use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisCommandHelper method getVolumesFromLunMaskingInstance.
* Will return a map of the volume WWNs to their HLU values for an instance of LunMasking
* container on the array.
* @param client
* [in] - WBEM client used to read data from SMI-S
* @param instance
* [in] - Instance of CIM_LunMaskingSCSIProtocolController, holding a representation
* of an array masking container.
* @return - Will return a map of the volume WWNs to their HLU values for an instance of
* LunMasking container on the array.
* @throws WBEMException
public Map<String, Integer> getVolumesFromLunMaskingInstance(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance instance) throws WBEMException {
Map<String, Integer> wwnToHLU = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> iterator = null;
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> protocolControllerForUnitIter = null;
try {
int retry = 0;
boolean failures = true;
Map<String, Integer> deviceIdToHLU = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
while (failures) {
failures = false;
protocolControllerForUnitIter = client.referenceInstances(instance.getObjectPath(), CIM_PROTOCOL_CONTROLLER_FOR_UNIT, null, false, PS_DEVICE_NUMBER);
while (protocolControllerForUnitIter.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance pcu =;
CIMObjectPath pcuPath = pcu.getObjectPath();
CIMProperty<CIMObjectPath> dependentVolumePropery = (CIMProperty<CIMObjectPath>) pcuPath.getKey(CP_DEPENDENT);
CIMObjectPath dependentVolumePath = dependentVolumePropery.getValue();
String deviceId = dependentVolumePath.getKey(CP_DEVICE_ID).getValue().toString();
String deviceNumber = CIMPropertyFactory.getPropertyValue(pcu, CP_DEVICE_NUMBER);
try {
Integer decimalHLU = (int) Long.parseLong(deviceNumber, 16);
deviceIdToHLU.put(deviceId, decimalHLU);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// We've found in testing when users remove volumes from masks, the volume will still be in the
// provider, but the HLU will get returned as an empty string, causing the overall operation to
// fail. This retry loop will ensure that we wait until the provider is returning only volumes
// with valid HLUs, thus removing any volumes from the mask that are in-flight outside of the
// controller.
_log.error(String.format("deviceId: %s returned an invalid HLU. It may be currently getting removed from the mask.", deviceId));
failures = true;
// rethrow
throw nfe;
try {
_log.warn("Retrying query operation for volumes and HLU after 10 seconds");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_log.debug(String.format("getVolumesFromLunMaskingInstance(%s) - deviceIdToHLU map = %s", instance.getObjectPath().toString(), Joiner.on(',').join(deviceIdToHLU.entrySet())));
iterator = client.associatorInstances(instance.getObjectPath(), null, CIM_STORAGE_VOLUME, null, null, false, PS_EMCWWN);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance cimInstance =;
String deviceId = cimInstance.getObjectPath().getKey(CP_DEVICE_ID).getValue().toString();
String wwn = CIMPropertyFactory.getPropertyValue(cimInstance, CP_WWN_NAME);
wwnToHLU.put(wwn.toUpperCase(), deviceIdToHLU.get(deviceId));
_log.debug(String.format("getVolumesFromLunMaskingInstance(%s) - wwnToHLU map = %s", instance.getObjectPath().toString(), Joiner.on(',').join(wwnToHLU.entrySet())));
} catch (WBEMException we) {
_log.error("Caught an error will attempting to get volume list from " + "masking instance", we);
throw we;
} finally {
return wwnToHLU;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisCommandHelper method getReplicationSettingDataInstanceForDesiredCopyMethod.
* Get ReplicationSettingData instance.
* @param storageSystem A reference to the storage system
* @param elementName An optional name for the instance
* @param desiredValue DesiredCopyMethodology value
* @param steTargetSupplier Whether or not the TargetElementSupplier should also be specified.
public CIMInstance getReplicationSettingDataInstanceForDesiredCopyMethod(final StorageSystem storageSystem, String elementName, int desiredValue, Boolean setTargetSupplier) {
CIMInstance modifiedInstance = null;
// only for vmax, otherwise, return null
if (!storageSystem.deviceIsType(Type.vmax)) {
return modifiedInstance;
try {
CIMObjectPath replicationSettingCapabilities = _cimPath.getReplicationServiceCapabilitiesPath(storageSystem);
CIMArgument[] inArgs = getReplicationSettingDataInstance();
CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[5];
invokeMethod(storageSystem, replicationSettingCapabilities, GET_DEFAULT_REPLICATION_SETTING_DATA, inArgs, outArgs);
for (CIMArgument<?> outArg : outArgs) {
if (null == outArg) {
ArrayList<CIMProperty> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (outArg.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(SmisConstants.DEFAULT_INSTANCE)) {
CIMInstance repInstance = (CIMInstance) outArg.getValue();
if (null != repInstance) {
CIMProperty<?> desiredMethod = new CIMProperty<Object>(SmisConstants.DESIRED_COPY_METHODOLOGY, UINT16_T, new UnsignedInteger16(desiredValue));
if (setTargetSupplier) {
CIMProperty<?> targetElementSupplier = new CIMProperty<Object>(TARGET_ELEMENT_SUPPLIER, UINT16_T, new UnsignedInteger16(CREATE_NEW_TARGET_VALUE));
* To create SNAPVX snapshot smis uses the ElementName attribute in replicationSettingsInstance.
* By default Element Name of replicationSettingsInstance is "Default ReplicationSettingData".
* Element Name should not be having white space as it accept only alphanumeric value.
* To avoid SNAPVX creation failure i just removed white space as a workaround.
if (null == elementName) {
CIMProperty<?> elementNameProp = new CIMProperty<Object>(SmisConstants.CP_ELEMENT_NAME, STRING_T, elementName);
modifiedInstance = repInstance.deriveInstance(list.toArray(new CIMProperty[] {}));
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Error retrieving Replication Setting Data Instance ", e);
return modifiedInstance;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XIVSmisCommandHelper method getCreateVolumesInputArguments.
* Construct input arguments for creating volumes.
public CIMArgument[] getCreateVolumesInputArguments(StorageSystem storageDevice, StoragePool pool, List<String> labels, Long capacity, int count, boolean isThinlyProvisioned) {
ArrayList<CIMArgument> list = new ArrayList<CIMArgument>();
try {
list.add(_cimArgument.stringArray(CP_ELEMENT_NAMES, labels.toArray(new String[labels.size()])));
// Use thick/thin volume type
int volumeType = isThinlyProvisioned ? STORAGE_VOLUME_TYPE_THIN : STORAGE_VOLUME_VALUE;
list.add(_cimArgument.uint16(CP_ELEMENT_TYPE, volumeType));
CIMProperty[] goalPropKeys = { _cimProperty.string(CP_INSTANCE_ID, SYSTEM_BLOCK_SIZE) };
CIMObjectPath goalPath = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(DATA_TYPE_SETTING, Constants.IBM_NAMESPACE, goalPropKeys);
list.add(_cimArgument.reference(CP_GOAL, goalPath));
CIMProperty[] inPoolPropKeys = { _cimProperty.string(CP_INSTANCE_ID, pool.getNativeId()) };
CIMObjectPath inPoolPath = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(pool.getPoolClassName(), Constants.IBM_NAMESPACE, inPoolPropKeys);
list.add(_cimArgument.reference(CP_IN_POOL, inPoolPath));
list.add(_cimArgument.uint32(CP_QUANTITY, count));
list.add(_cimArgument.uint64(CP_SIZE, capacity));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Problem getting input arguments: " + storageDevice.getLabel());
return list.toArray(new CIMArgument[list.size()]);
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XIVSmisCommandHelper method getVolumesFromScsiProtocolController.
* Returns a map of the volume WWNs to their HLU values for a masking
* container on the array.
* @param storage
* [in] - StorageSystem that the masking belongs to
* @param controllerPath
* [in] - CIMObjectPath of IBMTSDS_SCSIProtocolController, holding a representation
* of an array masking container.
* @return - a map of the volume WWNs to their HLU values for an instance of
* LunMasking container on the array.
public Map<String, Integer> getVolumesFromScsiProtocolController(StorageSystem storage, CIMObjectPath controllerPath) {
Map<String, Integer> wwnToHLU = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> iterator = null;
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> protocolControllerForUnitIter = null;
try {
Map<String, Integer> deviceIdToHLU = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
WBEMClient client = getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
protocolControllerForUnitIter = client.referenceInstances(controllerPath, CIM_PROTOCOL_CONTROLLER_FOR_UNIT, null, false, PS_DEVICE_NUMBER);
while (protocolControllerForUnitIter.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance pcu =;
CIMObjectPath pcuPath = pcu.getObjectPath();
CIMProperty<CIMObjectPath> dependentVolumePropery = (CIMProperty<CIMObjectPath>) pcuPath.getKey(CP_DEPENDENT);
CIMObjectPath dependentVolumePath = dependentVolumePropery.getValue();
String deviceId = dependentVolumePath.getKey(CP_DEVICE_ID).getValue().toString();
String deviceNumber = CIMPropertyFactory.getPropertyValue(pcu, CP_DEVICE_NUMBER);
Integer decimalHLU = (int) Long.parseLong(deviceNumber, 16);
deviceIdToHLU.put(deviceId, decimalHLU);
iterator = client.associatorInstances(controllerPath, null, CP_STORAGE_VOLUME, null, null, false, PS_NAME);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance cimInstance =;
String deviceId = cimInstance.getObjectPath().getKey(CP_DEVICE_ID).getValue().toString();
String wwn = CIMPropertyFactory.getPropertyValue(cimInstance, CP_NAME);
wwnToHLU.put(wwn.toUpperCase(), deviceIdToHLU.get(deviceId));
} catch (WBEMException we) {
_log.error("Caught an error will attempting to get volume list from " + "masking instance", we);
} finally {
if (iterator != null) {
if (protocolControllerForUnitIter != null) {
return wwnToHLU;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XIVSmisStorageDevicePostProcessor method getAllocatedCapacityInformation.
* (non-Javadoc) Get allocated capacity.
* @see SmisReplicaCreationJobs#getAllocatedCapacityInformation
protected long getAllocatedCapacityInformation(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance volumeInstance) {
Long allocatedCapacity = 0L;
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> iterator = null;
// TODO - use VirtualSpaceConsumed from SEVolume
try {
if (volumeInstance != null) {
iterator = client.referenceInstances(volumeInstance.getObjectPath(), IBMSmisConstants.CIM_ALLOCATED_FROM_STORAGEPOOL, null, false, IBMSmisConstants.PS_SPACE_CONSUMED);
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance allocatedFromStoragePoolPath =;
CIMProperty spaceConsumed = allocatedFromStoragePoolPath.getProperty(IBMSmisConstants.CP_SPACE_CONSUMED);
allocatedCapacity = Long.valueOf(spaceConsumed.getValue().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Updating Allocated Capacity failed for Volume {}", volumeInstance.getObjectPath(), e);
} finally {
if (iterator != null) {
return allocatedCapacity;