use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project UniverseCore by EB-wilson.
the class NewArray method replace2.
private void replace2(String statement) throws CompileError, NotFoundException, BadBytecode, CannotCompileException {
// to call checkModify().
ConstPool constPool = getConstPool();
int pos = currentPos;
CtClass retType;
int codeLength;
int index = 0;
int dim = 1;
String desc;
if (opcode == Opcode.NEWARRAY) {
// atype
index = iterator.byteAt(currentPos + 1);
CtPrimitiveType cpt = (CtPrimitiveType) getPrimitiveType(index);
desc = "[" + cpt.getDescriptor();
codeLength = 2;
} else if (opcode == Opcode.ANEWARRAY) {
index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1);
desc = constPool.getClassInfo(index);
if (desc.startsWith("["))
desc = "[" + desc;
desc = "[L" + desc + ";";
codeLength = 3;
} else if (opcode == Opcode.MULTIANEWARRAY) {
index = iterator.u16bitAt(currentPos + 1);
desc = constPool.getClassInfo(index);
dim = iterator.byteAt(currentPos + 3);
codeLength = 4;
} else
throw new RuntimeException("bad opcode: " + opcode);
retType = Descriptor.toCtClass(desc, thisClass.getClassPool());
Javac jc = new Javac(thisClass);
CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get();
CtClass[] params = new CtClass[dim];
for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) params[i] = CtClass.intType;
int paramVar = ca.getMaxLocals();
jc.recordParams(javaLangObject, params, true, paramVar, withinStatic());
/* Is $_ included in the source code?
checkResultValue(retType, statement);
int retVar = jc.recordReturnType(retType, true);
jc.recordProceed(new ProceedForArray(retType, opcode, index, dim));
Bytecode bytecode = jc.getBytecode();
storeStack(params, true, paramVar, bytecode);
jc.recordLocalVariables(ca, pos);
// initialize $_
replace0(pos, bytecode, codeLength);
use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project UniverseCore by EB-wilson.
the class ExprEditor method loopBody.
final boolean loopBody(CodeIterator iterator, CtClass clazz, MethodInfo minfo, LoopContext context) throws CannotCompileException {
try {
Expr expr = null;
int pos =;
int c = iterator.byteAt(pos);
if (// c < 178
c < Opcode.GETSTATIC)
/* skip */
else if (c < Opcode.NEWARRAY) {
// c < 188
if (c == Opcode.INVOKESTATIC || c == Opcode.INVOKEINTERFACE || c == Opcode.INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
expr = new MethodCall(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo);
edit((MethodCall) expr);
} else if (c == Opcode.GETFIELD || c == Opcode.GETSTATIC || c == Opcode.PUTFIELD || c == Opcode.PUTSTATIC) {
expr = new FieldAccess(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo, c);
edit((FieldAccess) expr);
} else if (c == Opcode.NEW) {
int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1);
context.newList = new NewOp(context.newList, pos, minfo.getConstPool().getClassInfo(index));
} else if (c == Opcode.INVOKESPECIAL) {
NewOp newList = context.newList;
if (newList != null && minfo.getConstPool().isConstructor(newList.type, iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1)) > 0) {
expr = new NewExpr(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo, newList.type, newList.pos);
edit((NewExpr) expr);
context.newList =;
} else {
MethodCall mcall = new MethodCall(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo);
if (mcall.getMethodName().equals(MethodInfo.nameInit)) {
ConstructorCall ccall = new ConstructorCall(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo);
expr = ccall;
} else {
expr = mcall;
} else {
// c >= 188
if (c == Opcode.NEWARRAY || c == Opcode.ANEWARRAY || c == Opcode.MULTIANEWARRAY) {
expr = new NewArray(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo, c);
edit((NewArray) expr);
} else if (c == Opcode.INSTANCEOF) {
expr = new Instanceof(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo);
edit((Instanceof) expr);
} else if (c == Opcode.CHECKCAST) {
expr = new Cast(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo);
edit((Cast) expr);
if (expr != null && expr.edited()) {
context.updateMax(expr.locals(), expr.stack());
return true;
return false;
} catch (BadBytecode e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project UniverseCore by EB-wilson.
the class MethodCall method replace.
* Returns the parameter types of the called method.
public CtClass[] getParameterTypes() throws NotFoundException {
return Descriptor.getParameterTypes(getMethodDesc(),
* Returns the return type of the called method.
public CtClass getReturnType() throws NotFoundException {
return Descriptor.getReturnType(getMethodDesc(),
* Replaces the method call with the bytecode derived from
* the given source text.
* <p>$0 is available even if the called method is static.
* @param statement a Java statement except try-catch.
public void replace(String statement) throws CannotCompileException {
// to call checkModify().
ConstPool constPool = getConstPool();
int pos = currentPos;
int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1);
String classname, methodname, signature;
int opcodeSize;
int c = iterator.byteAt(pos);
opcodeSize = 5;
classname = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefClassName(index);
methodname = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefName(index);
signature = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefType(index);
opcodeSize = 3;
classname = constPool.getMethodrefClassName(index);
methodname = constPool.getMethodrefName(index);
signature = constPool.getMethodrefType(index);
} else
throw new CannotCompileException("not method invocation");
Javac jc = new Javac(thisClass);
ClassPool cp = thisClass.getClassPool();
CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get();
try {
CtClass[] params = Descriptor.getParameterTypes(signature, cp);
CtClass retType = Descriptor.getReturnType(signature, cp);
int paramVar = ca.getMaxLocals();
jc.recordParams(classname, params, true, paramVar, withinStatic());
int retVar = jc.recordReturnType(retType, true);
jc.recordStaticProceed(classname, methodname);
else if (c == INVOKESPECIAL)
jc.recordSpecialProceed(Javac.param0Name, classname, methodname, signature, index);
jc.recordProceed(Javac.param0Name, methodname);
/* Is $_ included in the source code?
checkResultValue(retType, statement);
Bytecode bytecode = jc.getBytecode();
storeStack(params, c == INVOKESTATIC, paramVar, bytecode);
jc.recordLocalVariables(ca, pos);
if (retType != CtClass.voidType) {
// initialize $_
bytecode.addStore(retVar, retType);
if (retType != CtClass.voidType)
bytecode.addLoad(retVar, retType);
replace0(pos, bytecode, opcodeSize);
} catch (CompileError e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
} catch (BadBytecode e) {
throw new CannotCompileException("broken method");
use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project UniverseCore by EB-wilson.
the class CtBehavior method setBody.
* Sets a method/constructor body.
* @param src the source code representing the body.
* It must be a single statement or block.
* If it is <code>null</code>, the substituted
* body does nothing except returning zero or null.
* @param delegateObj the source text specifying the object
* that is called on by <code>$proceed()</code>.
* @param delegateMethod the name of the method
* that is called by <code>$proceed()</code>.
public void setBody(String src, String delegateObj, String delegateMethod) throws CannotCompileException {
CtClass cc = declaringClass;
try {
Javac jv = new Javac(cc);
if (delegateMethod != null)
jv.recordProceed(delegateObj, delegateMethod);
Bytecode b = jv.compileBody(this, src);
methodInfo.setAccessFlags(methodInfo.getAccessFlags() & ~AccessFlag.ABSTRACT);
methodInfo.rebuildStackMapIf6(cc.getClassPool(), cc.getClassFile2());
} catch (CompileError e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
} catch (BadBytecode e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
use of javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode in project UniverseCore by EB-wilson.
the class CtBehavior method insertBefore.
private void insertBefore(String src, boolean rebuild) throws CannotCompileException {
CtClass cc = declaringClass;
CodeAttribute ca = methodInfo.getCodeAttribute();
if (ca == null)
throw new CannotCompileException("no method body");
CodeIterator iterator = ca.iterator();
Javac jv = new Javac(cc);
try {
int nvars = jv.recordParams(getParameterTypes(), Modifier.isStatic(getModifiers()));
jv.recordParamNames(ca, nvars);
jv.recordLocalVariables(ca, 0);
jv.recordReturnType(getReturnType0(), false);
Bytecode b = jv.getBytecode();
int stack = b.getMaxStack();
int locals = b.getMaxLocals();
if (stack > ca.getMaxStack())
if (locals > ca.getMaxLocals())
int pos = iterator.insertEx(b.get());
iterator.insert(b.getExceptionTable(), pos);
if (rebuild)
methodInfo.rebuildStackMapIf6(cc.getClassPool(), cc.getClassFile2());
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
} catch (CompileError e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);
} catch (BadBytecode e) {
throw new CannotCompileException(e);