use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XIVSmisStorageDevicePostProcessor method getProvisionedCapacityInformation.
* (non-Javadoc) Get provisioned capacity.
* @see SmisReplicaCreationJobs#getProvisionedCapacityInformation
private long getProvisionedCapacityInformation(CIMInstance volumeInstance) {
Long provisionedCapacity = 0L;
try {
if (volumeInstance != null) {
CIMProperty consumableBlocks = volumeInstance.getProperty(IBMSmisConstants.CP_CONSUMABLE_BLOCKS);
CIMProperty blockSize = volumeInstance.getProperty(IBMSmisConstants.CP_BLOCK_SIZE);
// calculate provisionedCapacity = consumableBlocks * block size
provisionedCapacity = Long.valueOf(consumableBlocks.getValue().toString()) * Long.valueOf(blockSize.getValue().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Updating ProvisionedCapacity failed for Volume {}", volumeInstance.getObjectPath(), e);
return provisionedCapacity;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XIVSmisStorageDevicePostProcessor method processVolumeCreation.
* (non-Javadoc) Update DB with volume creation output from SMI-S.
* @see
* com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisAbstractCreateVolumeJob
* #updateStatus
public Set<URI> processVolumeCreation(StorageSystem storageSystem, URI storagePoolURI, List<Volume> volumes, CIMArgument[] outArgs) throws Exception {
Set<URI> volumeURIs = new HashSet<URI>(volumes.size());
StringBuilder logMsgBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("Processing volume creation"));
CimConnection connection = _cimConnection.getConnection(storageSystem);
WBEMClient client = connection.getCimClient();
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
StoragePool storagePool = _dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, storagePoolURI);
updateStoragePoolCapacity(client, storagePool);
StringMap reservationMap = storagePool.getReservedCapacityMap();
for (Volume volume : volumes) {
CIMObjectPath[] elements = (CIMObjectPath[]) _cimPath.getFromOutputArgs(outArgs, IBMSmisConstants.CP_THE_ELEMENTS);
UnsignedInteger32[] returnCoedes = (UnsignedInteger32[]) _cimPath.getFromOutputArgs(outArgs, IBMSmisConstants.CP_RETURN_CODES);
List<Volume> volumesToSave = new ArrayList<Volume>(elements.length);
if (elements != null && returnCoedes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
URI volumeId = volumes.get(i).getId();
Volume volume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, volumeId);
boolean isSuccess = false;
CIMObjectPath volumePath = elements[i];
if (volumePath != null) {
CIMProperty<String> deviceID = (CIMProperty<String>) volumePath.getKey(IBMSmisConstants.CP_DEVICE_ID);
if (deviceID != null) {
String nativeID = deviceID.getValue();
if ((nativeID != null) && (nativeID.length() != 0)) {
isSuccess = true;
processVolume(volumePath, nativeID, volume, client, logMsgBuilder, now);
if (!isSuccess) {
logMsgBuilder.append(String.format("Failed to create volume: %s with return code: %s", volumeId, returnCoedes[i].toString()));
if (!volumesToSave.isEmpty()) {
return volumeURIs;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SmisAbstractCreateVolumeJob method processVolume.
* Processes a newly created volume.
* @param jobContext The job context.
* @param volumePath The CIM object path for the volume.
* @param nativeID The native volume identifier.
* @param volumeId The Bourne volume id.
* @param client The CIM client.
* @param dbClient the database client.
* @param logMsgBuilder Holds a log message.
* @param creationTime Holds the date-time for the volume creation
* @throws When an error occurs querying the database.
* @throws WorkflowException
private void processVolume(JobContext jobContext, CIMObjectPath volumePath, String nativeID, URI volumeId, WBEMClient client, DbClient dbClient, StringBuilder logMsgBuilder, Calendar creationTime) throws Exception, IOException, DeviceControllerException, WBEMException {
Volume volume = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, volumeId);
// Honor that the job failed and do not commit the volume, which would make it active again.
if (volume.getInactive()) {
if (logMsgBuilder.length() != 0) {
logMsgBuilder.append(String.format("Create volume job failed and volume set to inactive. Volume was likely created successfully and will be left on the array for ingestion. NativeId: %s, URI: %s", nativeID, getTaskCompleter().getId()));
CIMInstance volumeInstance = commonVolumeUpdate(dbClient, client, volume, volumePath);
URI storageSystemURI = volume.getStorageController();
StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storageSystemURI);
if (volume.getIsComposite() && _cimPath != null) {
// need to set meta volume member size (required for volume expansion).
// this call is context dependent --- this is why we check for cimPath be set.
// first, get meta members list;
// second, get second member and get its size (the first member is a head and it will show size of meta
// volume itself);
// third, set this size as meta volume size in vipr volume
ArrayList<CIMArgument> list = new ArrayList<CIMArgument>();
CIMArgument<CIMObjectPath> volumeReference = new CIMArgument<CIMObjectPath>(SmisConstants.CP_THE_ELEMENT, CIMDataType.getDataType(volumePath), volumePath);
// set request type to "children"
CIMArgument<UnsignedInteger16> requestType = new CIMArgument<UnsignedInteger16>("RequestType", CIMDataType.UINT16_T, new UnsignedInteger16(2));
CIMArgument[] inArgs = {};
inArgs = list.toArray(inArgs);
CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[5];
CIMObjectPath elementCompositionServicePath = _cimPath.getElementCompositionSvcPath(storageSystem);
SmisCommandHelper helper = jobContext.getSmisCommandHelper();
StorageSystem forProvider = helper.getStorageSystemForProvider(storageSystem, volume);
helper.invokeMethod(forProvider, elementCompositionServicePath, "GetCompositeElements", inArgs, outArgs);
// get member volumes from output
CIMObjectPath[] metaMembersPaths = (CIMObjectPath[]) _cimPath.getFromOutputArgs(outArgs, "OutElements");
// get meta member size. use second member --- the first member will show size of meta volume itself.
CIMObjectPath metaMemberPath = metaMembersPaths[1];
CIMInstance cimVolume = helper.getInstance(forProvider, metaMemberPath, false, false, new String[] { SmisConstants.CP_CONSUMABLE_BLOCKS, SmisConstants.CP_BLOCK_SIZE });
CIMProperty consumableBlocks = cimVolume.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_CONSUMABLE_BLOCKS);
CIMProperty blockSize = cimVolume.getProperty(SmisConstants.CP_BLOCK_SIZE);
// calculate size = consumableBlocks * block size
Long size = Long.valueOf(consumableBlocks.getValue().toString()) * Long.valueOf(blockSize.getValue().toString());
// set member size for meta volume (required for volume expansion)
volume.setMetaMemberSize(size);"Meta member info: blocks --- %s, block size --- %s, size --- %s .", consumableBlocks.getValue().toString(), blockSize.getValue().toString(), size));
specificProcessing(storageSystem, dbClient, client, volume, volumeInstance, volumePath);
if (logMsgBuilder.length() != 0) {
logMsgBuilder.append(String.format("Created volume successfully .. NativeId: %s, URI: %s", nativeID, getTaskCompleter().getId()));
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class AbstractCIMObjectPathFactory method getMaskingGroupName.
* This method extracts the group name from the group path.
* @param storageDevice The reference to storage device
* @param groupPath storage group path
* @return the group name
public String getMaskingGroupName(StorageSystem storageDevice, CIMObjectPath groupPath) {
String groupName = null;
CIMProperty<?>[] keys = groupPath.getKeys();
for (CIMProperty key : keys) {
if (key.getName().equals(CP_INSTANCE_ID)) {
String groupNameProperty = key.getValue().toString();
int lastDelimIndex = 0;
if (storageDevice.getUsingSmis80()) {
lastDelimIndex = groupNameProperty.lastIndexOf(Constants.SMIS80_DELIMITER);
// For V3 provider example:
// if groupNameProperty = SYMMETRIX-+-000196700567-+-stdummyhost3_567_SG_BRONZE_DSS_SRP_1
// substring will get stdummyhost3_567_SG_BRONZE_DSS_SRP_1 as a groupName
groupName = groupNameProperty.substring(lastDelimIndex + 3);
} else {
lastDelimIndex = groupNameProperty.lastIndexOf(Constants.PLUS);
// For V2 provider example:
// if groupNameProperty = SYMMETRIX+000195701505+stdummyhost3_505_SG_GOLD
// substring will get stdummyhost3_505_SG_GOLD as a groupName
groupName = groupNameProperty.substring(lastDelimIndex + 1);
return groupName;
use of javax.cim.CIMProperty in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class AbstractSnapshotOperations method deactivateSnapshot.
* Method for deactivating a single snapshot instance. To be used as a common utility.
* @param storage [required] - StorageSystem object representing the array
* @param snapshot [required] - BlockSnapshot URI representing the previously created
* snap for the volume
* @param syncObjectPath [required] - The CIMObjectPath representing the block snapshot's
* SE_Synchronization object.
* @throws Exception
protected void deactivateSnapshot(StorageSystem storage, BlockSnapshot snapshot, CIMObjectPath syncObjectPath) throws Exception {
CIMInstance syncObject = _helper.getInstance(storage, syncObjectPath, false, false, new String[] { SmisConstants.EMC_COPY_STATE_DESC });
String value = syncObject.getProperty(SmisConstants.EMC_COPY_STATE_DESC).getValue().toString();"Attempting to deactivate snapshot %s, EMCCopyStateDesc = %s", syncObjectPath.toString(), value));
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(SmisConstants.ACTIVE)) {
CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[5];
_helper.callModifyReplica(storage, _helper.getDeactivateSnapshotSynchronousInputArguments(syncObjectPath), outArgs);
CIMProperty<CIMObjectPath> settingsData = (CIMProperty<CIMObjectPath>) _cimPath.getCimObjectPathFromOutputArgs(outArgs, SmisConstants.CP_SETTINGS_STATE).getKey(SmisConstants.CP_SETTING_DATA);
String settingsInstance = settingsData.getValue().getKey(SmisConstants.CP_INSTANCE_ID).getValue().toString();