use of javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution in project javaee7-samples by javaee-samples.
the class BatchSplitTest method testBatchSplit.
* In the test, we're just going to invoke the batch execution and wait for completion. To validate the test
* expected behaviour we need to query +javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getStepExecutions+.
* @throws Exception an exception if the batch could not complete successfully.
public void testBatchSplit() throws Exception {
JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
Long executionId = jobOperator.start("myJob", new Properties());
JobExecution jobExecution = jobOperator.getJobExecution(executionId);
jobExecution = BatchTestHelper.keepTestAlive(jobExecution);
List<StepExecution> stepExecutions = jobOperator.getStepExecutions(executionId);
List<String> executedSteps = new ArrayList<>();
for (StepExecution stepExecution : stepExecutions) {
// <1> Make sure all the steps were executed.
assertEquals(3, stepExecutions.size());
// <2> Steps 'step1' and 'step2' can appear in any order, since they were executed in parallel.
assertTrue(executedSteps.get(0).equals("step1") || executedSteps.get(0).equals("step2"));
assertTrue(executedSteps.get(1).equals("step1") || executedSteps.get(1).equals("step2"));
// <3> Step 'step3' is always the last to be executed.
// <4> Job should be completed.
assertEquals(BatchStatus.COMPLETED, jobExecution.getBatchStatus());
use of javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution in project javaee7-samples by javaee-samples.
the class JmsItemReaderTest method runJob.
private void runJob() throws InterruptedException {
JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
Long executionId = jobOperator.start("jms-job", new Properties());
JobExecution jobExecution = jobOperator.getJobExecution(executionId);
use of javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class JobControlTestCase method testStop.
public void testStop() throws Exception {
final ModelNode address = Operations.createAddress("deployment", DEPLOYMENT_NAME, "subsystem", "batch-jberet");
ModelNode op = Operations.createOperation("start-job", address);
final ModelNode properties = op.get("properties");
// We're adding a long wait time to ensure we can stop, 1 seconds should be okay
final ModelNode result = executeOperation(op);
final long executionId = result.asLong();
Assert.assertTrue("Execution id should be greater than 0", executionId > 0L);
// Test the stop operation
op = Operations.createOperation("stop-job", address);
// Validate that the job as executed
final JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
final JobExecution execution = jobOperator.getJobExecution(executionId);
// Wait for 1 seconds max for the execution to finish.
waitForTermination(execution, 3);
// Reset the counter as we're not sure how many were actually written
currentCount = countingItemWriter.getWrittenItemSize();
// Check that the status is stopped
Assert.assertEquals(BatchStatus.STOPPED, execution.getBatchStatus());
use of javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class JobControlTestCase method testStart.
public void testStart() throws Exception {
final ModelNode address = Operations.createAddress("deployment", DEPLOYMENT_NAME, "subsystem", "batch-jberet");
final ModelNode op = Operations.createOperation("start-job", address);
final ModelNode properties = op.get("properties");
final ModelNode result = executeOperation(op);
currentCount += 5;
final long executionId = result.asLong();
Assert.assertTrue("Execution id should be greater than 0", executionId > 0L);
// Validate that the job as executed
final JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
final JobExecution execution = jobOperator.getJobExecution(executionId);
// Wait for 3 seconds max for the execution to finish.
waitForTermination(execution, 3);
// Check that we have 5 items
Assert.assertEquals(currentCount, countingItemWriter.getWrittenItemSize());
use of javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class JobControlTestCase method testStopOnExecutionResource.
public void testStopOnExecutionResource() throws Exception {
final ModelNode address = Operations.createAddress("deployment", DEPLOYMENT_NAME, "subsystem", "batch-jberet");
ModelNode op = Operations.createOperation("start-job", address);
final ModelNode properties = op.get("properties");
// We're adding a long wait time to ensure we can stop, 1 seconds should be okay
final ModelNode result = executeOperation(op);
final long executionId = result.asLong();
Assert.assertTrue("Execution id should be greater than 0", executionId > 0L);
// Test the stop operation
final ModelNode executionAddress = Operations.createAddress("deployment", DEPLOYMENT_NAME, "subsystem", "batch-jberet", "job", "test-chunk", "execution", Long.toString(executionId));
executeOperation(Operations.createOperation("stop-job", executionAddress));
// Validate that the job as executed
final JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
final JobExecution execution = jobOperator.getJobExecution(executionId);
// Wait for 1 seconds max for the execution to finish.
waitForTermination(execution, 3);
// Reset the counter as we're not sure how many were actually written
currentCount = countingItemWriter.getWrittenItemSize();
// Check that the status is stopped
Assert.assertEquals(BatchStatus.STOPPED, execution.getBatchStatus());