use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisBlockCreateCGSnapshotJob method getRelationShipName.
private String getRelationShipName(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath replicationGroupPath, String replicationGroupID) {
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> iterator = null;
try {"replicationGroupID : {}", replicationGroupID);
iterator = client.referenceInstances(replicationGroupPath, SmisConstants.SE_GROUP_SYNCHRONIZED_RG_RG, null, false, null);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance groupSynchronized =;
CIMProperty syncElement = groupSynchronized.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_SYNCED_ELEMENT);"syncElement : {}", syncElement.getValue().toString());
if (syncElement.toString().contains(replicationGroupID)) {
String relationshipName = (String) groupSynchronized.getProperty(SmisConstants.RELATIONSHIP_NAME).getValue();"Relationship name : {}", relationshipName);
return relationshipName;
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Caught an exception while trying to get the relationship name for Group Synchronized");
} finally {
if (iterator != null) {
return null;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisCreateVmaxCGTargetVolumesJob method updateStatus.
public void updateStatus(JobContext jobContext) throws Exception {
CloseableIterator<CIMObjectPath> iterator = null;
DbClient dbClient = jobContext.getDbClient();
JobStatus jobStatus = getJobStatus();
try {
if (jobStatus == JobStatus.SUCCESS) {
_deviceIds = new ArrayList<String>();
CIMConnectionFactory cimConnectionFactory = jobContext.getCimConnectionFactory();
WBEMClient client = getWBEMClient(dbClient, cimConnectionFactory);
iterator = client.associatorNames(getCimJob(), null, SmisConstants.CIM_STORAGE_VOLUME, null, null);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CIMObjectPath volumePath =;
CIMProperty<String> deviceID = (CIMProperty<String>) volumePath.getKey(SmisConstants.CP_DEVICE_ID);
String nativeID = deviceID.getValue();
if (nativeID == null || nativeID.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine volume native ID from the SMI-S provider");
} else if (jobStatus == JobStatus.FAILED || jobStatus == JobStatus.FATAL_ERROR) {"Failed to create volume: {}", getTaskCompleter().getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Caught an exception while trying to updateStatus for SmisCreateVmaxCGTargetVolumesJob", e);
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.smis.methodFailed("updateStatus", e.getMessage());
getTaskCompleter().error(dbClient, error);
} finally {
if (iterator != null) {
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisJob method poll.
public JobPollResult poll(JobContext jobContext, long trackingPeriodInMillis) {
CIMProperty<Object> instanceID = null;
try {
CIMObjectPath cimJob = getCimJob();
instanceID = (CIMProperty<Object>) cimJob.getKey("InstanceID");
if (_smisIPAddress == null) {
StorageSystem storageSystem = jobContext.getDbClient().queryObject(StorageSystem.class, getStorageSystemURI());
_smisIPAddress = storageSystem.getSmisProviderIP();
// poll only if job is not in terminal status
if (_status == JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS || _status == JobStatus.ERROR) {
CIMInstance jobPathInstance = null;"SmisJob: Looking up job: id {}, provider: {} ", instanceID.getValue(), _smisIPAddress);
WBEMClient wbemClient = getWBEMClient(jobContext.getDbClient(), jobContext.getCimConnectionFactory());
if (wbemClient == null) {
String errorMessage = "No CIMOM client found for provider ip: " + _smisIPAddress;
processTransientError(instanceID.getValue().toString(), trackingPeriodInMillis, errorMessage, null);
} else {
jobPathInstance = wbemClient.getInstance(getCimJob(), false, false, jobPathPropertyKeys);
CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16> percentComplete = (CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16>) jobPathInstance.getProperty(JOB_PROPERTY_KEY_PERCENT_COMPLETE);
_percentComplete = _pollResult.getJobPercentComplete();
// reset transient error tracking time
if (_pollResult.getJobPercentComplete() == 100) {
CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16[]> operationalStatus = (CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16[]>) jobPathInstance.getProperty(JOB_PROPERTY_KEY_OPERATIONAL_STS);
UnsignedInteger16[] statusValues = operationalStatus.getValue();
if (statusValues != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < statusValues.length; j++) {"Status value[{}]: {}", j, statusValues[j].intValue());
if (statusValues[j].intValue() == 2) {
_status = JobStatus.SUCCESS;"SmisJob: {} succeeded", instanceID.getValue());
if (statusValues[j].intValue() == 6) {
_status = JobStatus.FAILED;"SmisJob: {} returned exception", instanceID.getValue());
if ((_status != JobStatus.SUCCESS) && (_status != JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS)) {
// parse ErrorDescription
_errorDescription = getErrorDescription(jobPathInstance);
_status = JobStatus.FAILED;
_logger.error("SmisJob: {} failed; Details: {}", getJobName(), _errorDescription);
} else {
// reset status from previous possible transient error status
_status = JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
} catch (WBEMException we) {
if ((we.getID() == WBEMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND) || (we.getID() == WBEMException.CIM_ERR_FAILED)) {
_status = JobStatus.FAILED;
_errorDescription = we.getMessage();
if (we.getID() == WBEMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
_logger.error(String.format("SMI-S job not found. Marking as failed as we cannot determine status. " + "User may retry the operation to be sure: Name: %s, ID: %s, Desc: %s", getJobName(), instanceID.getValue().toString(), _errorDescription), we);
} else {
_logger.error(String.format("Job failed but GetErrors() did not report the actual error. " + "User may retry the operation to be sure: Name: %s, ID: %s, Desc: %s", getJobName(), instanceID.getValue().toString(), _errorDescription), we);
} else {
processTransientError(instanceID.getValue().toString(), trackingPeriodInMillis, we.getMessage(), we);
} catch (Exception e) {
processTransientError(instanceID.getValue().toString(), trackingPeriodInMillis, e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
try {"SmisJob: Post processing job: id {}, provider: {} ", instanceID.getValue(), _smisIPAddress);
// reset from previous possible transient error in post processing status.
_postProcessingStatus = JobStatus.SUCCESS;
if (_postProcessingStatus == JobStatus.ERROR) {
processPostProcessingError(instanceID.getValue().toString(), trackingPeriodInMillis, _errorDescription, null);
} catch (WBEMException we) {
if (we.getID() == WBEMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
_postProcessingStatus = JobStatus.FAILED;
_errorDescription = we.getMessage();
_logger.error(String.format("SMI-S job not found. Marking as failed as we cannot determine status. " + "User may retry the operation to be sure: Name: %s, ID: %s, Desc: %s", getJobName(), instanceID.getValue().toString(), _errorDescription), we);
} else {
processPostProcessingError(instanceID.getValue().toString(), trackingPeriodInMillis, we.getMessage(), we);
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.error("Problem while trying to update status", e);
} finally {
if (isJobInTerminalFailedState()) {
// Have to process job completion since updateStatus may not did this.
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.smis.jobFailed(_errorDescription);
getTaskCompleter().error(jobContext.getDbClient(), error);
return _pollResult;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisSnapShotJob method commonSnapshotUpdate.
* This method updates provisioned capacity and allocated capacity for snapshots.
* It also set settingsInstance for VMAX V3 snapshot.
* @param snapShot A reference to the snapshot to be updated.
* @param syncVolume A reference to the CIM instance representing the snapshot target volume.
* @param client A reference to a WBEM client.
* @param storage A reference to the storage system.
* @param sourceElementId String of source volume (or source group) ID
* @param elementName String used as ElementName when creating ReplicationSettingData during single snapshot creation,
* or RelationshipName used in CreateGroupReplica for group snapshot. Note elementName should be target device's DeviceID
* or target group ID.
* @param createSession true if a BlockSnapshotSession should be created to represent the settings instance.
* @param dbClient A reference to a database client.
protected void commonSnapshotUpdate(BlockSnapshot snapShot, CIMInstance syncVolume, WBEMClient client, StorageSystem storage, String sourceElementId, String elementName, boolean createSession, DbClient dbClient) {
try {
CIMProperty consumableBlocks = syncVolume.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_CONSUMABLE_BLOCKS);
CIMProperty blockSize = syncVolume.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_BLOCK_SIZE);
// calculate provisionedCapacity = consumableBlocks * block size
Long provisionedCapacity = Long.valueOf(consumableBlocks.getValue().toString()) * Long.valueOf(blockSize.getValue().toString());
// set Allocated Capacity
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> iterator = null;
iterator = client.referenceInstances(syncVolume.getObjectPath(), SmisConstants.CIM_ALLOCATED_FROM_STORAGEPOOL, null, false, SmisConstants.PS_SPACE_CONSUMED);
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance allocatedFromStoragePoolPath =;
CIMProperty spaceConsumed = allocatedFromStoragePoolPath.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_SPACE_CONSUMED);
if (null != spaceConsumed) {
// set settingsInstance for VMAX V3 only
setSettingsInstance(storage, snapShot, sourceElementId, elementName, createSession, dbClient);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Don't want to fail the snapshot creation, if capacity retrieval fails, as auto discovery cycle
// will take care of updating capacity informations later.
_log.error("Caught an exception while trying to update Capacity and SettingsInstance for Snapshots", e);
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisVolumeExpandJob method updateStatus.
* Called to update the job status when the volume expand job completes.
* @param jobContext The job context.
public void updateStatus(JobContext jobContext) throws Exception {
CloseableIterator<CIMObjectPath> associatorIterator = null;
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> instanceIterator = null;
JobStatus jobStatus = getJobStatus();
try {
if (jobStatus == JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
DbClient dbClient = jobContext.getDbClient();
CIMConnectionFactory cimConnectionFactory = jobContext.getCimConnectionFactory();
WBEMClient client = getWBEMClient(dbClient, cimConnectionFactory);
// from pool's reserved capacity map.
if (jobStatus == JobStatus.SUCCESS || jobStatus == JobStatus.FAILED || jobStatus == JobStatus.FATAL_ERROR) {
SmisUtils.updateStoragePoolCapacity(dbClient, client, _storagePoolURI);
StoragePool pool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, _storagePoolURI);
StringMap reservationMap = pool.getReservedCapacityMap();
URI volumeId = getTaskCompleter().getId();
// remove from reservation map
String opId = getTaskCompleter().getOpId();
StringBuilder logMsgBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("Updating status of job %s to %s, task: %s", this.getJobName(),, opId));
if (jobStatus == JobStatus.SUCCESS) {
VolumeExpandCompleter taskCompleter = (VolumeExpandCompleter) getTaskCompleter();
Volume volume = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, taskCompleter.getId());
// set requested capacity
// set meta related properties
// set provisioned capacity
associatorIterator = client.associatorNames(getCimJob(), null, SmisConstants.CIM_STORAGE_VOLUME, null, null);
if (associatorIterator.hasNext()) {
CIMObjectPath volumePath =;
CIMInstance volumeInstance = client.getInstance(volumePath, true, false, null);
if (volumeInstance != null) {
CIMProperty consumableBlocks = volumeInstance.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_CONSUMABLE_BLOCKS);
CIMProperty blockSize = volumeInstance.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_BLOCK_SIZE);
// calculate provisionedCapacity = consumableBlocks * block size
Long provisionedCapacity = Long.valueOf(consumableBlocks.getValue().toString()) * Long.valueOf(blockSize.getValue().toString());
// set allocated capacity
instanceIterator = client.referenceInstances(volumePath, SmisConstants.CIM_ALLOCATED_FROM_STORAGEPOOL, null, false, SmisConstants.PS_SPACE_CONSUMED);
if (instanceIterator.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance allocatedFromStoragePoolPath =;
CIMProperty spaceConsumed = allocatedFromStoragePoolPath.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_SPACE_CONSUMED);
if (null != spaceConsumed) {
logMsgBuilder.append(String.format("%n Capacity: %s, Provisioned capacity: %s, Allocated Capacity: %s", volume.getCapacity(), volume.getProvisionedCapacity(), volume.getAllocatedCapacity()));
if (volume.getIsComposite()) {
logMsgBuilder.append(String.format("%n Is Meta: %s, Total meta member capacity: %s, Meta member count %s, Meta member size: %s", volume.getIsComposite(), volume.getTotalMetaMemberCapacity(), volume.getMetaMemberCount(), volume.getMetaMemberSize()));
// Reset list of meta member volumes in the volume
if (volume.getMetaVolumeMembers() != null) {
StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, volume.getStorageController());
// set the RP tag on the volume if the volume is RP protected
if (volume.checkForRp()) {
SmisCommandHelper helper = jobContext.getSmisCommandHelper();
boolean tagSet = helper.doApplyRecoverPointTag(storageSystem, volume, true);
if (!tagSet) {
_log.error("Encountered an error while trying to enable the RecoverPoint tag.");
jobStatus = JobStatus.FAILED;
// Reset list of meta members native ids in WF data (when meta is created meta members are removed from array)
WorkflowService.getInstance().storeStepData(opId, new ArrayList<String>());
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Caught an exception while trying to updateStatus for SmisVolumeExpandJob", e);
setPostProcessingErrorStatus("Encountered an internal error during volume expand job status processing : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (associatorIterator != null) {
if (instanceIterator != null) {