(), "))", unwrapPrimitive(method.getReturnType()), ";}", NL_TB);
            } else {
                cm.append(RETURN, owner, DOT, method.getName(), BR_OPEN, args1.toString(), ")", unwrapPrimitive(method.getReturnType()), ";}", NL_TB);
            if (throwsException) {
                cm.append(TRY_CLS, QT, member.getName(), ERRMSG, BR_LN_M_END, NL_TB, CLS);
            try {
                CtMethod ctmethod = CtMethod.make(cm.toString(), ct);
                if (isVarArg) {
                    if (globalFunctionsMode) {
                    } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (!(e instanceof javassist.bytecode.DuplicateMemberException)) {
                    if (parent != null)
        } else {
            cm.append(owner, " = new ", member.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName(), BR_OPEN, args1.toString(), BR_LN_M_END, NL_TB);
            if (throwsException) {
                cm.append(TRY_CLS, QT, member.getName(), ERRMSG, BR_LN_M_END, NL_TB, CLS);
            try {
                CtConstructor ctor = CtNewConstructor.make(cm.toString(), ct);
                if (isVarArg) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (!(e instanceof javassist.bytecode.DuplicateMemberException)) {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
    // System.err.println(e.getMessage()+" -- "+cm.getString());
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor) CtNewConstructor(javassist.CtNewConstructor) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) CannotCompileException(javassist.CannotCompileException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod)


CtConstructor (javassist.CtConstructor)80 CtClass (javassist.CtClass)58 CtMethod (javassist.CtMethod)37 CannotCompileException (javassist.CannotCompileException)30 NotFoundException (javassist.NotFoundException)30 CtField (javassist.CtField)29 ClassPool (javassist.ClassPool)27 IOException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 FileNotFoundException ( CtNewMethod (javassist.CtNewMethod)6 ConstPool (javassist.bytecode.ConstPool)6 Annotation (javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation)6 StorageException ( StringWriter ( OALCompileException (org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.oal.rt.OALCompileException)4 ModuleStartException (org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.library.module.ModuleStartException)4 SMethod (org.bimserver.shared.meta.SMethod)4 SParameter (org.bimserver.shared.meta.SParameter)4