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Example 26 with BadBytecode

use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project javassist by jboss-javassist.

the class MapMaker method make2.

 * Computes the stack map table for J2ME.
 * It returns null if the given method does not have to have a
 * stack map table or it includes JSR.
public static StackMap make2(ClassPool classes, MethodInfo minfo) throws BadBytecode {
    CodeAttribute ca = minfo.getCodeAttribute();
    if (ca == null)
        return null;
    TypedBlock[] blocks;
    try {
        blocks = TypedBlock.makeBlocks(minfo, ca, true);
    } catch (BasicBlock.JsrBytecode e) {
        return null;
    if (blocks == null)
        return null;
    MapMaker mm = new MapMaker(classes, minfo, ca);
    try {
        mm.make(blocks, ca.getCode());
    } catch (BadBytecode bb) {
        throw new BadBytecode(minfo, bb);
    return mm.toStackMap2(minfo.getConstPool(), blocks);
Also used : CodeAttribute(javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)

Example 27 with BadBytecode

use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project blaze-persistence by Blazebit.

the class AssignmentAnalyzer method analyzeNextEntry.

private void analyzeNextEntry(MethodInfo method, CodeIterator iter, IntQueue queue, Executor executor) throws BadBytecode {
    int pos = queue.take();
    Frame frame = frames[pos].copy();
    Subroutine subroutine = subroutines[pos];
    try {
        executor.execute(method, pos, iter, frame, subroutine);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw new BadBytecode(e.getMessage() + "[pos = " + pos + "]", e);
    int opcode = iter.byteAt(pos);
    if (opcode == TABLESWITCH) {
        mergeTableSwitch(queue, pos, iter, frame);
    } else if (opcode == LOOKUPSWITCH) {
        mergeLookupSwitch(queue, pos, iter, frame);
    } else if (opcode == RET) {
        mergeRet(queue, iter, pos, frame, subroutine);
    } else if (Util.isJumpInstruction(opcode)) {
        int target = Util.getJumpTarget(pos, iter);
        if (Util.isJsr(opcode)) {
            // Merge the state before the jsr into the next instruction
            mergeJsr(queue, frames[pos], subroutines[target], pos, lookAhead(iter, pos));
        } else if (!Util.isGoto(opcode)) {
            merge(queue, frame, lookAhead(iter, pos));
        merge(queue, frame, target);
    } else if (opcode != ATHROW && !Util.isReturn(opcode)) {
        // Can advance to next instruction
        merge(queue, frame, lookAhead(iter, pos));
    // Merge all exceptions that are reachable from this instruction.
    // The redundancy is intentional, since the state must be based
    // on the current instruction frame.
    mergeExceptionHandlers(queue, method, pos, frame);
Also used : Subroutine(javassist.bytecode.analysis.Subroutine) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)

Example 28 with BadBytecode

use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project blaze-persistence by Blazebit.

the class AssignmentAnalyzer method mergeJsr.

private void mergeJsr(IntQueue queue, Frame frame, Subroutine sub, int pos, int next) throws BadBytecode {
    if (sub == null)
        throw new BadBytecode("No subroutine at jsr target! [pos = " + pos + "]");
    Frame old = frames[next];
    boolean changed = false;
    if (old == null) {
        old = frames[next] = frame.copy();
        changed = true;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < frame.localsLength(); i++) {
            // Skip everything accessed by a subroutine, mergeRet must handle this
            if (!sub.isAccessed(i)) {
                Type oldType = old.getLocal(i);
                Type newType = frame.getLocal(i);
                if (oldType == null) {
                    old.setLocal(i, newType);
                    changed = true;
                newType = oldType.merge(newType);
                // Always set the type, in case a multi-type switched to a standard type.
                old.setLocal(i, newType);
                if (!newType.equals(oldType) || TypeUtils.popChanged(newType))
                    changed = true;
    if (!old.isJsrMerged()) {
        changed = true;
    if (changed && old.isRetMerged())
Also used : Type(javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)

Example 29 with BadBytecode

use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project blaze-persistence by Blazebit.

the class Executor method evalLDC.

private void evalLDC(int index, Frame frame) throws BadBytecode {
    int tag = constPool.getTag(index);
    Type type;
    switch(tag) {
        case ConstPool.CONST_String:
            type = STRING_TYPE;
        case ConstPool.CONST_Integer:
            type = Type.INTEGER;
        case ConstPool.CONST_Float:
            type = Type.FLOAT;
        case ConstPool.CONST_Long:
            type = Type.LONG;
        case ConstPool.CONST_Double:
            type = Type.DOUBLE;
        case ConstPool.CONST_Class:
            type = CLASS_TYPE;
            throw new BadBytecode("bad LDC [pos = " + lastPos + "]: " + tag);
    simplePush(type, frame);
Also used : Type(javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)

Example 30 with BadBytecode

use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project blaze-persistence by Blazebit.

the class Executor method evalArrayStore.

private void evalArrayStore(Type expectedComponent, Frame frame) throws BadBytecode {
    Type value = simplePop(frame);
    Type index = frame.pop();
    Type array = frame.pop();
    if (array == Type.UNINIT) {
        verifyAssignable(Type.INTEGER, index);
    Type component = array.getComponent();
    if (component == null)
        throw new BadBytecode("Not an array! [pos = " + lastPos + "]: " + component);
    component = zeroExtend(component);
    verifyAssignable(expectedComponent, component);
    verifyAssignable(Type.INTEGER, index);
    // // but will throw arraystoreexception
    if (expectedComponent == Type.OBJECT) {
        verifyAssignable(expectedComponent, value);
    } else {
        verifyAssignable(component, value);
Also used : Type(javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type) BadBytecode(javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)


BadBytecode (javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode)135 Bytecode (javassist.bytecode.Bytecode)57 CodeAttribute (javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute)56 CodeIterator (javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator)43 MethodInfo (javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo)38 CtClass (javassist.CtClass)32 NotFoundException (javassist.NotFoundException)32 ConstPool (javassist.bytecode.ConstPool)30 Javac (javassist.compiler.Javac)27 CompileError (javassist.compiler.CompileError)26 CannotCompileException (javassist.CannotCompileException)22 ClassPool (javassist.ClassPool)12 List (java.util.List)11 Type (javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type)8 DuplicateMemberException (javassist.bytecode.DuplicateMemberException)7 IOException ( CtMethod (javassist.CtMethod)5 ClassFile (javassist.bytecode.ClassFile)5 IllegalClassFormatException (java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException)4 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)4