use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisCommandHelper method getReplicationSettingData.
* Create ReplicationSettingData for single volume/group snapshot
public CIMInstance getReplicationSettingData(StorageSystem storage, String snapSettingName, boolean isGroupConsistency) throws WBEMException {
CIMInstance modifiedInstance = null;
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> repSvcCapIter = null;
try {
repSvcCapIter = getAssociatorInstances(storage, _cimPath.getControllerReplicationSvcPath(storage), null, _cimPath.prefixWithParamName(SmisConstants.REPLICATION_SERVICE_CAPABILTIES), null, null, null);
if (repSvcCapIter != null && repSvcCapIter.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance instance =;
CIMArgument[] in = getDefaultReplicationSettingDataInputArgumentsForSnapshot();
CIMArgument[] out = new CIMArgument[5];
invokeMethod(storage, instance.getObjectPath(), SmisConstants.GET_DEFAULT_REPLICATION_SETTING_DATA, in, out);
CIMInstance defaultInstance = (CIMInstance) _cimPath.getFromOutputArgs(out, SmisConstants.DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
// populate properties
List<CIMProperty> propList = new ArrayList<CIMProperty>();
propList.add(new CIMProperty<Object>(SmisConstants.CP_ELEMENT_NAME, CIMDataType.STRING_T, snapSettingName));
for (CIMProperty prop : defaultInstance.getProperties()) {
if (isGroupConsistency && prop.getName().equals(SmisConstants.CP_CONSISTENT_POINT_IN_TIME)) {
propList.add(new CIMProperty<Object>(prop.getName(), prop.getDataType(), true));
} else if (!prop.getName().equals(SmisConstants.CP_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
// ElementName is not in the defaultInstance, hence cannot be modified via
// defaultInstance.deriveInstance
// construct a new path, then create a new instance
modifiedInstance = new CIMInstance(_cimPath.getReplicationSettingObjectPathFromDefault(defaultInstance), propList.toArray(new CIMProperty[] {}));
} finally {
if (repSvcCapIter != null) {
return modifiedInstance;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisCommandHelper method getSettingsDefineStateFromSourceGroup.
* Get SettingsDefineState instances related to the consistency group that
* the source of the BlockSnapshot object belongs to.
* There is no association between source group and Synchronization aspects
* (unlike source volume).
* Steps -
* 1. get consistency group from block snapshot
* 2. get the CIMObjectPath of the consistency group
* 3. query aspect instances with desired SyncType, SyncState, and array serial number in SourceElement
* 4. check if SourceElement is the consistency group
* 5. if yes, construct SettingsDefineState based on the source group and aspect
* @param storage
* StorageSystem that holds the SettingsDefineState instances
* @param groupMember
* BlockObject that is part of a snapshot group
* @return A List of CIMObjectPaths for SettingsDefineState instances
* @throws WBEMException
public List<CIMObjectPath> getSettingsDefineStateFromSourceGroup(StorageSystem storage, BlockObject groupMember) throws WBEMException {
List<CIMObjectPath> settingsDefineStatePaths = new ArrayList<>();
String groupName = ConsistencyGroupUtils.getSourceConsistencyGroupName(groupMember, _dbClient);
CIMObjectPath groupPath = _cimPath.getReplicationGroupPath(storage, groupName);
* Query SourceElement name with groupPath string doesn't work as it is
* actually an object path. Since there are special chars in the
* InstanceID of groupPath (e.g, "+", "_"), avoid using the InstanceID
* string in the LIKE operator.
List<CIMInstance> aspectList = executeQuery(storage, query, "wql");
if (aspectList != null && !aspectList.isEmpty()) {
for (CIMInstance aspectInstance : aspectList) {
String sourceElement = CIMPropertyFactory.getPropertyValue(aspectInstance, CP_SOURCE_ELEMENT);
if (sourceElement.equalsIgnoreCase(groupPath.toString())) {
// class name is lower case in SourceElement
CIMProperty[] settingsKeys = { _cimProperty.reference(CP_MANAGED_ELEMENT, groupPath), _cimProperty.reference(CP_SETTING_DATA, aspectInstance.getObjectPath()) };
settingsDefineStatePaths.add(CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(SYMM_SETTINGS_DEFINE_STATE_RG_SAFS, ROOT_EMC_NAMESPACE, settingsKeys));
return settingsDefineStatePaths;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisCommandHelper method getCreateMetaVolumesInputArguments.
public CIMArgument[] getCreateMetaVolumesInputArguments(StorageSystem storageDevice, StoragePool pool, String label, Long capacity, int count, boolean isThinlyProvisioned, String metaType, Integer metaMemberCount, CIMInstance poolSetting) {
ArrayList<CIMArgument> list = new ArrayList<CIMArgument>();
try {
CIMProperty[] inPoolPropKeys = { _cimProperty.string(CP_INSTANCE_ID, _cimPath.getPoolName(storageDevice, pool.getNativeId())) };
CIMObjectPath inPoolPath = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(pool.getPoolClassName(), _cimConnection.getNamespace(storageDevice), inPoolPropKeys);
CIMObjectPath[] inPoolPaths = new CIMObjectPath[] { inPoolPath };
// Use thick/thin volume type
int volumeType = isThinlyProvisioned ? THIN_STORAGE_VOLUME : STORAGE_VOLUME_VALUE;
list.add(_cimArgument.uint16(CP_ELEMENT_TYPE, volumeType));
list.add(_cimArgument.referenceArray(CP_EMC_IN_POOLS, inPoolPaths));
list.add(_cimArgument.uint64(CP_SIZE, capacity));
if (count > 1) {
list.add(_cimArgument.uint32(CP_EMC_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES, count));
if (label != null) {
list.add(_cimArgument.string(CP_ELEMENT_NAME, label));
// Set composite type
int compositeType = metaType.equalsIgnoreCase(Volume.CompositionType.STRIPED.toString()) ? STRIPED_META_VOLUME_TYPE : CONCATENATED_META_VOLUME_TYPE;
list.add(_cimArgument.uint16(CP_COMPOSITE_TYPE, compositeType));
// Set number of members
list.add(_cimArgument.uint32(CP_EMCNUMBEROFMEMBERS, metaMemberCount));
if (poolSetting != null) {
list.add(_cimArgument.reference(CP_GOAL, poolSetting.getObjectPath()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Problem getting input arguments: " + storageDevice.getSerialNumber());
CIMArgument[] result = {};
result = list.toArray(result);
return result;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class CimSubscriptionManager method createFilter.
* Creates an indication filter in the CIMOM for the given configuration.
* @param filterInfo The filter information.
* @return The CIM object path of the filter object.
* @throws WBEMException
private CIMObjectPath createFilter(CimManagedFilterInfo filterInfo) throws WBEMException {
StringBuilder filterNameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String filterName = filterNameBuilder.toString();
String implNS = _connection.getImplNamespace();
CIMProperty<?> nameProperty = new CIMProperty<String>(CimConstants.NAME_KEY, CIMDataType.STRING_T, filterName);
CIMProperty<?> srcNamespaceProp = new CIMProperty<String>(CimConstants.FILTER_PROP_SRC_NAMESPACE, CIMDataType.STRING_T, implNS);
CIMProperty<?> srcNamespacesProp = new CIMProperty<String[]>(CimConstants.FILTER_PROP_SRC_NAMESPACES, CIMDataType.STRING_ARRAY_T, new String[] { implNS });
CIMProperty<?> queryLangProp = new CIMProperty<String>(CimConstants.FILTER_PROP_QUERY_LANGUAGE, CIMDataType.STRING_T, filterInfo.getQueryLanguage());
CIMProperty<?> queryProp = new CIMProperty<String>(CimConstants.FILTER_PROP_QUERY, CIMDataType.STRING_T, filterInfo.getQuery());
CIMProperty<?>[] filterProperties = new CIMProperty[] { nameProperty, srcNamespaceProp, srcNamespacesProp, queryLangProp, queryProp };
CIMObjectPath filterPath = createInstance(CimConstants.CIM_FILTER_NAME, filterName, filterProperties);
return filterPath;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class CimSubscriptionManager method createHandler.
* Creates an indication handler in the CIMOM from the indication listener's
* configuration.
* The WBEM listener interface does not provide a mechanism for getting the
* source IP address of a received indication. To match indications with
* connections, the connection name is put in the handler's destination URL
* as the path component.
* @return the CIM object path of the handler
* @throws WBEMException, ConnectionManagerException
private CIMObjectPath createHandler() throws WBEMException, ConnectionManagerException {
CimListener listener = _connection.getIndicationListener();
URL listenerURL = listener.getURL();
if (listenerURL == null) {
// Verify that the listener URL has been set.
throw new ConnectionManagerException("Listener URL is not set, Subscription handler cannot be set.");
StringBuffer handlerNameBuff = new StringBuffer();
String handlerName = handlerNameBuff.toString();
CIMProperty<?> destinationProperty = new CIMProperty<String>(CimConstants.HANLDER_PROP_DESTINATION, CIMDataType.STRING_T, listenerURL.toString() + '/' + _connection.getConnectionName());
CIMProperty<?>[] handlerProperties = new CIMProperty[] { destinationProperty };
return createInstance(CimConstants.CIM_HANDLER_NAME, handlerName, handlerProperties);