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Example 81 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project gwt-test-utils by gwt-test-utils.

the class AutomaticPatcher method getInitMethod.

private CtMethod getInitMethod(Set<CtClass> patchClasses) {
    List<CtMethod> initMethods = new ArrayList<>();
    for (CtClass patchClass : patchClasses) {
        for (CtMethod ctMethod : patchClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
            if (ctMethod.hasAnnotation(InitMethod.class)) {
                if (!Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers())) {
                    throw new GwtTestPatchException("@" + InitMethod.class.getSimpleName() + " has to be static : '" + ctMethod.getLongName() + "'");
                try {
                    if (ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length != 1 || ctMethod.getParameterTypes()[0] != GwtClassPool.getCtClass(CtClass.class)) {
                        throw new GwtTestPatchException("@" + InitMethod.class.getName() + " method must have one and only one parameter of type '" + CtClass.class.getName() + "'");
                } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                    // should never happen
                    throw new GwtTestPatchException(e);
    CtMethod initMethod = getMethodToUse(initMethods, InitMethod.class);
    if (initMethod != null) {
        initMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC + Modifier.STATIC);
    return initMethod;
Also used : GwtTestPatchException(com.googlecode.gwt.test.exceptions.GwtTestPatchException) InitMethod(com.googlecode.gwt.test.patchers.InitMethod) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod)

Example 82 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project reflections by ronmamo.

the class MemberUsageScanner method scanMember.

private void scanMember(CtBehavior member, List<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries) throws CannotCompileException {
    // key contains this$/val$ means local field/parameter closure
    final String key = member.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + member.getMethodInfo().getName() + "(" + parameterNames(member.getMethodInfo()) + // + " #" + member.getMethodInfo().getLineNumber(0)
    member.instrument(new ExprEditor() {

        public void edit(NewExpr e) {
            try {
                add(entries, e.getConstructor().getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + "<init>" + "(" + parameterNames(e.getConstructor().getMethodInfo()) + ")", key + " #" + e.getLineNumber());
            } catch (NotFoundException e1) {
                throw new ReflectionsException("Could not find new instance usage in " + key, e1);

        public void edit(MethodCall m) {
            try {
                add(entries, m.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + m.getMethodName() + "(" + parameterNames(m.getMethod().getMethodInfo()) + ")", key + " #" + m.getLineNumber());
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                throw new ReflectionsException("Could not find member " + m.getClassName() + " in " + key, e);

        public void edit(ConstructorCall c) {
            try {
                add(entries, c.getConstructor().getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + "<init>" + "(" + parameterNames(c.getConstructor().getMethodInfo()) + ")", key + " #" + c.getLineNumber());
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                throw new ReflectionsException("Could not find member " + c.getClassName() + " in " + key, e);

        public void edit(FieldAccess f) {
            try {
                add(entries, f.getField().getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + f.getFieldName(), key + " #" + f.getLineNumber());
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                throw new ReflectionsException("Could not find member " + f.getFieldName() + " in " + key, e);
Also used : ReflectionsException(org.reflections.ReflectionsException) ExprEditor(javassist.expr.ExprEditor) NewExpr(javassist.expr.NewExpr) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) ConstructorCall(javassist.expr.ConstructorCall) FieldAccess(javassist.expr.FieldAccess) MethodCall(javassist.expr.MethodCall)

Example 83 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project powermock by powermock.

the class PowerMockExpressionEditor method addNewDeferConstructor.

 * Create a defer constructor in the class which will be called when the
 * constructor is suppressed.
 * @param clazz The class whose super constructor will get a new defer
 *              constructor if it doesn't already have one.
 * @throws CannotCompileException If an unexpected compilation error occurs.
private void addNewDeferConstructor(final CtClass clazz) throws CannotCompileException {
    final CtClass superClass;
    try {
        superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
    } catch (NotFoundException e1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: Failed to get superclass for " + clazz.getName() + " when about to create a new default constructor.");
    ClassPool classPool = clazz.getClassPool();
         * To make a unique defer constructor we create a new constructor
         * with one argument (IndicateReloadClass). So we get this class a
         * Javassist class below.
    final CtClass constructorType;
    try {
        constructorType = classPool.get(IndicateReloadClass.class.getName());
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: failed to get the " + IndicateReloadClass.class.getName() + " when added defer constructor.");
    if (superClass.getName().equals(Object.class.getName())) {
        try {
            clazz.addConstructor(CtNewConstructor.make(new CtClass[] { constructorType }, new CtClass[0], "{super();}", clazz));
        } catch (DuplicateMemberException e) {
        // OK, the constructor has already been added.
    } else {
        try {
            clazz.addConstructor(CtNewConstructor.make(new CtClass[] { constructorType }, new CtClass[0], "{super($$);}", clazz));
        } catch (DuplicateMemberException e) {
        // OK, the constructor has already been added.
Also used : DuplicateMemberException(javassist.bytecode.DuplicateMemberException) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) ClassPool(javassist.ClassPool) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException)

Example 84 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project powermock by powermock.

the class PowerMockExpressionEditor method edit.

public void edit(FieldAccess f) throws CannotCompileException {
    if (f.isReader()) {
        CtClass returnTypeAsCtClass;
        FieldInfo fieldInfo;
        try {
            CtField field = f.getField();
            returnTypeAsCtClass = field.getType();
            fieldInfo = field.getFieldInfo2();
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                     * If multiple java agents are active (in INST_REDEFINE mode), the types implicitly loaded by javassist from disk
                     * might differ from the types available in memory. Thus, this error might occur.
                     * It may also happen if PowerMock is modifying an SPI where the SPI require some classes to be available in the classpath
                     * at runtime but they are not! This is valid in some cases such as slf4j.
        if (isNotSyntheticField(fieldInfo)) {
            String code = "{Object value =  " + MockGateway.class.getName() + ".fieldCall(" + "$0,$class,\"" + f.getFieldName() + "\",$type);" + "if(value == " + MockGateway.class.getName() + ".PROCEED) {" + "	$_ = $proceed($$);" + "} else {" + "	$_ = " + getCorrectReturnValueType(returnTypeAsCtClass) + ";" + "}}";
Also used : CtClass(javassist.CtClass) CtField(javassist.CtField) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) TransformerHelper.getReturnTypeAsString( FieldInfo(javassist.bytecode.FieldInfo)

Example 85 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project powermock by powermock.

the class PowerMockExpressionEditor method edit.

public void edit(ConstructorCall c) throws CannotCompileException {
         * Note that constructor call only intercepts calls to super or this
         * from an instantiated class. This means that A a = new A(); will
         * NOT trigger a ConstructorCall for the default constructor in A.
         * If A where to extend B and A's constructor only delegates to
         * super(), the default constructor of B would trigger a
         * ConstructorCall. This means that we need to handle
         * "suppressConstructorCode" both here and in NewExpr.
    if (strategy != INST_REDEFINE && !c.getClassName().startsWith("java.lang")) {
        final CtClass superclass;
        try {
            superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
             * Create a default constructor in the super class if it doesn't
             * exist. This is needed because if the code in the current
             * constructor should be suppressed (which we don't know at this
             * moment of time) the parent class must have a default
             * constructor that we can delegate to.
        final StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
        code.append("{Object value =").append(mockGetawayClass.getName()).append(".constructorCall($class, $args, $sig);");
        code.append("if (value != ").append(MockGateway.class.getName()).append(".PROCEED){");
             * TODO Suppress and lazy inject field (when this feature is ready).
        if (superclass.getName().equals(Object.class.getName())) {
            code.append(" super();");
        } else {
            code.append(" super((").append(IndicateReloadClass.class.getName()).append(") null);");
        code.append("} else {");
        code.append("   $proceed($$);");
Also used : CtClass(javassist.CtClass) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException)


NotFoundException (javassist.NotFoundException)88 CtClass (javassist.CtClass)64 CannotCompileException (javassist.CannotCompileException)42 CtMethod (javassist.CtMethod)36 ClassPool (javassist.ClassPool)32 IOException ( CtField (javassist.CtField)16 FileNotFoundException ( CtConstructor (javassist.CtConstructor)9 File ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)7 ClassFile (javassist.bytecode.ClassFile)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 Collectors ( BadBytecode (javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)6 EnhancementException (org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.EnhancementException)5 MethodUsage (com.github.javaparser.resolution.MethodUsage)4 UnsolvedSymbolException (com.github.javaparser.resolution.UnsolvedSymbolException)4 ResolvedReferenceType (com.github.javaparser.resolution.types.ResolvedReferenceType)4 Context (com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.core.resolution.Context)4