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Example 61 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class ITAppModifier method modify.

 * Modify method
 * @param appName
 * @return
 * @throws NotFoundException
 * @throws CannotCompileException
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
public Class<?> modify(String appName) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Class<?> annotItf = Class.forName(appName + LoaderConstants.ITF_SUFFIX);
    // Methods declared in the annotated interface
    Method[] remoteMethods = annotItf.getMethods();
         * Use the application editor to include the COMPSs API calls on the application code
    CtClass appClass = CLASS_POOL.get(appName);
    CtClass itApiClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_COMPSSRUNTIME_API);
    CtClass itSRClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_STREAM_REGISTRY);
    CtClass itORClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_OBJECT_REGISTRY);
    CtClass appIdClass = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_APP_ID);
    String varName = LoaderUtils.randomName(5, LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_PREFIX);
    String itApiVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_API;
    String itSRVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_STREAM_REGISTRY;
    String itORVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_OBJECT_REGISTRY;
    String itAppIdVar = varName + LoaderConstants.STR_COMPSS_APP_ID;
    CtField itApiField = new CtField(itApiClass, itApiVar, appClass);
    CtField itSRField = new CtField(itSRClass, itSRVar, appClass);
    CtField itORField = new CtField(itORClass, itORVar, appClass);
    CtField appIdField = new CtField(appIdClass, itAppIdVar, appClass);
    itApiField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
    itSRField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
    itORField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
    appIdField.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC);
         * Create a static constructor to initialize the runtime Create a shutdown hook to stop the runtime before the
         * JVM ends
    manageStartAndStop(appClass, itApiVar, itSRVar, itORVar);
         * Create IT App Editor
    // Candidates to be instrumented if they are not
    CtMethod[] instrCandidates = appClass.getDeclaredMethods();
    // remote
    ITAppEditor itAppEditor = new ITAppEditor(remoteMethods, instrCandidates, itApiVar, itSRVar, itORVar, itAppIdVar, appClass);
    // itAppEditor.setAppId(itAppIdVar);
    // itAppEditor.setAppClass(appClass);
         * Create Code Converter
    CodeConverter converter = new CodeConverter();
    CtClass arrayWatcher = CLASS_POOL.get(LoaderConstants.CLASS_ARRAY_ACCESS_WATCHER);
    CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames names = new CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames();
    converter.replaceArrayAccess(arrayWatcher, (CodeConverter.ArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames) names);
         * Find the methods declared in the application class that will be instrumented - Main - Constructors - Methods
         * that are not in the remote list
    if (DEBUG) {
        LOGGER.debug("Flags: ToFile: " + WRITE_TO_FILE + " isWS: " + IS_WS_CLASS + " isMainClass: " + IS_MAIN_CLASS);
    for (CtMethod m : instrCandidates) {
        if (LoaderUtils.checkRemote(m, remoteMethods) == null) {
            // Not a remote method, we must instrument it
            if (DEBUG) {
                LOGGER.debug("Instrumenting method " + m.getName());
            StringBuilder toInsertBefore = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder toInsertAfter = new StringBuilder();
                 * Add local variable to method representing the execution id, which will be the current thread id. Used
                 * for Services, to handle multiple service executions simultaneously with a single runtime For normal
                 * applications, there will be only one execution id.
            m.addLocalVariable(itAppIdVar, appIdClass);
            toInsertBefore.append(itAppIdVar).append(" = new Long(Thread.currentThread().getId());");
            // TODO remove old code:
            // boolean isMainProgram = writeToFile ? LoaderUtils.isOrchestration(m) : LoaderUtils.isMainMethod(m);
            boolean isMainProgram = LoaderUtils.isMainMethod(m);
            boolean isOrchestration = LoaderUtils.isOrchestration(m);
            if (isMainProgram && IS_MAIN_CLASS) {
                LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls at the beginning and at the end of main");
                if (IS_WS_CLASS) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls noMoreTasks at the end of main");
                    toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".noMoreTasks(" + itAppIdVar + ", true);");
                    // executed only if Orchestration finishes properly
                } else {
                    // Main program
                    LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls noMoreTasks and stopIT at the end of main");
                    // Set global variable for main as well, will be used in code inserted after to be run no matter
                    // what
                    toInsertBefore.append(appName).append('.').append(itAppIdVar).append(" = new Long(Thread.currentThread().getId());");
                    // toInsertAfter.append("System.exit(0);");
                    toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".stopIT(true);");
                    toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".noMoreTasks(" + appName + '.' + itAppIdVar + ", true);");
                    // executed no matter what
                    m.insertAfter(toInsertAfter.toString(), true);
                     * Instrumenting first the array accesses makes each array access become a call to a black box
                     * method of class ArrayAccessWatcher, whose parameters include the array. For the second round of
                     * instrumentation, the synchronization by transition to black box automatically synchronizes the
                     * arrays accessed. TODO: Change the order of instrumentation, so that we have more control about
                     * the synchronization, and we can distinguish between a write access and a read access (now it's
                     * read/write access by default, because it goes into the black box).
            } else if (isOrchestration) {
                if (IS_WS_CLASS) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Inserting calls noMoreTasks and stopIT at the end of orchestration");
                    toInsertAfter.insert(0, itApiVar + ".noMoreTasks(" + itAppIdVar + ", true);");
                    // executed only if Orchestration finishes properly
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Inserting only before at the beginning of an orchestration");
                // TODO remove old code m.insertAfter(toInsertAfter.toString());
                // executed only if Orchestration finishes properly
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("Inserting only before");
                if (IS_WS_CLASS) {
                    // non-OE operations
                    if (Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())) {
                } else {
                    // For an application class, instrument all non-remote methods
    // Instrument constructors
    for (CtConstructor c : appClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            LOGGER.debug("Instrumenting constructor " + c.getLongName());
    if (WRITE_TO_FILE) {
        // Write the modified class to disk
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ErrorManager.fatal("Error writing the instrumented class file");
        return null;
    } else {
             * Load the modified class into memory and return it. Generally, once a class is loaded into memory no
             * further modifications can be performed on it.
        return appClass.toClass();
Also used : CodeConverter(javassist.CodeConverter) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) CannotCompileException(javassist.CannotCompileException) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) CtConstructor(javassist.CtConstructor) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) CtField(javassist.CtField) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod)

Example 62 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class ITAppEditor method replaceBlackBox.

 * Replaces the blackBox calls
 * @return
private String replaceBlackBox(String methodName, String className, CtMethod method) throws CannotCompileException {
    if (DEBUG) {
        LOGGER.debug("Inspecting method call to black-box method " + methodName + ", looking for objects");
    StringBuilder modifiedCall = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder toSerialize = new StringBuilder();
    // Check if the black-box we're going to is one of the array watch methods
    boolean isArrayWatch = method.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(LoaderConstants.CLASS_ARRAY_ACCESS_WATCHER);
    // First check the target object
    modifiedCall.append(itORVar).append(NEW_OBJECT_ACCESS + "$0);");
    toSerialize.append(itORVar).append(SERIALIZE_LOCALLY + "$0);");
         * Now add the call. If the target object of the call is a task object, invoke the method on the internal object
         * stored by the runtime. Also check the parameters. We need to control the parameters of non-remote and
         * non-instrumented methods (black box), since they represent the border to the code where we can't intercept
         * anything. If any of these parameters is an object we kept track of, synchronize
    String redirectedCallPars = null;
    try {
        CtClass[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
        if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
            int i = 1;
            StringBuilder aux1 = new StringBuilder("new Object[] {");
            for (CtClass parType : paramTypes) {
                if (i > 1) {
                /* aux2.append(','); */
                String parId = "$" + i;
                if (parType.isPrimitive()) {
                    if (parType.equals(CtClass.booleanType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Boolean(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else if (parType.equals(CtClass.charType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Character(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else if (parType.equals(CtClass.byteType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Byte(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else if (parType.equals(CtClass.shortType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Short(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else if (parType.equals(CtClass.intType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Integer(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else if (parType.equals(CtClass.longType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Long(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else if (parType.equals(CtClass.floatType)) {
                        aux1.append("new Float(").append(parId).append(')');
                    } else {
                        // if (parType.equals(CtClass.doubleType))
                        aux1.append("new Double(").append(parId).append(')');
                } else if (parType.getName().equals(String.class.getName())) {
                    // This is a string
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Parameter " + i + " of black-box method " + methodName + " is an String, adding File/object access");
                    if (isArrayWatch && i == 3) {
                        // Prevent from synchronizing task return objects to be stored in an array position
                    } else {
                        String calledClass = className;
                        if (calledClass.equals(PrintStream.class.getName()) || calledClass.equals(StringBuilder.class.getName())) {
                            // If the call is inside a PrintStream or StringBuilder, only synchronize objects files
                            // already has the name
                            String internalObject = itORVar + GET_INTERNAL_OBJECT + parId + ')';
                            modifiedCall.insert(0, itORVar + NEW_OBJECT_ACCESS + parId + ");");
                            aux1.append(internalObject).append(" == null ? ").append(parId).append(" : ").append("(" + parType.getName() + ")").append(internalObject);
                        } else {
                            String internalObject = itORVar + GET_INTERNAL_OBJECT + parId + ')';
                            String taskFile = itSRVar + IS_TASK_FILE + parId + ")";
                            String apiOpenFile = itApiVar + OPEN_FILE + parId + ", " + DATA_DIRECTION + ".INOUT)";
                            modifiedCall.insert(0, itORVar + NEW_OBJECT_ACCESS + parId + ");");
                            // Adding check of task files
                            aux1.append(taskFile).append(" ? ").append(apiOpenFile).append(" : ").append(internalObject).append(" == null ? ").append(parId).append(" : ").append("(" + parType.getName() + ")").append(internalObject);
                } else {
                    // Object (also array)
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Parameter " + i + " of black-box method " + methodName + " is an object, adding access");
                    if (isArrayWatch && i == 3) {
                        // Prevent from synchronizing task return objects to be stored in an array position
                    } else {
                        String internalObject = itORVar + GET_INTERNAL_OBJECT + parId + ')';
                        modifiedCall.insert(0, itORVar + NEW_OBJECT_ACCESS + parId + ");");
                        aux1.append(internalObject).append(" == null ? ").append(parId).append(" : ").append("(" + parType.getName() + ")").append(internalObject);
            redirectedCallPars = aux1.toString();
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        throw new CannotCompileException(e);
    String internalObject = itORVar + GET_INTERNAL_OBJECT + "$0)";
    modifiedCall.append("if (").append(internalObject).append(" != null) {").append("$_ = ($r)" + RUN_METHOD_ON_OBJECT).append(internalObject).append(",$class,\"").append(methodName).append("\",").append(redirectedCallPars).append(",$sig);").append("}else { $_ = ($r)" + RUN_METHOD_ON_OBJECT + "$0,$class,\"").append(methodName).append("\",").append(redirectedCallPars).append(",$sig); }");
    // Serialize the (internal) objects locally after the call
    // Return all the modified call
    return modifiedCall.toString();
Also used : CtClass(javassist.CtClass) PrintStream( NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) CannotCompileException(javassist.CannotCompileException)

Example 63 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class ITAppEditor method replaceAPICall.

 * Replaces the API calls
 * @return
 * @throws NotFoundException
private String replaceAPICall(String methodName, CtMethod method) throws CannotCompileException {
    boolean isVoid = false;
    boolean hasArgs = false;
    try {
        Class<?> retType = method.getReturnType().getClass();
        isVoid = retType.equals(void.class);
        hasArgs = (method.getParameterTypes().length != 0);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        throw new CannotCompileException(e);
    // Add the COMPSsRuntime API Call with the given appId ALWAYS as FIRST parameter
    // Something like: itApiVar.methodName(itAppIdVar, $$);
    StringBuilder apiCall = new StringBuilder("");
    if (isVoid) {
        apiCall.append("$_ = ").append(itApiVar);
    } else {
    if (hasArgs) {
        apiCall.append(", $$");
    } else {
    // Nothing to add
    return apiCall.toString();
Also used : NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) CannotCompileException(javassist.CannotCompileException)

Example 64 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project fakereplace by fakereplace.

the class MainTransformer method transform.

public byte[] transform(final ClassLoader loader, final String className, final Class<?> classBeingRedefined, final ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, final byte[] classfileBuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
    if (className == null) {
        // TODO: deal with lambdas
        return classfileBuffer;
    boolean replaceable = Fakereplace.isClassReplaceable(className, loader);
    if (classBeingRedefined != null) {
        retransformationStarted = true;
        if (logClassRetransformation && replaceable) {
  "Fakereplace is replacing class " + className);
    ChangedClassImpl changedClass = null;
    if (classBeingRedefined != null) {
        changedClass = new ChangedClassImpl(classBeingRedefined);
    boolean changed = false;
    if (!replaceable && UnmodifiedFileIndex.isClassUnmodified(className)) {
        return null;
    Set<Class<?>> classesToRetransform = new HashSet<>();
    final ClassFile file;
    try {
        Set<MethodInfo> modifiedMethods = new HashSet<>();
        file = new ClassFile(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(classfileBuffer)));
        for (final FakereplaceTransformer transformer : transformers) {
            if (transformer.transform(loader, className, classBeingRedefined, protectionDomain, file, classesToRetransform, changedClass, modifiedMethods)) {
                changed = true;
        if (!changed) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
                if (!modifiedMethods.isEmpty()) {
                    ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool();
                    if (loader == null) {
                        classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()));
                    } else {
                        classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(loader));
                    for (MethodInfo method : modifiedMethods) {
                        if (method.getCodeAttribute() != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (BadBytecode e) {
                                Throwable root = e;
                                while (!(root instanceof NotFoundException) && root != null && root.getCause() != root) {
                                    root = root.getCause();
                                if (root instanceof NotFoundException) {
                                    NotFoundException cause = (NotFoundException) root;
                                    Bytecode bytecode = new Bytecode(file.getConstPool());
                                    bytecode.addInvokespecial(NoClassDefFoundError.class.getName(), "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
                                    method.getCodeAttribute().setMaxLocals(DescriptorUtils.maxLocalsFromParameters(method.getDescriptor()) + 1);
                                } else {
                                    throw e;
            } catch (BadBytecode e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            file.write(new DataOutputStream(bs));
            // dump the class for debugging purposes
            final String dumpDir = AgentOptions.getOption(AgentOption.DUMP_DIR);
            if (dumpDir != null) {
                try {
                    File dump = new File(dumpDir + '/' + file.getName() + ".class");
                    FileOutputStream s = new FileOutputStream(dump);
                    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(s);
                } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!classesToRetransform.isEmpty()) {
                synchronized (this) {
                Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
                    try {
                        Fakereplace.getInstrumentation().retransformClasses(classesToRetransform.toArray(new Class[classesToRetransform.size()]));
                    } catch (UnmodifiableClassException e) {
                        log.error("Failed to retransform classes", e);
                    } finally {
                        synchronized (MainTransformer.this) {
            if (classBeingRedefined != null) {
            return bs.toByteArray();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalClassFormatException(e.getMessage());
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : DataOutputStream( ClassPool(javassist.ClassPool) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) IllegalClassFormatException(java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode) Bytecode(javassist.bytecode.Bytecode) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ClassFile(javassist.bytecode.ClassFile) UnmodifiableClassException(java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException) ChangedClassImpl(org.fakereplace.replacement.notification.ChangedClassImpl) LoaderClassPath(javassist.LoaderClassPath) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( DataInputStream( BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) IllegalClassFormatException(java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException) IOException( UnmodifiableClassException(java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException) ByteArrayInputStream( FileOutputStream( ChangedClass(org.fakereplace.api.ChangedClass) MethodInfo(javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo) ClassFile(javassist.bytecode.ClassFile) File(

Example 65 with NotFoundException

use of javassist.NotFoundException in project javaparser by javaparser.

the class JavassistClassDeclaration method solveMethod.

public SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> solveMethod(String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, boolean staticOnly) {
    List<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
    Predicate<CtMethod> staticOnlyCheck = m -> !staticOnly || (staticOnly && Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()));
    for (CtMethod method : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
        boolean isSynthetic = method.getMethodInfo().getAttribute(SyntheticAttribute.tag) != null;
        boolean isNotBridge = (method.getMethodInfo().getAccessFlags() & AccessFlag.BRIDGE) == 0;
        if (method.getName().equals(name) && !isSynthetic && isNotBridge && staticOnlyCheck.test(method)) {
            candidates.add(new JavassistMethodDeclaration(method, typeSolver));
    try {
        CtClass superClass = ctClass.getSuperclass();
        if (superClass != null) {
            SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> ref = new JavassistClassDeclaration(superClass, typeSolver).solveMethod(name, argumentsTypes, staticOnly);
            if (ref.isSolved()) {
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    try {
        for (CtClass interfaze : ctClass.getInterfaces()) {
            SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> ref = new JavassistInterfaceDeclaration(interfaze, typeSolver).solveMethod(name, argumentsTypes, staticOnly);
            if (ref.isSolved()) {
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return MethodResolutionLogic.findMostApplicable(candidates, name, argumentsTypes, typeSolver);
Also used : CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod) java.util(java.util) AccessFlag(javassist.bytecode.AccessFlag) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode) MethodUsage(com.github.javaparser.resolution.MethodUsage) AccessSpecifier(com.github.javaparser.ast.AccessSpecifier) AbstractClassDeclaration(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.logic.AbstractClassDeclaration) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) ResolvedType(com.github.javaparser.resolution.types.ResolvedType) MethodResolutionLogic(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.MethodResolutionLogic) Context(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.core.resolution.Context) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) Node(com.github.javaparser.ast.Node) UnsolvedSymbolException(com.github.javaparser.resolution.UnsolvedSymbolException) TypeSolver(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.resolution.TypeSolver) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) ReferenceTypeImpl(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.typesystem.ReferenceTypeImpl) SignatureAttribute(javassist.bytecode.SignatureAttribute) ResolvedReferenceType(com.github.javaparser.resolution.types.ResolvedReferenceType) com.github.javaparser.resolution.declarations(com.github.javaparser.resolution.declarations) Collectors( LambdaArgumentTypePlaceholder(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.javaparsermodel.LambdaArgumentTypePlaceholder) CtField(javassist.CtField) SymbolReference(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.resolution.SymbolReference) Modifier(java.lang.reflect.Modifier) SyntheticAttribute(javassist.bytecode.SyntheticAttribute) SymbolSolver(com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.SymbolSolver) NotFoundException(javassist.NotFoundException) CtClass(javassist.CtClass) CtMethod(javassist.CtMethod)


NotFoundException (javassist.NotFoundException)88 CtClass (javassist.CtClass)64 CannotCompileException (javassist.CannotCompileException)42 CtMethod (javassist.CtMethod)36 ClassPool (javassist.ClassPool)32 IOException ( CtField (javassist.CtField)16 FileNotFoundException ( CtConstructor (javassist.CtConstructor)9 File ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)7 ClassFile (javassist.bytecode.ClassFile)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 Collectors ( BadBytecode (javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)6 EnhancementException (org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.EnhancementException)5 MethodUsage (com.github.javaparser.resolution.MethodUsage)4 UnsolvedSymbolException (com.github.javaparser.resolution.UnsolvedSymbolException)4 ResolvedReferenceType (com.github.javaparser.resolution.types.ResolvedReferenceType)4 Context (com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.core.resolution.Context)4